hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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having finished zara’s shift, reese had practically bounced her way back home, her amusement practically oozing out of her pores. no matter how many times she was told that she didn’t work at a chilli’s and it was not a ‘ sad night up in this chilli’s ’ , she still found herself blurting out the phrases as if it was instinct, a sense of satisfaction escaping her whenever she did so. dramatically swinging the door to house tree open, she barely remembered to shut it behind her as she ventured inside the house. it didn’t take long for her to find herself in front of zara’s door, knocking on the door’s frame as she peered inside her cyborg roommate’s room. “ can’t we use the same process we use for the moonshine? ya know, with tubes that filter out the poison. ” sure the lake was boiling, but that should only mean it was already purified, right?
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      SINCE BEFORE the world ended as they knew it, their house had harbored a lot of chaotic energy. between zara, maisie and reese, the three of them somehow always ended up in their fair share of shenanigans, but zara wouldn’t really have it any other way. plus, reese’s affinity for all things strange meant zara got an extra day off work, and she wasn’t mad about it. brown eyes flicker up at reese, mouth folding into a small pout as she mulls over reese’s suggestion. it’s not totally off the wall – especially not for reese – but zara shakes her head. “ i mean, we’d probably have to check. it definitely might’ve killed bacteria or viruses, but boiling doesn’t remove metals or sediment in the water, so it’s not really purified. we’d still have to filter it. ”  she made a mental note to continue reading up on that. maybe they could build a better filtration system for the lake. “ come help me with the pressure cookers. how was chilli’s? anything interesting happening, or is everyone still nursing headaches? ”
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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       THE AFTERMATH of the party clearly didn’t stop anyone from the need to keep drinking. the tradeoff of reese taking her shift at the diner ( to become a literal meme, no less ) meant zara decided to do fulltime moonshine duty to compensate. the drought was making business hard, but they still had enough allotted supplies for now. “ we need to figure out a way to filter that lake water. ” the cogs are already turning for zara. “ there has to be a better and easier way to harvest it. or we’re gonna have some angry people on our hands. the only thing worse than no moonshine is no showers. ”
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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he glances around for somewhere to change, but there surrounded mostly by weights and mirrors. it would have been embarrassing to ask her to look away— but even more so mortifying than to change entirely in front of her. so instead, he stalls. “i think i’m more afraid of being locked inside with all of them, than the storm.” it’s a quiet thought, and zara seems to be one of the few people he can actually express it with. despite this, he still keeps things to himself. like how his shoulders visibly relaxed when she turns away, despite them being surrounded by gym room mirrors. his anxiety would quicken a bit, and he’ll turn towards the wall, his back to hers, even if she were to turn around. “you’re right, it could.” dylan acknowledges, and purses her lips. “most of the stuff in the kitchen is frozen from the harvest last winter- if it goes bad, we’ll have to figure out a way to save water for the crops.” another beat of silence, and he’s pulling the hem of his shirt up, only before glancing over his shoulder to make sure she wasn’t looking, and back to the wall. the white cotton is pulled over his head, ruffling curls he’ll fix with his hand a second later. turning around, he’ll clear his throat to get her attention again. “minnie might cut everyone else’s shower time, instead.” 
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        WITH HER GAZE TURNED TO THE FLOOR zara can’t help but let out a hearty laugh at that. it’s not even that she thinks dylan intends for it to be humorous, but it’s so expected and so warranted that she can’t help but find it funny. obviously the more extroverted of the two, zara grins even if he can’t see it. “ don’t blame you. they’re a bunch of crazies, it seems. no wonder minnie’s so popular despite being such a witch –- everyone loves chaos. ” zara’s affinity for it wasn’t a secret either, but when it came to survival she was a straight shooter. realistically, this party shouldn’t even be happening, but it was beyond her jurisdiction, so all there was left to do was roll with it. “ we’ll all be smelling and starving, but at least we got to party, right? ” she laughs again, though there’s an edge of bitterness to it this time. her gaze flickers back up when he clears his throat and she smiles wide. “ amazing we’ve survived so long considering, huh? you look great, dylan. don’t worry. if we end up stuck here for the night, i’ll protect you. ” she teases.
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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     as she runs outside she gets the faint sensation of someone calling her name although the sound becomes drowned out by the booming thunder. it isn’t until she hears footsteps behind her that she turns around, a look of confusion quickly spreading across her visage. tilting her head in question, she watches zara run up to her, looking frazzled. the sight’s almost comedic to her until she realizes that the sudden heaviness of the heat had probably thrown her housemate for a loop. “ what are you doing outside? it’s hot out here, you know. ” it isn’t until she says the words that understanding slowly dawns upon her, her head tilting down to look below her in what feels like slow motion. recalling her barefoot state and where exactly she was standing, her mind barely had time to catch up to her body’s own instincts as she runs to the grass nearby, practically falling into the yellowing blades. while the sharpness of the dehydrated grass pokes at her, all she can really focus on is her feet as her mind attempts to process what had just happened. her adrenaline was at an all time high, masking the pain she would have felt from such a stupid decision, but her eyes could see it all. moving one of her legs closer to her, she peers at the injury, taking in what she assumes to be bubbling skin. “ do you think i could pick at it, ” she asks dumbly, tempted to poke at it but still refraining. “ i mean, it doesn’t look that bad. ” maybe it was because she was a ginger prone to sunburns or maybe it was her tendency to end up with injuries that could have easily been prevented, but the sight of what she realizes would be a mild burn keeps her from freaking out. sending out a quick prayer to the barbie gods above, she proclaims her thanks that she had only been exposed to the pavement for less than a minute if the time between the sound of thunder and flashing of lightning was any indicator.  “ i’m suppose to cool this, right? ”
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       THE THING IS, zara’s not surprised at all by the situation. on the long, never ending scroll of ridiculous things has reese has done in the last forty-eight hours, she’s not sure this makes the top, but it’s up there. only to be erased by whatever tomorrow bring, most likely. with so much always going on them especially at home, zara often loses track, but even if she’s used to the shenanigans, she’s never going to let her friend hurt herself without at least trying to interfere. even the short distance has zara gasping for a breath. the air is sticky and humid, unbearable to breathe in and the heat is absolutely life-sucking. still, zara’s always been a dog with a bone, and no matter the conditions she’s set on getting reese back inside in one piece.  it doesn’t take long for her to make it to reese - the girl hadn’t managed to get very far and makes the smart decision to dive into the grass. it’s hot everywhere, but at least that surface is a lot less of a hazard.
      “ do not pick at it, reese. ” zara warns, crouching to the grass. it’s barely been a minute and the sweat already has her clothes clinging to her, moisture collecting around her hairline. she’s reaching down to swat reese’s hands away and get a better look, only making sure she didn’t have to worry about reese’s foot falling off before she speaks again. “ it’s too hot to be out here like this. c’mon, hop on my back and lets get inside. ” with that zara turns, crouched at the knees so reese can climb on. there’s no way she should be walking with her feet like that, even if that means zara’s entire ass is hanging out of her skirt. everyone’s seen a butt before, after all. she already feels faint and she lets out another sigh, not from annoyance but exhaustion. “ i’ll look when we get inside, see if we need to soak it. ”  
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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he doesn’t mind a little bit of spilled liquor, none of his clothes meant much to him anyways. it was mostly the smell, and that seemed to follow him now. however, at mention of going outside, there’s the tiniest furrow in his brows. “what if it’s not safe?” quiet, and he’ll follow her, towering over her frame as he allowed her to tug him back towards the pool. the music had drastically changed, almost with a sense of nostalgia. but he’s not paying much attention to it, just following her as she searches for a shirt. “really- it’s alright we don’t have to-” but he notices the white top, and he’ll pick it up with quiet hands, glancing down to the blue flannel, and back around to the crowded area. “can we go- um, somewhere else?” because people around all these people were exhausting and he wasn’t comfortable enough, changing in front of a room full of eyeing drunks. with it, he’ll nod forward, back to the gymnasium, and into a weight room that was seemingly empty, and far darker without windows. taking his flashlight from his phone, he’ll set it down on one of the benches, and pull a blue flannel off the back of his shoulders. “do you - uh, want me to get you another drink?” 
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     “ NOT MUCH is safe around here, if you really think about it. we’re living some real life lord of the flies bullshit. the sky doesn’t look so good.. and those glowing bugs. what if it contaminates whatever we have left? figured we might wanna start looking into what that storm is gonna leave behind.. but that might just be my curiosity getting the best of me. ” she’s just thinking out loud as she makes her way through the halls, dylan tailing along until he finds a shirt lingering on the outskirts of the party. “ of course. ” not that she had expected dylan to start stripping in the middle of a busy room. she follows him to the weight room without another word, politely averting her gaze to give him some privacy while he changes. “ oh, no. ” zara shrugs, eyebrows furrowing. “ with the lights out now.. probably not a good idea to drink anymore. if things go bad, i don’t wanna be wasted. ” in fact, the worry is already pooling in her stomach. “ what about the food in the fridges? freezers? that could set back our food supply if the power stays out.. ”
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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grinning up at her, she only nods to zara’s warnings, brushing her off like a child would their mother. if she were to be honest, reese would have owned up to the fact that she was one of the few who had dropped glass bottles around, or in her case, deliberately smashed. “ you have go-pros? are they in your eyes, ” she questions, her amazement written all over her face. nodding to zara’s words as if there was sound logic to her being a part cyborg who retained the ability to get wet, she couldn’t help the sheepish smile that spread across her face as zara’s words called her out. “ yeah, you’re right. they’re still cool though, ” she mumbled. hearing the booming thunder, she’s reminded of her next plan of action. she bends down to her fanny pack, rummaging through it until she pulls out her juul. quickly standing back up, she tossed a mischievous look zara’s way before moving to leave. “ anyways, i gotta jet. i have places to be, people to see, and lightning to reach. ” with another grin and a wave of her hand, reese leaves the indoor pool and makes her way outside, running onto the pavement without a second thought. it isn’t until she hears sizzling that she pauses in her journey, confusion settling on her features as she glances around for the source of the noise.
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       “ I DO, actually. my eyes record everything. even got a fish-eye effect in case i wanna spice things up. ” if anything, the hoax was a good creative outlet, especially because it took about zero effort to convince reese of basically anything, no matter how ridiculous. for the most part, zara gave reese free reign of judgement with about sixty percent of her activities, only stepping in when things became a safety hazard to her or others because, quite frankly, zara wasn’t a fan of the cleanup. reese was a tornado of a human being, but she kept things interesting in otherwise boring or hopeless situation, and there was definitely value in that.  she’s about to wave reese off just as she catches the end of her sentence, but things happen far too quickly for zara to be able to keep up. reese is off like the wind and zara can’t do anything but run after her, eyes wide and stressed as the girl decides going outside in the middle of the storm would be a good idea. “ reese –- wait !” she calls out but it’s no use. horrified and stood in the doorway, zara watches, overwhelmed by the sudden gust of heat. she hadn’t realized just how insanely hot it had gotten, chalking it up partly to the storm but also to the amount of bodies inside. now she realizes it’s not just hot. it’s boiling. 
       and reese has no shoes on.
     “ reese, get back inside. ” these are her favorite fucking boots, but zara could gag at the idea of what feet smell like when they sizzle. “ you’re going to burn. come here. ” there’s not much time to spare, knowing each second can be more damage, so without a second thought zara storms outside, calling at reese all along the way. 
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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  whatever contents were in the tiny grip of the other femme, were now splashed onto his chest, drenching his shirt in what he could only assume was some kind of tequila. the smell makes his nose burn, but he’ll bite it back– doesn’t want her to feel bad, and it’s just alcohol. “s-sorry-sorry-” muttered under a response, hands instinctively trying to help her back up, before patting at his jeans and dipping his hands across his chest. quietness is served as an answer at first, his mind pulling him away for a moment, before back to the dimly lit girl. “no i didn’t.” it’s soft, much softer than the edge to her voice, or the silver spewed arch in her voice. believe it or not, he actually liked zara. and that was coming from him, seeing as most people seemed exhausting to be around. “i was looking for esme.” he adds, but his brows furrow. “what were you doing?” he’s got half a mind to ask if she was planning on leaving— but it was none of his business. even if he cared. even if he thought it was a bad idea. “but um, i think i might need a new shirt first..” 
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      IN THE DARKNESS, she can’t be sure where her cup has landed, but that’s not quite on the top of her list of current problems. with dylan’s help she’s back on her feet in no time. she’s squinting to make out everything with the lack of lighting, gaze trailing over dylan to inspect the damage she’s done.  “ i was curious about what was going on outside. thinking i could maybe get a sample or something, that it would help us later to figure out what the fuck this storm is about. ” she admits with a shrug. her eyebrows furrow and she curses, realizing dylan’s shirt is soaked with tequila. it’s not a look. “ definitely need some new wardrobe. some people abandoned their clothes for the pool, i’ll steal one for you. sorry, babes. ” without another word she’s already pulling dylan back toward the pool to try and scope out something that’ll fit him. something inconspicuous, likely a plain t-shirt that nobody will notice is actually theirs. “ just be careful, alright? i can help you find esme, if you want.. don’t want you heading outside in the middle of this shit. ”
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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     THERE ARE THINGS zara has learned to not think twice about. reese coming up to her soaking wet doesn’t have her fazed whatsoever – in fact, she’s surprised reese was responsible enough to have zara babysit her fanny pack before jumping in. it’s a party, though, and zara’s not about to kill her vibe. why not get in the pool? that’s sort of the entire point. “ yeah, sure. just be careful, people are probably dropping their bottles and shit everywhere. ” the soaked shoes are dropped by the small collection of belongings of her and friends. “ we’ve got go-pros that can go underwater, reese. i’m good. plus, i’m only part-cyborg. still gotta wash the other bits and pieces. ” zara winks, amused but unwilling to ever give it up. it’s the only way reese listens. “ mermaid might be cooler, but i doubt they’d be able to fix any of the things you break. they don’t even know how to walk. ”
closed starter for @hotgrlsummers​​
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after jumping into the pool fully-clothed, reese had resorted to walking around the party looking like a drenched rat, relieved that she at least had half a mind to leave her fanny pack in zara’s care. she was in the middle of searching for her housemate, blue eyes squinting for the willowy girl when she spotted her in all of her cyborg glory. “ can you watch my shoes for me, ” she asked, hesitating slightly before muttering a hushed, “ please. ” it isn’t until she glanced at the soaked item in mention that a thought hits her, causing a dramatic gasp to escape her lips as if god himself had blessed her with some unknown wisdom. “ can you even be here? like, as a cyborg won’t you like, fry or something if water touches you? like a mermaid except like, with no tail. ”
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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“i’m not doing the cupid shuffle.” it’s matter of fact, and he almost regrets leaving his bed at all. the thing is, even during the storm he probably could have slept his way through the end of the world. however, he’d promised that he’d be here, so this is where he is. when the other approaches, his gazed is perked up from his spot, a beer in his hand but it’s gone warm to sipping. instead of sticking around for conversation, dylan opts to leave. he’s halfway down an empty hall, rounding the corner when the lights shut off. his frame is immediately darted into, and both of them collided into each other. “jesus–” two bumped heads, and a few seconds later, he’s pulling back and trying to find his phone that had been knocked to the ground with the other. “are you alright–  what the hell happened to the lights?” 
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       WITH HER NOSE pressed to the window, zara’s eyebrows furrow. it’s tempting, almost, to go outside just to see. but it’s dangerous, and zara’s not sure if she’s willing to risk it until things die down. surely, whatever indicators of what the storm carries will be left in residue when it ends, right? giving thought to poking her head outside, she turns, drink in hand to head down the hall before she can stop herself. it must be an act of god the way the lights crash and she bumps into someone along the way, a long string of expletives flying from her mouth as she smacks the floor. “ the fuck, ” she starts, but stops short when she realizes the voice is familiar. “ i’m fine, dylan. where have you been? you didn’t go outside, did you? ” 
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
someone: Ur skirt is short me: nice
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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You (2018—) Created by Greg Berlanti and Sera Gamble
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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in the dark (trailer)
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
Now you shouldn't even get into who I'm givin' skins to It's none of your business So don't try to change my mind, I'll tell you one more time It's none of your business
How many rules am I to break before you understand That your double-standards don't mean shit to me? I know exactly what you say when I turn and walk away But that's ok 'cause I don't let it get it to me
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hotgrlsummers · 4 years
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