israelskelton · 9 months
The brunette removed her delicate touch from Israel’s wrist, her brown doe eyes now gazed at his as she saw some of the panics begin to fade. She gave him time, waiting patiently as she watched him come out of his haze the best he could. He opened his mouth as if he was trying to speak, but it seemed he couldn’t muster himself to do it, that’s when she noticed the surgical scar on his neck. Her eyes stared at it as he caught his breath, before turning to his hands as she watched them move. She had already picked up that he wasn’t deaf, and even if he hadn’t told her, she would have been able to guess from how neat the scar was on his neck. She was cut out of those thoughts as his hands struggled to help him communicate in his state.
Delilah looked back up at his face after he gave his name and explained his chest ached, watching him muster up a smile of gratitude. She reached her hand up slowly, slipping it onto his cheek gently as she tried to soothe him the best she could. "I know you must be scared…Trust me…I am horrified right now. But you are not alone, so just take a second to breathe alright.” She gave him a comforting smile, trying her best as a stranger to ease his panic and confusion. But how was she to do that when she didn’t truly know how, she could only depend on her instincts and hope she wasn’t pushing him away. She watched him sign more, frowning as she realized she may not be helping.
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But then, he asked her to stay with him, as if she even thought of leaving him alone like this. Even if he was a stranger, he was still a person, and she wasn’t going to let someone die. “I’m not going anywhere Israel. You’re lucky you got stuck with a doctor in a time like this.” Her voice was reassuring as she let out a dry quiet laugh to soothe the tense mood. “You’re right. We gotta move. I overheard some of the doctors mention safe zones. I’m sure they aren’t far from here…” She gently caressed his cheek for a second, much like a sister would for a younger brother.
She moved her hand away to grab his arms to help him stand, hoping he was comforted enough to start moving. “If we stick together, I promise I will keep you alive. I saw the crowd head this way, so I think that’s where the safe zones are.”
Israel's body reacted almost involuntarily as Delilah's hand touched his wrist. A brief flinch betrayed his discomfort with the touch, a reflex ingrained deep within him. He had never been one to easily tolerate physical contact, his past experiences shaping his aversion. Yet, as her touch lingered and he saw the genuine concern in her eyes, a pang of regret flickered across his expression. It was an unfamiliar sensation, this conflict between his reflexive response and the soothing intent behind her gesture. He observed her keenly, watching as her eyes moved from his scarred neck to his hands, which struggled to convey his thoughts. The weight of her scrutiny made him both vulnerable and seen, a mix of emotions he couldn't quite decipher.
A grateful smile tugged at the corners of his lips, expressing the depths of his appreciation for her understanding. He felt her hand on his cheek, a gentle touch meant to soothe his frayed nerves. Though well-intentioned, the contact caused him to flinch, his discomfort evident. Quickly, his hands formed signs of apology, an attempt to convey his regret for his reaction. His reaction to Delilah's touch to his cheek is instinctive, a flinch that crosses his features before he can control it. His discomfort is evident in his tense body language, but as he gazes into her eyes, he feels a mixture of regret and gratitude. For someone who usually prefers solitude, her decision to stay by his side brings a subtle sense of relief. Sorry... touch is... hard... He signs vaguely, unsure of how else to express himself. I don’t know what to think or feel... I’m not scared... not for the same reasons as everyone at least... I’m unsure for... other reasons. I don’t know... I just don’t want to be alone...
Nodding in acknowledgment of her words, Israel's gaze briefly shifts to the surroundings, his mind recalling the laundromat as a place of refuge from the demonic onslaught. He knows the city's layout well, and he's willing to lead the way to safety. Deacon’s... it’s safe there... He muses with a frown, he silently wonders if the wolf is okay. Wherever he may be. As he gets up he can’t help back think back, his mind getting hung up on past memories. It’s this way. He ushers the Elysian doctor to follow him, his body alert and somewhat on edge as they walk. He turned to her, raising a hand to stop as he hears something in the distance, but then he grimaces in pain as an unbearable sound hits his ears. Panic clawed at his chest, an unfamiliar sensation that left him breathless. The thought of losing control rippling briefly through his mind.
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‘What was happening?’ His heart pounded as daylight flooded his senses. Israel's mind raced, a thousand thoughts colliding like unruly torrents. His skin crawled, as if something beneath it sought escape. A strangled growl caught in his throat, a sound that seemed foreign yet familiar. He saw others fall, their bodies conorting and writhing on the pavement. 'Shifting... broad... daylight?' His thoughts fragmented, primal instincts clawing to the surface. He tried to shout, to reach out to Delilah, but his words silenced in his throat. He staggered back, his back hitting the cool wall of a building. His breaths came ragged, disjointed, as if he were drowning in his own mind. Fear surged through him, an electric current that burned away reason. His hands clenched into fists, nails digging into his palms. He felt his muscles tense, his body coiling like a predator about to pounce. 
Israel’s lips curled back in a snarl, baring his teeth. He wanted to understand, to hold onto his humanity, but it was slipping away, like sand through his fingers. He lurched forward, his body propelled by a force he couldn't comprehend. Delilah's figure loomed larger, her scent intoxicating, maddening. Every fiber of his being screamed for release, for a primal satisfaction that defied his human will. Teeth bared, his limbs moved on their own accord, his body advancing with murderous intent. His vision zeroed in on her, the world narrowing to a single point of focus. Time seemed to stretch as he neared her, his pulse a thunderous rhythm in his ears. 
The air trembled, a symphony of heartbeats and gasps filling his senses. He saw her eyes widen, her lips part in shock. He was so close, so close to quenching the unrelenting thirst that gripped him. He lunged with a savage intensity, teeth bared, jaws snapping shut around the fabric of Delilah's clothing and the soft flesh beneath. His jaws clamping down with a force that should have been impossible for a human. His teeth punctured her shoulder, and a growl of satisfaction rumbled silent in his throat. The taste of her blood, warm and metallic, flooded his senses, and it was as if he had become a creature born solely to hunt, to kill, to sate the brutal hunger that consumed him. Pain, both his and hers, was a distant sensation, an afterthought in the symphony of sensations that consumed him. The scent of her fear and the rhythmic thud of her racing heart were a siren's call to the primal predator within.
He was trapped within his own mind, a helpless spectator to the darkness that consumed his actions. And in the midst of the chaos, a fragment of his humanity wept, a voice that screamed in protest against the violence he was inflicting. But it was a whisper in a storm, a fading ember in the face of the roaring inferno. He was a creature of impulse, of raw instinct, a predator driven by a primal hunger that knew no reason.
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israelskelton · 9 months
The Library – After First Explosion.
Nore could hear people outside the library, screaming and crying. Part of her wanted to go out there, to help those who had been affected but the scared little girl inside of her knew she wouldn’t leave the Library unless she absolutely had to. There was devastation inside with people having been caught in the stacks when the blast went off, it was hard to find them, pulling them out and making sure they were all okay.
Nore’s ice blue eyes swept the scene, her arms around herself like a protection shield. She knew she needed to help but had no idea where to start. She approached a person who looked just as scared as she was and put a hand on their arm.
“It’s alright. It’s going to be alright. I think we are safer here than most.”
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Israel's eyes lingered on Nore as she moved amidst the chaos, her determination to help others evident even in the midst of her own fear. He understood her struggle, having been confined and silenced himself for so long. His heart went out to her as he watched her approach the frightened person and offer words of comfort.
He moved quietly, this wasn’t the first time the city was attacked and probably wouldn’t be the last. Approaching Nore from behind, he gently touched her shoulder to get her attention. His hands began to move a little more fluidly since the shock started to slowly wear away.
I’m sure they appreciate your composure in this situation. At least you are not feeding them false promises.
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He paused, his eyes locking onto hers, urging her to see his sincerity. Then he gestured toward the library's entrance, his movements suggesting that they could venture outside to provide aid. I can’t sit around in here. You can come. Find supplies, help others. Your choice. His gestures were clear and deliberate, carrying the weight of his intention. Someone had to help carry medical supplies and victims. Despite his inability to speak, he was resolute in his desire to make a difference. He offered Nore the choice to accompany him, if she so desired. With that he started to walk away unsure of what he would encounter past these walls.
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israelskelton · 9 months
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.
Neil Gaiman, The Kindly Ones (via stay-close)
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israelskelton · 9 months
Delilah’s legs seemed to move without her needing to think as she kept her grip on Israel’s arm, pulling him through the crowds even as he stumbled behind her. She could tell he was still deep in shock, despite trying to follow behind her, as she felt his hand trembling on her arm. She didn’t have time to sink into her own shock just yet, needing to get them out of the crowd. It took a while for the crowds to thin, but when it did, she pulled the stranger with her onto the sidewalk. She took a deep breath as she looked back at Israel to ask him if he was okay, but her heart sank into the pit of her stomach as she gasped. The brunette released his hand as she watched the smoke rise into a cloud, trembling in her coat as she suddenly saw images flash in her head.
It reminded her of that day, the day she had become what she was when the demons were trying to take control. The only difference between then and now was she wasn’t in the building playing the hero. She shook her head, erasing the panic from her body long enough to see Israel turn to look at her. She saw his hands sign shakily, identifying him as a mute, as she doubted he was deaf from the way he responded to her yelling before. She watched him suddenly sink to the ground, suddenly on her knees next to him. She let him finish signing, nodding slightly as she sighed, taking his hand for a moment to check his pulse.
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She took note that his heartbeat was erratic, but seemed to be beating as it should. “It is always something…huh?“ She responded after a moment of silence, the screams in the background making her cringe slightly as she tried to keep her focus on Israel. "I hope I’m good to assume you aren’t deaf…But if you are I can sign if you need me to…” Her voice was gentle as she spoke, her eyes gazing over his figure for any external injuries. She lifted a hand and began to spell out her name in sign language, DR DELILAH. “I’m Doctor Delilah Mclaine…So please trust me to take care of you. I need to know if anything hurts.”
The world felt disjointed and unreal, and the only anchor he had in that moment was Delilah's firm grip on his arm. He stumbled along, half-aware of the surrounding crowd, his mind struggling to process the shock that had taken hold of him.As they finally broke free from the sea of people onto the safety of the sidewalk, Israel's legs gave out beneath him, and he sank to the ground, his hands trembling as he struggled to make sense of the situation. His gaze shifted to Delilah, his eyes locking onto her as she looked back at him. The concern etched across her face was both comforting and disorienting. He watched her lips move, forming words that he couldn't hear in the moment, and then he saw her hands forming intricate shapes in the air. He recognized the gestures – she was speaking to him.
Delilah's kind voice reached him as if through a haze, her words resonating with a soothing cadence. He felt her fingers press against his wrist, checking his pulse, and he winced at the gentle touch out of discomfort. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, erratic yet somehow comforting in its familiarity. As her words flowed, Israel focused on her hands, absorbing the meaning behind the signs. DR DELILAH. Her name was like an anchor in his swirling thoughts, a lifeline to reality. He blinked, and her message began to piece together in his mind. She was a doctor, and she was offering her help. The memory of the smoke and chaos lingered, but her presence and her calm demeanor provided a stark contrast.
He watched her fingers form the words, his eyes tracking the graceful movements as she spelled out her name. Israel felt a strange mix of vulnerability and comfort as he met her gaze, his lips parting as if he wanted to speak, to express his gratitude for her help. But the words remained trapped, imprisoned within the cage of his silence. When she finished signing, Israel managed a shaky nod. He reached up, his own hands forming hesitant signs. I can hear, not deaf. His fingers trembled as he struggled to communicate, but he was determined to convey his thoughts. Thank you. Israel. He mustered a faint smile, though it was tinged with the lingering shock. Not sure... hurts... just... here. His fingers gently touched his chest, indicating a general unease rather than pinpointing a specific pain. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he sat on the sidewalk, his eyes wide and filled with a mix of fear and confusion. The chaotic sounds of the distant sirens and panicked voices seemed to swirl around him, his own world reduced to a haze of smoke and memories.
His chest heaved once more, and he extended his hand toward her, his fingers trembling slightly. With deliberate care, he formed a few signs, his hands communicating with a fluidity that contrasted with his previous disoriented state. Painful… memories. His gaze flicked toward the dissipating smoke, his expression a mixture of sorrow and dread. With a deeper breath, he formed a few more signs, his fingers dancing in the air with a hint of hesitation. Stay… with me? Safety in numbers. His eyes searched hers, silently pleading for her to remain by his side, at least for the time being. Need to move. Not safe here.
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israelskelton · 9 months
It’d be a lie if Ricky hadn’t been looking for Israel. He wasn’t purposefully following him around or pointlessly looking for the prisoner—the detective was just hopeful that they would cross paths. It was likely, no, out of the question that he should be trying to be in the same place as Is but there was something about their last meeting that had him wanting to apologize. It was an overstep in the other’s boundaries that a civilian and cop at that was unfair. Ricky felt terribly for how he acted and wanted to make it up to the other in any way possible. Though with their extremely different lives and conflicting schedules………it was proven much more difficult than expected.
Work tonight would be distraction enough. Ricky needed to focus on work and if by chance their paths crossed at some point then so be it. Right now he was needed for a disturbance call. He didn’t know what he was going to get into but it’s likely that the call was for something small like belligerent drunks being mouthy with the bartenders.
Walking into the bar so many smells hit him all at once. Alcohol, sweat, sweet perfumes, and something familiar. Eyes cased the place go find two things—the person who called and the source of that muddled scent he couldn’t place. That’s when blue eyes fell upon Israel with a sinking feeling that the call was made about him. Sighing, Ricky made his way over to the other wolf before kneeling down in front of Is. “Don’t think I need to, unless you have somethin’ t’confess?” he wonders.
He doesn’t feel like this was open and shut, especially with how intoxicated the man seemed. Ricky didn’t say anything though he was worried about what happened. “Hey.” his voice is low and calm. He’s worried about his friend-and-maybe-crush. “What happened? Are you okay?”
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In his heart, Israel harbored no ill will toward Ricky. He understood that people can act impulsively, driven by the heat of the moment, and he acknowledged that apologies held a powerful place in fostering understanding. Yet, Israel couldn’t help but feel a cautious hesitancy about engaging in another encounter. His experiences had taught him to tread carefully when it came to building relationships, especially with those who held positions of authority. The complexities of their respective worlds weighed heavily on him, and Israel couldn’t help but wonder if bridging the gap between them was worth the potential complications.
As Ricky knelt down in front of him, Israel’s expression shifted to one of mild confusion mixed with a hint of amusement. His usually controlled demeanor was now tinged with a sense of disarray, the barriers he had carefully erected slipping in the face of his altered state. Israel’s brows furrowed in a momentary attempt to clear his thoughts, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the table. His gaze wandered around the bar again before he finally focused on Ricky. With a sigh, Israel bit his lip, his hand toying with his half-empty glass.
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Confess? Uhhh... I am really really drunk… His words trailed off, a wistful look crossing his features. Ricky’s calm voice managed to cut through Israel’s alcohol-induced haze, and he blinked, his smile fading slightly. I haven’t been this drunk since I got arrested… He murmured almost knocking over his near empty glass. You’re worried about me? That’s… nice…. Wait, what happened? Oh right, right, you asked that already. I got in a fight… but it was self-defense… should see the other guy… Despite his attempt at light-heartedness, Israel’s posture betrayed a certain vulnerability. His shoulders slumped, and his gaze dropped for a moment before lifting back to meet Ricky’s eyes. But hey, enough about me. How’s your day been, Ricky? He leaned in a bit too close, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. You look all serious and stuff.
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israelskelton · 9 months
The brunette had been leaving the hospital before the bomb hit, finishing her shift with ease and not even bothering to change out of her scrubs as she exited through the entrance. She didn’t notice anyone suspicious walk in past her, but she truly wasn’t looking for anyone, for surely she had no reason to. She had been lucky, having enough time to be far enough away, when the deafening sound of someone yelling hit her ears. She turned back, right as the ground trembled below her feet, her hands seeking something to hold onto. She didn’t have time to brace herself though as screams filled the air and people began pushing past her to get away from the hospital. The deafening sound of the building crumbling echoed into her ears, her body pushing past the crowd moving away from the Medical Center.
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Delilah couldn’t think straight, her body moved on pure instinct as she dodged the running crowd and pushed past them. Stopped only when she was close enough to see the entrance was gone, and the rest of the hospital was collapsing with it. She was frozen in shock as she saw the sudden sparks of flames filling the collapsed entrance. She gasped as she rushed past more people, trying to help those who were too close. She remembered one thing about the dangers of flames in a hospital and that was the fact that the oxygen tanks were ready to supply the fire with another explosion. She had to get these people to safety, and thankfully, she wasn’t alone as she saw the staff that had been working were escorting patients, overhearing the designated safe zones they were moving them to.
She kept that in mind as she looked around for anyone who didn’t have assistance when she saw him standing there, frozen in place. She rushed past people, at first trying to get his attention with her words, but it seemed as if he didn’t hear her. She could see he was muttering something, but she couldn’t make out what due to all the screaming around them. She pulled his arm, her grasp on him maybe a bit too tight as she tried to pull him away from the collapsing building. The resistance caused her to groan as she grabbed his arms, making the stranger face her, finally grasping his attention. “Hey, I understand this is too much right now…but you have to move or you will die! There are chemicals and oxygen tanks in that building and it won’t be long before it explodes again! Come on! I can’t drag you!”
Delilah had to yell over all the screams of agony and terror around them, fear in her own eyes as she trembled while holding his arms. Her instincts told her to push down her panic, at least for now. She looked to be one of the only surgeons who hadn’t been in the building when the bomb went off, which means she didn’t have time to panic. She only had time to act, even as her fear tried to overwhelm her.
Amidst the chaos and devastation, Israel stood outside the hospital, his mind struggling to process the enormity of the situation. The world around him felt distant, as if he was viewing it through a foggy lens. The sounds of screams, sirens, and crumbling debris all blended into a nightmarish symphony. His shock was palpable, his eyes vacant as he tried to comprehend the reality of the explosion that had just occurred.
He felt a sudden jolt as a hand gripped his arm, pulling him away from his daze. His gaze shifted to the brunette woman before him, her voice cutting through the screams and sirens. For a moment, Israel's mind struggled to catch up with the situation. He felt the weight of the woman's words sink in – the danger, the imminent threat of another explosion. His body finally responded as his survival instincts kicked in. With a surge of adrenaline, he allowed her to guide him, his legs stumbling into motion as they moved away from the crumbling remnants of the hospital.
His thoughts remained a jumble, his emotions a swirling vortex of fear, confusion, and gratitude for the stranger who had yanked him from his paralyzed state. He cast a glance back at the wreckage, silently convinced this had to be a dream. The reality of the situation was slowly sinking in, his shock gradually giving way to the overwhelming weight of the tragedy before him. In another time he would’ve been happy, rejoicing in such a sight even. As they finally distanced themselves from the crumbling hospital, Israel spared a glance back, the flames and smoke a stark reminder of the devastation they had narrowly escaped. His chest heaved with labored breaths, trying to control his breathing. Thank... you... He signed with shaking digits, before sinking to the concrete as his mind reeled. It's always something... 
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israelskelton · 9 months
“Likely enough. It’s not like it’s the first attack on the city.” Olivier bit back into the corpse, making sure to draw all he could from the deceased body before folding their arms over their chest and closing their eyes. They’d proven themselves useful, strength and warmth returning to his body as he got back up, having found an iron pipe that was able to be wrenched from some wreckage. “Yeah, but something’s better than nothing.”
“Computer? Maybe. The question would then be if we could get into it if it worked. As for paper records? No idea where their records room might be. I may have been a frequent patient, but it’s not like I did much wandering during my visits to this place back when I was still human.” He wandered over to a fire extinguisher cabinet and broke the glass, handing off the bottle to Israel. “But we can at least check so we can get a census started on who’s inside or missing. And we might find some who actually made it through this shit who we can send off to rescue staff.” 
If whoever did this is smart then they’ll go after financials, communications... explosion's about starting destabilization. Hospital was a good target. Israel shrugs, as if the explanation were inconsequential as he leaned against a piece of debris, eyeing Olivier with an unreadable look. He nodded in agreement at Olivier's remark. He wasn’t wrong, unfortunately. The city had seen its fair share of attacks, scars etched into the very fabric of its existence. The smell of blood and death clouding his sense of smell as he watched the vampire fold the arms and close the eyes of the deceased. It was strange seeing the undead respect the dead. Did you know, you can kill an entire surgical suite of medical professionals with a faulty anesthesia machine. Might be worth trying to find one...
Tearing his gaze away as the structure creaked and groaned, he could feel his survival instincts go on full alert. Am I supposed to whack someone with this? He asked, before taking the fire extinguisher bottle from Olivier, listening to his musings about potential ways to gather information. Computer access might be a long shot, but it's worth a try if we stumble upon one that's still functioning. And even if it's locked down, I have some skills that could help us bypass security protocols. Tablet or laptop would be preferred. He paused for a moment, his gaze shifting to the wreckage around them. He wasn’t sure how long they had in here. As for the paper records, that might be a little harder to obtain... I think it’s on this floor...
Is glanced around at the devastated surroundings, his eyes narrowing as he weighed the options. A census is a good place to start. His grip on the extinguisher tightened. Let's move systematically. Start with this floor, then work our way up if possible. Check for any signs of life, and gather whatever supplies we can along the way. He locked eyes with Olivier, his expression grim. Just be careful... this place is a bomb in itself with these left over oxygen tanks. 
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israelskelton · 9 months
It was by mere luck that Danielle found herself going by the hospital after the explosion. She was trying to see if she could find anyone she knew, being alone was something new to her, but not foreign. It was about keeping herself out of harms away with all the chaos that reigned over the city. 
It was his scent that caught her attention and after shuffling around a little, she found Israel. She raced over to him, cautious hues looking him over for any signs of wounds or blood, a hand reaching out to take his. “Is…” She can see the panic in his eyes, trying to calm him down. “It’s Dani. Can you hear my voice?” Nothing else mattered around them. It was only the two of them and her need to help her friend. 
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Israel's eyes were wide with a mixture of relief and surprise as he turned to see Danielle approaching him amidst the chaotic aftermath of the explosion. His heartbeat, already racing from the shock of the blast, seemed to steady slightly as her familiar presence entered his field of vision.
Dani? He swallowed thickly, his throat feeling raw. His lungs felt heavy, as if he had been holding his breath for far too long. The world around them was a chorus sirens, distant shouts, and the faint echoes of crumbling debris. But in that moment, her voice cut through the noise like a lifeline. Her hand found his, and the simple touch sent a jolt of comfort coursing through him. He could feel her warmth, her steady pulse, and it anchored him to the reality of the present. He struggled to find his words, his throat constricted.
I... I can hear you... Israel mouthed, trying to steady his breathing. He squeezed her hand, the touch of her skin against his offering a tangible reassurance that he desperately needed. His eyes locked onto hers, seeking solace in their familiarity. Danielle's presence was a balm to his frayed nerves, her calm and determined demeanor a stark contrast to the chaos around them. His racing thoughts began to slow, each beat of his heart aligning with the cadence of her voice.
As he focused on her, the panic that had gripped him started to loosen its hold. His breathing steadied, the trembling in his hands subsided. He could see her concern in the depths of her eyes, her determination to help him, to ensure he was alright. And in that moment, he knew he wasn't alone, that he had someone who cared deeply for him by his side. I- is it the demons again? T- the hunters?
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israelskelton · 9 months
Lorenzo was not in a good mood, then again it had been hard to placate him since he’d come home to find the house in flames. He was on edge, wary of anyone as he worked to find out who within and without the city had been communicating. It meant that there were those who knew who he was, and anyone with that sort of information was a danger to him. 
But he was trying to keep his calm, especially around others, he didn’t want anyone to know he was on edge. Even with Ana he tried to relax, and she had a habit of being good at distracting him. But he knew she saw through that calm exterior that hid the raging wolf beneath. It was the same eerie calm currently on his features as he stood inside the home, watching construction workers work on rebuilding and fixing what had been damaged. Thankfully it had been minimal, still it didn’t mean he trusted them to this job without a little bit of guidance. 
It was where he had been when the bomb went off, feeling the aftershock even as far away as his home was. There’s was a moment of quiet as everyone around him froze before everyone was in motion, leaving things where they lie and heading for town. No doubt they all had the same thought as him, they were being attacked. It was almost too good to be true for them to have any sort of peace in this city it seemed. Still it took only a moment before he recalled that Ana had been in town. With a curse he pulled out his phone and attempted to reach her without luck. 
He was in his car and rushing into town without thought, he needed to find the wolf and make sure she was safe and then see what the hell was going on. He only made it so far before the rubble kept him from getting any further. He was out of the car in an instant, senses open and aware as he moved further into the city. It didn’t take long to find where the bomb had hit, and he muttered a curse. They had gone after the fucking hospital. Just as quickly he spotted the wolf who seemed to be frozen to the spot, unmoving, though he didn’t seem hurt. 
“Israel?” He neared the wolf, though he didn’t seem to even blink or notice him. “Israel!” He was louder this time, invading the boys personal space as he waved a hand in front of his face. “Are you hurt? What the hell are you doing?” His eyes scanned over the wolf but he didn’t see any concerning injuries. 
Israel's mind was a maelstrom of confusion and denial as he stood amidst the wreckage of the Covaire hospital. His eyes glazed over, and he muttered brokenly, disassociating himself from the devastating scene before him, repeatedly denying any involvement in the horrifying act. He was lost in his own world, unable to hear or see Enzo's attempts to reach out to him.
But then, something pierced through the fog of shock, and Israel's attention snapped to Enzo as if seeing him for the first time. Enzo? His brow furrowed slightly, batting the client’s hand away gently. His expression shaky and filled with distress. Lorenzo's questions seemed to echo in the distance, and Israel could only reply vaguely, I don't know... I don't know. His eyes moved over his body, searching for any signs of injuries, and he let out a breath of relief upon finding none. The guard... left me. He left me alone, he signed, a tinge of fear and vulnerability evident in his eyes.
But then, an eerie and unsettling silent laughter erupted from within him. It was a maniacal laughter that shook his body silently, a physical manifestation of the shock he was experiencing. The gravity of the attack on the city was clearly overwhelming him, and he couldn't cope with the devastating reality before him. I didn’t do this... they’re going to think I did this... Israel muttered before putting his hands in front of his mouth, his words a bleak reflection of his despair. The weight of the situation was sinking in, but his mind struggled to process it fully. The shock and trauma kept him on the edge of reality. His mind continued to spiral, making it difficult for him to comprehend he presence of Enzo trying to help him. As Israel's knees buckled, he collapsed to the ground, his body unable to bear the weight of the shock as the laughter subsided into shaking. The last thing he wanted was to become another scapegoat. I didn't do this, I swear, I had nothing to do with it. I don't know who did, but it wasn't me.
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israelskelton · 9 months
“They’re still warm, and we both need our energy. So as much as I appreciate the offer, an info runner can’t be choosy. Thanks for the help though Iz.” Olivier tucked in. Though even though it was still warm, it was harder to extract without blood pressure. But it slaked his thirst. “You good? You see what happened by any chance? Any info would be helpful.”
“Sorry for yelling at you by the way. I just needed some help and you were clearly shell-shocked.” The vampire took another drag from the corpse, waiting for a response from the wolf. He also looked around for anything he might use as a weapon in case he needed one.
Israel face remained impassive and his mind lost in contemplation. He continues to clutch the decapitated arm, examining it absentmindedly as if it were some sort of puzzle piece in his thoughts. He only half-listened as Olivier spoke, the words registering but not eliciting any strong reaction from him. At the vampire's question about his well-being, Israel's response carries a vague indifference, I'm standing. That's enough. He continues to collect the body parts, seemingly unfazed by the grim nature of the task at hand.
When Olivier questioned him about what he had witnessed, Israel shakes his head slowly looking at the rubble. I was inside the building. Heard someone yell something just before the blast. He met Olivier's gaze briefly, his eyes reflecting a distant understanding of the situation. Probably a diversion tactic. He muses, because he of all people would know. There was a moment of silence between them, filled only with the distant sounds of sirens and the ongoing chaos of the aftermath.
As Olivier offered an apology, Israel simply waved it off, a slight upward twitch of his lips indicating a semblance of acknowledgment. Don’t worry about it. He signed, his focus returning to the grisly task at hand. He rose with an awkward grace, his movements stiff as he began to collect the scattered body parts. Each piece was handled methodically, devoid of disgust or emotion. Do you think they keep a paper log of all the patients? Or that there’s a chance there’s a working laptop? The indifference he exuded was a defense mechanism, a way to shield himself from the overwhelming horror of the situation. His gaze finally shifts towards Olivier's search for a potential weapon. A slight quirk of his lips could be mistaken for a hint of amusement, though it's more like a trace of irony, You're not gonna find much that's useful. Not in this mess.
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israelskelton · 9 months
The wolf had gone running to the source of the explosion. He knew that CCPD would be needed so there was no hesitation to drop what he was doing and run to help. When he got there everything was chaos. The hospital was hit, a terrifying prospect when the one place that is meant to heal hurt people gets targeted in such a way. The inside of the building was terribly packed and wrought with dread and despair. He was no help——all he could do was stand and watch as nurses and doctors rushed around desperately to calm the outcries of scared citizens.
The was so much happening all at once it felt like he was going to explode. How anyone was able to work in hospitals under such conditions was beyond me. Even worse that this disaster happened to make everything that much harder. He felt for everyone here on staff, they deserved so much more than what was given to them. When all this was over he was going to make it his personal vendetta to raise money for repairs. With everything that they were doing and helping the population of Covaire? They deserved it.
It felt like the world was coming to an end all at once and he was getting his full of it. He needed to step away, to get a gulp of fresh air that wasn’t full of the scent of terror or blood. Stepping into the hallway the wolf ticked his head at a noise. Something from the hospital no doubt, probably a machine beeping or the noise from the lights. Then it got louder and his head felt ready to explode. Ricky suppressed the scream as long as he could until it became too much. It was one of the worst pains he’s ever felt—his head was ready to explode and he didn’t know what was causing it. All he could do was cradle his head and wail as the noise came to a crescendo before it suddenly stopped.
“What th’ hell..?” the wolf’s breaths were ragged as he collapsed to the ground. His ears were still ringing with the headache from hell forming when he heard a noise down the hall. Rising to stand the wolf noticed two things. One, Isreal was close by looking lost and hurt. Two, he saw the shadowed figure of a man he never thought he’s see again. “Is. Is you need to come here, right now.” he growled while reaching for his holstered weapon. The man had a bat and was staring—just staring at the back of Israel with a bat in hand and that stupid smug smile. The wolf wasn’t going to let him hurt anyone. Not again. “Israel! Get the fuck behind me.”
Israel's world felt like it was spinning out of control. The aftermath of the explosion had left him in shock, his head throbbing with unbearable pain due to whatever that horrible sound was. He clutched his skull, desperately trying to hold himself together amidst the chaos. The loud voices and the ringing in his ears made it difficult for him to focus on anything else. Through the chaos, Ricky's voice reached his ears, but it was muffled by the voices that seemed to be echoing in his head. Israel's frown deepened as he tried to understand the tone of Ricky's voice. It sounded urgent and commanding, unlike anything he had heard before from the detective. He wanted to respond, to ask Ricky what was going on, but the jumbled thoughts in his mind made it difficult to form coherent words. 
Seeing Ricky's hand on his gun, Israel froze, unsure of the situation and what Ricky perceived as a threat. His senses were overwhelmed, and he couldn't comprehend what was happening. He desperately wished for clarity but couldn't find it amidst the turmoil inside his mind. As Israel looked around, he saw doctors and nurses in their white coats hurrying around, attending to the injured. A surge of anger and fear swept through him. Ricky... you should probably... put that away here... He managed to sign his hands shaking as he struggled to find his ‘voice’.
Claws extended involuntarily as his instincts kicked in. He couldn't trust these people; they were the ones who ruined his life. Wait. Was Ricky trying to protect him from them? The wolf's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle while his heart pounded in his chest. They had caused him so much pain, they had failed to help him when he needed it the most. But they weren’t the only ones. The resentment he felt towards those who had abandoned him during his darkest times flooded back, intensifying his distress. His heart raced as he stumbled behind Ricky, seeking some form of protection from the overwhelming flurry of coats. The world around him became a blur, and he felt like he was losing control. He let out a silenced whimper, his emotional turmoil making it difficult to find his footing in the disorienting environment.
‘It was a bad idea to come here...’ The words were barely audible amid the chaos in his mind. He couldn't bear the weight of his past trauma and the current chaos in the hospital. The once-familiar surroundings now felt menacing as the voices grew louder, he could individually pick them out now as he frantically looked around. ‘Effy? Theus?’ But... They had left Covaire? They had left him. Stumbling backwards into the wall and slumping downwards. ‘You all...’ Cradling his head in his hands, he moaned silently, eyes shutting as he gritted his teeth. You left... you left...
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israelskelton · 9 months
Olivier was close-by trying to help clear some rubble to save someone when he spotted the werewolf nearby. The vampire was at least happy that he had strength that wouldn’t go away. But also the exertion was making him hungry. The temptation to just take a draw from the person’s exposed, but still moving, arm was so tempting. But that could wait. But then he spotted Israel.
The vampire could get some help and make a trip to get topped off if the younger man would help him. “Skelton! The hell you doing just standing there!? Could you get your ass over here and help me!?”
Israel stood amidst the chaos, his mind still reeling from the explosion that had just occurred. He was in shock, disoriented and overwhelmed by the situation around him. At first, he didn't even hear Olivier's call, but when he finally registered the voice, he frowned at the use of his last name. Israel... He mumbled silently, feeling a bit unsettled by the use of such formality in the midst of the chaos. That, and he held no love for the name personally. If he was ever allotted the opportunity he would change it.
As he looked around, trying to make sense of what to do, he noticed Olivier struggling to free a civilian trapped under the rubble. He didn't know how to answer Olivier's question about what he was doing just standing there; the truth was, he was overwhelmed and didn't know how to process the situation. But he pushed those thoughts aside for the moment, focusing on the task at hand. 
The wolf joined Olivier in trying to free the trapped civilian, his own adrenaline starting to kick in, and the shock beginning to fade into the background. The vampire's attitude didn't escape his notice, but right now, saving lives took precedence. As Israel and Olivier continued their efforts to clear the rubble and extract the trapped victim, it became painfully evident to Israel that the person they were trying to save had already succumbed to their injuries. His face somber as he began to dig slower, eventually clearing the rubble off the deceased. Checking for a pulse, the wolf attempted to revive them, only stopping when he realized it was futile. His heart began to beat erratically, blood roaring in his ears, dark eyes frantic as he looked around at the mess before them. 
Moving to another pile of rubble, he began to frantically claw it away, his heart dropping as he came across another deceased victim. By the third attempt he sunk to the ground, holding a decapitated arm. It was just an arm... nothing else left. He turned to Olivier, extending his arm. He wasn’t stupid. He could tell when he was around a hangry vampire. If you’re hungry... use me... blood centers are probably closed... 
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israelskelton · 9 months
Israel couldn't believe his luck – or rather, his misfortune. After enduring the ire of a irate client, a man with a volatile temper and a condescending attitude, he had landed himself in the emergency room. The injuries he had sustained had been minor and Israel would live to see another day. But fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor as he ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A deafening explosion shook the building, sending shockwaves through the air. Israel hesitated for a moment, his fear locking him in place. The deafening blast reverberated through his head, the sound of glass shards on pavement and walls crumbling caused him to shudder. Israel found himself shielded from the debris, but the shock of the explosion had hit him like a tidal wave. He stood there, frozen and trembling, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The guard accompanying him, with quick reflexes, grabbed Israel's arm, pulling him close as he ran from the crumbling structure. The world around him blurred into a chaotic mess as debris rained down, and the ground beneath him trembled as he stumbled alongside the guard.
His ears rang, muffling the sounds of panic and sirens around them. His heart raced in his chest, beating at an alarming pace. It was as if time had stopped, and he was trapped in a suspended reality, unable to fully process the gravity of the situation. As the shock settled in, his body temperature seemed to fluctuate erratically. One moment, he felt flushed and sweaty, the next, a chilling coldness enveloped him. His hands trembled uncontrollably, and he clutched at his chest as if trying to hold himself together. People rushed past him, some in agony, others frantically assisting the wounded. But Israel felt disconnected, as if he were a mere observer, unable to fully engage with his surroundings.
The harsh realization that he was now alone settled upon him, abandoned in a dangerous and uncertain situation. The absence of the guard left him feeling vulnerable and exposed, with no one to protect him from the chaos unfolding around him. His body may have been unscathed, but the emotional scars from the incident were still fresh, and the chaos around him made it hard to focus. His heart pounded in his chest, and his breaths became shallow as he struggled to keep his composure. Words from others reached his ears, but they sounded distant and muffled. Israel's breathing remained erratic, alternating between short, shallow breaths and moments of holding his breath. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion and fear, unable to find a safe place to anchor itself.
I didn't do this… It wasn't me… I'm innocent. But the words provided little comfort in the face of the terrifying reality he found himself in. I didn't do this… I had nothing to do with it. Israel muttered to himself, trying to convince both his racing mind and anyone nearby that he had nothing to do with the explosion. 'This is a nightmare… just wake up, wake up!' The voice in his head quivered with a mix of fear and frustration. The world seemed to slow down, and he struggled to process the overwhelming sensory overload as he stood before the hospital. Or what was left of it.
He had seen the worst side of this city, and without someone to guide him or watch his back, the fear of what might happen next loomed over him like a dark cloud.
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israelskelton · 9 months
Amidst the dimly lit and smoky ambiance of the bar, Israel sat hunched over in a secluded booth. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol and various chatter, but he was lost in his own world, oblivious to the outside distractions. His shoulders were tense, and his features were obscured in shadows as he stared deeply into the swirling liquid in his glass. In his intoxicated state, Israel's emotions were a tangled web. Frustration gnawed at him like a relentless predator, while confusion danced like shadows on the periphery of his thoughts. He had walked into this bar hoping to find solace, but now it seemed that the numbing effects of the alcohol only served to amplify the cacophony of emotions within him. He couldn’t even recall when or how he got here. Or whose tab his drinks were on... why did his right hand hurt? Staring down at his bruised knuckles, he frowned to himself softly in confusion.
As he swirled the drink in his glass absentmindedly, a hint of vulnerability crept into his otherwise stoic expression. The bar around him bustled with life, patrons laughing, glasses clinking, but for Israel, it was as if time stood still. Looking up at the shadow cast over him, he gestured hesitantly, his hands clumsily forming signs as he looked to the detective as he sat down in front of him. You’re not going to arrest me... right? He paused, playing with the glass before him. Vaguely he recalled a scuffle breaking out between him and another prisoner... knuckles cracking against the other wolf’s jaw... he had touched his face... no one touched his face...
My hand... slipped... and fell into his face... Israel's thoughts seemed to tumble out of him like a cascading waterfall, each sentence flowing seamlessly into the next. Self-defense.. he touched me first... I could show you a magic trick with your cuffs you wanna see Richard?
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israelskelton · 9 months
“Of course I did. In more countries than one, and my patients are perhaps the safest in Covaire. Good doctor and all,” he teased, though that part was true. Haru treasured his patients. He took his job very seriously- enough that he was able to keep himself together, to keep all of those voices at bay, all of the desire to make humans better —— his patients were his priority. If the man who was truly a monster, could care for anything, it would be them. 
The more the boy spoke, the more Haru smiled. He gave a shrug of his shoulders. “Not true. You felt familiar enough to speak - and boldly, so some familiarity is there. If there was none, surely you’d not be stupid enough to speak to me in such a way. For if you would, you would speak to every client in such a way, no? Since there is no reason for getting personal.” 
Haru quirked a brow, “— and why I may not kill you for such inquiries, I’m sure that there are many more clients who would. Unless you speak warnings to every client you come across?” 
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“If so, I must advise you to be more cautious. Or your cute face may not be so cute the next time we see one another,” he released his chin. “—and I’m actually quite fond of your looks, pup.” 
Israel’s eyes remained fixed on Haru, wary yet composed, as he listened to the man’s words with guarded skepticism. Safest in Covaire? That’s funny. Israel retorted, he didn’t need a voice to convey his bitterness. He had had his fair share of run-ins with Haru in the Chateau and hospital at times. But they had been brief and Israel had been more concerned with his level of functioning than the doctor. The smile Haru bore though had always irritated him for some reason. Presently the wolf wanted nothing more than to claw that smile off the doctor’s face. For now though he was met with a cold stare and stilled hands. 
The more Haru spoke, the more Israel's guardedness intensified. He didn't show the same level of defiance he had exhibited prior. Not that the doctor holding his chin the way he was. Instead, he remained cautious and hesitant in his responses. I don’t see a point in filtering myself anymore. I did that enough as a civilian. He scoffed, Obviously, I don't speak to every client the same way because every situation is different, and with how I see it there is no reason for getting personal with anyone here. I speak to clients how I see fit. His words conveyed a sense of detachment, emphasizing that sentiment and emotions had no place in their world. In his eyes forming attachments or showing favoritism could lead to vulnerability and manipulation. He learned that the hard way and bore the scars as testament. 
As Haru made veiled threats and commented on Israel's appearance, the prisoner's gaze dropped to the floor. His survival instincts took precedence. He remained subdued. I don’t know what they’d gain from killing me. Other than ridding the city of my existence. But at that rate they’d be doing me more of a favor than anyone else. He smiled, taking in a breath. I only warn because I honestly hate being right... all it takes is one slip up and the next minute you’re in handcuffs. 
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Confusion shifting on Israel’s face at the doctor’s words. His hand itching to grab the doctor’s wrist and pull his grip from his chin. I suggest you keep your unsolicited advice to yourself. I didn't ask for it, and I certainly don't need it. And your opinion of my appearance means nothing to me. I couldn't care less whether you find my face cute or not. With that he pulled away, putting distance between them, stabbing at the trash below his feet.
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israelskelton · 9 months
“Understandable. Take some time. There is no deadline on a decision. I just put it out as an option. And if I didn’t enjoy having you around, I wouldn’t. I’m too old to not know what I want these days. Plus, without Leda being able to be home, the place is, and I never thought I’d say this, too quiet. If not you, I’ll need to bring someone in just so I don’t go insane in the quiet I’ve become accustomed to not having. But first, breakfast. Second, keep going over the information pertaining to your research.”
Thank you. Israel replied looking out the window, his upper lip falling between his teeth. Inhaling silently he listened to Hayato, his gaze drifting to the older wolf when he mentioned being too old to not know what he wanted. That was an interesting way to put things. Moving to pour another cup of coffee, he nodded at the mention of Leda’s absence. I completely understand the need to know what you want, especially as time goes on. And if my presence helps fill the void left by Leda's absence, I'm more than happy to be here for the time being. He paused to sip the coffee smirking behind the cup. Although, I’m afraid I’m not much help when it comes to the quiet. But is the quiet that bad anyway? He asked, shifting to lean on the counter again, his gaze shifting to the food Hayato was cooking. You’re really invested aren’t you? That’s funny all things considered...
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israelskelton · 9 months
“Well—- we haven’t seen each other in a while,” she feels an air of guilt about that. Time had gotten away from her, she’d grown busy somewhere along the line. “I missed you.”
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Bear watches Israel move about closely, observing how he got samples together and prepared another latte for Eden to bring everything back to their table. When he discovers that none of the things Israel brought back were for him, he makes his disappointment known with a huff before sniffing up to Is, just to make sure he wasn’t hiding any treats in his pockets. “Sorry,” she apologizes for the pup “The concepts of not always getting treats and personal space are two we’re still working on. And thank you, I’m sure they’ll be both incredible.”
“Wait don’t you have like—- a minute?” seeming to how busy the café still was that’s a ridiculous question “How much longer does your shift run?”
Eden's words warmed Israel's heart, and he couldn't help but smile. I really appreciate that, Eden. It's been hectic lately, but it’s been nice to see a friendly face. He replied, his eyes meeting hers with genuine affection. Her mentioning she missed him did cause him to falter slightly. Missed you too.
Feeling eyes on him Israel looks to Bear, the huff not escaping his ears as he frowns. Watching the dog sniff him, he cocks his head slightly. A small frown pulling at his lips at the dog’s disappointment. At the apology Israel shakes his head dismissively. No, he’s fine. I just feel bad I don’t have anything for him. But you’re welcome, no trouble at all, really. 
Hearing Eden’s words Israel stopped and turned to look at her perplexed. His gaze shifting to his bare wrist out of habit for his watch. It’s not there and for a moment he feels ridiculous. Biting his lip he looks to the clock before looking back at Eden. My shift's actually ending in about fifteen minutes. My next engagement cancelled so I’ll just be going back to my cell. Israel signed back, the bustling cafe faded into the background, he felt a twinge of sadness, wishing he could stay with Eden a little longer. I wish I did... but duty calls.
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I can chat after if you’re still around. He then turned to Bear and scratched behind his ears. I’ll bring you something too. As he returned to the cafe's bustling rhythm, he couldn't shake off the feeling of contentment. True friendships were rare for him, and he knew he had found a lifelong one in Eden. And for that, he was truly grateful.
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