herbologyprofessor 4 hours
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the ghost of one specific homosexual cowboy regularly possesses Tumblr gays
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herbologyprofessor 4 hours
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First post since i accidentally deleted my art account
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herbologyprofessor 3 days
I鈥檝e been..
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A puppet A pauper
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A pirate A poet
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A pawn And a king
The life of Sirius Black
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herbologyprofessor 3 days
james: youre in denial
remus (absolutely shit faced with new years sunglasses, ribbons in his hair, actively tripping on nothing): no im in MARGARITAVILLE
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herbologyprofessor 3 days
hit glutes at the gym today and i was so brave i used the scary machine for hip thrusts by the scary people
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herbologyprofessor 5 days
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brown sugar peanut butter toast i made for me and my girlfriend!!!
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herbologyprofessor 5 days
YES! U Get It!
the usual evening in the girl's dorm being mary and emmeline doing their makeovers together whilst marlene plays suzi quatro on full volume until lily looks up from her 55th reread of the hobbit to throw her shoe at marlene's head, only for mary to berate her for violence. and then marlene and emmeline start trying to punch each other and start acting like their professional boxers, while lily cheers marlene on and tries to help her by get a punch in by yelling to emmeline that she's a wanker, and mary uses the distraction to switch the music to the bee gees without dealing with marlene going on a music rant
whilst in the boy's dorm, they are piled on james' bed talking about their crushes and swinging their legs
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herbologyprofessor 5 days
the sexiest thing a girl can do is ponder (me rn thinking about hp magic)
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herbologyprofessor 5 days
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This is more punk than the whole of punk history.
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herbologyprofessor 8 days
I'm so scared to post this but yolo
I think we want James Potter to be a good person; we have clearly created a false personality. I need douchebag James. The only child of an older and wealthy couple, he was an asshole. Let James be a spoiled brat. Let him complain when he's not first string the first three years of Quidditch. Let him be a hater. Let him not always want to help people. Also most only children are selfish because they have never had to share.聽It's even worse if they're rich and an only child.
Lets be clear I don't hate fanon James I just think there is potential for James to be deeper than a people pleaser. He's the sun, he takes up the most space. He outshines others.
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herbologyprofessor 8 days
mary macdonald is such an important character to me i can barely put it into words.
she was a muggleborn, who faced unspecified amounts of violence because of it, and is usually considered an amazing duelist. she had every reason to join the order of the phoenix, everyone she loved did, but she didn't.
i have no doubt that she did fight, i don't see her sitting back during the war, she just refused to fight for dumbledore.
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herbologyprofessor 8 days
Remus: I'm constipated and celibate the way I don't give a shit and or fuck.
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herbologyprofessor 8 days
modern au where james uses pink and blue sanrio decorated bluetooth speaker, sirius uses on head black headphones with star and moon stickers on it, remus uses white wired earphones on which wires have come out badly, peter uses earpods and weed is growing out from the case.
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herbologyprofessor 9 days
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First fanart or somn like that...
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herbologyprofessor 9 days
differences in sirius and regulus' appearances:
sirius' hair is long (usually around shoulder length) and has a curtains fringe. regulus' is short with a straight fringe.
sirius has some facial hair (he usually shaves, so it's stubble). regulus has none
sirius is a tiny bit taller (by like 1 inch)
they both have beauty marks but sirius' is by his eye and regulus' is under his lip.
sirius has more muscle, whilst regulus is more skinny.
sirius' eyes are slightly more grey and regulus' are slightly more blue
in terms of changes to their appearance; sirius has loads of tattoos and has his ears pierced, regulus has no piercings and has one tattoo (the death eater mark) sirius dresses in punk/usually muggle clothing, regulus wears wizard clothing and dresses in a very victorian gothic style.
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herbologyprofessor 9 days
Today I saw a guy get off of his motorcycle, start walking, and proceed to trip and fall. And if that isn't the most Sirius Black thing ever I don't know WHAT is.
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herbologyprofessor 9 days
bellatrix plays the cello, regulus plays the violin, narcissa does ballet..
and then there's andromeda and sirius who started a garage band called something stupid like "we are the ones who tread across the vast desert of despair"
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