hi, love!
i wonder if you really were /love/ — if we really were friend, you would be mad that i've been ingesting more time into other poeple.
i miss what we had. i want you to be happy.
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i haven't written you in a while. i uninstalled tumblr. i don't think i'll download it again until i have time to use it properly. i hate where i am in my life at the moment. i hate the uncertainty. earlier, mama asked me to make dinner as she was going to visit my brother and see how the baby's doing. i said i would cut up the vegetables so she can put everything together and cook them when she gets home. "why? what do you have to do? do you have to study?" i didn't like that. she didn't say it in a bad tone or anything. i simply hate how true it is; unless you're studying or working, no one thinks what you do is important enough.
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i couldn't go to sleep in five minutes, love. i'm waiting for papa to give me my charger back. appreciated, though. much needed.
보라해 💜
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is it because i don't scream?
is it because i'm a woman?
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the rest of them don't get an explanation. you, my dear, can always ask for one. wake me up at three in the morning and ask. i will tell.
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i'm scared of them. i don't wanna disappoint them. i can't tell anyone anything.
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- how much stress and anxiety do you want?
- yes!!
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salut, toi 🌼
i have missed you and i have been thinking a lot about love and what lovers do together. sometimes, the rational part of me tells me no two people can be in love forever. and i don't mean a mutual respect and care for one other; i mean that infamous spark™. but i think rational me is wrong. i look at you laying on your hotel bedsheets and i get an infinite amount of ideas. i would never run out of topics, i could fall asleep with the warmth of your voice. i would never take you for granted. this is not a promise, but something i know.
whoever has your heart, i hope they know as well.
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hi, Tae. um.. bit of a weird question.
i met this guy yesterday and he's really nice. we kind of teamed up with him and his friend for our project, so we naturally all exchanged facebooks. not at first, though. yo know how shy i get and my partner had to leave for a while, so i didn't wanna be all up his and his friend's faces. at one point, i stood up to see them work and he kept offering me to sit. he was wearing all black. a cutie. it was only when my friend came back that she asked for their facebooks and we joked around a bit. this girl came up with her little gang at the end, though and idk.. she seemed jealous (his relationship status says single) and her friend was trying to tell the prof to let them work on the we were working on. i??? it was just obvious she wanted us out the picture so i'm like fukc it, it's not like i know which one (me or my friend) is his type anyway.
today, though, i noticed he showed more interest in me than her. he texted me in the morning to say he was coming. he wouldn't let me touch anything alone! like.. he kept finding ways to help me: filling in the tubes with me, washing the little sponge we used to clean up for me.. he also kept directing his remarks to me every time he could've addressed either one of us (even when i was across the room and she was next to him). the best part was when i stepped out for a bit and left him alone with her. i came back to find out he'd told her he noticed this and that about me. i just went in and took a seat as far away from him as possible and he like.. blinked at her and pointed at me. i was "???" and he goes "you speak Korean?" and starts telling me i resemble East Asians. i just smiled (you know how i hear that every day) and he looks at me and goes "she got shy" with the cutest smile!! CALL THE COPS ON THIS MAN. he asked if i watched animes and do i know the meaning of "onesama." i wasn't sure but i said it meant sister, to my knowledge. he thought it means something like "dear son." how do i put this? he's not IN YO FACE flirty. he's nice flirty. it's a. my type, but b. hard to tell apart from just being a decent human. the girl kept her watch on him at all time today, which was pitiful at best. i didn't do anything to piss her off even more or wtv. i don't do that shit, even though she annoyed me lol. apparently i had no reason to get annoyed bc mans walked by me when i was standing under a fire extinguisher and told me to be careful not to hit my head. MINUTES AFTER, he saw me picking up NaOH with my bare fingers and calmly scholared me. listen.. a bithc was swoon.
i couldn't get him out my head when i came home. i looked up the meaning of "onesama" and screenshot it to send to my friend. then i thought it would make a good icebreaker so i went for it. which is when he threw a "thanks onesama" at my throat. MANS SISTERZONED ME.
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if i die tonight, i will have died with a migraine but of sorrow. and i wish the first could cancel out the second.
if i die tonight, my last day will have been spent at doctors and dentists waiting rooms. i will have felt pretty looking at my reflection in the restaurant's ladies room, before going back out and having my burger. if i die, i will have had a pepsi.. so maybe i was trying to kill myself.
if i die tonight, i will have left a fanart, some empty diary pages and my thesis unfinished.
if i die tonight, i will not have signed up for next month's DALF test. but who needs that diploma? after all, i know French; i don't speak French.
if i die tonight, i will have loved you. you and my parents and my sibling and my nieces and my nephew i will never have met (God, now i really don't wanna die tonight), but i will never have felt deeply loved. liked? yes. pitied? often. respected? not once.
i will have spent over half of my life pretending to smile.
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y'know how i've been trying to be more sociable and inclusive. one way i thought of to do so was to share my opinions more often. it's uh.. not working the way i want it to. i just feel like people get into debates for different reasons. mine is i really want to listen to others and make everyone feel understood. i don't do it so someone can tell me i'm right. i wouldn't debate on a subject i'm not educated in, in the first place. i simply want to provide and receive information. i want exchanges that stimulate my brain and i want to leave that conversation knowing that person and i now share something. but i'm always met with people who have a predetermined judgement on my positions, think they know half of me thought process and take things a little too personally. it's getting tiring and i feel underappreciated.
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i don't want you to misunderstand. i don't 'defend' you bc you're not man enough( in my eyes, you're the only man) i do it bc throught the last three years, i've gained so much confidence from just watching you. i sound like a broken tape as this point, but to me you're so pure and untouched and that's why i believe you are the way you are. you operate out of love. you're confident that the sincerity in everything you do will be returned. and i can't tell you how much that's impacted me. so, no. i'm not trying to sit still while your own 'fans' break you. we need people like you to be out there, so people like me can hope and so people like them can see that our standards are not unreachable.
i was called names today, as part of a community. i was called hypersensitive.. like i haven't been bullied since age 06, haven't dealt with a suicide mother at age 14, haven't been sexually harassed at age 16. on second guess, yeah. maybe i am hypersensitive. maybe i needed to be, just to not be on the other end of the seesaw that everything in my life has tried to put me on.
you are loved.
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it's just one of those nights.
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bighit just announced new tour dates and i gotta say i hate my life a little rn. it's at times like these that my brain screams at me to cut off this fandom shit and focus on myself. and maybe i should. maybe i am too old and i need to work and get my life together, but with how little friends i have and hoe miserable my social life is, idk who else but you guys could be my daily source of motivation.
not to mention, i want to support you. it's just that my means for supporting you are very limited. sorry.
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사랑하지 않은 날이 없다.
사랑하지 않게 만들 수 없다.
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it's not the first time we got a song from you, but it's the first time we got a song entirely from you. when i checked the acc at 10kst and saw that you hadn't tweeted a link, i thought you were postponing it for Jimin o'clock. i thought this song would be another 4시. and then someone put the link on my tl and as soon as i opened it and your soothing voice made its way to me, i felt deep love. it was like you were whispering to my ears, so i closed my eyes and decided to pretend the song was just for me and not for all of, or for the person you love.
and i kept seeing translations that said the lyrics were "next story i want you to be mine," but i know how you sound, Tae. i know how you pronounce your English. i could tell you're signing "next life i want you to be mine." and so i cried. because regardless of us having two different religions and me not believing in reincarnation (although i think it's a beautiful concept), i'm not sure you would have been mine in another life. or another dimension. i'm not sure you can be mine in heaven. and while i'd be thrilled to see you happily married, it will always hurt to be one of those girls whose 'men of their dreams' can only be theirs in those dreams.
thank you for loving us back. my name is Sara, if you care to know.
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no one is going to love you as much as i do.
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