infiniteko · 4 hours
hiii kodaa would you ever consider making a discord? not necessarily to teach ppl things but just to create a community of “ “ followers? i think it would be fun hehe
up to u tho ofc !
sorry, what's discord
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infiniteko · 5 hours
Hiyaaa, I don't know If you ever heard about Edward Art ? Do you agree with him in some things?
Hi, I have heard of him and his videos are heavily influenced by Neville. I agree on few things but mostly disagree or I'm just like "hm🤷🏻"
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infiniteko · 6 hours
Hi, I just wanted to show that Aura Workshop is charging money to express itself to its followers
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I'm not even from loa anymore but knowing someone from my country is doing such a shameful thing made me really sad, 500 reais is almost half of an basic salary here, I will share this in the brazilian community, thank you for letting me know!
AGAIN, never trust anyone who claims they will ""manifest"" for you or "enter the void" or any other weird bullshit like that, please, never pay for something in those words, take care you all!
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infiniteko · 11 hours
Let me just say this:
Yesterday I had 2 anons who I thought were all the same person because of the writing style and they were all sending in essays about how they don't understand my posts.
Then, when I decided to block them, they immediately went to other bloggers to ask why I'm "treating them like a criminal" for just asking questions.
Regardless if your intentions are good, if you come at a blogger saying "why won't you just answer normally" "why are you dodging my questions" "why are you deleting answers" and then arguing with them about why their answers don't make sense, it's gonna come off as combative or aggressive. It's gonna come off as obsession and desperation for answers. Put yourselves in our shoes for a minute, would you want to answer someone's questions who acts like this?
That was the most unhealthy behavior display I've ever seen on this app and I've been around for a minute. It's not okay at all. Please respect our boundaries.
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infiniteko · 13 hours
Hi koda,
I feel like I'm 'procrastinating' to notice that I'm just THAT.
"ill do it today night. I'll do tomorrow after work. I'll sit after dinner and notice that I'm just awareness".
Or constantly reminding myself throughot the day, that I'm aware of this person and I'm not the person itself, Only awareness exists and nothing else etc etc.. It almost feels like I'm affirming and persisting like loa.
I know you've mentioned to just be. But I always end up day dreaming how my life is going to be better once I truly notice and know my true self. It's like my mind won't shut up.
But I'm not there yet. Can u give me any suggestion. A look on my life from different pov might help.
You might say "who is this I you are referring to? ".
Idk. It's me? But? Idk. It's so frustrating. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Noticing something is not a chore you can procastinate.. is noticing my reply a chore? I think you have a false concept of what noticing means and have created something more complicated. Go back a little, it's simple. When you're walking, what's noticing it? When you're working what's noticing it? When you're eating what's noticing it? When you're typing what's noticing it? In your "dream", what's noticing it?
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infiniteko · 13 hours
Hi ko i came by to share a little epiphany. My brother out of a sudden asked me a question, "Do you think I really exist?" I was shocked! So I asked him why. He then said that he's been questioning reality lately, since he kinda snapped out of it after thinking of a wound he got. So the wound story was when he accidentally broke a glass and so he felt a pierce sting on his toe but chose to focus on cleaning the shattered pieces first. It took time cleaning but after that, he remembered about the sting he felt earlier and decided to check his toe, when he saw the wound he only felt the pain by then. He told me that maybe he was only aware of the wound thats why it hurt. And also that he knew he would see a wound thats why it is there. Thats when he started thinking of different scenarios like videogames, the only thing that is existing for the character is whats in front. Whatever it is at the back is simply nonexistent until the character turns to face it. He also told me "now im thinking you are only answering my questions based on how I know you would. It's like a perception that since you are Dia, you will act like Dia that I orchestrated on my mind." I've been laughing the whole time since he looks like hes about to go crazy.
& even that is an appearance within " "🧏🏻☀️
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infiniteko · 13 hours
Hi ko, I’ve been lurking on the internet and found this website where people were discussing different approaches on Advaita etc etc
I’d really like your opinion on this bc I found myself agreeing with them 😭 and the approach they’re going “against” is very similar to what people have been saying on tumblr. Also there’s like, a whole list, even Tony Parsons has added his 2 cents on it… Ik it’s kinda boring when you know it doesn’t matter but I found it very interesting and I can’t stop thinking about it. When you have the time pls check it out and ‘enlighten me’ 😭
I tried reading it but I could not stick around for too long. So wordy and long and I don't know for what reason💔 The concept is simple, if you agree i assume that's good but don't get too fixed on words , no words are needed to see yourself☀️
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infiniteko · 13 hours
Eve here
I really hope i wasnt the catalyst for ur departure...
Im so sorry to everyone that might not benifit from your guises words. And im sorry to have spooked u. It was very immature of me to have messaged you like that and Im deeply remorseful 😔
I really do have a lot of respect for you and i will never even reference you guys in my school work, I promise. I deleted most of my folder of screenshots from you and gang. I kept only necessary pointers. It's funny my "no concepts, ND, AV" folder is my smallest folder lol. But even then, those aren't necessary, i know i know
You have to understand about me, regardless of truth being my focus, i am an Archivist. I have like 10 multi terabyte external hard drives with music, art, folders, moments on the internet etc...you wouldn't believe. I started this when I was 9. My dad is a software programmer, we're a very computer-centric family. It's not just you guys, I archive all interesting things i come across. I have the best tween meme folder in all of North America 😆
The internet is a very unstable system. So much COULD be lost forever, and so much has! This is why im an archivist. For posterity, to look back, and to maintain the knowledge we have forged together💜
But this is about respect too, again I am so sorry, I pride myself on being mature for my age and I just did not do that here. I messed up and let illusory thoughts take me for a ride. And it wasn't okay to have bombarded you like that. I truly see that now. I even had plans on introducing myself to you 🫶🏻😭 i am so embarrassed tho.
And ur right, i need to get off social media. I will do my best with this and focus on going within.
Sending you and the gang good vibes 💜
Tell Pabu his poetry is so sweet 😭💜
dw, you didn't spook us and you're not the catalyst for our depature! Our friends are leaving so there's no point in staying because it's boring without them☀️
also, it's really cool that you're a computer-centric family and archivist 💻⌨️
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infiniteko · 17 hours
where’s ur pfp and banner from? :00
harriet.blend on Instagram
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infiniteko · 18 hours
Hello 👋
Just wanted to say some things
You know how when people stay long enough in a certain environment they start adapt , like me when I used to stay in a country where winter was like only rainy and cold now I stay in a country where it’s snow and much colder but I stayed there long enough so I’m used it too now.
You see people are like that in social settings too like you start to adopt your friend’s way of speaking when you are around them too much or speak to them too much. (It happened to me too)
So to get to the point is :
Some bloggers are like that too , they adopt some things , like some where in LOA now they see ND is popular and jump to that even though they don’t KNOW what they are talking about at all
Or they once talked about Vanessa or Lara or ego but now see other people discerning that there is no Vanessa or Lara and they jump to that too even though themselves they still don’t know ( there is no Vanessa or Lara or ego anyway)
This is isn’t a personal attack or anything it’s just to say one thing , if you don’t KNOW your true self please do not talk like you DO it’s that simple
Because you can only go so far when you are just pretending soon the ACT will be so clear you can’t hide it anymore.
So this is a plea to stop Acting , stop pretending and actually go within I don’t care who you are
A big blogger or not go within and find yourselves. 🥩 anon
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infiniteko · 21 hours
So we can’t ask you guys questions or what ? Why does iamthatiam keep blocking me when she removed the anon mode on purpose to see if I was going to talk with my real account or not? What's the harm in asking for explanations if I find she's contradicting herself? 🤔
[neutral tone]
She's not contradicting herself, you just don't understand what she's saying. There is no point in trying to say the same thing in 826382 different ways just because 1 person doesn't get it. Instead of sending her one essay after another asking the same thing, why not sit down with yourself and figure it out by yourself? Isn't that what we all did including Swamis, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts, Robert Adams? Were they sending a million messages to who knows who and acted like that persons owes them an answer? No. They looked at it themselves and found out themselves. In the time you've been arguing with Bry, going over to Cass and then to me for whatever reason, you could've figured it out yourself. Do you not see how you're in this crazy loop ? Instead if asking "We can't ask you guys questions or what?", ask yourself why you're not receiving an answer from MULTIPLE blogs over days🤷🏻 Are you not tired?
This is my first and last reply to whatever this situation is
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infiniteko · 22 hours
"Beingness", "Awareness", " ", is constant/permanent. You can notice that
Hi, hope you're doing well. I'm at the point where I can see how consciousness is the only thing that remains constant throughout life, but I don't understand how that means consciousness is the only thing that exists. Isn't that making an assumption that something has to stay the same for it to be real? Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm a little lost 😅
No not at all lol
You are the only thing that is real. The impermanent nature of things appearing is an indication that they are not truly solid. Once it appears, it disappears. What you call your life is constantly changing and is never truly the same moment to moment. There's no continuity.
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infiniteko · 23 hours
iF yOu dOnT wAnT tO reCiEve qUeStiOnS dOnT pOst tHen 😭😭😭 OR HOW ABOUT YALL STOP SEEKING AND READ POSTS THEN GET OFF OF HERE AND LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT GOD DAMN ! That’s the thing they don’t have to answer shit ! Y’all want to be babied instead of doing it yourself ( it sounds like a process but it really isn’t ) Y’all are making it complicated!!
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infiniteko · 23 hours
are you deactivating??? dont't go!!!
We have nothing else to say/post! Since our friends are leaving we were like "eh🤷🏻 let's go too" I don't think we'll deactivate but we'll definitely delete posts
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infiniteko · 1 day
I'll answer a few last asks and then ciao
Like RW once said:
Our work here is done
(for now)
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infiniteko · 1 day
Hi Koda, hope you're doing great.
I'm at this point of tiredness that I do not want to search for something anymore, it is really a cycle. I came from Loass and I want to be free, I crave it.
And probably you're tired of hearing this, what should I do to understand av? Any basics ?
You do not want to search for something anymore but you are searching for freedom, peace and understanding
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infiniteko · 1 day
the reliance on an AI bot (or on anyone/thing for that matter) seems so counterproductive. a thought appears that says "i don’t understand", you identify with that thought and take it to be true, and then look for ways to resolve that thought because you consider it to be your problem that you now have to deal with. you think you don’t understand, you think you’re not there yet, you think you’re not fully realized and you act accordingly; you go to different sources, asking questions, seeking answers, collecting more useless information. but how do you know you "don’t understand" besides the thought that tells you so?
in reality, there’s nothing to understand because what you are cannot be understood. you can only be that. and you already are it, all the time.
the thought that you do understand, and the thought that you do not, are both equally illusory. the key is to do nothing* about any thought. stand apart from them. leave them alone. you act on the thought "i don’t understand" because you take it to be you, you self-soothe and read more, you think "now i understand" and are relieved momentarily, that thought eventually passes too, and then you’re back to square 1. stuck in a constant loop. thoughts are baseless. meaningless. they appear, then disappear. they are harmless. the only power (reality) they have is that which you give them by taking them to be true. you’re a slave to empty things that you have given authority to. 🫰wake. up. 🫰
there is absolutely zero knowledge to be gained. no more reading to be done, nothing. here and now, you are totally ready. you are at your full potential right this very instant, in every instance. at every moment you are choosing the experience. you are absolutely no-thing right now, dressed up as "this person" in "the world". you have the option to be any person in the world, to go beyond this illusory world to another one for that matter, to be/do/have literally anything… but you keep choosing the same experience out of habit and convincing yourself you’re "stuck" as this. you’ve got so used to what you’re doing that you don’t recognize it anymore, you think it’s forced upon you, that this is the life you were born into, but i promise you it’s all your choosing. investigate it just a little and see.
searching for more and asking more questions is totally useless. you are a dog chasing it’s tail. you can do absolutely nothing to become what you are seeking, because you are already that. act accordingly.
"you need not stop thinking. just cease being interested. it is disinterestedness that liberates. don’t hold on, that is all." —Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
*in case it’s not obvious, by "do nothing" i do not mean don’t eat/drink/walk/talk etc. you can never do nothing. even the act of doing nothing is doing something. staring at a wall all day is still a doing. continue to tend to your tasks, look after the seeming body, socialize with family and friends — just fix your attitude. don’t get involved. don’t be pulled in any direction by any thought. be like a calm sea, unstirred by whatever happens. know yourself to be beyond it all. when a thought arises, and the impulse comes to act on that thought, study it. inquire about it. peel it back. break down your beliefs. you will soon see how "reality" naturally follows your lead, bends to your will, moulds to fit your ideals, because it is all just you. you have always had total dominion.
Well said, thank you💯🕉️
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