infpneuronite · 4 years
this music was made back in early 2019
this song is a bit leaning on a personal creation side, so consider this a subjective interpretation on the grip of INFP.
ok apart from my other songs, each of the instruments here each represents a CF
Right Hand Piano - Ne
Left Hand Piano - Te
Bass - Si
Harp - Fi
For me, when it comes to grip, the aux Ne tends to scatter (hence the fast notes on the right hand) while the inf Te tries (and fails horribly) to organize everything and to be precise and accurate (basic left hand piano chords attempting to be in time with the right hand)
now you're wondering, what about the Si and the Fi?
You may not hear it, but tert Si (Bass) is there, playing the same notes as inf Te, but in a lower octave and volume, if you listen carefully you'll hear tert Si's bass. Si tries to support the Te, but the delivery is weak.
Now for the reaching ending of the song, dom Fi comes in to play with her serene harp, taking over the melody, as aux Ne follows her tune with whole notes. While the two are at it, the left hand piano and bass shut up completely, giving the interpretation that the person is coming off from their grip.
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infpneuronite · 4 years
i made a song based on INFP 's Fi-Si loop
I imagined it where you get one of these memory cutscenes from a game that occurs, the memory's fuzzy but you remember it somehow, like you can make an outline of it, but not the whole thing.
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infpneuronite · 4 years
may i introduce to you one my very own music pieces "Fi Warrior" based on the cognitive function Introverted Feeling uwu
at the time i made this (2019) i imagined Fi's theme to be cute and upbeat
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infpneuronite · 4 years
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Fi-Si Loop
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infpneuronite · 4 years
Aux Ne be brewing something
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infpneuronite · 4 years
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Aux Ne helping out Dom Fi
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infpneuronite · 4 years
2019 inktober art
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infpneuronite · 4 years
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Firryn Expressions
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infpneuronite · 4 years
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infpneuronite · 4 years
So I made a story based on MBTI's INFP cognitive functions.
This story takes place in a girl's human mind, which is more known in this universe as the Psyche Realm. It tells about the Infsman(inferior function), Terratora of the INFP Squad and her encounter of the four additional CFs who mysteriously appeared in their Realm.
♡ Sirene's POV
◇ Terratora's POV
The legends displayed above will tell you who's currently telling the story. If a "♡" is displayed, the story is told in Sirene's perspective and if it's a "◇", then it's in Terratora's perspective
Now with that said let's get on with the story!
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Ever since I saw that door I've been wondering what lies behind it, what shadows hide inside...
I was just doing my daily rounds in the Archives of Snow, finishing overviews of my Host's past memories that I hope she would find relief in. I was carrying a stack load of them when my foot bumped into something that would seem to have felt to be some kind of glass object. I looked down to confirm that it was indeed glass, a glass bottle; full of stars.
"Uuuuuugh, Netaaa!!" I groaned in frustration, I swear our Auxman has no sense of organizing whatsoever, not to mention scatter-brained. She has a habit of taking her so-called projects with her while she works and leaves them behind almost everywhere. I attempted to pick it up when I forgot that I was carrying a stack of memories, making me lost my balance and the pages and books of memories flew and scattered everywhere. One of the memory books glided towards the bottle, making it roll away.
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"Hey, come back!" I shouted, not bothering to clean up the scattered memories and proceeded to chase the runaway joke-of-a-craft down the long ass aisle. The bottle's straight-line escape came to a close when it reached the very back of the entire Archives. Finally, I picked up the bottle and looked up. After a quick observation I realized that I have found a door. It was a purplish black color with jet black elegant iron frames. Strange... I have walked the Archives' floors several times and never have I seen a door like this. Filled with curiosity, my hand reached for the door's handle only to be halted by a shout.
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"My Tertsman!" a voice called, I turned around to see my Infsman, Terratora running towards me.
"Terra?" I asked, "what are you doing here?"
"I was suppose to inform you about the recently finished tasks, but it seems you have found... their door. You musn't go in there my Tertsman. "
Terratora caught my attention on her emphasis on the word 'their'
"What do you mean 'their?'" I asked
"Behind this door..." she paused for a long second, as if she hesitated to answer, "lies four unannounced Neuronites, if they are even considered one"
This left me pondering and confused, "Four more Neuronites... how? There are already four members in our squad, how could there be four more?"
Terratora didn't answer, but rather, she looked down stayed silent
I continued to ask here more questions "And more importantly, when and how was there a door here?"
She sighed, "I think it's time... that I told to you about the Shadow Squad."
It was just like any other day. The Domsman guiding the host, the Auxman constantly inventing new inventions (honestly at this point I wonder if her brain ever goes empty), my Tertsman collecting memories, and me, the Infsman, organizing, checking and crossing out finished tasks, that is...if there were. I was currently in the Mental Notes section of the Archives of Snow, doing my daily task when I heard something, or rather... someone.
"Um, excuse me miss." it called, the voice awfully sounding just like the Domsman
'Lady Fi?' I thought, turning around to see if my assumption was correct, it was not. Instead of the pink brown-haired lady in a golden crown-like headband standing before me, was a strawberry blonde woman with bright green eyes wearing a sleeveless dark magenta top with a grecian neckline, dark forest green capri pants embroidered with a pink roses design towards the pant's cuffs, dark purple ankle strap pumps and a translucent pink blazer. What caught my attention were her bright purple Neuro Transmitters.
"Hello there," she waved, " I couldn't help but notice that you're in a little pickle right there, do you need any help?" she said with a smile, though it didn't seem to meet her eyes.
I decided to play along
"Oh, uh... thank you." I answered
The lady then went beside me and spread her arms out, to which I responded by giving her some of the papers I was currently carrying. "Oh how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself!" she said, "I'm Fenessa, and you are?"
"Terratora." I responded, but didn't bother to make eye contact and continued with my current work, "Infsman of the INFP Squad, I am responsible for organizing the Host's concepts and tasks and as well as checking and marking tasks that are finished."
"Wow, sounds like a tough job!" Fenessa said in amazement, "and you're doing this all by yourself? Where are your other members of your squad, surely there's like a lot you."
"They're..." I hesitated to give her an answer,"in their respective places, doing their respective jobs. There are only four of us, myself included, most of the time we are too preoccupied with our current tasks to help another member."
Why did I hesitate?
"Seriously? Wow that sucks." she commented.
A long moment of silence passed as the two of us continued organizing. I began to ponder on what just happened...
Firryn said that the squad was already at a maximum capacity of four members, and therefore no additional Neuronite was expected to appear.
But why was there another Neuronite?
Where did Fenessa come from?
And why are her Neuro Transmitters purple?
"Soooooo..." Fenessa spoke up, breaking my train of thought, "mind telling me about your Squad, you know, the members, what they do here, what they're like?"
"The squad?" I looked at her for a second then back to the shelves, "Well, there's Firryn the Domsman, she is the leader of the squad and guides our Host in judgement and decision making based on their inner values. Then there's the Auxman, Netalia, she assists the Domsman in her job by helping her stay open minded on certain view points when making judgement. Third is my Tertsman, Sirene, she is in charge of the memory department, mainly to provide relief to the Host, using the memories that the Host hold dear, and lastly is me, the Infsman."
"I see," Fenessa said, as she placed one of the papers to their respective shelves "Judging by how she lets you work all alone here, does she ever acknowledges the efforts you've put into organizing all of these tasks?"
I looked down and thought deeply on what Fenessa said. Lady Fi actually never did once give a glance on how I managed the tasks I was asked to organize.
"No?" Fenessa questioned, "Well that's a shame...Hey! How about I help you by joining your squad?"
My head perked up from the offer, "What?"
"Think of it, us working together in organizing these tasks. It will double the work speed and cut down half the time, oh, and I can also help in contributing on how you guys as a team can work more efficiently and in harmony. So, whaddaya say?" Fenessa reached out her hand with a smile, waiting for me to accept her deal.
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The way she looked at me... the way she smiled sent a chill down my axon. Something didn't felt right, it was as if she was trying to manipulate me.
"Thank you, but I have to decline. You see, the squad only allows four members and we have already reached the maximum capacity." I said with a firm tone.
"Aww that's too bad," She said sadly, still smiling
it looked forced
"Oh well, I' ll still be here whenever you need me," she said, putting the last stack of papers on to the shelves, "it was nice meeting you, Terratora. See you around!" she waved and turned around, walking away.
See you around? Wait... is she implying on staying here in the Archives?!
"Wait, you can't just--" and before I knew it, she was out of sight. This was bad, a new Neuronite appeared and was now roaming inside the Archives. It was at that moment, I knew had to report of this event.
The following day, I planned to report this to Sirene, but she was currently preoccupied in digging up "lost" memories that was was found deep in the Archives, so I had no choice but to report to the Auxman. I approached the door of the Auxman's room and knocked a few times.
"Who is it?" a tired voice called from inside the room.
"Terratora, ma'am" I answered.
The door opened to reveal a tired-looking Netalia, and sweet saya she looked like shit, her hair was a mess and she had bags under her eyes. "Ey, Terra! What can I do for you?" she asked
Looking at her current state I asked her with concern "Ma'am, if i may ask, how long have you been wake?"
"Uuuuuuuuh..." the Auxman scratched her head, "36 hours?"
...what do the humans call this significant short period of event again? Ah yes, a "bruh moment." This was definitely a "bruh moment."
"Uh I see..." I muttered as I fixed my posture and went back to the matter at hand, "Well I have something that I must report to you, privately." I firmly informed.
"Oh, sure come in." Netalia said, stepping aside and letting me in her room. Her room was steam-punk themed, giving off a nice afterthought of the 1800's European Industrial Revolution. The walls had real functioning turning copper and gold gears and for the floor was a glossy gold iron-parquet flooring, but there was just one problem. Like her messy appearance, Netalia's room was an absolute mess. Different inventions and papers stacked carelessly in every corner, some papers were scattered across the floor, crumpled. Her work desk was no different. "So," Netalia said, yawning as she sat on her wooden antique chair, leaning forward "what did you want to talk about?"
"There is a new Neuronite that is roaming around the Archives of Snow."
Netalia's expression turned serious, "What?" she asked, her eyes widened a little.
I explained to her of my encounter with Fenessa, explained her appearance and behavior. Netalia began to be in deep thought, trying to process the information she had received. That's when I heard her mutter, "I can't be... Shadow Functions...here?"
"Shadow Functions?" I asked
"Nah, I'm sure you just saw it through a memory book" she said waving her hand, denying my claim of seeing a new Neuronite.
"Ma'am, you are aware of what the Shadow Functions are, right?"
"Yeah, the rumored Neuronites who linger inside a host's pysche realm and cause chaos, but you don't have to worry, it's just a rumor."
"Ma'am, I saw that Neuronite yesterday and interacted with me. If what I saw yesterday was a Shadow Function, there is no doubt that there could be other Shadow Functions roaming around the Psyche Realm as well--"
"First of all, you don't know that," Netalia interrupted, "second, there is no evidence to confirm the existance of the Shadow Functions."
"Ma'am, does my eyewitness testimony not count as an evidence?"
The Auxman thought hard for a moment, "Hm, good point, it does have some credibility, however, because you were the only witness, it does not have enough reliability."
"But ma'am--"
"That's enough Terra," Netalia said in a serious and authoritative voice and stood up from her chair, "this conversation is over."
"Terratora, I am warning you--"
"Could you, for once, please listen--"
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I stepped back, staying silent. Netalia gasped, realizing what she had done, she rubbed her temples with her fingers and let out a heavy, tired sigh "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that."
"It's ok...I understand" I truly did, Netalia was sleep deprived so it wasn't a surprise she would snap
"Just...don't bring up that topic again ok?"
"Yes ma'am..."
"Good, now if you have nothing else to report, you are dismissed." Netalia said as I walked out of the room.
Great, looks like I'll have to take care of this roaming Neuronite myself.
Not long after that incident, a new Neuronite appeared while I was in the Archives. A redheaded lady with bright green eyes wearing a sun hat, dark bluegreen off shoulder dress decorated with glitter at the hem, and some sandals. She called herself Niema, her choice of words are beyond my understanding, not to mention her unsettling insights of the future. What was most disturbing was how her presence is still felt in Archives from time to time despite not being present in sight.
Fast forward to several days later and another Neuronite appeared. this time by the same of Selly, and just like Niema, she was a redhead with bright green eyes. Her hair was styled into a ponytail, she wore a hazel wood yellow shirt that was tied into a knot, a black wristband on her right wrist, dark mute teal ripped denim shorts, and maroon high-top sneakers with bluish white accents. My encounter with this Neuronite can be summarized into one word: Impulsive. Chasing her across the entire archives, Selly was so fast and hyper that could barely keep up with her. Her curiosity in trying to open certain books of memories without permission gave me a headache.
Nothing could have prepared me for the fourth Neuronite. Unlike the previous three, she did nothing but stare at the distance, she was a strawberry blonde with green eyes like Fenessa. Her hair styled into a braid resting on her left shoulder, she wore round glasses with upper half rims framed with icy blue frames, a dark purple hooded shawl with a navy blue short-sleeve sweater underneath, mute blue ripped jeans and maroon sneakers. I did not see her make any movement other than her adjusting her glasses every once in a while. I could sense strong negative energy radiating off of her, the essence very similar to Ti essence.
I had to find out their place of origin, there was no way they just appeared out of thin air. I decided to start with the Archives of Snow, since that's where I found the first Neuronite. I searched every section and corner and found nothing, until I went to the very back of the entire archives. There I saw a door of purplish black color with jet black elegant iron frames. I didn't hesitate to think twice that this was the door they came from, I know this because me and Sirene frequently come to the Archives and never was there a door here.
Following day I requested Netalia to make me a lock. I had to lie to her saying Sirene requested me to get a lock from her, to which Netalia shrugged and gave me the item with two set of keys to go along with it. I rushed back to the Archives to install the lock, but when it came in contact with the handle, it disintegrated...
"And ever since that day, I've been guarding this door in secret." Terra concluded
"Shadow Functions..." I said shivering at the thought, "I never I'd see the day these Neuronites merging into our Host's Psyche Realm." I looked up at the door and back to Terra, "do you know what lies behind this door?"
Terra shook her head "No, my Tertsman, I have not set foot in whatever is behind the door, not even once."
"I see...why didn't you tell me about this?" I asked her
"I feared that you would give me the same conclusion, since the existance of Shadow Functions is just a rumor." Terra explained, making me remember that Neta snapped at her.
"Terra," I looked at her in the eye, "you know very well that I would never raise my voice at you, so don't ever hesitate to come to me if something is not right, clear?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good." I nodded
"My Tertsman, if I may ask," Terra spoke up
"Yes?" I replied, giving her permission to speak
"Will you promise me to keep this door a secret?"
This put me in my train of thought, should I really keep this a secret? Not sharing this information with the Domsman or Auxman could get me in trouble, but then again, Firryn is too closeminded to confirm this info and Neta is too preoccupied already with her millions of garbage ideas and concepts, and with that, I nodded my head, "You have my word."
"Thank you," Terra said, relieved "Now, I saw several memories scattered across the floor of aisle 8-20."
"Oh, that. I was carrying a stack of memories, when I ran into this thing." I said showing her the bottle of stars.
"Ah" was all she had to say, understanding what happened while showing a hint of annoyance on her face.
"Since you're here now, mind helping clean up?" I asked
"Of course." Terra complied as we both turned around to walk to the messy aisle
As we walked I turned my head around to look at the door one last time, the door's mysterious appearance led me to so many questions yet to be answered.
Ever since I saw that door I've been wondering what lies behind it, what shadows hide inside...
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infpneuronite · 4 years
This is post was originally made for MBTI Amino and INFP Amino back in 2019
Today, I'm here to talk about Shadow Functions.
What are they you ask? They're like in the very bottom of your stack, they are the subconcious parts of it and most of the times unhealthy.
Just a little heads up! It is not confirmed if Shadow Functions are a part of our stack, but that doesn't mean they're not a fun topic to discuss right???
if you haven't seen my INFP Squad, this can get a bit confusing, if you wanna see them, you can go to this post
Now without further ado, introducing my Shadow Squad!
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These functions are the complete opposite of my INFP Squad, they don't cooperate with them. In fact they're quite villanous and will do anything to get a hold of their opposite's job. Well they're not entirely evil, they can be helpful sometimes but still--
Fenessa is my Shadow Extroverted Feeling; For her design I kinda saw her as some kind of "manipulative social butterfly" (wait is that even a thing?)
She is the leader of the squad and Firryn's (my Fi) "Opposing Role"
Fenessa usually dismisses the values Firryn has established for me and considers the values of others instead, much to Firryn's dismay.
Because Fenessa only considers other people's values, Firryn fears that I will sacrifice my individuality and my values will become meaningless, making her believe that I'm lying to myself and that I'm a coward for not standing for my values. Although at times empathetic, Fenessa manipulates people's emotions to get the desired outcome.
Now despite of the said above, Fenessa has been proven useful at some situations, like helping on how to adapt and keep a group in harmony.
Niema is my Shadow Introverted iNtuion; I kinda saw her as a beach lady who meditates on her thoughts while standing on the shores and staring at the horizon, probs about the meaning of life.
Nicknamed "The Critical Parent" by Netalia (my Ne), Niema is considered the most powerful among the four, which explains why she's often seen as a strong presence in online test results.
She is very mysterious, hard to read, and...unsettling, that even both squads have trouble interpreting her so called "Future Sight." Netalia often becomes frustrated with her because she thinks she is just looking at one future possibility.
To make it sound more scary, her way of using words and interpreting gives shivers down the spine.
Although feared, some of Niema's strange visions can be good, may come in handy and oddly comforting.
Selly is my Shadow Extraverted Sensing; for her design, I just thought of "sporty clothes"
Called "The Trickster" by Sirene (my Si). She is probably the most tolerated in the entire squad.
How tho? Isn't Se supposed to be active but impulsive?
The answer for my question is because she is the 7th function, which is considered the weakest shadow function. Selly rarely comes out, but when she does...let's just say things start to get wack. She triggers impulsitivity and recklessness, which most of the time, doesn't end a situation well.
Tiretica is my Shadow Introverted Thinking; her design is based off of actual clothes that I own uwu
She's scary, as scary as Niema. It is seen that she somewhat shares traits of stubborness with Firryn.
When a Grip occurs, she does everything in her power to make her frameworks perfect and 100% logical. To Terratora's (my Te) horror, she gives her the nickname "Demon," due to the fact that she has witnessed how destructive Tiretica can be.
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infpneuronite · 4 years
This post was made originally for MBTI Amino and INFP Amino back in 2018
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so i finally made this after the long wait
introducing my INFP SQUAD 😀😀😀
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• Firryn is my Fi(Introverted Feeling), the dominant function. I kinda see her as some kind of "law enforcer" of my inner values. She seeks to find the truth and what is right, whether it be for myself, for friends or acquaintances, or a community.
• She strongly values the "right" of being special and unique. Such "right" leads to the peculiar choices of fashion, music and hobbies, which may clash with others' taste that they would find "not fit."
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• Netalia is my Ne(Extroverted iNtuition), the auxillary function. Since Ne is like the one making lots of ideas and I mean LOTS, I thought of her as some "mad inventor" who always "invents" concepts and ideas.
• Now look back at the first pic of this post, did you notice how Netalia glows brighter than Firryn? That's because she tends to be more highly active than her most of the time, especially at idle times, constantly brewing up underdeveloped OCs. So if you're wondering how I made my characters, it's all mostly made by Netalia UwU
• Not only does she invent characters, she also invents other ideas, like fashion designs and dessert recipes, so basically she likes to improvise
original recipes are still under development though :p
• Netalia plays a big role among in the squad. Since Ne is INFP's aux function, I would see Netalia as Firryn's "right-hand woman."
• Firryn tends to be very stubborn when it comes to her beliefs and perspectives, if something is not in line with her values, she will conclude it is "wrong."
• This is where Netalia comes in; she helps Firryn in being more open-mined and develop the ability to gather in more information to support her own values.
• Netalia also acts what I would call a "chain breaker", because she is the one who stops Firryn and Sirene (the Si) from looping.
• Loops are stopped when the auxillary function is "activated." I would see this as a very important job for Netalia, because I am very difficult to be taken out in a loop, since I loop most of the time 😅
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• Netalia and Firryn really get along well, they're basically besties helping each other to keep me as a healthy INFP
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• Sirene is Si(Introverted Sensing), the tertiary function. Since Si is all about the past, I would see her as some Child Prodigy Historian, who records as much as many memories as she can.
• Sirene's job is to keep the memories of past events and moments, whether it be good, bad, or just plain neutral. She usually looks back at the past if I lost something (like a notebook) or if I did not know what I did wrong.
• Sirene is fond of looking at my previous memories whether it be long ago or just recently, the older the memory, the bigger nostalgia.
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• The ones to hit her with nostalgia the hardest is music. If the music is like made way back in my childhood...yeh
• Most of the time she revisits the previous chat messages to re-feel the moment of fun. This would also apply to playing games that have not been touched for a very long time.
• She constantly feels deja vu, when I gather info about a character or a person. For example: Sirene saw Chisa Yukizome(DR3); she will think she is Monika(DDLC) 2.0
• Her constant views in the past results her into becoming slightly unhealthy, like wanting the good old days back, and refusal of change, or sometimes past mistakes that she still regrets. This is one of the causes of Sirene and Firryn looping, constantly looking at past events.
and ignoring Netalia •w•
• Netalia hates it when they loop, due to the fact that Firryn is not giving her any attention while looping
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• I would imagine the loop would be some kind of dark red chain with a dark aura that keeps them together
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• Terratora is my Te(Extroverted Thinking), the inferior function. For Te, I see her as some kind of military officer who wants to get everything done.
oh the oh so many words I can say to trash talk about you
• Terratora is responsible for organizing and simplifying stuff. She is also making sure all of my tasks are finished in time.
although I fail to do that sometimes ;w;
• She is very direct and honest (brutally honest, so to speak) on what she says and she ain't having anyone's sh*t(including mine yes). Her way of speaking and her arrogance makes her sound like an insensitve douchebag honestly.
• Because of her agressive nature and "want to get things done quickly" attitude, she constantly attempts to take over Firryn's job because she thinks she can handle it better than her. But of course we all know she can't.
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