highstrxngeness · 1 year
Last Stop has been created and uploaded to my Sims gallery, if any a’y’all wanna take a gander at where Wyatt works. EA ID: “splitwyrm”. Lots of packs used 🫣.
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highstrxngeness · 1 year
I started the Sims for the first time in my life. That’s where I’ve been. But I intend on popping in today.
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highstrxngeness · 1 year
If there are any Vampire Chronicles writers who used to do novella-style writing on MySpace...... hit me up. I used to have an active Louis and I had my oc, Ambrose, active in the community back in the day. 
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highstrxngeness · 1 year
Wicked migraine ended up taking me out most of the day and zapping my energy. I’ll try again tomorrow. 💛
I shall be around later for replies, messages, and a following clean out.
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highstrxngeness · 1 year
I shall be around later for replies, messages, and a following clean out.
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
I’m stupid excited for the new Silent Hill movie. I love the first movie and think it’s such a work of (fumbled) passion. Like, Silent Hill 2 is not my personal favorite game. I don’t vibe with James, and really never need to revisit him again. But I’m so excited to see him brought to screen by someone who I feel genuinely cares about the game.
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
Grim Reaper means we’re losing the hellsite soon, huh?
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
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WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING 2022, dir. Olivia Newman
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
everybody dies sooner or later. don’t worry about your death.
hard truths cut both ways.
everything’s better with some wine in the belly.
you never love anything in the world the way you love your first child.
someday, if you’re lucky, you will wake up and realize you are old.
it’s better to be cruel than weak.
nothing fucks you harder than time.
money buys a man’s silence for a time, a bolt in the heart buys it forever.
take charge of your life for as long as it lasts.
if you only trust the people you grew up with, you won’t make many allies.
nothing makes the past a sweeter place to visit than the prospect of imminent death.
sometimes nothing is the hardest thing to do.
you were the brother I chose.
the people are hungry for more than just food, they crave distractions.
never forget what you are. the rest of the world will not. wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.
today is not the day i die.
nothing isn’t better or worse than anything. nothing is just nothing.
only death may pay for life.
trying to have me killed is an odd way of saying thank you.
no one walks away from me.
an unhappy wife is a wine merchant’s best friend.
i've never slept with a knight before.
everyone who isn’t us is an enemy.
trouble is the perfect time for training.
i think mothers and fathers made up the gods because they wanted their children to sleep through the night.
we mothers do what we can to keep our sons from the grave.
even the bravest men fear death.
far too much has been written about great men and not nearly enough about morons. doesn’t seem right.
men never crave what they already have.
if they don’t know who you are or what you want, they can’t know what you plan to do next.
you’re not a monster, i know this.
if you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.
marriage changes people.
sometimes severity is the price we pay for greatness.
death is so boring, especially now, with so much excitement in the world.
what do we do to those who’ve hurt the ones we love?
death by fire is the purest death.
the next time you fail me will be the last time you fail me.
the more people you love, the weaker you are: you’ll do things for them that you know you shouldn’t do.
i will not become a page in someone else’s history book.
look around you, we’re all liars here.
it doesn’t matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else.
remember what you are and what you are not.
it’s the family name that lives on. that’s all that lives on. not your personal glory, not your honour, but family.
what we don’t know is usually what gets us killed.
there are always lessons in failures.
what is dead may never die.
it’s hard to put a leash on a dog once you’ve put a crown on its head.
a lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
it’s not easy being drunk all the time. everyone would do it, if it were easy.
always keep your foes confused.
loyal service means telling hard truths.
we all do our duty when there’s no cost to it. honour comes easy then.
a man who fights for gold can’t afford to lose to a girl.
the gods have no mercy, that’s why they’re gods.
the world is built by killers.
sometimes it is better to answer injustice with mercy.
most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it.
tears aren’t a woman’s only weapon.
a man without friends is a man without power.
what sort of monster would do such a thing? As if men need more reasons to fear marriage.
a wise king knows what he knows and what he doesn’t.
an apology doesn’t mean anything if you’re not looking the person in the eye.
i believe in second chances, i don’t believe in third chances.
dead rats don’t squeak.
it’s not an easy thing admitting to yourself what you really are.
you’re just a soldier, aren’t you? you take your orders and you carry on.
we don’t get to choose who we love.
nothing’s more hateful than failing to protect the one you love.
there’s so much good in all of us, the best we can do is to help each other bring it out.
it takes courage to admit fear.
next time i have an idea like that, punch me in the face.
only a fool makes threats he’s not prepared to carry out.
wars teach people to obey the sword, not the gods.
so many men, they risk so little. they spend their lives avoiding danger and then they die.
what good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?
there are no men like me. only me.
no one can protect me, no one can protect anyone.
perhaps we’ve grown so used to horror we assume there’s no other way.
no one can survive in this world without help. no one.
of all the ways I’d kill you, poison would be the last.
we all fail sometimes.
a day will come when you think you’re safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth; and you will know the debt is paid.
a good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad the good.
a man with no motive is a man no one suspects.
show too much kindness, people won’t fear you; if they don’t fear you, they don’t follow you.
it is beautiful beneath the sea, but if you stay too long, you’ll drown.
the gods love to reward a fool.
if you want to build a better home, first you must demolish the old one.
i don’t want to be most of us.
they can live in my new world or they can die in their old one.
some day i’m going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull.
if I’m going to die, let it happen while there is still some of me left.
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
more random dialogue prompts ,
“why do you have that look on your face?”
“finish what you’re doing, we have to talk.”
“what have you done to yourself?”
“did you do something different with your hair?”
“it doesn’t do any good to get worked up.”
“when was the last time we had a real conversation.”
“are you in the witness protection program, or what?”
“there’s something wrong with me.”
“no, i don’t hate you.”
“hey stupid.”
“we’re aren’t them.”
“looks like i’ll live long enough to make you pay.”
“you know you’re wrong.”
“i don’t understand, why are you doing this?”
“now, before i say anything, promise me you’ll stay calm.”
“what makes me so special?”
“you have no idea what i’ve been through.”
“you really don’t have to do that, not for me.”
“did you really think you’d get a second chance?”
"how about we don’t do that.”
“i have a lot going for me, but humility is not one of them.”
“you’re the worst.”
“i don’t need you right now.”
“don’t just stand there, looking at me.”
“i thought you were supposed to call me.”
“take my hand.”
“i need you.”
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.”
“for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.”
“when this is all over, i want it to be you and me.”
“why won’t you tell me what happened?”
“you don’t know what this means to me.
“i know it doesn’t make sense.”
“i’m trying really hard to keep it together.”
“i know you’re new, but we do things a little differently here.”
“your voice is putting me to sleep.”
“did you find what you were looking for?”
"you knew and you didn’t even warn me?”
“well, i guess that’s broken.”
“i thought it was part of the act.”
“you think u don’t know you’re only here because they sent you?”
“you promised to call me if you didn’t know what to wear.”
“you can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“how could you do this to me?”
“put the gun down, dearest. i have news!”
“i know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but you need to know something.”
“if you’re here to tell me what happened last night, someone beat you to it.”
“people think i’m weird.”
“i think i’m losing myself again.”
“you can’t be here.”
“i wish you’d come to the funeral.”
“do you know what today is?”
“so, you broke my favourite mug… and you’re breaking up with me?”
“i need to get out.”
“it’s like i’m cursed or something.”
“you are remarkably well-behaved tonight, what have you been up to?”
“you gonna eat that?”
“sir, the pony rides are for children only.”
“i don’t want you to worry about that anymore.”
“we’ll never make it in time.”
“you’d be late for your own funeral.”
“you should have seen it coming.”
“oh, good, you’re here! hold this.”
“why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“on a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about nachos right now?”
“is this how you flirt with everyone?”
“how much longer till we’re there?”
“what have you done?”
“it’s time for you to repay that debt you owe me.”
“where did you get that? who gave it to you?”
“what kind of mother has thoughts like that?”
“i know I haven’t been what you needed, but i’m here, and i wanna help.”
“i never want to hear you say that again.”
“you’re all i have.”
“i know it’s not perfect, but i did follow the recipe this time.”
“i was doing so well until you showed up.”
“don’t eat that! i made it ‘specially for our guest.”
“it’s not that i don’t like my life, it’s that i don’t have the energy to enjoy it.”
“how can you stand this place?”
“don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.”
“you need to stop.”
“i don’t like that look, what happened?”
“is that seriously your password?”
“what’s your problem?”
“you had no right to use it without asking.”
“oh, wow, you weren’t kidding.”
“i couldn’t trust my own parents to protect me.”
“i’m surprised you haven’t been arrested yet. wait, no, i’m not.”
“why do you want to help me?”
“ten bucks for that piece of crap?”
“we have to hurry, they’re coming!”
“hey, look what came in the mail!”
“do you want to get a drink or something?”
“please tell me you didn’t eat that.”
“the worst part is you didn’t even notice.”
“if i wanted help, i would have asked.”
“wanna tell me what’s going on with your grades?”
“you need to leave.”
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.”
“i do blame you.”
“sometimes life deals you a bad hand, but you can still play your cards right and win.”
“you’re no longer useful to me.”
“i’m not good with sarcasm: if you don’t like me, just say it.”
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
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“I mean,” Nita leaned forward and plucked the card out of his fingers “now you have.” She leaned back, crossing her legs as she waggled the card back at him. Her lips quirking up into a smile, “but to be honest - thats not what im here for. I already have a very excellent accountant. I’ve no need for…” she lets her eyes run up and down the other, before looking around the room. 
“Can’t beat a dragon when it comes to finances.” Nita pulled out a photo, and slid it across the desk “I’m a private detective, looking for this guy.”
Garland’s dark eyes snapped into focus Nina’s hand as it plucked his card back away from him, disbelief washing over his features before settling into one of annoyance, arms crossing over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Uh huh...” Garland groaned out, tongue flicking the sharp edge of his fang in irritation. For a hard couple of seconds, he didn’t look at the phone Nina slipped over at him, instead focusing on her, eyes narrowing with an almost childlike defiance. Though, finally, with a popping of his tongue on the roof of his mouth, Garland leaned forward to look at the photograph. 
“What’s he being scouted for?”
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
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He was fiddling with his hands, looking up the moment Ford knelt down in front of him to meet his eyes. His heart was racing faster in his chest, giving a weak nod at his words while he still tried to think about what he said. A war older than him, well, he had no idea what to think about that. Was he even ready to take up on that task? To fullfill it the way people wish for? But somehow, his words still managed to cheer the sad man up and a smile grew upon his lips. “I would like to believe I am more powerful than any of them. I mean, I brought two lost soulds back. Isn’t that proof enough?” yes, sadness seemed to be washed away from his mind, now focusing back on what he can and already did. Michael swallowed, his hand reaching out to grabd Ford’s in a gentle gesture. “I’m glad to have you.. both of you at my side.” he smiled.
Ford’s expression softened as he noticed Michael seemed to take his words to heart, even excitedly recalling his masterful talents in a way that betrayed how truly youthful the Antichrist still was. Those ambitious coven leading fools had no idea just how sensitive the bringer of man’s end really was. As far as the twins could tell, anyway.
There he is... Cass echoed warmly as that smile that seemed to light up a room most certainly did its job in warming the twins. And to have their advice praised with physical gesture was nearly enough to have their chest bursting. “Michael... we just want you happy... we don’t care about their war. Fuck them, yeah?”
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
It laughed, lowly but warmly. The sound resonating through the floor and walls. The creature’s other hand rose to grasp the nurse beneath one thigh, lifting her as carefully and tenderly as it could despite the bruising grip.
      “My darling girl, you are forgetting that I am in all darkness.”
It’s form fluctuated again, like a glitch on an old television set. For a moment it was a handsome, muscular man. Still too big to be human. But the fidelity guttered out and the monster mostly reasserted itself.
It manipulated her jaw like a doll’s head, to turn her eyes toward his…Or where his might have been.
      “Tell me sweet one, what would you like? Where shall we go? Ask anything of me.”
Glitching, fragmented memories. Snow from a television screen obscuring vision, dampening sound. For a moment, the air cuts in half, and her legs are in familiar places, bound around his waist, hands reaching out for a neck that’s never touched... And then she returns, He returns. It all returns. She’s back and true to form; a motionless doll in its grip, limp until her attention brought tightly into focus. 
 “Resurrection beneath the stars... to trees born of God’s created year.” The black pools of Fukuro’s eyes begin to spiral, inky water draining through the center of her pupil to flash a glance of a purely human gaze -- eyes the color of trees she longed to stretch under. 
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
Whattup, pals. I have returned. Went to my first convention since 2019 and I am pooped. But am pretty inspired, so I’ll be toiling around here for the day. Hmu if you want any plot discussions.
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
I love creating muses that I can just use as mouth pieces sometimes. Like, Jo doesn’t give a single rat’s fuck about any muse that just so happens to be “a good c*p”. You’re still a bastard, and she will bully you until you quit the force, you pig. And if you don’t, there’s always murder, because c*ps aren’t human, lol. 
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highstrxngeness · 2 years
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