in19gene-blog · 7 years
How Website Redesign Services Can Benefit Your Business
Internet is the best way for companies to reach their target market. It is a cheap yet rewarding investment; that is why every business wants to create a website on which it can share the information about their products or services with the consumers. After creating a website, when the businesses have got some recognition, they opt for website redesign services so that they can better compete with others in the market.
 Nowadays earning more profits is not the mission of companies, satisfying consumers is their mission instead. To fully satisfy the consumers, virtual existence through a website is really important. However, if you do not keep your website updated then you will slowly lose the interest of your customers, which can prove to be really devastating for your business. This is where website redesigning services play a major role. With the help of website redesign service your website will always stay classy according to the latest trends in the market.
 To increase the traffic on your website, you need to answer to the queries of consumers quickly and you need to show how your products and services can help them from different angles. A website redesign service will help you do that in the best way possible. It will keep on adding latest features to your website so that your customers are not bored by watching the same layout or material over and over again. Because a website is a low-cost investment, the market is getting more and more competitive each day. And in this competitive market if you do not keep on redesigning your website then you easily let your competitors win.
 However before you opt for any website redesign company, it is a good idea that you gain some knowledge about website redesigning so that when a web development company is explaining you some technical material, you are able to understand what they are telling you. Afterwards, before choosing any website redesign service you should do some background research to confirm if the service is authentic or not otherwise you may bear some losses. The team of professionals you want to hire for redesigning your website should have years of experience, positive testimonials from other consumers and certain certifications or rewards. You should also check out their portfolio and previous work so that you have an idea about their style. Make sure you explain them in detail what type of redesign and how much you want so that they make changes on your website according to your plan. In the end, you should compare the prices of different web development companies, negotiate with them and then choose the one that is offering you great service while charging you lowest price. Reassure that website redesign service is not fooling you in any way by taking advice from reliable friends or colleagues.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Website Redesigning Process and Services
Redesigning a website
 The process of redesigning a website involves editing the physical looks of the web pages and modifying the code to make it more user friendly to gain more traffic. The ultimate aim of website redesign is to improve the time, the visitors would stay with your webpage before they navigate to another search and also about making the users to visit to your website again.
 Search Engine Optimization for Website Redesign
 There are a few factors which have to be given importance while redesigning a website. The primary characteristic is the page load time. The visitors to your website may get irritated when it takes a long time to load pages. It is necessary to alter the code if you have such problems. The second parameter is the content which you have in your website and the degree of its uniqueness. You can make necessary amendments based on the feedback for your website. You can be a visitor yourself and write down what alterations you feel that users would like. The third parameter is the people needs. You would not have given enough importance to the keywords searched by people. You can alter your keywords and make necessary corrections in the content accordingly.
 Website redesign services
 You could modify the contents in the website better than the companies that do redesign services but when you want to improve external factors like navigation to your website, (i.e.) how are visitors able to find your website, or factors like redirecting to a new website with URL modifications, then the website redesign services come to your rescue. These companies are specialized in coding that the spider of the search engines would look through while crawling your website. They help in improving your page rank and increasing traffic for your website. The price for website redesign varies from company to company, and depending upon the worth of your website, the magnitude of content and the requirements you need in terms of search engine optimization.
 Important Points to remember in redesigning process
 Sometimes there are chances for your website to lose traffic if the redesigning is not done properly. Therefore you must be very careful in this process and make sure everything is done properly. The cost you incur for redesigning the site must be worth it. It is necessary that you test yourselves as a user and check if you find differences after the redesigning process.
 Some Tips in redesigning
 Social bookmarking can be very useful for users to find your website. There are several social bookmarking sites like twitter available, which you could use to promote your site. You can add links to SEO directories to improve visibility in search engines. Significant care must be taken to update the contents because visitors do not want to look on outdated information. Adding forums in your website can help you as well as the users. Maintaining constant touch with the users by adding options for them to subscribe to your news-feed, information etc. can be helpful.Thus by redesigning your website, keeping in mind all these parameters, you can enjoy more traffic and improve your page rank in the search engine results.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
How to Find a Good Web Designer - Developer
Choosing a good web designer is not just about getting some guy to build you a good looking web site. There are many factors that can and will affect the success of your site. For you to know what qualifies as a good designer/developer you need to be educated. That is the intention of this article.
 I believe that your web site development begins with a plan. A solid plan that incorporates search engine optimization,(SEO) and usability at its foundation. Building your web site in this manner will enable your SEO to be much easier with just minor tweaking and updating. At the time of this writing it is still not yet possible for search engine spiders, a.k.a: robots, to make sense of everything you have on your website.
 Spiders love text. They don't read javascript and they do not have the ability to read complex flash text or images. Making sure that your entire web site including all its pages are indexed by the spiders is essential. If they can't see your pages, it may as well not be there.
 So what does all this mean to you in your search for a web designer or web developer. In case you're wondering why I refer to designer and developer as if they're two different things, the fact is, is that they are.(if you want to be technical). Web designer seems to be the general term thrown about as one who makes or builds web pages. However this is usually the person who designs the physical appearance of the web site. He usually just works with images. Since there's more to building a functional web site than just pretty pictures and fancy moving graphics, it may surprise you that a web page can in fact also be a computer program, or more appropriately, a web application. This is the behind the scenes code that gives the site its intelligence, so to speak. Some web designers are only responsible for completing a physical design for your site. If they don't code in HTML or CSS, the design usually photoshop or fireworks, then goes to the coder, who actually puts it all together using html, CSS and in some instances a scripting languages like PHP, asp.net or ruby for back end programming. The end result is a web page that renders in the users browser and depending on whether some scripting was included, also allows the user to interact with the page and make choices and decisions. This is the very short version of a somewhat complex subject.
 If you can keep this in mind when you go over the contract it will help you understand why the programming aspect (developing) of your site is usually pricier. Any serious web design company will have an in depth contract and should not hesitate to explain details of the contract to you.
 The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines standards and best practices for web design and development and you should make it a point to ask your web guy whether they will be designing your website with standards compliant code. This just means adhering to the W3C standard.
 If they say that they intend designing the layout of your web page using tables, insist that they don't. For two reasons:
 Using tables for layout is not standards compliant and could adversely impact page loading times. (not good) The more code in your page the larger the file and the larger the file the longer it takes to download.
Updating and maintaining web pages will be much harder, and could take longer, which may translates more being more expensive.
When you think of your website project try thinking ahead and plan for the long term. You want a site that is extendible and can be managed more easily. Best practices are not called such for no reason. I stress this point because it's an important one.
 A portfolio will give you a glimpse of what the designer / developer is capable of will allow you to see the design style. Any web designer with sense won't include customers in their portfolio who were not happy. It's bad for business. Searching for a good designer in reputable online listings is a good place to find a web designer or any other service for that matter where the company or individual will be rated by the public.
 It is of greater importance to that firm that they perform well since their rating is available for the public to see. An example of such listings would be Yahoo's Local Search listings, or online Yellow pages. A good source for finding a good web designer is to speak to people who you know who have had first hand experience and who built their web sites. If people have been given good service they usually don't have any problem recommending their designer to you.
 It is OK to ask for a mock up site. Usually designers will tend to make 2 mock ups for you to compare and sometimes they may even show you an array of various web styles and templates prior to commencing. This is a way of narrowing down the style, how many columns, colors and themes he will need to design for.
 The web developer needs to advise you on every aspect of the design process. He should educate you and explain in very plain terms the reasons for doing things. Don't just take his word for it. Ask why. He needs to give attention to what content you intend putting on your site also, because SEO is all about content, keywords and relevance. Obviously the content decided on is ultimately the client's decision, but a responsible designer should inform you of how you could optimize your content. It is important to note that some web designers usually are not experts at SEO and there are specific SEO companies or individuals that do just that, however it is best if they work hand in hand with the designer of your website. If you do find a web designer that can do a good job of SEO then you stand a better chance of your web site being easier to market and rank.
 So here are a few points I believe would make an overall good choice in a web designer/developer.
 Expresses the importance in planning your site for user friendliness
Understands good web design that is standards compliant
Can think through the eyes of the potential visitor of the clients site
Uses colors well and researches the target audience.
Educates the client and explains web terminology in layman's terms.
Plans a site from SEO perspective, with attention to file structure and naming schemes.
If doing any programming, all the above applies and also strong focus on usability of the application. Easy user interface, secure and full featured to name a few..
These points are by no means the hard and fast rule, its just a guide. However, I believe most importantly above all, you should get good service. Good quality service is the best marketing tool for any business and you should expect it.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
What Do Web Designers/Developers Have in Common?
When you start looking into the fields of web design and web development, they may look as though they are completely different and require totally different sets of skill. If that were the case, though, how is it that so many web designers/ developers are able to successfully combine both functions?
 Web design tends to be looked on as the more creative aspect of building a website and, to a large extent, this is true. What is also true, however, is that web development may also require a lot of creativity in coming up with solutions to designing problems. Thus web designers/ developers both require a certain amount of creativity in order to complete their separate tasks effectively.
 Web design requires an eye for detail - you need to know exactly where to put those small finishing touches to complete the website design. This is yet another thing web designers/ developers have in common. Web developers also need to have an eye for detail. Writing lines of code can be tedious and it is easy to slip up and leave out a punctuation mark or something of the sort. The website developer needs to have a good eye to be able to pick out inconsistencies in the code.
 They both require a great deal of technical knowledge and skill. There is no denying that getting a website designed and developed requires a wide range of skills and technical know-how. In order to acquit themselves of their respective tasks properly, both website designers and website developers need to be proficient at their chosen professions and keep their skills up to date.
 By the very natures of their jobs, you would not think that both web designers/ developers would need to be very good with people. After all, web developers need to work mainly with code. In reality, however both web designers developers must be good with people, albeit for different reasons. The website designer must be good with people so that he/ she can deal with their individual needs and translate these needs into a workable design. The website developer needs to be good with people because web development often incorporates an element of project management and teamwork. At the very least, both the website designers and website developers will have to have an understanding of how the other thinks in order to make the design work really well in practice.
 So, in the final count, the two roles are not as divergent as they at first appeared to be. The roles are remarkably similar in that the qualities required for both are very similar. That would explain why the roles can be successfully combined.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Web Design / Development Basics
If you are interested in learning more about web design / development then there are several things that you will need to keep in mind. First of all, you have to decide whether to do the designing and development work on your own. Secondly, you need to be sure whether you are more interesting in hiring a professional to take care of things for you.
 Whether you do the web design / development work on your own or even if you hire a professional you will want to make sure that everything is kept simple and there should not be any clutter. This means that you should not lose control by adding all kinds of nifty Photoshop effects on the site. This will clutter things up and that in turn will turn visitors off. The best thing that you should do is keep things simple and you should also avoid clutter as much as is possible.
 Secondly, you need to communicate your message visually in a professional and user-friendly way. You must make sure that your site communicates well in a visual way with your visitors. You also need to use the right colors for projecting a suitable image of your site.
 Thirdly, you need to makes sure that your site has rich content. Your site should offer content that is interesting to the visitor. This will motivate the visitor to stay on your site. Though visuals attract visitors the simple truth is that content is what keeps them coming back for more. The content should be updated and the language should be conversational and lively as well as positive.
 Fourthly, you have to make sure that you are maintaining narrow text. By narrowing the text layout you can make sure that your visitors will not become bored because of having to scroll sideways to read all the text. You may have noticed that newspapers keep text narrow as it enables the reader to focus on the text. The same is the case with online text.
 Fifthly, you need to make sure that the web design is consistent across the entire site. If the design is not consistent it will make it hard for visitors to find critical information. All pages should have the same combination of colors and the main link must be placed in the right area of the site. Also, make sure that the main link is placed in a consistent way.
 Making visitors return to your site is another goal of proper web design / development. In addition, it is also important to stick to conventions and you also need to make sure that your site can be opened in all the different browsers and not just in Internet Explorer.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Web Design Developers - Offering the Right Look For Your Website
For most of us the art for web design and web development may sound simple and always a matter of ease! But in reality things can become tough for you and you will surely require perfect web design developers in order to accomplish web design and web development like tasks for your website. However, it's the theme and the purpose of the website that always plays a vital part for web design and web development like tasks. For an example, if you are initiating a website to spread out information among the web visitors, then suggestively the designing part of your website needs to be bit informative and relevant to the information supplied.
 If you are announcing such a website through which you can sell products and services, then the designing part of the website needs to based on selling point of view and sales undertone. Apart from these things, there are also few other important aspects which you need to look for and that can bring more values for your website and its design part. Among all these important aspects graphics and images for your website plays a significant part. These are the key elements for any website that can bring in the right look and feel for it.
 In simple terms you can say that there are few important factors that leaf the way for making a website more effective and beautiful. However, its always vital to keep in mind that its your website that will work as a perfect gateway through which your potential customers will move for your business. In this regard the web design developers can bring you more help. These are the professionals that can generate some effective design for your website.
 It's not all about attractive design but it's all about creating the most convenient gateway for your customers to buy your products and services. In an online market people now go for the custom web site design & development all along with how much of time it may take to load. As if web site looks fine & website loading time is very high visitors still may not stay for very long time. In conclusion, quantity and quality must go together and these factors described if work & interact with one another. All the tools should serve just one mission of the web site- and it is the message for all site designers. Also, there are lots of criteria that define quality of the websites.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Understanding the Different Types of Logo Design
As logo designs are specific to companies and upholds their brand identity, designing logos is entirely a subjective and creative profession. Taking up this job requires the designer to consider various critical factors. Creative efficiency plays a vital role while taking logo design decisions.
 Although clients will discuss the scope, appearance and objective of a logo before the designer conceptualizes it, it should be kept in mind that the designer is in fact, the better person to understand the scope of a logo.
 There are clients who will often demand fulfillment of exact specifications, such as "Make the logo colour red", "Adjust font size to 16 pt", "Set a circular image", etc. This not only narrows the scope of the designer, but also gives him hardly any opportunity to attempt something different. However, there are also clients who trust the decisions of a designer and gives him the liberty to bring their innovative thoughts into action.
 While attempting to design an eye-catching brand logo design, you must carefully choose the right elements for the design. However, where most designers fumble is in their choice of types of logo. The following points will assist you make the right choice while working on client projects:
 Type-based Logos:Type based or textual design is a common form of logo design. Here, you may mention the name of the company in either a plain or stylized typeface. This helps register the name of the company in the minds of the customer at the first look. For instance, the logos of famous brands like FedEx, Google, Microsoft, YouTube, etc. has given them their brand identity.
 Symbol-based Logos:Symbol based logos are based on specific symbols. Here, the company name is not visible in the logo. So, you are required to be creative with the designs so as to generate a lasting impression on customers. The symbol may include a pictogram, a figure, a mark or a specific symbol that portrays what the company stands for. Famous brands like Apple, Puma and Shell makes use of such a logo design to represent their corporate identity.
 Abstract Logos: Many companies make use of abstract logos to represent their brand identity. Such logos use innovative signs or graphics that sums up the identity of the company for the target audience. However, as a designer, you should keep in mind that creating such a logo requires you to do a detailed research about the company. For instance, LabVantage Inc., a software company, uses a logo that has a reverse "V" sign to indicate their growth potential.
 Initial Based Logo: You may also opt to form you client's logo based on their initials. Use brief initials instead of using lengthy names to represent your client's trademark. This makes the brand known by the acronym used. For instance, the logos of Honda and Mac Donald's best qualify as an initial based logo where they use 'H' and 'M', respectively.
 Badge Style Logos: Badge or emblem style logo is mostly used to represent automobile, sports brands or universities. The logos of car brands like BMW, Mercedes or universities like Howard or Oxford have badge style logos.
 Whatever be the style of logo you choose, you should always keep in mind that custom logo design is not an easy task. Use your skills to the best to create something that sets a benchmark standard for other companies in the same sector.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Winning Logo Design Tips
A logo represents a company's ideas, nature, values and its vision for the future. The purpose of a logo is to create an ever-lasting impression in people's mind about a company and its values. People should be able to relate a company's quality and values through its logo. A unique and timeless logo design plays a pivotal role in building a company's brand image.
 Contrary to the usual perspective of most designers, a logo need not be a masterpiece in the world of design. A logo need not be a proof of a designer's designing prowess and need not flaunt the latest trends in the world of logo design. People judge a company by its logo and the logo is judged based on the elements that form its design. Here are a few tips on designing a logo which can be useful in creating a unique and memorable design:
 Unique Design
 A logo should always stand out among competition. It must be unique in such a way that people relate the logo only to a single company and are not confused as to which company the logo belongs to.
 According to the latest logo design news, experts suggest not to follow logo fads and trends. A well designed logo is timeless and holds value even after several years since its inception.
 It is important to note how a simple three-pointed star has been the sole logo of Mercedes-Benz even after around 80 years since the company came out with the logo. The logo has seen many a wars and economic downturns, yet surviving in people's minds and is one of the most recognized logo worldwide.
 Experts also warn against copying or getting inspired by another company's logo design. Such an approach not only results in being sued over trademark violations, but also gives a message to the world that your company doesn't have its own identity.
 Adaptable Design
 In a world where publicity materials can vary from being as small as a brochure to largely circulated magazines to business cards to websites, a logo should be designed in such a way that it looks equally good and equally compact on all these forms of display items. The logo should consist of readable text, not too small, not too big.
 One can see how the logos of companies like AT&T, HP, IBMetc have logos that are not only compact but are adaptable across all kinds of media.
 Keep your Logo Simple
 Simplicity always goes hand in hand with beauty. Simple fonts like Times New Romans, Helvetica and Arial make the logo easily readable. Also, most of the companies listed on Fortune 500, use less than three colors and have minimal variations in the fonts used. It is widely accepted by experts in logo design that too many colors and fonts can spoil an image and make it less retainable.
 One good example of a simple logo design is that of Apple Inc. The logo, which is nothing but an apple with a bite taken off on one side, is again one of the most recognized logos in the world today. Also, the colorful apple logo design was dropped by the company as it entered the modern era of technology and kept itself in sync with the world while keeping its fundamental concept of an apple intact.
 A company should always try to express its business, its culture, its values and more importantly its vision through a simple, unique and adaptable logo design.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
The Top Don'ts for Unique Logo Design
In this article, we will talk about some must-known logo design tips and summarized them to a list with 8 "Don'ts" rules. If you are enthusiast in logo designing, you may note that an excellent logo design should identify your brand or business ideas marketing target and strategy, give good impression to the public. Here the following designing tips, Most of them not only aim at a great logo design, but also focus on unique and original creations. Hope they can help your design logos in a smart way.
 Some Don'ts List:
 1. DO NOT miss any flash of inspirations.
 Draw any of ideas down with pencil as much as you can. Please note that you'd better draw black-and-white logos as drafts at the beginning. It is a practical way for you to distinguish better and weak designs.
 2. DO NOT combine more than two font styles in one logo design.
 Sometimes, more means less. More font styles existing in one design may cause chaotic problems. Too many factors cannot grab the attentions. People may not catch the focus of your design. So if not necessary, please use just one or two font styles in your logo. Actually, most of logo designs are combination logos, which include symbol and logo text together. In the case, we only need one type of font style for matching.
 3. DO NOT use more than three colors in one logo's color scheme.
 If you are not willing to design multi-color or rainbow logos, do not use three colors in one logo. It only made your logo flowery but not beautiful.
 4. DO NOT copy other designs or ideas.
 Unique logo design concept is always driven by the different business locations, objectives and also your client's ambitions. If follow other's design, you will get nothing but just the accusation of plagiarism.
 5. DO NOT always draw symbols and shapes with just rectangles and roundness.
 Sometimes irregular shapes, unlike others, can lead the way in logo designs. So keeps your brain ticking over and do some changes on details. It will make your logo standing out.
 Note: using vector rather than bitmap image since bitmap is not a good choice for stretching. Jagged edges always make the logo design go down.
 6. DO NOT make the logos more and more complex.
 Simple logos are usually more memorable than others. Do not let your logo get too complicated, only if you are confident that you can control the complex huge designs.
 7. DO NOT leave logo without drop shadow and gradient.
 There are some long-standing effects that most designers often used. For example, you can use shadow, reflection, glow, and gradient. Try to use them flexibly, but not frequently. Please note again, less is more and less is better.
 8. DO NOT work behind closed door.
 Learn and get inspired from other designers' logo artworks. Try to find out the ingenious creations and also the shortcomings of their work. But don't copy them. Please refer to the next tip.
 9. DO NOT design logos for Web usage only.
 Most of the time, one logo design will be used for different practical requirements, such as for the web and for the print (like on business card, letterhead, brochure, invitation letter and even hat). Please make sure your design will get good quality in all cases before showing them to your client.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Why Should You Go For Custom Logo Design?
Have you ever wondered what is there in the design of a particular logo that makes it stick to the back of your head? Have you ever pondered some time thinking why your brain associates itself with a particular company whenever you see a particular design in the print media or on the TV? These are all due to logo design. Whenever you like a particular product or company your brain associates itself with the designs of the logo of that company. Not only the design of the logo, your brain also associates itself with the jingles that accompany advertisements of famous products and organizations. Case in point is the famous theme track of all James Bond movies.
 The moment a person hears those tracks that know that it has something to do with James Bond. The same is applicable to a business logo design too. There are many organizations that go in for without even pondering to think about the importance of that small piece of art. They just do not know the importance that design will have bear in the future and they just select the first logo company their search results provides them with. One small error in the design will remain stuck with the company forever and by the time they either realize or are pointed out the flaws in the design; it is too late to make amends. One should always seek the services of professional logo design services to ensure that they get the custom logo design they are seeking for.
 There are many professional logo design companies who will create a professional logo for your organization, but even they require some information and feedback from your end in order to create a perfect logo. If you are looking for someone who can render a professional logo design, it is recommended that you take the help of advertising agencies. They are your best bet when you are seeking is a graphic designer and creator. Simon Nelson writes on various business related topics which help others to start up and boost up their business. Get more valuable information about being a custom logo design for your organization. These advertising agencies have their own research & planning department along with their own art studio and they also employ professionals who know what sells. Remember, your logo is your organization's mascot and it represents your organization, hence it is important that it has a unique and custom logo design that stands out from the designs of the logos of your competitors.
 There are some smart people who do not want to pay the high charges that the advertising agencies demand. These smart people know that there are programs that are designed just for creating professional logos. What these people do not know is that these programs have pre-defined logos. In order to create a custom logo design using these programs using this software, one has to first select any design from the software's collection. The same is altered a bit over here and a bit over there to give the shape a unique design. After that one can change the color according to its choice. Simon is a graphic designer and creative writer on various business related topics which help others to start up and boost up their business. Get more valuable infologin4mailsrmation about combinations of the logo to one that suits the standard colors of the company for which the logo is being designed.
 Most professional companies have their own unique color combination that is used in all their stationery and the same should be followed for their custom logo design. Once this is over, the software allows the user to add some text that can be set in a straight or curved path. Once all these steps have been completed, the entire image can be exported as a graphic corporate logo design,best logo design,company logo design,custom logo design file and can be sent to the printers for printing on letterheads, visiting cards and other official stationery. What the users of this software do not know is that the same program is being used by tens of thousands of semi-professionals all over the world to create some other custom logo design.
 They are being termed as semi-professionals, since no graphic professional worth their salt will ever use such programs with pre-designed logos. Professional graphic artists and typographers prefer to use their own brains and vision to create something unique, which will stand apart from the pack. After all, they are charging you such a huge amount of money for creating your organizations custom logo design. There is one more important point that one should remember when getting their logos designed. They should not act in haste and allow the designers sufficient time to re-work on the design, till they are sure that it is satisfactory. The image of the logo should appear to be a part of your company. Try to add elements in the design that shows the nature of your company's business.
 A famous example is that of a gramophone record company. Their logo depicts a dog listening intently to the horn of an old gramophone player. Yes, the players of olden days used a horn to amplify the sound of the record. Can you imagine how many things does this logo depict? The record goes to show the logo is that of a company that deals with records. The horn is used to show that this organization has been round for ages. The dog listening to the sound emitting from the horn wants to convey the faithful reproduction of sound one should expect when they are playing records of that company. No prizes foe guessing the name of the company, but this classic example goes to show how many things a logo can portray. These are some of the points you too should keep in mind before you plan to get a custom logo design for your organization. Remember, the logo is the heart and soul of your company and they are the biggest and most important representatives of your organization too. 365 days a year, the logo of your company keeps reminding people about the presence of your company through your organization's ads, letterheads, visiting cards and gifts.
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Need Help With E-Commerce Web Development?
However, if you're at the helm of running a business, you'll have enough to contend with. Effectively managing your e-commerce marketing may well be the last thing on your mind. However, in an increasingly technical age, awareness of your web presence is vital to your company's success.
 Whether you're just starting out and want to build up your brand from scratch, or you're an established business-owner wanting to improve your SEO, you may need to use someone to handle your e-commerce web development.
 When it comes to browsing a website, we all know what makes for a pleasant consumer experience - we want eye-catching, modern design the ability to navigate the site quickly and easily. However, it's not always as easy as it looks. As every business owner will know, web management can be incredibly time-consuming, and not necessarily something you should attempt yourself.
 It's best to leave some things to the experts. Specialists in e-commerce and web design will be able to get you fully operational in no time. Whether you're looking to set up yourself as a new business or increase your current customer base, effective management of your online marketing strategy could make a huge difference to your sales and reputation.
 You'll want to keep your website up to date with any current business information, so that your customers can see that you're on top of things. This may sound simple, but it is something that a lot of businesses can easily get wrong, resulting in a decrease in custom.
 If you're operating sales from your website, you'll want to make sure you're using a recognised platform. A secure payment gateway is crucial. If your website's payment system is not via a trusted and certified source, customers will be hesitant to make purchases. If this is something that goes over your head, an online marketing company can take care of it for you.
 Experts in e-commerce and online marketing will also be able to offer a range of other services, including logo design, brand management and social media management. If you're looking to build your business from the ground up, or freshen up your marketing materials, it might be worth thinking about employing an expert to help you make an impression.
 If you decide to enlist professional help, make sure you find someone who can offer you a customised service. A good online marketing expert will listen intently to their customer, and pay attention to the unique requirements of every business. A reputable firm should have a catalogue of earlier work, so it's worth asking to see past examples of successful websites.
 You should look for the right blend of experience and creativity when employing someone to help with your online marketing materials. You'll want to find someone with technical expertise who is fully knowledgeable about SEO, website coding and social media, as well as someone with artistic flair who can recreate your vision.
 Your website will need to be a quick and seamless experience for it to gain visitors and make more sales. A good web development company will make sure your site is in full working order before it goes live. As with all aspects of your online marketing campaign, you should have the final say over what goes out into the public sphere.
 Before your website goes live, make sure you are happy with the design - you'll want your corner of the internet to drive traffic, create excitement in the user and bring new business. Be sure your site has been maximized for search engine optimisation, and that all your relevant social media pages are properly linked.
diego web design | Farnborough Hampshire web design agencies
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Tips For Choosing The Right Web Designing Company
Today, every single business owner deems the design of the website as the most customary and fundamental aspect that paves their way to stride forward and establish a mighty presence in the online dominion. An omnipotent medium that Internet is, it witnesses some billion dollars trade affairs, each day. Be it hiring of a service, making payments or simple e-commerce trading, ceaseless transactions are being processed and confirmed via Internet, at every hour of the day. Amidst such fierce competition, the business entrepreneurs all over the globe are relentlessly seeking ways and formulating new strategies to allure the targeted set of web audience and carve a winning edge over their competitors. Internet marketing, SEO, social media promotions, video marketing - all have become the integral parts of business strategy, but the thing that plays the authoritative role for an online business's success is the look, feel and the design of the website. The site's design, without any doubt, is the elementary thing which can trigger the interest of a visitor to the very best and make the site stand out in the competitive pack.
 In order to carve the winning edge, the need of the hour is to depart from the stereotype designing elements, navigation tools, flashes and frames and embrace designing innovation and integrate jaw dropping graphics, while developing a user-friendly interface. The breakout trend of visual story telling will not only enthrall the online audience but will also place your website in a royal niche. However, choosing the right web designing company is not an easy task. There are certain things that the webmasters must consider before closing a deal with a particular firm. The following paragraphs provide some important tips for choosing the right web designing company.
 1. Consider the Experience of a Firm and Have a Cursory Glance at their Portfolio
Primarily, consider the relevant years of experience of the designing company in the niche industry. "Seeing is believing" is the thumb rule and thus, you should make it a point to go through the company's portfolios and the projects they have handled. Evaluate the grade of the designing projects and decide whether their skill set befits your exact requirements. You can go ahead and ask for the contact details of couple of their clients and enquire them about their experience of working with the company.
 2. Consider the Cost of Service
The cost of service varies from one web designing company to the other. While some have high set-up costs and affordable recurring fees, it can simply be the other way round with other companies. Every web designing company have hourly or daily rate of service. As a client, you should take your own time to glance through the company's portfolios, and assess whether their quality of work rightly corresponds with the rate they charge.
 3. Search Engine Friendliness
Creating eye-appealing design is not all; rather, the design of the site has to be search engine friendly. So, while hiring a web design company, you need to be sure that the designer are aware of the search engine friendly designing attribute. The designers must adhere to some basic principles so as to make the webpages easily 'crawlable' by the search engine bots. For instance, in SEO friendly web designing services, the designers should avoid using Frames and Flash in websites as these designing components tend to obstruct the search engine robots to crawl a page quickly.
 It is not that difficult to find a professional web designing company, but it is really a demanding task when you need to make a choice between the different firms and choose the best in the business.
web design and development Farnborough Hampshire | Farnborough Hampshirewebdesign
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Good Ecommerce Web Design Company
The first and foremost point that you should look for is whether the web development company has the variety of services that you necessitate for the success of your business or not. These services may include e commerce website design, content designing, logo designing, ecommerce web hosting etc. You should also keep in mind that the website design company that you opt for choosing will be able to provide all the latest updated services as and when your business will enhance. Farnborough Hampshire web Design Company has the ability to prove all such most up-to-date services and give your business a new looks as it grows.
 It is also necessary to evaluate the previous works done by the ecommerce web design company and compare it with other web design companies side by side. Clarify whether that company consists of qualified professional and able to use the latest updated techniques or not. If the company that you have chosen is well established and have substantial experiences in this field, then it will not charge for your initial assessment. You can come to known their quotes and details of their work, make certain by reading the feedbacks and testimonials of their clients directly from their website. Farnborough Hampshire webs Design Company have sufficient high qualified professional website designers possessing latest technical knowledge.
 Apart from updated latest technology and ecommerce website development, you will also want online store design in order to look unique and exceptional. For this you need to search ecommerce web development companies that have the quality of creativity and imagination to build up such a website that meets your criteria and fulfill the intention of developing your online store also. The ecommerce website design company should also have the capability of other ecommerce solutions like advertising and marketing division that will consist of all internet marketing strategies. Farnborough Hampshire webs Design Company will fulfill all such requirements.
 The ecommerce web hosting techniques should have the capability to meet the special needs aspects of your ecommerce company. Once you have successfully designed your ecommerce website and updated it with all latest ecommerce technology and software, you are required to pay special attention customer relationship management (CRM) also. The CRM optimization allows you to achieve your goals, optimize resources and adapt easily with the changes. Through this ecommerce software, the customers re transferred to the associated agents and the process continue till the client is satisfied.
 As we all know customers are the king, attracting the customers is the key of the success of the business. A healthy relationship with the customer and satisfaction increases the volume of the business. CRM optimization is as important as the ecommerce website design and plan is. It will not only support you to maintain good relation with customers by satisfying them and caring for security but also helps you to understand the current market situation which is highly fruitful for your business development.
website redesign Farnborough Hampshire | web design Farnborough Hampshirecalifornia
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Website Redesign - Benefits
These websites are perfect candidates for web redesign services. When redesigning a website, it is important to plan ahead of time before the design process begins to find out what the primary goals of the new design will be. Is the design process going to focus on attracting new customers or will it focus on catering to existing clients? After the goals have been set, you can begin the process of redesigning your site.
 If your goals are to rank higher, you want to consider the benefits and disadvantages of different types of designs and embedded material and how it will effect your SEO. Certain "best practices" strategies can be used in creating a good SEO friendly site. One of the most effective strategies is in CSS programming. Using CSS to set up your website layout will effectively separate your HTML from each element's style (CSS). This will make it a lot faster for Search Engines to be able to index your content because they are essentially skipping the additional code that defines the look of a site. At Saba SEO, we pride ourselves of using CSS programming whenever possible instead of resorting to convenient tables for your page's layout. If you need a website design that is consistent and easy to edit, you may also want to consider building a website template and creating a dynamic content library. A template and library items will allow you to easily make changes to repeating parts of your site without having to make the same changes over and over to each page.
 You may also want to subscribe to website design best practice standards to ensure your site meets the proven criteria for easy customer conversion, and lead generation. Upon reaching a website, it is natural for a visitor's sight to begin on the top left hand side of a website and begin reading left or down from there in an "F" or "Z" pattern. By organizing your webpage material accordingly, you can make certain aspects of your site more prominent. A "free consultation" button on the lower right hand of the page will not be as visible as a button which falls within this "Z" or "F" pattern. Many visitors also avoid scrolling through a page, choosing to keep their cursor closer to the top of the window. For this reason, it is also recommended that all of the web pages' important content fall above the fold (bottom of the visible page before scrolling down).
 Each page of a website should also incorporate some sort of "call to action," which will serve as an incentive to your visitors to take action. Perhaps it is to sign up for your company newsletter, or it can be a lead generating form. Either way, you want these things to be prominent so that they are not skipped. It was not uncommon in the past that these "calls to action" were mostly reserved for the website's home page, but with "Landing Page Optimization" (a way to make each page in a website unique and draw visitors) it is possible to have your interior pages act like small catching nets, acting like mini home pages. For this reason, a call to action must be included in every page to ensure that all of your visitors are given the option of taking action. Otherwise, you will only gain leads from those pages displaying the call to action.
 Other good practices also include clear navigation, and targeted content. If a visitor cannot find their way around your site or links lead to irrelevant information, your site will suffer from a high bounce rate. This means that visitors may come to your site, and quickly leave. You can avoid this by making a visit to your site a pleasant experience.
webdesignFarnborough Hampshire | web agency Farnborough Hampshire
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
About the Website Redesign
In the first place, you should check if the keywords you chose are well chosen by gathering info from keywords tools, Google Analytics or Google webmaster tools and see some realistic and representative reports. Then, you have to check your backlinks in Yahoo Site Explorer, Majestic SEO or Open Site explorer.
 Also check out your Google Analytics account for your unique visitors, most visited pages or content and conversion rate. The conversion rate must not be less than 5%, as this means you are getting no contacts through your website.
 If you are a Flash adept, you must know that sites built in Flash are more difficult to be crawled and therefore it is more difficult for them to rank properly. Talk to a consultant and get a more exhaustive explanation. Also, if your website is full with Javascript code, functions and scripts should be included within the pages, not in an external file.
 If you have tables on your website, you should know that < table > tags are not advisable to be used anymore, as they are now replaced with < div> tags, which help the page load faster, and page load speed is an important criterion for Google evaluation of your site.
 Further, content is very important and any outdated information must be deleted or updated. You should install a Content Management System (CMS) and repair broken links. Also, 404 error pages must offer the visitor a chance to go back or go to a viable page. Last but not least, you need to check how your website looks in all web browsers, not just one.
webdesignFarnborough Hampshire | web agency Farnborough Hampshire
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Web Development Services at Its Finest
what can a web developer do to enhance the internet experience of users who will visit your website? A software developer or engineer and popularly recognized as web developer manages the development of the distributed network applications in your website that go through the HTTP protocol from the internet server to an online browser.
 You can find Farnborough Hampshire web developer almost in all kinds of organizations. These may include large companies and corporations, small companies, medium sized companies, governments and even as independent contractors. Most of the web engineers work as full-time personnel of a single company, while other developers may choose to work as freelance contractors or consultants managed by employment agencies.
 There are different levels on the type of work being performed by web developers. Because the modern web applications most of the time contain three or more kinds of tiers, each developer on a team of engineers may specialize on one or more of these applications and tiers. They may even perform more interdisciplinary tasks. For instance, in a three person team of consultants, one developer's role may focus on technologies sent to the client that may integrate JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. The second developer may work on the server-side support, which are utilized in the delivery of scripts and content to the client. The third software engineer's focal role might be the interaction procedure between the web server, database system, server-side and frameworks of the web.
 The responsibilities of a web developer vary since web development service is a diverse term for any tasks related to the enhancement of website performance for the intranet or the World Wide Web. This job most of the time integrates configuration of a web server, e-commerce business development, client side / server side scripting and web content development.
 It is important for you to take note that web development is separated into two groups: the client-side coding that covers the facets of design and layout and the server-side coding, which envelops the back end programs and functionality of your website.
 You must also ensure that the web developer that you will hire can provide your website with its much needed security. This should integrate data entry error verification and checking through filtering output, forms and encryption. Keep in mind that without high regard to security, the scripts of your site may be exploited and will consequently grant access to unauthorized internet users', who can collate information like passwords, credit card numbers and email addresses. Your web developer should at all times search for security holes in your web applications and also keep all your web applications up to date.  
web design Farnborough Hampshireca | website developer Farnborough Hampshire
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in19gene-blog · 7 years
Choose A Web Designer
There is no way you would trust your kids, pets, or cars with just anyone. You should take the same approach when choosing a web designer. Before allowing just anyone to go to work on your site, you have to know the proper steps to take in choosing one. Do your research and make sure that you get a web design agency that is worth what you are paying them to do the work.
 First of all, you have to know what your expectations are for your website and have them clearly laid out for your web designer. You are going to want to do certain things through your site and these goals must be established. Let the companies know that you are looking to expand your brand, build sales, or announce a new business. Make sure that they are capable of fulfilling these requirements.
 Do the math of cost versus value when it comes to paying a web designer. You may think that cutting corners in hiring a professional is going to save you money. However, in the world of web design, you are going to most likely get what you pay for. It is going to be worth putting in the extra money up front for the higher profits later.
 Ask the company you are researching if they have any proof of what they have done in terms of making money for other clients. They should be able to give you evidence of how their work has helped other companies make a profit in the past.
 You can also ask testimonials and other data from the web designer that you are considering for your website. Even if they have not been in business that long, they should be able to show you how they have assisted other industries related to yours in reaching their goals. If they cannot produce satisfying results, it is time to move on to another company.
 Even if you are a tech savvy person, web designers complete a pretty complex job. If there is something happening to your page that you do not understand, do not be afraid to ask questions. You have the right to communicate with your professional so that you can better comprehend what is happening and why. Talk to your potential web design group about their ability and openness in communication.
 Review other sites that the web designer has completed for content. The writing on the web page is the most important part of the design. Sure fancy artwork and designs look nice and me be appealing to the customer, however these do not really get the message across. Whether you are in charge of the content or if someone else is, be sure that it is essential to the design team.
 Finally, talk about the strategy your web design team has planned. No matter how detailed or how simple your product is going to be, there should be a plan of action to make sure your last goals and expectations are going to be reached. Your agency should be able to show you all the steps they have in mind to help you get where you want to be.
Farnborough Hampshire web design agency | web design agency Farnborough Hampshire
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