hopeandduty · 2 days
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hopeandduty · 8 days
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Ciardha's DT and EW dialogue portraits made using this tutorial They came out so nice it was so much fun!
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hopeandduty · 1 month
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@adropofshadow & @hopeandduty
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hopeandduty · 1 month
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hopeandduty · 1 month
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Can't throw together a photo studio for reference sheets and not break it in properly.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 26: Familiar
Though not technically familiars, the closest Eury has to one is Selene and Eos. They were originally conceived to be simple constructs that could use the caster's aether to cast healing spells even if the caster themselves lacked the skill or knowledge. However, to their delight when working upon them, Eury noticed distinct personality traits begin to emerge which they nurtured throughout the process. Though anyone with the concept crystal could summon similar faeries, the two constructed of Eury's own aether always seemed to manifest just a little bit differently than any other incarnations.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 25: Modern
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 24: Akademia
Euryphaessa is a kinetic learner who learns and understands best by experiencing and doing things. Though they are actually quite smart, they struggled a great deal with much of the lectures and textbook style learning that the Akademia required of their studies. They excelled most in their martial and spellcasting lessons and could best the majority of the students in the sparring ring including many of their seniors.
They outwardly took a carefree approach, acting indifferent to their grades or their tests (a fact that annoyed Hades to no end), but in truth they would often stay up late into the night trying their hardest to keep up with only mediocre results at best to show for it. Even so they put forth their all, especially as Hades and Hythlodaeus distinguished themselves, in an effort not to fall behind.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 23: Palette Swap
They couldn't let Emet-Selch be killed, not when there was still something they could do about it. Putting themselves in the path of the light the Warrior of Darkness had amassed upon the First, Eury was finally able to protect someone dear to them-- but it was not without consequence. The light ravaged their aether, and while the density of their soul has permitted them to retain their sanity and to keep control over much of the corrupted light they were infused with, their existence is now far closer to that of a lightwarden.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 22: Dragon
An AU where the events of HW took a slightly different turn for Ciardha.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 22: Free Day
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 21: Relaxation
Sometimes a little bit of your fellow shard's habits slip through.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 21: Elpis
Though Eury preferred to see the star simply as it was, Elpis gave a glimpse of the ways in which it might grow and change and every so often Eury would indulge their curiosity by paying it a visit. Hermes often came to greet them given their status as a convocation member, but was equally intrigued both by Euryphaessa's music and the uniqueness of their creation, both which they were all too willing to indulge him with.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 20: Free Day
I shall not tell you not to cry. If your heart is heavy, weep all you wish. You will not do so alone.
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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It was gone.
The star they loved so dearly, the people upon it. Every horizon they had ever found, every face they had ever met, every smile they had ever known. Unmade in a single moment. That which they had sought to protect more than anything, that they had fought for with their very life--
They had failed.
What.... what could possibly be left?
Day 20: Loss
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 19: Love
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hopeandduty · 2 months
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Day 18: Loss
She lost her oath. She should have lost her life with it. Why had she run? She does not know the answer. Perhaps if she drifts long enough, the water kami with come and swallow her entirely.
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