ilovehimboz · 1 month
day 39 - 44
My dreams were very sporadic and unpredictable in the way I remembered them.
I asked Chat GPT to write this description yall
Last night's dream was a real rollercoaster. So, I'm hanging out with NCT Dream, right? But then things take a really weird turn. We end up in this bizarre bathroom having this seriously creepy conversation about sacrificing people. It was like they were part of some kind of cult or something, lowkey demonic vibes, you know? Anyway, I had to make a quick exit with my family, and suddenly we're in this bustling shopping center where everyone's giving me these strange looks. Next thing I know, we're on this crazy highway trying to score concert tickets. That's when this security guard dude pops up and, weirdly enough, seems to have a thing for me. He even gives me his ticket, which was risky considering his job. We race to the venue in this packed van, my parents stressing about being late, even though I still couldn't figure out why the concert was such a big deal. Oh, and before all that, I had to pitch design ideas to a bunch of big shots. Talk about pressure! The dream ends at a mall with this Comic Con-type event, leaving me totally confused about the whole thing.
Day 40
I had this dream I was friends with JoJo Siwa but then apparently it was a whole scandal that we were friends?!!! (irl I wouldn’t appreciate being friends with her) But yeah everyone hated us together for some reason.
Day 44
- Dreamt I had a gorgeous dress teal shimmery on and went to a burger place and a aquarium where this girl who went to my school took photos of me
- People were wondering why I had this dress on especially in a burger place that was super greasy.
- I was on a road trip with my cousin, our pet husky (which I don’t have irl) and my parents
- My cousin brought along a hello kitty edition Nintendo ds which I still want oh my soul it was gorgeous and it had like so so many games
- This dream was just weird but aren’t all my dreams??
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ilovehimboz · 1 month
dream journal day 37-38
Let’s start shall we:
Day 37:
Cute boy in stationery store
This dream where this family’s mother wasn’t real but a robot
Butterfly campaign i made
On the beach and then there was a dodgy cafe but they were more scared of me than me scared of them
Day 38
- went to an ice cream shop that this family owned and then it transformed into their house that they’re selling
- the beach had like a weird yellow orange glow to it and it was so so cool
- went to a weird old age home in my small home town where this old man wanted this old woman to go and get showered but actually they wanted to euthanise her so i had to make up an excuse that we were family and that we were taking her out for a walk
-went to a grocery store in my home town and picked up this weird yoghurt that apparently had like a story number on it or something that was weird idk
- there was a cute guy in the store who kept on bumping into me
- went into a second hand goods store to look for games and there was an interesting game where you could play in animal crossing with Disney princess outfits yeah. lol
That’s all i remember folks
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal 34-36
Now hear me out, having a job and school really makes one forget to do this shit!!!
Like hello i dream a lot but then woah as soon as morning comes it’s like let’s go to work.
I will say 212 is showing up always and 333
I’m getting my life together
Hopefully tomorrow has a dream for me!!!
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 33
Some notes I took half asleep at 6am
I had three cats and a really really nice place by the beach.
My ex classmate with the lip piercing and we were like dating or something
Meeting in sea point
The drive to Camps Bay and also the one with the school people
Presenting and seeing the deadline is 9am
Making some shit up
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 32
In my dream, I started by driving with my parents and we stopped at a peculiar corner store to buy food. The location was familiar yet unsettling. Then, we visited a department store called Macro, where my mom went to buy something. While there, I spotted a book on making calligraphy latte art, which struck me as odd. Later, I had supper at my grandma’s house with a girl I don’t get along with and another friend. We had to leave early, and on the way out, we overheard my grandma describing them as weird. Feeling awkward, they decided to come to my house and wait for their parents. Additionally, I played an advanced version of Animal Crossing during the dream.
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 27-31
I had a couple few tumultuous days, so therefore my dreams were not remembered!!
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 26
Now this was interesting.
I had a dream where I was in this fancy restaurant in our city and I was sitting with my dad and one of my cousins. I had gotten dolled up with now where to go so my parents felt bad and took me out.
Anyways I’m in this restaurant minding my business there’s some random guy trying to psychoanalyse his dinner date without them knowing. And a bunch of other people.
Someone has been paying for my lemonade and water that I ordered. I’m like looking around the restaurant at this point looking for who it is.
So then suddenly my parents are like there he is. This tall guy with caramel blonde hair appears walking out the restaurant with his little sister and he waves and smiles at me. It seems like I recognise him because in the dream I was like, he worked at *insert restaurant* he was my waiter. Anyways turns out he was like some super important dudes kid the entire time. So anyways he waits outside for me and we basically say hi again and I was like can I have your Instagram and number. And he was like no I can’t give that out according to my rules but let me take you out on a date tomorrow. So anyways we hug and it felt SOOOOO nice! Ugh perhaps I’m touched starved but perhaps dream person was just that great!
I feel like the second part of my dream where I was raging and breaking shit was to do with the fact that there were many assumptions my mind made that weren’t true. It was almost like I was bashing them.
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 25
Had a dream of someone’s wedding being in this beach house we stayed once for a holiday. It was quite a weird dream.
The people at the wedding, were me and my dad and his colleagues. But not his nice colleagues. Anyways so like the groom was friends with the main annoying guy and the bride didn’t like them much either but was sucking it up.
In the dream it seemed like I could be at two places at once. One of the men and his girlfriend brought me along because they felt that under the house there was an entire compound for like t-rt-r-ng people. So I was there with them when we found this huge compound passageway downstairs with beds and weird cupboards but we found no people.
However at the same time. I was upstairs on the top level with the bride and groom who were fighting because the groom wanted us all to go out with the other bad men and we all said no. He then started hitting her with some weird stick. This part of the dream felt like a movie but then I stepped in and hit him with a pan. My dad, the bride and I decided to escape
Now in the first scenario where I was underground with the man and his girlfriend. I was scared they were gonna find us out or they were gonna lock us in there. But yeah that was the crazy part of the dream
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 24
I had a dream where i was in high school and we had a weird dance that involved turning and shit.
I also dreamt that there was a huge office building
Overall very weird
222 212 444
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 21-23
Wowie the days have blurred and half of them I was dissociated for heheh. Hope I’ll record tonight
Some angel numbers and musings of note:
Electional astrology
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 20
Wowie the eclipse was something else hey. I had a dream my friends who are not actually my friends irl but some randoms got blown up by this guy with me as the sole survivor. Then after I killed him i had to fight off his stalkers yeah it was crazy
No dream interpretation necessary 😝
Tumblr media
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 19
Woah what a huge one
- Had a dream that hailey bieber and i were friends and she was an astrology girlie. I was like facetiming her and she had this whole show on Zoom where she like talked to people about astrology. I was FaceTiming her whole shopping and I saw this adorable red skirt and i ended up not taking it
- My grandma got a cute new Maltese poodle who was black and white and he was really cute but mischievous.
-We drove past our old neighbourhood in our old home town and it was really rusty and decrepit.
- My parents bought me a birthday gift which they said was diamonds and a single cherry blossom from Japan. However the bracelet broke but I still got it. In this dream i was famous so the paparazzi were taking photos of me taking this package
-NOW THE BIG ONE. In this dream I was going to the birthday party of a friend turned situation-ship turned back to friend. Funny enough in real life it was his birthday yesterday lol. Anyways i arrive there in the evening and I say hi to him. We talk I ask him how he’s doing and yeah. Anyways I see this girl from my class, who makes some comment to me. So I rush towards her as if I’m going to jump her (which I didn’t actually want to do I just wanted to scare her ass) she actually flinches back and everything. We go back and forth with jabs. (In real life this girl is super performative and she’s just not a nice person) I then proceed to tell her “Thank you for keeping my seat warm for me you can go now “ which in turn made her shut up. Anyways that felt really good considering she felt like she could take my place in my friend’s life. So she just sat there in the corner while we all sat at the dinner table. I met my friend’s girlfriend, she was nice and a science major. We talked about fibre composition for a minute and then that stupid corner girl tried to shout for everyone to come sit by her but they didn’t. And then I look at my friend’s arm and he has the exact same eye of rah and Horus tattoos on him.
dream interpretation
Now we used to call each other Rah and Horus based on the fact that he loved my tattoo and it was similar to his name. I honestly think this dream was closure for me, to end the chapter with him. We were good friends but being together for a bit ruined that. We grew apart tremendously and honestly I saw his birthday party online yesterday and it didn’t make me sad. A part of me felt like this was my birthday contribution to him to move on from all of this. I have nothing but respect and care for him and honestly I am happy that he’s happy.
Seeing my old house was closure that we made the right move to the city we live in now
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 18
lots of dreams to talk about!!
-We killed Chucky the doll and placed him in a box but then some dumb kid went and got it back so we had to kill him again.
-We were driving around a parking lot and i saw this really pretty blonde guy who was driving
-I have clothing away to my best friend and to this girl I don’t really like. I had this cute blue marge Simpson shirt.
- There was something I had to do for these people that I forgot about
-I was a Roblox gamer and I was like a whole esports celebrity (I play Roblox with my best friend to destress ahahaha)
dream interpretation
simple weird little dreams
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 17
last night was boring to say the least but hey some new dreams
I went to a wine farm for my friends birthday and then something occurred with like the electricity
111 999 were numbers I saw
no interpretation needed
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 16
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 14 & 15
I had a dream i had a kid and i was like what the actual- Anyways he was adorable and he was just so happy and cute but also like I was never one of those girlies who had ‘baby fever’ so this dream was like half good but also I kinda sat there and was like yeah this could happen but like NOT RIGHT NOW AT ALL!
No interpretation just vibes
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ilovehimboz · 2 months
dream journal day 13
Actually was so stressed I don’t remember my dream. Sorry y’all
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