Imagine black hat having a sassy smart mouthed secretary
Well, she certainly wouldn’t be there long unless Black Hat liked the bite back...
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I've heard that 5.0.5 is immortal which explains why he wasn't so bothered when his eyes popped out after being blasted by music. Imagine him loosing his eyes every once in awhile
Sometimes it’s useful- gaining an extra height boost or for dressing up at Halloween. Most of the time it’s an accident, and he hates dusting them off after the “Oh god my eyes are not where they should be” freakout factor wears down.
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I can imagine Black Hat taking everyone to a retirement home as a meeting spot for a client and told everyone to spread and be on lookout. But Black Hat finds out the client is some 80 year old man who wants to get back on his kids for stealing his insurance money. Black Hat being a businessman(and a good person even though he won't admit it) helps the old man out, get the money back and become good friends with the oldie. He visits as much as he can and at same time try show the others (1/2)
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I’d like to propose that it’s not the good deed that convinces Black Hat to take the deal, but the intent of revenge this old man has. He’s a crotchety old grouch that wants these entitled little jerks to suffer, and Black Hat loves it.
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I know everyone keeps coming up with complex reasons for flugs paper bag, but what if like... flug wears the bag just because he couldnt be bothered buying replacement masks everytime he blew up an experiment. Villains gotta have secret identities too sometime yo
Actually? I like this.
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Imagine flug wears a bag because in highschool he asked his crush out in front of everyone and they denied him
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imagine that flug wears a bag for comfort purposes.
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What if dr.flug got sick?
He doesn’t come out of his room at all. The sound of muffled sneezes and audible wincing echoes through the manor, to the point where even Demencia gets worried. He lives off of stored chicken soup and snacks, only ever requesting 5.0.5. get him more tissues or food. That week, several trash cans filled with soiled paper bags come out of the lab and Flug stares into the distance, unblinking and sniffling ever so gently.
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So with the cannon heights out I just found out that I'm shorter then ALL OF THEM! So with that in mind how would the crew react to a S/O who's shorter then them?
Oh, neat, their heights are out and about! Let’s go and see how tall Black Hat actually is-
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oh my
Except, this is WITH his hat! Without, I’d say he’d be somewhere about 1.82 m. Not short by any means, but a good 21cm shorter. How did I come to this conclusion? I chopped off his image’s feet and put them about where the top of his head would be Complex mathematics and Paint.
Then again, Black Hat’s hat is part of him, so...
Black Hat, being tall, is used to others being shorter than he is. His business partner not quite being eye-level is fine by him. Better they’re shorter, he thinks- easier to gain the upper hand in any situation. Easier to tower behind, too, in case some belligerent jerk tries to hit on them at any point during their meetings.
Demencia didn’t know they made full grown adults that small. She supposes that they’d have to exist, but she’s never seen one. And now she knows one personally and loves them all the more for it! She gives her partner piggy back rides everywhere they go and gets them to crawl through vents she can’t quite squeeze through, to make pranks extra perfect. If she can, Demencia will lift them up by their torso and carry them around sometimes. She loves her small.
People come in all shapes and sizes, and that’s okay for Flug. Having someone smaller than him makes him feel a bit more powerful and cool, but he does tilt his head down so they have less of an angle to bop his bag off. He’s grateful for the help they are around the lab, too, even if they can’t retrieve tools from high places.He also builds them a small mech suit, since they’re small and it costs less as a proof of concept so Black Hat will stop scoffing at the idea.
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flug and dementia once brought 505 to a dog competition
He got third place.
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Imagine Flug's S/O making him airplane cookies He loves them so much he starts to cry ... That is all
Even if they taste terrible, he loves them for the effort. He needs a change of bag afterwords.
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Imagine Black hat tugging on Flug's goggles to confuse him and then letting them snap onto his face so he can laugh at his girlish yell.
Demencia does this too.
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The gangs reaction of having a taller s/o?
Demencia will very regularly use their partner to climb to new heights without using the wall. She sits on their shoulders or hangs from their neck all the time. She always cracks tall person jokes and they joke back. She loves it.
Black Hat’s a bit frustrated. He’s pretty tall in his normal form already, but his prospective business partner’s nose reaches the brim of his hat. It’s not a game breaker, but you’ll occasionally find him shape shifted to be his partners height or taller, just so they can see eye to eye.
Dr. Flug has his much taller partner get things from higher places for him, and if he’s working too much sometimes he’ll be lifted from his seat in a big tall hug. It’s a great arrangement, so the frustration of having to make an extra tall size of everything wearable for them is very worth it.
Even though 5.0.5. isn’t available for dating, he will hug his friend at all opportunities. Double bear hugs are the best kinds, he thinks.
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Quick I need headcanons. What do they all sleep like?
Good question!
For Dr. Flug, it really depends: How hard has he been working? If he hasn’t been working too hard, he usually retires at about eleven PM with some pajamas and brainstorms new ideas on a personal computer before finally flopping over at about one. Like this, he sleeps pretty well, mostly curled up on his side and tucked into a small ball.If he’s been worked to the bone, though, you’ll find him asleep at his desk, one hand gripping the invention for dear life and the other holding some tool he’s been using for the past seven and a half hours. That is where Flug sleeps for the next cycle unless he wakes himself up and drags himself to the coffee pot or his bed. If the former, he’ll eventually end up snoozing on the floor, cuddling one leg of his chair for comfort. If the latter, he’s halfway out of his clothes before he passed out on the top quilt.
Demencia sleeps like a monster. If you end up in a sleepover with her, be warned that you are in for a rough night. She usually ends up hitting the sack at sometime around two in the morning, slamming face first on the pillow and writhing around to get in a good position. She usually ends up stretched out on her left side, with her right arm in a death grip around a nearby pillow, the covers, or a person.But that is not where she stays. When she finally falls asleep, you can expect her to roll around, scoot and shuffle, fold pillows, or suddenly just have her leg shoot straight up in the air. She kicks, she cuddles, she moves around, she accidentally rips her covers off in the middle of the night. Unless you’re as heavy a sleeper as Demencia, you’re going to have a really bad time. At least she doesn’t snore.
Black Hat doesn’t need to sleep nearly as much as the average human. He tends to get some shut eye about two hours after Demencia, specifically so she won’t try to slither into his room and sneak in a cuddle or two. She does anyways, but that’s not who we’re talking about here.From four in the morning to about 7:30, Black Hat sleeps, stock still, hardly breathing, flat-as-a-board tucked in under his sheets. His signature suit is replaced by striped pajamas, his hat by a dark night cap, but somehow he’s still intimidating as all get out. Its because even as he sleeps, almost pretending to be dead, the shadows move and pulse with his shallow breaths. Dark tendrils spread across every inch of the room, and an evil presence weighs heavier than 5.0.5. He’s a really light sleeper too; make even the softest noise and the darkness retreats back to Black Hat and you are in big, big trouble. Pray that he doesn’t catch you.
5.0.5. snores. He snores and purrs (?!) and curls up into a big ball of bear, and he is very soft and very inviting. You can find Dr. Flug forced into a nap by the bears soft embrace, curled up on one of his pet beds, or Demencia draped across his side in the middle of a sunbeam. He is the nap center.
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Imagine that Dr. Flug has a weather machine. Curiously, it’s almost always set to “Thunderstorm” when it’s activated.
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imagine flug with the most FANTASTIC evil laugh. and timing. *thunder crack*
Although Black Hat is the king of evil laughter within the manor, Dr. Flug comes a close second with his scientist cackling. He always seems to do it just before a thunder clap breaks the sky...
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Imagine that Black Hat’s employment deals include relinquishing the employee’s soul to him; What exactly he uses them for is anybody’s guess.
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Imagine Demencia trying desperately to cook anything that isn’t microwavable.
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