[[ inactivity for this weekend. sorry for any inconvenience, but it’s a hard weekend in my personal life. will get back to replies as soon as possible.x
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"I'm not as drunk as I use to was."
She was in hysterics as she listened drunkenly to Hanna. "Use to was? You're not as drunk as you use to was?" She joked. She loved having this time with her best friend. It was refreshing. "We should go to Australia. Right now!"
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Life hadn't been the easiest for the two of them, but Emily and Alison were finally in a real relationship. It was still crazy for Emily to think about -- she never thought they'd be in this place. As she sat on the park swing, her phone in her left hand, she waited for her girlfriend to come and meet her. As she did, she thought. Just thought. About all the hardships they had been through. There had been a lot. But they were happy. Of course, there was still the little voice in the brunettes mind -- the fear that something terrible would happen and they'd be right back at the start. But, no, she had to wipe those thoughts away. 
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As she heard footsteps, her face turned into a smile as she saw her beautiful girlfriend in front of her. "Hey," she greeted, "Saved a swing for ya," she said, with a little, adorable smirk on her face.
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The brunette sat on the couch of Hanna's hotel room, this being the first time the two of them could fully catch up alone. Of the three girls, she had always been the closest to Hanna. It surprised her that the two hadn't kept more in touch. That being said, Emily had rarely kept in touch with anybody. Life was too difficult to text anybody. "So, Jordan seems nice. How did you guys meet?" She made small talk to take away from the fact they were currently in a difficult situation with the police.
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“Because it was I murdered.”Tate said, flatly. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t completely true either. “I am dead.”Tate told the girl in front of him, sure she go running away.
Emily was very surprised at herself that she didn't run away, but she was strangely intrigued. "W-What?" That wasn't to say she wasn't also very scared, "I don't understand."
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She couldn't deny her blatant staring at the open cigarette packet. She didn't make it a habit to smoke but, right now, things were too stressful to not try something to take her anxiety away. She'd usually just go for fresh air but, this time, there was something in plain sight to help her. She nodded her thank you, taking a cigarette from this man's hand. "Thanks," she added. 
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She looked at him from the corner of her eye. "I've never seen you here before," she stated obviously. She had never really made it her business to spot people, but this guy had spoken to her so she wasn't about to stand there in complete silence. It felt too awkward to do so.
{ @if-lyingwas-acrime }
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“how about you don’t stand there eyeing them, and instead just ask if you want one” he proposed as he got sick of their staring at the pack of cigarettes he’d pulled from his jacket pocket. “i mean hell, it’s november, if you’re standing out here for any other reason, then you’re a little daft if you ask me.” he shrugged as he slid one from the container. the air was beginning to become frigid these days and he liked being out here to smoke about as much as he liked early mornings. which wasn’t a lot. he had about a half hour before they noticed he was missing from where he should be, and he intended to be back before that shitstorm rained down on him. so this cigarette break, he was going to make the most of.
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“My house. If you’d like. It’s quiet.. I can order in or make you something.” Her smile growing some; it was nice that the loving woman in front of her still loved to spend her time with the blonde. Sure, Alison had been one of the meanest teenagers to ever walk this earth; and who could blame her. The family she had been born into had not in the slightest made things easier for her at all. Maybe, just maybe if she would have been nicer; to all; but just Emily, things would have been so much easier for her. And, all that she wanted; was to ask for forgiveness. The doors of her car unlocked, and she opened Emily’s door before sitting down beside the lovely brunette. She knew she had to make small talk. This was Emily. She /DIDN’T/ want to lose her again. “I.. Teach English literature now, crazy huh. Never thought I’d go back to the halls of that high school after graduation… But the memories I missed out on.. I needed to feel them.. And those halls gave me the best hope to try to fix the mess I had become..” Her soul was opened up; she was changed.
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Emily nodded and, as soon as Alison had opened the door for her, she sat in the passenger seat. She then shut the door, put her belt on and waited for her friend to be sat next to her. Her friend. It was crazy. All these years that went by, she still wanted to be able to call her more than a friend. She could only hope that this time with Alison would lead to something like that. She turned her head to face her as she was sitting in the driver's seat. "Do you still live in the same house?" She asked, a smile on her face. She remembered that house like the back of her hand. She remembered the memories. As Alison spoke about her career, she couldn't help but feel slightly awkward. It appeared that all of her friends had great jobs and great income, and here Emily was -- a college dropout with any small-time bartending job she could find. As she was sat here in the aiport carpark, she was unemployed. She couldn't help but believe she currently had no purpose. "A teacher?!" Wow. Alison DiLaurentis a teacher. Now that was something she never saw coming. "Me neither," she thought about everyone she had left behind. "Who still lives in Rosewood?"
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•Emily-Alison• "I've got you, now."
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[[ replies and starters as soon as i’m done with something.
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‘No.. I’m keeping you all to myself tonight’ and really, her thoughts had definitely gotten the best of her. She couldn’t focus. ‘Calm down Alison. Who knows what is even going on with Emily. Does she have a girlfriend? And.. Her dad just died’ Her thoughts spoke loudly. She wanted to comfort Emily and speak about her father and at the same time, she wanted to hug her and not let go. It was only when they arrived at her silver pontiac car that she could finally speak to her again. Her mind wondered about some things but her heart, about others. Picking up her luggage and gently placing them in the back seat, Alison took both of her hands, again pulling her into the tightest of embraces. “I told them you weren’t landing until tomorrow morning,” She whispered in her ear - hoping Emily had caught on.
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Emily watched as Alison placed her bags into the back seat of her car. She then returned her eyes to the blonde. She smiled, actually quite loving the idea that it was just the two of them tonight. "Good.. because I haven't even told my mom that I'm coming back yet," she stated, quite relieved about that fact. It meant that she could just go straight to Alison's house and not have to say a word to anybody else. Facing people was still something that made Emily anxious after the past few years. She allowed herself into the embrace, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl and locking her fingers as if they were stuck around her. She smiled against Alison's shoulder at her words. Reluctantly, she pulled away from the hug to speak to Alison. "Where are we going?" She asked, wanting to go somehwere quiet so that she and Alison could talk. She didn't care where, as long as it was the two of them and nobody else. When it came down to it, Emily trusted Alison more than she trusted anybody else.
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•Emily-Alison• "I've got you, now."
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  "Aria.. can we talk?"
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The beat of her heart had never beaten this quickly in her entire life. She was back. There she was, right in front of her; Emily Fields.
Alison had to look her over once more. Was this even real? Was Emily still going to be the caring, loving, beautiful and ambitious girl that left her almost five years ago to go to university?
Her heart definitely told her an answer; yes, this was Emily. Slightly different, but even then - still the same.
Her lips pursed together and she dropped her shoulders as she finally managed to shoot her the most loving of smiles. Her icy blue eyes locked with Emily’s chocolate brown ones. Her hand lowered and she finally began to bereally nervous. “God, I can’t believe… wow. I’ve missed you so much, Em. You were the hardest to say goodbye to, and now you’re just the easiest hello. Wow.” She had to look her over again.
Now, her hand began to glide over Emily’s and she took her luggage. “Let me take those to my car..”
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Emily's heart continued to flutter as Alison spoke to her. She had missed that voice so much. Just under five years of not hearing it was doing things to her. She just couldn't wipe off the smile on her face, and she didn't want to. She let the blonde take half of her luggage, holding on securely to the handle of her other bag. She wouldn't let her carry all of it -- she had always been gentlemanly like that. "I know what you mean," she responded to her words. She then took Alison's lead and followed to her car, the whole way not being able take her eyes off of the girl in front of her. She felt like she was inspecting her -- everything was very similar to the same strong girl she had said goodbye to all those years ago. Still blonde. Still strong. Still beautiful. Still Alison. She was still the same girl she had fallen in love with when she was just fourteen years old. "Are the other girls here yet?" She made conversation. "Are we going straight to them?" Part of her wanted to see them, but the other bigger part wanted Alison all to herself for a little while. For forever. 'How about forever?' Those words echoed in her mind.
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•Emily-Alison• "I've got you, now."
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░░░░░░ ☾ alison hadn’t really been expecting anyone at this time of night. it’s a weekday, so, whilst having the time, she can’t go see charlotte. she’s finished grading papers, she’s finished re-reading her favourite book for the nth time, and she’s just enjoying the QUIET. there seems to be a lot of that now.
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so it’s puzzling when the doorbell rings. she can’t really think of who it would be – the liars are all living their lives without her, her rosewood friends would tell her if they were coming first, as would her family.
fixed on her face is now confusion, her brows knitting further when it’s emily, of all people, at the door. one look at her and alison’s feeling a rainbow of emotions – confusion, care, scared, more confusion, more care.
“em…” she breathes. “of–of course. what are you doing here ? are you okay?”
Emily hadn't really thought of what her explanations were going to be as to why she was here.. and why she was in this state. She wasn't even sure Alison would be willing to talk to her. They weren't on bad terms, but they also hadn't spoken since they went their seperate ways four and a half years ago. Emily hand't even told anybody, but her mother, that she was back in Rosewood. She tried to lie. For a split second, the thought crossed her mind that she could just run away and forget anybody had seen her like this. It was too late. No turning back now. "I.. no;" was her simple answer. She was not okay. And a part of her believed seeing Alison would make it all better. The simple fact was, she had to talk to Alison somebody about this. She stepped inside the house, crossing her arms and standing there quite awkwardly. "I.. um," she didn't know where to begin, but she knew that the shorter girl had to have been confused at her state. She started at the beginning -- at a fact she wasn't sure Alison knew, "My dad's.. he's.. dead."
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“It’s good to see you too, you look great.”  He smiled, surprisingly happy to be back in Rosewood.  Caleb never really planned to come back here, but with the way things turned out, he thought his friends needed him more than his life in the big city needed him.  “How’s California been?  You like it out there?”  He hadn’t really kept up much with Emily at all since she left, the two had never been super close before, but he was still glad to see her.
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She smiled a genuine smile. Although she didn't FEEL great, it was nice to hear the compliment from somebody. "You do too! I like the hair," she stated, pointing up to short, brown locks. Emily truly had no idea what Caleb had been doing for the past five years. When she had left Rosewood, she had rarely kept in touch with anybody. A few texts and phonecalls to the girls every now and then but, apart from that, nothing. "California's great. Really, really hot, but great." She didn't have much else to say. She had dropped out of college and nobody but herself knew that, and she wasn't planning on going into detail about it just yet. "So, what have you been doing?"
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“Well, it’s not called murder house for nothing. There as been a total of twenty-four murders and deaths in this very house.The town like to say that them very spirits til roll through the walls of the house.”He said with a grin,”Can’t you felt them?” Tate added a laugh.
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She nodded her head slowly because she could, infact, feel them. One question remained though -- how was this boy managing to survive? It was very strange. Did he help with the murders? Was he just really lucky? It was very eerie. It was also a question that terrified her to ask, but she had to. After all, it was the whole reason of why she was here. "So.. why are you still here?"
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I’m still here, bitches.. and I know everything.
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me: *game show host voice* “hello and welcome to-” game show studio audience: “WHO’S! EMILY’S! LOVE INTEREST???!!!!”
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[[ replies are coming after work c:
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