hexfeathers · 6 months
Dear Followers,
This will be my final post on this blog.
In the next 72 hours, I will no longer be living in the state of Delaware. An opportunity has been put in front of me back in September for me to leave this place behind and start a better life. In doing so, I want to let go of my old social media accounts. I also will be cutting off the majority of my family members, in order to live a more gender affirming lifestyle.
I do not intend on telling people where I will be, unless we are very good friends.
I will be okay, this is going to be a very good thing for me. I will be with good people.
I won't be deleting my blog, because I do still enjoy these old posts, but, this will be the final entry-- for real this time.
If you have my Discord information, I ask that you do not pass it around to other people. I truly want to take advantage of this opportunity to start over. All of my progress from the past few years has led up to this abrupt chance.
Goodbye guys. ❤️ I hope you all flourish.
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hexfeathers · 10 months
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I adopted a leopard gecko last month! Her name is Helmi and I love her. 🥺🥹 The gender is completely speculative based on egg incubation temperature (she's too young to be officially checked, 8 weeks old now), but regardless, she is the best! I've wanted a reptile of my own for so long; she loves dubia roaches, mealworms and black soldier fly larvae.
She is a blazing blizzard morph, with her albinism from the tremper morph being in her lineage.
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hexfeathers · 1 year
My 20's are almost over and honestly I'm ready for my 30's. I'll be 29 in July. So much has happened in this past decade, a lot of shedding, a lot of introspection. Severe downs. Severe ups. A lot of deaths. A lot of heartbreak. A lot of-- discovery too.
The goal that I've set for myself-- the goal that I want to accomplish before my 20's are over-- is to learn that life is meant to be calm, collect, happy, and joyful. I do not need to constantly be on guard. I've spent the past few months in a sort of mental slump, because things have been going-- too good??? If that makes sense. I understand that the body becomes addicted and conditioned to turmoil. And I understand that softness can be extremely terrifying, when it's being given to me by somebody else.
Is there such a thing as freezing up and waiting for the punch to the face-- when there isn't anybody there to swing at you in the first place?
I'm surrounded by a lot of love and acceptance right now. It's both a good thing, and a scary thing. I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop, but, I don't think that's actually going to happen-- I think I'm finally safe, and feeling loved by safe people.
Not just the "I love you my friend" type of love, but a true, from the heart, "Rex, I love you."
It's exciting. It's scary. There's still a lot of nights where I believe that I "shouldn't be loving anybody while I'm like this."
But I know that is trauma.
Nobody warns you about how terrifying it is when you finally feel accepted.
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hexfeathers · 1 year
hate when folk call the Sun “our nearest star” no you dweebs that’s OUR STAR! After everything she's done for you and you want to compare her to some lightyears away ass nobody called some shit like Guncho 785B? We're not spinning eternally around any old ball, we’re three deep in the window on board the Sol Train and she did NOT provide the catering, the itinerary and all the fuel to share credit with some two-bit Proxima Centauri hack. point to these nuts in a constellation while you're at it. i love the sun
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hexfeathers · 1 year
Also alright okay idk where these 2000 followers came from in my absence but I guarantee its 70% p0rn bots and 30% actual weird little gay people I want to be friends with
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hexfeathers · 1 year
staying up til 4 AM doesnt hurt in the moment but it does in the longrun meanwhile waking up at 4 AM hurts in the momentbut less in the long run. additionally staying up til 4 AM feels like an extension of the day but suddenly things get A Little Weird whereas waking up at 4 AM feels like entering an alternate dimension briefly and then slowly re-entering normality as the sun rises. hope this helps
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hexfeathers · 1 year
Has it really been since December 1st since I posted here. Wtf.
Hi folks. Yes I'm still alive and kickin', I've just been really busy and preoccupied with other things. What has Rex been up to since December?
Flew up to Boston to help @happyk44 with his surgery.
Fought "the great seasonal depression of 2022-2023."
Got a big sexy raise at work.
Went to Williamsburg for a week with my family.
Started learning Finnish on Duolingo so that I can start speaking in tongues basically.
Met one of my internet friends who wound up being in the same state as me this WHOLE TIME.
Basically, I've been focused on enjoying myself, improving my life, and just sort of vibing. I've found that going "hermit mode" with my esoteric practice has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. I didn't realize how much community involvement between 2020-2022 had worn me out and made me jaded towards my own practice.
Oh yeah. And I solidified using he/him pronouns online. I'm not out to EVERYBODY yet, I've been selective with who I share that information with (FB and IG are a big no no), because I don't want it to bleed into IRL even by accident. I work in a profession where I can't really. . . Transition lol.
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hexfeathers · 1 year
Does anyone have that resource that explains where the pagan Wheel of the Year came from?
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hexfeathers · 1 year
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hexfeathers · 1 year
I had a bot read 100,000,000 witchcraft guides! Then I asked it to produce its own! Here’s what it came up with:
Witchcraft is love, light, & salt. Do you do a witch? How much sage do you burn? Burn sage everywhere in pots and screaming pans. A witch is moss or a crystal.
a womb
small knife
scott cunningham
the moon
First take rosemary in your hand, then quartz on a table. Pray. Scream into tarot deck.
Loki and Hecate are too gay for you and very naughty. Are you gay or a woman? Then you are a crystal.
Rose quartz is a perfect substitute for everything, other than rosemary. Lay down in grass. Feel the vibe of your insides. The mother earth is herbal bread. Energy heal a cat familiar before posting a picture of it on Instagram. If you don’t fold a curse away from you, you will perish. Scream again. Tell a spirit it is a motherfucker, do not let it into your house.
Scott Cunningham wants you to spray salt water on your doors. Make infusions! Put salt in your water!
To cast a circle, walk around love and lightly, whisper sweet nothings to a small knife as you point it at each wall. Call out the names of your cats. Play Magic The Gathering Today!
If you can’t conjure rosemary, store bought is fine. If you say you are a witch, then you are moss or a mushroom. [Image of crystals and herbs] Have you done a cultural appropriation today? Set out your herbs and bowl, place them on the moon. Moon water is crucial for this next part. Do literally whatever you want, it doesn't matter! Feel your ovaries? That's witchcraft. If you cannot, then you are gay and not a witch, unless you are rosemary.
My grandmothers burned so that I can have crystals. The Queen of Cups is my spirit animal. [Image of trees in fog] Run through grass with your toes out. Do not step inside mushrooms, you will lose your name and a baby will be put inside your house.
Twirl your hands clockwise four times and put nails in a jar to stop bad stuff. Anoint a candle with essential oil from bath and body works.
You have now made your house safe from herbs.
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hexfeathers · 1 year
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♡ | jordan_decoster
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hexfeathers · 1 year
Shout out to everyone who's ever been afraid to work with animism or thoughtforms because they were told they might accidentally create a "godform" they would then have no power to control.
The "your thoughts equal reality" crowd really did a fuckin number on convincing seekers that, through a random whim or intrusive thought, any average human has the ability to create an out of control literal god that can destroy their lives at any moment
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hexfeathers · 1 year
The inability to except that Christians can, have, and do practice magic is more "Burning Times" bias and bullshit.
I personally think that some of you prefer the fantasy-esque style narrative of the witch trials; a people of a noble and nature centric belief system being systematically hunted down and killed by an evil empire. As opposed to the reality based narrative of the gender, race, and politcal struggle the witch trials actually represented.
How many times does it have to be said that a large part of the people killed identified as Christian? How many times does it have to be said that many of them weren't practicing anything?
Not Midwifery. Not Herbalism. Not Cunning Craft.
Some were accused simply for the sake of accusation. Accusation that could be used as a tool to exert political and religious power- or accusation simply because of unchecked panic and fear. Sometimes both.
If there is a generalized lesson one can take from the complexities of the witch trials, it's not "Witches were oppressed and killed by the church" but rather "The church and other political elites created a bogeyman so generic and pervasive in the psyche of the people they were meant to govern that people died, many of whom were "their own"."
It was a time and place in history where almost none were safe, and I personally think that's something we should unite under. Not use as a wedge to further drive us apart- or a means to label oneself as a "true heir" to witchcraft/magic while labeling others as "natural enemies" (like seriously, that's how some of you act and...yuck.)
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hexfeathers · 1 year
Even though this blog has mostly been a dumping ground for my witchcraft thoughts, this is still a personal blog. I still post things pertaining to my mundane interests. I know that it can clog dashboards, so, I'll get around to making a tag system.
For now, if you don't want to see my non-witchcraft related rambles, please blacklist #not witchcraft related
I'm mentioning this because I'm at a crossroads with my practice; I feel less and less compelled to share information about what I do. There's big Hermit energy surrounding me at the moment, so for the most part, my practice related posts have been minimal to none.
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hexfeathers · 1 year
In spirit work I am not bothered (and in fact am somewhat encouraged) by being ‘told’ “no”, “not interested”, “seriously go away”, “fuck off” etc.
Of course I respect this, and I’m glad I get these messages so I can better avoid stepping on toes. But further, if I was always hearing exactly what I wanted to hear, if every tree and dead dude and god was treating me like the super special protagonist of a fantasy novel… I would absolutely conclude that I’m not doing this properly at best, or am just playing with imaginary friends at worst.
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hexfeathers · 1 year
reblog to give a trans man a sword
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hexfeathers · 1 year
Spotify Original playlists are like "This is the most HEAVY METAL and PUNK ROCK shit out there. NO PUSSIES ALLOWED!!!" and then you click on the playlist and it's FOB with P!ATD
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