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(crosspost from twitter but ey)
Awesome ladies from Masquerada Songs and Shadows game! If you like a story rich game I really recommend checking this one out! I just finished playing today and Boy do I got them feels. :”””)
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(another crosspost ey)
Did one for the boys too! They’re all such a good boys I love them all (´▽`ʃƪ)♡
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Marinspettore snuggles ♥ (collab w @losebetter! I did the lines, he did the colors!)
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At the end of the day, who is really to blame: Me or countless others?
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(outside Vint's bedroom door)
Kalden: Oh Viii-int! I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your father by coming in anyway!
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Tiziana: Ask me why I'm smiling.
Cicero: I will, because it's scaring me.
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Amadea: Does Cicero ever sleep?
Kalden: I think he periodically makes a whirring noise and shuts down.
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i-idontshipthem!! But they’re cute together.
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Cicero: Oh, Kalden. You're too beautiful to be funny. Don't worry, it's not your fault. You never had to compensate for anything.
Cicero: The rest of you ugly nerds, give me some jokes, STAT.
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(Tristan walks into the Astiguary when Tiziana's back is turned)
Cicero: Uh-oh.
Cicero: Uh, Tiziana, I'm gonna ask you not to do anything violent.
Tiziana: Heh, what... what are you talking about? I only use violence as an appropriate response.
Tristan: (from behind Tiziana) Hello, Cicero.
Tiziana: ...
Tiziana: *whips around and punches Tristan in the face*
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Kalden: Maybe I’m dreaming. Pinch me.
Cicero: [pinches him]
Kalden: ...Not on the butt.
Cicero: Sorry. It was just right there.
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the start of the war
Cicero: What the FUCK happened to you! Are you fucking POSSESSED?! YOU USED TO BE MY BROTHER!!!!!
Cyrus: I had a case of the Mondays! I had those ol' Monday blues! I was just trying to chase 'em away!
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Cicero: Nice work back there, cutie pie.
Kalden: ...
Cicero: Sorry, I'll think of a better one than "cutie pie". You're my angel... dust. Sorry, that's a drug. I'm gonna go. Bye.
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Vasco: All right, the thing with women is that you've got to convince them that you're strong. That you're an alpha.
Amadea (to Tiziana): Whoops! Another skull fell out of my tunic! I've killed so many enemies, it's getting silly!
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How to build the stage of Masquerada
Vicario: We can't beat "the Herald"! It's just too strong!
Avestus: We have to find another weak spot! [into his cuff] Valencio!
Tristan: What?
Avestus: We need to know any weakness "the Herald" might have!
Tristan: Um... Let me think... Um... Oh I know... "the Herald" can't resist singing groups with the Cicero and Friends.
Avestus: All right. I'll build a stage. Zelia and Faveo, use mind control to get a huge audience. Privia and Vicario, use powers to find a band. Brekki, [chuckles] you and Sevil go get us bigoli for dinner. [the others start chuckling]
Brekken: It's Brekken and Sevil.
Avestus: Okay, Brekken, you guys head off!
Brekken: Fine! Sevil, come. [the others chuckle]
Tristan: Heh heh heheheh. No way he just said that.
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Maria: This is incredible. Who wants to go next?
Frederick: I want to be next.
Dactite: No, Dactites go next.
Cyrus: Maskrunners can believe this! I'm next, ha!
Tokimune: It's my clone machine! I'm next!
Avestus: No one's going next! [Avestus, Privia, and Vicario run in while Zelia, Sevil, Faveo and Brekken drop in from above.] Mira Bas is our great ally! Let her go!
Dactite: They can't stop all of us! Get 'em!
[The Maskrunners and the other historical leaders attack the great leaders of the Citte as one. Zelia blows her super power on Harald Bluetooth, who freezes over.]
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Suing Nappy!
Napoleon: Look, everybody, we're all looking for answer, you know. We all want to understand who we are and where we come from, but... sometimes we want to know the answers so badly that we... believe just about anything.
Tristan: What?
Napoleon: [takes off his laurel] I'm not the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln. And... Zelia Deladore is just a female gay for Privia Onair.
Sevil: Privelia? Oh! We are gonna sue you!
Napoleon: What??
Brekken: Yeah, you think you can say our organization is a lie?! We'll sue you, dude!
Napoleon: YOU told me it was a lie!
Genghis: Hah! Now you're puttin' words in MY mouth! You are really sued!
Catherine: You can't make fun of Civilization! We are gonna sue your bad habit AND your eyes!
People: Yeah, that's right!
Lincoln: How dare you mock our civilized story, you pervert?! You'll be hearing from our lawyers tomorrow!
Elizabeth: We've just had an incredible development here, Gandhi. Maria, Sejong, and Pedro, have all come out of the closet! [The three of them come out the front door and Maria releases Pedro, who moves off and out of view.]
Maria: [approaches Napoleon] So you're NOT the civilized president, huh?! You made me look stupid! I'm gonna sue you too!
Napoleon: Well fine! Go ahead and sue me!
Maria: I will! I'll sue you in Ombre!
Genghis: You are really sued, dude!
Napoleon: Well go on, then! Sue me!
Genghis: We're going to!
Napoleon: Okay, good! Do it! I'm not scared of you! Sue me!
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