i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
This whole system is just fucked up,damn
That’s not  justice
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
Definitely 😔
INTJs I’ve Met (by an INFJ)
What I noticed and observed about them: (TWO FEMALES & TWO MALES)
They aren’t aware of their surroundings. When they’re walking in the halls, they will NOT look around and will just continue looking and walking straight. Their friends are usually the ones who snap them out of their mind. (It’s an Ni thing. They are in their own heads if they don’t give effort to notice what’s going around them). You just gotta say hi to them first most of the time. (Unless they’re comfortable around you–then you’ll be lucky enough to receive a greeting from them).
Eye contact is difficult for them. Most of them stare at the ground or just focus on something else in the background when they talk to you.
It takes awhile for them to learn dance moves. (Well, this applies to the ones who clearly aren’t dancers). We’d have these school dances and they’re the ones who needed help the most in remembering the steps. (I’m guessing it takes awhile for them to be fully “in sync” with their bodies…?)
They dislike loudness and chaos. Also known as the classroom. And school itself. It’s a jungle out there.
They are so informational and are easily Teacher’s Pets because of how much they raise their hands in class and pay attention to them. I don’t think they listen because they’re interested though–they listen to find flaws in their teachings. It’s their past time.
They’re in school just to graduate. Making friends is just a bonus. (Or well, that’s what they want you to think, at least).
They claim that they’re okay being alone. And well, they’re actually okay with being by themselves. But I know that deep down they’d like a close friend or two with the same intellect and interests.
They are the nerdiest and dorkiest people with their friends. They suddenly become loud or just seem out-of-character. If you’re part of their friend-group, you will definitely see another side of them. Next thing you know they’re making bird-calls, mocking their teachers, and just bluntly voicing out their opinions.
They are passionate about their interests, hobbies and talents. What they’re into keeps them sane. One of them is a varsity chess player who loves playing the bass and writing poetry, another one is a ballerina (she studied in a professional studio and all that) who does a ton of other stuff as well (her parents encouraged her to do a lot), another one is into hypnotism (he went to several conventions for it) and dances hip-hop extremely well, while the other one I know is obsessed with anime (porn).
They may seem aloof and cold but are actually innocent people who aren’t aware of how they act. Which is why outgoing and talkative people get along with them well and manage to open them up. Opposites do attract (As long as they’re the complementing kind of opposites).
They’re actually not as serious as they seem. They have a sense of humor. Either dark or corny humor. And they aren’t serious about their grades either; they’re already blessed with intelligence.
Their words are sharp and can cut you, but they mean no harm. They just don’t really know which words are appropriate when talking to another human being. And which tone to use. And which facial expression to present.
They get possessive. They research things about their close friends and feel super uncomfortable when they aren’t there anymore; since they have grown attached to them already. This will hurt them because had chosen them over being fully independent and it’ll just make them go internally crazy. Which is why they like keeping their friends close. Really close. (Speaking for the unhealthier INTJs)
They like to “get a feel of people” before they truly open up. Typical introvert thing–but INTJs are extremely cautious when trusting people.
They almost seem helpless when their close friends aren’t around. Even desperate. This is why it’s easier for them to just be alone. No expectations–and they only have themselves to blame–which is actually much easier to accept than feeling betrayed by their friends. Again, trust issues.
They don’t mind talking about their opinions all day. (Fi thing) They would if they could. And they will, if they consider you as a close friend of theirs.
They just want to get things done and over with. Which is why they rather finish their homework and projects in advance. And do all the group work. They don’t want others slowing them down.
They are misunderstood. They are actually sensitive people who care and have feelings. Looks can definitely be deceiving.
Well, fellow INTJs, what can you say? :) Do you relate? Or do these statements fit the INTJs you know? :)
Again, these are about the INTJs I’ve met. So if it doesn’t apply to you–then it goes to show that despite sharing the same type, people still have their differences.
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
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Are all slytherins gay…? Just a question…
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
Hell nahhhhh
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Excuse me she was WHAT
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
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If it don’t benefit me,why do I care 🙂
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
I just watched 365........
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
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I mean.....
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
intp/j slytherin things
- oversized jackets
- “excuse me?”
- *scoffs*
- *raises eyebrow*
- “i can not express how much i do not care”
- would really like to take down a few criminals
- “so i saw this thing the other day...”
- *digs nails into palms*
- “you’re doing it wrong. do this..”
- dresses like it’s always winter/fall
- “i hate dresses”
- *leans back, putting feet on table* *pulls out knife and plays with it* “idiots”
- rooftops, dungeons, and lofts
- *smirks*
- punches walls
- dark humorrr
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
Welcome to the dark side
So, apparently, i’m an INTJ…
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i-shouldbeinjail · 4 years
I feel attacked
INTJ in descs: The INTJ is that mastermind obsessed with chess who can beat you in one turn. If the INTJ goes to jail, it's part of his plan and already thought about 383729 different ways to escape it. The INTJ doesn't laugh, doesn't smile, he doesn't sleep. The only way an INTJ is talking to you is either because you have a +900000 I.Q. or he's planning your murder.
INTJ irl: I booboo cry everytime I see a cat being rescued on youtube.
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