isujit-blog · 6 years
Choosing Toys That Are Safe for Your Cat
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To get the food sufficient for sustaining herself and her litter, a feral cat goes through the ritual of stalking, pouncing and killing, in a half-day’s time. On the other hand, domestic cats feed on a diet that is commercially made and prepared by their owner, which is as effortless as using an electric can opener with their paw. It is no wonder why your cat weighs a little more than normal. If we confine our feline pets to the indoors, we take away their opportunity to work for a living. Though they may be safer inside, their body and mind tend to be inactive. So, you should decide on how to enhance their lives and environment.
Luckily, it is easier to entertain cats. Most of the things in their surroundings could serve as cat toys. As a matter of fact, in most houses, cats ignore commercial cat toys and they would rather play with items meant to be recycled. These include paper bags, shoe boxes, bottle caps and pens that have dried out. What you consider as garbage may be good to rip to your cat. Some people place appliance boxes at the center of the living room so that their cats can use them when playing hide-and-seek.
As you evaluate household items that are safe for your cat, take notice of the pieces that can be bitten and swallowed, get trapped on the claw and keep retraction, or get stuck in your cat’s throat or mouth. Though a lot of cats love to hide inside paper bags, they hate it when their heads get caught in the handles and the paper bag seems to have a life of its own, chasing them no matter how fast they run. To prevent this kind of problem, you just need to cut the handles before letting your cat have access to them.
The most important law on safety is to know your cat. Find out the things that catch his attention. He may have an oral craving for aluminum foil, plastic milk cap rims or paper curling ribbon. If this is the case, it is crucial to properly dispose these items to prevent your cat from having gastrointestinal problems. However, these same things can serve as well-supervised toys that may be played with occasionally by other cats. Before you consider commercial toys as safe to play in your home, they should be carefully inspected. Cats that bat at toys using their paws can play with wands that have fluttering mylar strips. However, if your cat likes to put anything she catches in her mouth, this is not safe for playing.
When you know the habits, as well as play styles of your feline pet by heart, you can carefully select toys for your cat. This will, in turn, offer a mentally challenging surrounding, invigorating exercise and plain, good fun, creating a happier and healthier home companion.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Get Some Excellent and Quality Cat Beds for Your Meowing Friend
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Your kitty must be sweet and endearing to convince you to get her an excellent and quality cat bed. To resolve your worries on what specific bed to get for your cat, go for online shopping, here you can choose from varieties of bed collections.
These days online shops are evolving into the first choice for almost all shoppers. Because of their multiple benefits and huge options, more people are logging on instead of heading out.
Adore Your Meowing Friend with the Best Cat Supplies
Cats are the great pet and kept as an essential part of the family. You like to adore your meowing friend, buy her accessories and best cat food. To create a magnificent effect one can select the best kind of thing which will undoubtedly create a paradise and change the overall decoration differently.
If you are looking for some quality cat beds online, then start your online shopping. Choose the best piece with the new and attractive look. Do not forget about colors and patterns that play a significant role in creating a fantastic decor for your meowing companion.
Get Quality Beds from Trusted Leaders Online
Get high-quality beds and create some admiring effect on the surrounding for your best friend. It is better not to buy sleeping beds for a cat right away; first of all, you need to evaluate the sleeping habits of your meowing companion.
For example, if your kitty sleeps with her head propped up, then you need to buy beds for her with bolsters or sides. In case, you have a cat that likes to stretch out, then buy her with a beautiful rectangular pillow or designed in platform fork. Observe certain things before you pick any item. Get quality beds from trusted leaders.
Heated Beds and Pads are Available Especially for Cats
The one thing cats like more than sleeping is to sleep in the sunlight. You can give your cat with a warm place to relax even when the sun is not out with heated bedsand pads specially made for pet cats.
The best thing is that these products are available in different size, shape and designs; you can purchase any of them that suited your furry friend best.
Provide a Place of Safety, Security and Comfort
If you want to pamper your lovely kitty and let her get a good night’s rest she wishes, then you better find the perfect and comfortable bed for her.
A good foundation provides her with a place of safety, comfort and security. Buy cat bed, making sure that it has a surface which can be cleaned easily.
Put Icing on the Cake with the Excellent Cat Products
When, you bring any cat into your home, at first try to create a special bond with your kitty. Once you have acquired this relation, put the icing on the cake with excellent cat products for your feline friend. Owning cat beds and innovative cat toys will work like a jump start your cat’s sense of importance to you.
I wish you would have liked my article. Being a long-time cat owner, I am passionate about supporting cat health and well-being. The motto to write this article is to let you know more, how you can make your cat’s living more comfortable and relaxing. In coming days, I will try to bring more informative content on making cat parenting easier and better.
For more information about quality cat beds, or any particular cat, dog other pet supplies you can visit our official website.
https://www.sociolust.com is a known brand in pet products supplies. They provides best quality pet products and accessories like food, bedding, health supplement etc.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Do you love seeing your cat look fabulous? If so, you should definitely get your pet some excellent cat clothes. Wondering whether cats can wear clothes? Yes, that's true, not only the pooches, but also now cats can get dressed up. However, unlike the pooches which get comfortable in the costumes with ease, cats won't accept clothing as easily. Proper training is needed for cats to make them feel comfortable with clothing. Once you train your cat to wear clothes, the felines can dress according to the different occasions. These dresses not only make your cats look fabulous but also will be very comfortable to them. However, it is up to you to choose the best dress that perfectly fits your pet cat.Cat Sweaters - Great looks with best comfort 'Cat Sweaters'- does that seem odd to you? Well that's not odd anymore. If you love your cat very much you should get them a sweater to protect them from the cold. Cat sweaters are made of fine wool or the best quality acrylic and Mylar yarn which offer great comfort and warmth to your pet. However, it is important to select the correct sized sweater to ensure the best fit for your cat. There are very few pet clothes stores who offer custom sized sweaters based on your requirements.Clothing for your cat for different occasions With your whole family dressed up for certain occasions, why should your cat - your best friend- be left behind? Cats can be dressed up for any occasion today. There are some cool wedding dresses too for your cat to attend the marriage functions with you. Do you like to make your pet look like a princess? You can do that too - there are fabulous princess costumes for your cat. Don't forget cat swimsuits for those cats that love the water.Cat clothes for Christmas With Christmas just a few days away you will be shopping for Christmas costumes now. This Christmas, add some Christmas cat clothes to your shopping cart. The Christmas cat clothes will be a perfect gift for your pet this season. You can also surprise your guests with your kitty dressed in Christmas clothes welcoming them. When it comes to Christmas costumes for cats, there are plenty of options to choose from. The 'Jingle Bells Cat Collar' will be the attention grabber this season. The 'Cat Snowflake Sweater' will protect your kitty from cold while they enjoy the snowflakes falling this season.With lots of dressing options to choose from, your cats can look fabulous with different fashion clothes.Sociolust offers a small, yet growing, selection of cat clothes, beds, carriers, and other products to dress up your cat.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Cat's Best Friend
They say a dog is "man's best friend" . . . but they left out the animals that are best friends for many, many people--Cats! I say we need a cliché for our fuzzy friends, too! Cat lovers everywhere, take a look around on the internet for helpful hints on how to choose cat care products, how to take care of your cats and kittens, and what kinds of cat accessories, cat toys and other items for your cat.
A cat lover's cat is like any other member of the family. If you are like me and your cat is very important to you, your cat becomes a member of the household very quickly--almost like a child. After adopting a cat there are many types of cat accessories that you will need to have--and check out our website if you want only the very best for your cat.
I have always owned cats--almost my entire life--and as much as I love dogs too, my cats bring another kind of joy to my life. However, when you are caring for cats and kittens, there is much to know, especially when caring for newborn kittens.
There are a wide variety of cat supplies you will need when caring for a cat. Not only are my cats special to me, but they love my friends, and other animals as well. I like to watch them play and have fun, and there are several types of cat toys, cat collars, leashes, cat beds, cat furniture and even cat clothing and cat jewelry to choose from.
You may like to dress up your kitty with cat clothing that is comfortable and looks adorable too! Or perhaps you just want some cat jewelry, such as rhinestones on your cat's collar. There are thousands of options on the market today, and many can be found in the internet.
When you love your cat or cats, you love to watch them play and be happy, and you also want the best possible cat accessories. Whether necessary--like a litter box, or unnecessary, like a giant piece of fun cat furniture for your cat or cats to enjoy--you want the very best for your cat or cats.
Loving these cuddly and beautiful creatures is easy to do. So, so much for "man's best friend." My best friend (and perhaps yours too) is a soft, playful and fluffy kitty with a personality all his own. You never know quite what to expect when you have a cat--but you can count on the pleasure that your cat will bring into your life. Look around online and find out what kinds of items and ideas will enrich your life even more as you see your cat become happier too!
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Basic Cat Accessories for Your Pet
If you are planning to have a kitty as a pet, you would do well to buy some cat accessories in advance. Though dogs are termed as man's best friends, cats can be just as exciting, an in some ways they are even more cute and lovely than puppies. It is really very exciting to be buying items for your new guest, but in your excitement, make sure you do not buy non essential items. It is prudent to take help of the internet or your friend who has a kitty to avoid buying things your kitty might not be interested in.
Though products meant for cats have traditionally been over-sized and heavier than the poor feline fellows, of late, there has been a marked improvement not only in product size and weight but also in their attractiveness. You can be pretty certain that the toys you are buying for your pet are going to be loved by it. Cat accessories today are as cute and good looking as cats themselves. You know, cats are very moody animals and it is difficult to fool them with goodies. They will play only when they like to, and not because you want them to.
If you dearly wish that your kitty adjusts quickly in you house and is stress free right from the word go, you need to make her comfortable. For this to happen it is necessary to look for cat supplies in the market leisurely and buy things depending upon your requirements. This also allows you choose items at a fair price rather than buying them hurriedly at the eleventh hour.
What are the cat accessories that you think are essential for your cat to feel free and comfortable in your home? Of course, bowls come on top. You may not think of it as much, but cat food bowls are just as important. Buy one which is suitable for the size of the kitty and from which she is easily able to have her food. And yes, make sure you buy different bowls for food and water.
Some other cat accessories that you may not be aware of but are almost essential are cat litter box, cat carrier, cat scratching post, cat toys and cat bed. Toys help a kitten to familiarize herself with the house and also allow you to get close to her.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Benefits You Will Get by Using Docker
Today, there is a buzz all around about Docker and containerisation in general. What exactly is Docker and how is it related to containerisation? What are the top benefits of using docker? Why did it became so popular? In this article I will answer all these questions as well as give you a few statistics and some successful case studies related to Docker that are nice to know about.
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What is docker & how is it related to containerization
Running applications in containers instead of virtual machines is gaining momentum in the IT world. The technology is considered to be one of the fastest growing in recent the history of the software industry. At its heart lies Docker, a platform that allows users to easily pack, distribute and manage applications within containers. In other words, It is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers.
Docker really makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. And containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. By doing so, the developer can be assured that the application will run on any other Linux machine regardless of any customized settings that machine might have that could differ from the machine used for writing and testing the code.
Docker; statistics & facts
2/3 of Companies that try using docker, adopt it. Most companies who will adopt have already done so within 30 days of initial production usage, and almost all the remaining adopters convert within 60 days.
Real docker adoption is up 30% in one year
Adopters 5x their container. Docker adopters approximately quintuple the average number of running containers they have in production between their first and tenth month of usage.
PHP, Ruby, Java and Node are the main programming frameworks used in containers1
Top technologies running on docker
Popularity & benefits of using docker
Why do large companies like ING, PayPal, ADP and Spotify keep using Docker? Why is the adoption of docker growing so fast? Let's go over the top advantages of docker to better understand it.
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1. Return on investment & cost savings
The first advantage of using docker is the ROI. The biggest driver of most management decisions when selecting a new product is the return on investment. The more a solution can drive down costs while raising profits, the better the solution is, especially for large, established companies, that need to generate steady revenue on the long term.
In this sense, Docker can help facilitate this type of savings by dramatically reducing infrastructure resources. The nature of Docker is that fewer resources are necessary to run the same application. Because of the reduced infrastructure requirements that Docker has, organizations are able to save on everything from server costs to the employees needed to maintain them. Docker allows engineering teams to be smaller and more effective.
2. Standardization & productivity
Docker containers ensure consistency across multiple development, release cycles and standardising your environment. One of the biggest advantages to a Docker-based architecture is actually standardization. Docker provides repeatable development, build, test, and production environments. Standardizing service infrastructure across the entire pipeline allows every team member to work on a production parity environment. By doing this, engineers are more equipped to efficiently analyze and fix bugs within the application. This reduces the amount of time wasted on defects and increases the amount of time available for feature development.
As we mentioned, Docker containers allow you to commit changes to your Docker images and version control them. For example if you perform a component upgrade that breaks your whole environment, it is very easy to rollback to a previous version of your Docker image. This whole process can be tested in a few minutes. Docker is fast, allowing you to quickly make replications and achieve redundancy. Also, launching Docker images is as fast as running a machine process.
3. CI efficiency
Docker enables you to build a container image and use that same image across every step of the deployment process. A huge benefit of this is the ability to separate non-dependent steps and run them in parallel. The length of time it takes from build to production can be sped up notably.
4. Compatibility & maintainability
Eliminate the "it works on my machine" problem once and for all. One of the benefits that the entire team will appreciate is parity. Parity, in terms of Docker, means that your images run the same no matter which server or whose laptop they are running on. For your developers, this means less time spent setting up environments, debugging environment-specific issues, and a more portable and easy-to-set-up codebase. Parity also means your production infrastructure will be more reliable and easier to maintain.
5. Simplicity & faster configurations
One of the key benefits of Docker is the way it simplifies matters. Users can take their own configuration, put it into code and deploy it without any problems. As Docker can be used in a wide variety of environments, the requirements of the infrastructure are no longer linked with the environment of the application.
6. Rapid Deployment
Docker manages to reduce deployment to seconds. This is due to the fact that it creates a container for every process and does not boot an OS. Data can be created and destroyed without worry that the cost to bring it up again would be higher than affordable.
7. Continuous Deployment & Testing
Docker ensures consistent environments from development to production. Docker containers are configured to maintain all configurations and dependencies internally. So, you can use the same container from development to production making sure there are no discrepancies or manual intervention.
If you need to perform an upgrade during a product's release cycle, you can easily make the necessary changes to Docker containers, test them, and implement the same changes to your existing containers. This sort of flexibility is another key advantage of using Docker. Docker really allows you to build, test and release images that can be deployed across multiple servers. Even if a new security patch is available, the process remains the same. You can apply the patch, test it and release it to production.
8. Multi-Cloud Platforms
This is possibly one of Docker's greatest benefits. Over the last few years, all major cloud computing providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Compute Platform (GCP), have embraced Docker's availability and added individual support. Docker containers can be run inside an Amazon EC2 instance, Google Compute Engine instance, Rackspace server or VirtualBox, provided that the host OS supports Docker. If this is the case, a container running on an Amazon EC2 instance can easily be ported between environments, for example to VirtualBox, achieving similar consistency and functionality. Also, Docker works very well with other providers like Microsoft Azure stack, and OpenStack, and can be used with various configuration managers like Chef, Puppet, and Ansible,etc.
9. Isolation
Docker ensures your applications and resources are isolated and segregated. Docker makes sure each container has its own resources that are isolated from other containers. You can have various containers for separate applications running completely different stacks. Docker helps you ensure clean app removal since each application runs on its own container. If you no longer need an application, you can simply delete its container. It won't leave any temporary or configuration files on your host OS.
On top of these benefits, Docker also ensures that each application only uses resources that have been assigned to them. A particular application won't use all of your available resources, which would normally lead to performance degradation or complete downtime for other applications.
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10. Security
And the last benefit of using docker is - security. From a security point of view, Docker ensures that applications that are running on containers are completely segregated and isolated from each other, granting you complete control over traffic flow and management. No Docker container can look into processes running inside another container. From an architectural point of view, each container gets its own set of resources ranging from processing to network stacks.
Docker success stories
Let's look at success stories of well-known companies, which implemented Docker and are very happy with the results.
ADP Case Study
ADP is one of those companies that keep using Docker to better manage their application infrastructure. ADP is the largest global provider of cloud-based human resources services. From payroll to benefits, ADP handles HR for more than 600,000 clients, which caused a challenge in terms of security and scalability.
To solve security issue, ADP uses Docker Datacenter. Docker Content Trust enables their IT ops team to sign images and ensure that only signed binary will run in production. They also perform automated container scanning. Using multiple Docker Trusted Registries enables them to build a progressive trust workflow for their applications development process.
To solve scalability issue, the company relies on Universal Control Plane/Swarm. Swarm gives their team the ability to first start small and have each application made up of many small Docker engine swarms instead of one swarm per application. Then the swarms will merge over time, becoming larger and in the end each application will have its own swarm. One day, a swarm could potentially span across public and private infrastructure and across applications. This will enable the business to make the best financial decision for the company. With Docker containers, ADP plans to containerize the most dynamic parts of their applications first making it easier to change and re-deploy them moving forward, while leaving the other areas of the application for a later time. Containerizing with Docker enables ADP to have a hybrid strategy. They will have a mix of big and small containers for any application, which creates an evolutionary path forward to micro services
The vision and goal of ADP is to get to microservices but the reality is that no company will get there overnight. Not all applications will be refactored at the same rate and the platform needs to be flexible to accommodate a variety of application architectures. Now, by slowly isolating services into separate containers, ADP is able to slowly grow into a microservices architecture using Docker, rather than doing it all overnight.
Spotify Case study
A digital music service with millions of users is running a microservices architecture with as many as 300 servers for every engineer on staff.
The biggest pain point Spotify experienced managing such a large number of microservices was the deployment pipeline. With Docker, Spotify was able to pass the same container all the way through their CI/CD pipeline.
From build to test to production, they were able to ensure that the container that passed the build and test process was the exact same container that was on production.
Now the company can guarantee that all of their services remain up and running, providing a great user experience for their customers. They also built a new platform called Helios based on Docker containers to deploy their containers across their entire fleet or servers. maintain their development ecosystem.
ING Case study
As one of the top 10 financial services companies in the world, â?¨ING operates on global scale. The IT organization in the Netherlands alone comprised of 1,800 people creating unique challenges of coordinating change across large groups of people, processesâ?¨ and technology and it lead to poor quality software.
Now, ING is able to move faster with their CD pipeline running in Docker containers. Key areas accelerated are provisioning build servers, provisioning and publishing tests, deployment automation and in the functional integration testing environment across their 180 teams. Additionally the increasing levels of automation was starting to strain their infrastructure resources and Docker helped to greatly reduce that utilization and ultimately hard costs, especially within some of their biggest development efforts.
to conclude I want to say that Docker containers share their operating system so they run as isolated processes regardless of the host operating system. As Docker proudly admits, this means that its containers can "run on any computer, on any infrastructure and in any cloud". The portability, flexibility and simplicity that this enables, is a key reason why Docker has been able to generate such strong momentum. We are big fans of using Docker and we believe that it will continue growing.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Cumulus, Nimbus, Amazon and Other Types of Clouds
Cloud computing has become the latest buzz word. Whether you a brand new startup or an established business, you will wonder if Cloud is right for you. The problem is also immensely complicated by the fact the Cloud providers vary in the services they offer and the prices they charge. In this article I will shed some light on the topic.
First a Little History...
The term "Cloud Computing" comes from the cloud shapes used to illustrate the internet in network diagrams. The origins of cloud computing date back to the mid 1990s, when a movement of companies named ASPs (Application Service Providers) or hosted providers created a new kind of application, one that did not require installation on site. Now instead setting up servers and hiring staff, companies could just pay a monthly fee. As time went on, the concept stuck, but the name changed.
In 1999 when Salesforce.com launched, they no longer called themselves an ASP; they called themselves a Software as a Service company (SaaS). Salesforce was great for companies, as it allowed them to pay a per user / per month fee, providing great financial savings over running a CRM server. As the concept caught on, more companies entered the race and more innovation followed. Amazon launched it's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) in 2006 and Google developed Gmail and Docs for the enterprise. 2007 saw the introduction of Heroku, and 2008 brought the Google App Engine. All of these services are different in both design and purpose, the specifics of which we will see now.
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Types of Clouds
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
This type of cloud service does it's best to mimic traditional data centers. You are able to provision individual "server" instances. These servers can then be configured with the required operating systems and software. The top vendors in this space are Amazon, Rack Space as well as IBM. The benefit of this solution is the flexibility of the design, which allows you to create very complex systems. But, there is always a trade-off, and in this case it is ease of use. When using an IaaS provider, you need to be knowledgeable in system architecture and data center administration. This is not a problem for large enterprise, but may be an issue for a small start-up with only a few individuals.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
These services take you one step further from to the "metal." With them you don't have to worry about the specific servers or software. In many cases the provider will segment the solution into "services" like processing, storage and caching. This is a lot easier to manage for individuals who have a development background and not a hardware background. However, because you are now thinking in terms of pre-configured services, you have less flexibility in design and technology. Providers support specific software stacks and languages and choosing a provider is more likely to lock you into a particular platform, which is not the case with IaaS. Some well-known companies in the PaaS field are Heroku, dotCloud, Microsoft Azure stack and Google App Engine. These services are easier to use and may be cheaper for smaller apps. The pricing however may exceed IaaS solutions for larger applications.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
This type of cloud provider is placed furthest from the "metal." The provider has built a software system, and you are just customizing it to fit your need. Notable examples include Salesforce.com and Google Apps for Business. You may be able to customize the application to create a product that is more compatible with your needs, but your options will be somewhat limited. On the other hand, your need for technical expertise is also limited, so you are able to do more with fewer technical resources. The pricing on these services tends to be on a per user basis and may become pretty steep. However, this is offset by the fact that you need fewer technical resources to support the solution. Some final words
There are many types of clouds and cloud providers; there is no one true solution but rather a gamut of options. Which one is right for your business? Well, that depends. Are you a large or a small business? Do you have technical people available? Do they know hardware or software better? How much custom work does your solution need and how much can you leverage what is already built? There are a lot of questions to be answered but asking them is the first step.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Where to Buy Apple Certified Refurbished Macbooks
What happens when you want to buy a used Apple Macbook but you don't know where to buy it from? You could search online and price compare between the different merchants. But even so after doing this, would you be comfortable with the used notebook you buy? Is the price and warranty the best you could have gotten. Well here's an alternative. Consider purchasing an Apple Certified Refurbished Macbook.
Apple Certified Refurbished Macbook Air are Macbooks that have been refurbished by Apple to be sold again to consumers. They can only be found on Apple's online store and are usually sourced from returned or canceled orders. Apple takes these notebooks and tests and restores them to practically new conditions. Because these notebooks have been sold once, Apple has to sell them at a discount. Their loss and your gain. While the unit may be pre-owned, it's a fully functional unit that looks and operates like new. These heavily discounted items even come with the same warranty as the new Macbooks. Many third party merchants offer at most 90 day warranties but Apple will give you 1 year.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Where To Find Refurbished iPads?
This generation has indeed seen a lot of new inventions in modern technology. Apart from the different amazing models and features of the latest mobile phones, mobile computer tablets are also now gaining more and more popularity. There are now different kinds of these gadgets. Because the brand new ones are more expensive, a lot of people would now prefer to purchase either refurbished iPads or slightly used which are a lot cheaper than the brand new ones.
Refurbished iPads are indeed a lot cheaper than the brand new ones which is why more and more people prefer to purchase these kinds of iPads. It is also no longer a problem to look for refurbished iPads as there are a lot of them in many online stores.
There are many ways for you to find refurbished iPads whenever you wish to have them for whatever reasons. It will no longer be a hard task for you to find these types of iPads if you really want to have one for yourself.
Here are some of the best ways for you to find real good quality iPads that are refurbished:
Online stores - these types of iPads are now readily available in many online stores that are flooding the internet. You can easily find them and these stores also give you a lot of options to choose from. However, you should only purchase refurbished iPads from online stores enjoying the reputation for real good quality refurbished products. You also need to consider the price of these items. It must not cost you a lot being refurbished. So, try to get the best deals on these items whenever you possibly can.
Relatives and friends - you can always count on some relatives and friends if you look for these items. You can either ask for referrals or they might have these items they wish to dispose for something new. It will be a good move to have it from them since you can have the assurance that these are still of good quality even if it is slightly used or refurbished. You can also get it at half more than half the price from them.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Cloud Service Provider Outage: Avoid Your Business Going Down By Following These 6 Points
How do you make sure that your cloud stay is smooth and safe and you don't have to make the painful decision of jumping back to an on-premise setup? The below 6 points will help you take the right decision as well as be prepared.
1. Your current systems availability levels.
Do you know how available your current systems(and applications) are? Knowing this will be a good starting point in your cloud journey and will help you define the availability levels commitment you need from your cloud service providers in Singapore.
Are the availability levels good enough for your end users/business teams? This will help take care of the expectations shooting up once you migrate to cloud.
2. SLA levels(Uptime, response and resolution time, etc). committed by the cloud service provider
The uptime committed by cloud computing service provider should be better than your current setup since there can be factors that can impact the availability like outages in connectivity, downtime due to config/setup errors introduced by your teams and so on. You need to consider this since your current system availability would have been calculated factoring the above.
3. Your existing DR and how it is going to be after migration to cloud
Do you have a DR for your current setup? Is there a BCP in place? How is the DR and BCP going to be configured once you move to cloud?
Will the time taken to failover to DR in case of outage will be same/better than your current setup?
4. Migration effort, time and the costs involved
Have you calculated the time and effort required for migration to a cloud environment as well as back to on-premise setup if required. What are the costs involved in doing the migration?
5. Support from cloud service provider
What is the type(email, phone, ticketing process, escalation,etc) and quantum(office hours, 24x7 and so on) of support you will get from cloud service provider?
6. Business driver for going to cloud IAAS...Cost, speed, scalability,etc.
Last but not the least, be clear on why you want to move to Cloud. Are you doing it purely for saving in costs? Or paying on a monthly basis(Opex) instead of Investing(Capex) for the complete infra is the key influencing factor?
Or are you moving to cloud to use the ability to deploy new servers quickly and release them if not required?
The answer to the above will decide whether you are getting a good ROI(Return on investment) by adopting cloud computing along with acceptable service levels which in turn will help you take the right decision.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
7 Traits to Consider in Choosing the Right Recruitment Consultant
As the demand for headhunters and recruitment consultants rises, more and more people are jumping into the recruitment industry. For jobseekers out there, it has become a challenge to find the right recruitment agent for you, one that will understand your need and give you the job you desire.
Oftentimes, your resume is thrown into the piles of more resumes. You will be treated as just one of them. But that's not what you need. You need a recruitment consultant who will help you with your options, give you sound advice and manage your expectations. You need consultant who will help you not one who only has the clients' best interests at heart.
7 Traits of Recruitment Consultants
To help find and choose the right consultant, we have listed 7 traits you should consider.
1. Shows a genuine interest in you
Most of the time, you are just a name in their database, someone who they will include in their shortlist if your qualifications meet the needs of their client. They won't even care about you until there's a need to contact you. But a good recruitment consultant is one who will take their time to get to know you, your needs and your skills even before there is a job opening. They would want to keep you in their good side and be available once there is a good prospect.
2. Knowledgeable about the market
They know where you want to belong. Most recruitment consultants accept clients without sufficient knowledge on which niche do they belong to. Thus, they could not give their candidates the full story. These people will only offer you the standard job descriptions without any idea what they're really all about. A good recruitment consultant knows and understands the market and the industry as a whole.
3. Understands the demands of the client
They don't just promise you and give you high hopes for your dream job. They will tell you what the client needs. You can trust them to be honest. Most consultants will exaggerate and overpromise just so they can have someone who is capable enough to go to the interview. A good recruitment consultant will brief you about the requirements of the clients. They will even tell you the things that their client didn't mention. That's because they know the demands of the position. And you'll be well-informed.
4. Gives you sound advice
They are your consultant after all. A good consultant will offer you their help. They will give you an idea of what you are entering yourself into. They're not just someone who will land you that next interview to an unknown client. They will take the time to tell you about your potential hiring company.
5. Manage your hopes and ideals
Some will ride on the ideals of a job candidate, give them the false impression that they are in for the long run. A good recruitment consultant will tell you where you stand in their database, what your options are and the chances that you will land that next job in your interview. They'll tell you if your desired compensation is too high and too unattainable. They will tell you what to expect.
6. Open to your questions
Some recruitment consultants will give you the blind side. They won't tell you everything, you'll only find out once you've landed the position. A good recruitment consultant will entertain all your queries, give you the truth and shut down your fantasies.
7. Return your calls
Most consultants will simply ignore you until the time they need you. You won't even know if they received your resume. But a good recruitment consultant will return your calls. And he or she will call at the agreed time. Calls are the easiest way to show you that they care and that they are willing to take time to get to know you.
One of the big names in Singapore Recruitment industry is Intellisearch, providing a platform to connect employers with employees. 
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isujit-blog · 6 years
How to Get a Mobile Phone Repaired
Mobile phones have become quite a part of our lives. We require a phone quite frequently, whether we are at work or at home. If your phone stops functioning, that becomes a cause of serious concern. The first thing that you should do is to send it for repair work at a mobile phone repair shop.
Every manufacture has its own repair station. They have technicians available who figure out the problem and hand over the repaired phone to you.
These days, with the growing demand of cell phones, the manufactures are bound to manufacture them in large numbers. It is quite possible that some handsets might have a manufacturing default in the process. If you have bought a handset with such a fault, then it is replaced by the manufacturer immediately.
Generally all the handsets come with a 1 year warranty period, if the damage is caused in this period, then it is repaired free of cost. Any physical damage is not included in this.
If the fault occurs after the expiry of warranty, then you have to pay for any repairs. Apart from the cost of the damaged part, you also have to bear the service charges. It is always better to ask the total cost of repair beforehand because sometimes this cost is more than the cost of a new handset.
So instead of paying the same amount, you can get a new handset for yourself. You can also get it repaired from a local repair shop. Local dealers charge comparatively lower fees.
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Some Ways Of Repairing Your Phone Yourself
If your phone gets drenched in water, then remove the battery immediately and place it in a cool dry place so that the battery is not damaged. Do not use the phone if it gets heated up regularly after talking for some time. Instead go to the mobile phone repair station and inform them about the same. Your phone might be faulty and it might explode if used repeatedly.
You should also take care while downloading something from the internet or through the Bluetooth technology. You might download viruses which can harm your cell phone by deleting the contacts and corrupting all other files. Some viruses can damage the whole software and you have to get the software installed again. Therefore you should download only from known and trusted sources.
If your phone gets damaged, then don't panic. You can apply any of these measures, if they don't work, then take your mobile for repair to a mobile phone repair shop.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Prices of iPad
Prices of iPad rely on their models and memory storage. An iPad that has large memory storage is more expensive compared to the one that has smaller memory storage. The 3G model of iPad cost a lot than the first ordinary model of this tablet PC.
The range of iPad prices is affordable, most especially for people who really love buying new gadgets. However, there are people who cannot afford to purchase this tablet PC immediately. They will have to save their earnings just to buy things that they want.
There is no need to worry when you have lesser budget for this tablet device. The cheapest price of iPad has a memory storage of 16GB, which can be availed in a very affordable price of $499. Having 16 GB memory storage is already great, most especially when you are the only one who will be using the device.
An iPad tablet PC with 32GB cost $599. This is a great deal already when you are just using your iPad for entertainment, such in watching movies, listening to music, gaming, and reading e-books.
If you are a businessman, and you are personally running your own business, the largest memory storage of this tablet device best suits you. The maximum iPad storage is 64GB, which cost $699.
If fast internet surfing is your primary purpose in purchasing an iPad, you need to avail the 3G iPad model, you just need to add $130 on the iPad prices listed above for each model.
A Wi-Fi only model is much cheaper than the 3G model. The regular prices of iPad have Wi-Fi only, without a 3G cellular connectivity.
iPad is everything. Apple's new tablet is not just a thing it's a combination of a lot of things. Know more why iPad is delicious! [http://www.ipadangel.com/] This article is written by Sher Torres, an iPad worshiper.
Find out the latest iPad applications and why it is delicious," "current," "playful," "literary" and "artful." as well as Prices of iPad here
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Laptop Screen Repair Tips - Before You Call Your Laptop Repair Guy
During one of my business visits to Surrey, I found, to my dismay, that I needed a laptop screen repair shop in Surrey, immediately, as I had accidentally broken the screen of my laptop in the journey. I knew if I do not find a laptop repair shop in Singapore
immediately, I will be in a big problem. So I went to a local computer repair services shop in Surrey, and people there gave me some sound advice about laptop screens, which saved me many visits to laptop computer repair shops, and a lot of money too. I am going to share those tips with you, but before that let me tell how you can find a reliable PC Repair shop in your neighborhood.
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Finding a reliable laptop computer repair shop in Surrey
Surrey, which is located in the south East of England and bordered around by Sussex, Kent, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Berkshire, and Greater London, is an affluent county. The economy of Surrey is service-based and governed by London. It boasts on the fact that the highest GDP per capita for any county in the UK. In fact, it has highest proportion of millionaires in the UK. So, the market is full of PC repair companies - some good and some bad ones. Many of which have their eyes fixed on your wallet.
You should, therefore, be cautious when giving someone your laptop for laptop screen repair. You must check the following:
If it has the required experience to handle the problem. You can find that by looking at the website and seeing what kind of jobs the company has done.
Testimonials of the past clients also speak volume about the services offered by a PC repairing company. Do not discount the value of testimonials when deciding on a computer repair services company.
Are the company's representatives available for telephonic conversation? Only authentic service provider makes its phone numbers public on the website. Rest will just keep their email IDs, which as you know comes dozen a dime.
Always keep in mind the wealth of Surrey has attracted some computer repair guys with dubious intentions as well, so pay close attention to aforementioned things before handing anyone your laptop, which carries lot of personal data as well.
3 Laptop screen repair tips shared by laptop screen repair in Surrey
Tip 1: Do not take your laptop to a PC repair in Surrey for laptop screen replacement when you notice a flickering image on the laptop. In many cases it is not the screen that is causing the problem. The problem may lie with the inverter which supplies power. Replacing the inverter will do the trick.
Tip 2:If the screen is lit, but displays only white colour then the problem must be in the connection between the system board and display. Tighten it if it is loose and replace it if is damaged.
Tip 3: The laptop computer repair people also told me that in quite many cases where people complain of a faint display on their laptops, they have either accidentally lowered the brightness from under the power option in the control panel of the operating system, or the backlight of the screen is not properly adjusted.
If former is the case then one should go to power option and choose proper brightness level, or else one can find button or switch on the laptop and play with the backlight switch until desired level, of brightness, is not achieved.
Always remember, not all screen problems in your laptop warrants a visit to computer repair services people because a lot of them could be fixed at home, at least for the time being. Afterward, you can take it to a laptop repair shop in Surrey to get it fixed, once and for all.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Save Money With an iPad Trade In
If you have an old iPad laying around that isn't getting much use, now is the time to start thinking about whether you really benefit from owning it. Chances are good that you've been waiting around trying to figure out what the best way to get rid of it is, or that you've completely forgotten about it. Since the iPad isn't gaining any value by sitting around your house and it isn't helping anyone either, now is the perfect time to do an iPad trade in.
Maybe your iPad has been sitting around in your house because you broke it, or maybe you decided the iPad just isn't right for you. Maybe you'd rather rely on your Iphone and your desktop computer, or maybe you were given and extra iPad as a gift. No matter why you aren't using an iPad, you can still benefit greatly from owning one. The easiest way to make use of your iPad is to do an iPad trade in so you can get money for what your iPad is worth. To do so, these days you don't have to take your old electronics to a pawn shop or junk store, and you don't have to try to sell it at a garage sale or on Craigslist. All of those outdated methods of selling used items are inferior because they pay sellers less in general than they could get elsewhere. Today, you can go through a reputable online company that can help you with your iPad trade in by offering you a fair amount of money. Best of all, you can get that money quickly after you send your used iPad in because services like Paypal enable sellers to get paid fast. Even though a new iPad may cost $500, used iPads often sell for much less than that because people are unsure about how well the device has been taken care of. While some sellers might expect to get much less than the money they initially invested in an iPad, with an iPad trade in, many sellers are getting 50% back! For users who simply want to get rid of their old iPads, this is truly the best option available. Users who have iPads that are damaged or are missing parts should expect to get less money back, but they can still earn a good amount of money by trading an iPad in.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
Windows Azure - Cloud-Based Mega Storage and Computing Power
Execution, data management and storage, security, networking, analytics, messaging, and high-performance computing power are just a few of the things every business seeks from their IT system, regardless of size. Windows Azure provides all of these - and more - in a versatile, mobile, cloud-based environment; all secured and accessible 24/7, 365 from Microsoft data centers.
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What does it offer small businesses?
From the smallest task to the most complex, Windows Azure can accomplish every function your current hardware system performs for you, all from a seamless cloud-based platform, reducing capital investments and space requirements. The cost savings can be substantial, requiring you to pay for only what you need without forcing you to invest in costly server technologies, maintenance, and storage space. Azure is a full-service, versatile solution for businesses that are looking to save money without sacrificing functionality or productivity.
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It provides Internet-accessible application services running in Microsoft Datacenters.
Versatile applications functionality
It provides three different execution models for running applications, allowing all the versatility and productivity your organization is looking for. Sacrifice nothing while saving money and boosting profitability.
Virtual Machines
Web Sites
Cloud Services
Mega-storage for critical data
With terabytes of storage available for pennies per month, secure storage of critical data, whether internal data or vital customer data, Windows Azure provides several different ways to store and manage data.
SQL Database
Secure networking worldwide
With secure datacenters across the globe, from the US to Europe to Asia, it offers multiple options for networking applications and data storage.
Virtual Networking
Azure Connect
Traffic Manager
Analytics for business
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Accurate analysis of business data is critical for improved performance and the effective use of information technologies. Azure cloud-based analytics platform provides a cost-effective, on-demand, pay-per-use resource for your business analytics.
SQL Reporting
Improved media performance
As the use of video for sharing information becomes ever more popular, using massive amounts of bandwidth for presentation and requiring ever-changing applications, a dependable platform for video sharing become critical. It offers a group of components that make running video and other media easy and cost-effective.
Media Service
It offers a fully functional virtual office in the cloud
In addition to these powerful applications, It offers a cloud-based platform for high-power computing with multiple machines working in parallel; secure and protected identities for every use in the network and also controlling access through the Azure Active Directory; improved functionality through the use of cached memory for popular data applications; and improved messaging using queues and service buses.
Windows Azure from Microsoft offers more cloud-based functions than any other alternative to on-site computing power and IT technology. It is an incredibly versatile, pay-as-you-go system that can reduce costs and increase productivity, especially for businesses to small to invest in their own IT department.
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isujit-blog · 6 years
The Best Laptop Repair Services
Laptops have greatly increased convenience particularly when it comes to work. Compared to the not-so-portable desktops, you can easily carry it wherever you travel. It is also now possible to access and share information on the go. All these factors have greatly increased our dependability on this piece of technology and that is why when it breaks down we are a stuck in a real soup.
Given their frequent use, it is normal for a laptop to slow down or get damaged over time. There are a few laptop problems you can troubleshoot without professional help, but for the serious ones it is best to call in a professional to avoid interfering with the software or damaging the hardware any further.
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Common Laptop Problems
A laptop might encounter several problems during its run. Here's a list of the common ones.
· A problem with the power connection often resulting in a flickering screen
· A cracked screen or damaged LCD backlight
· Poor image display
· Hard drive failure
· The battery won't charge
· The laptop won't boot
· Broken or missing keyboard keys
· Damaged USB ports
· Data corruption and malware attacks
· Problems with the motherboard
· Overheating issues causing the device to shutdown automatically
Choosing the Best Laptop Repair Services
Laptop repairs can end up being quite a pricey affair depending on the problem. And, with an inexperienced professional you can expect the prices to increase further without the problem being resolved. Hence, taking the time to choose a knowledgeable professional is important.
The best laptop repair service in Singapore market is one that combines expert and reliable services with a reasonable cost and a quick turnaround time. You should do your research to find a well-informed and experienced professional with the right skills. You can look up the classifieds in the local newspaper or online classifieds. You can also ask friends for recommendations.
After you short list a few, make sure you do a background check. This involves reading reviews by past customers. Most service providers have a website today where they display customer testimonials. You can give the repair service provider a call and discuss the potential issues with your laptop. At the same time, you can ask for a quote on the job. When discussing the problem with a professional, you should try to be as detailed as possible. This helps them to be more accurate with their diagnosis and ball park an accurate cost figure too.
Going for experience over cost is important because an experienced service professional has the ability to deal with laptops of different make and models.
Service professionals also differ in their method of operation. A few might attend to and try troubleshooting your problems over the internet while others might visit you onsite to solve your PC problems. Selected laptop repair services also arrange for your laptop to be collected from your home and deposited at their center where it is repaired.
Other Precautionary Measures
On the whole, you should do your bit to reduce laptop downtime by maintaining it well. This includes cleaning it externally as well as filtering the internal system by deleting unused programs and unwanted files and folders periodically. You should also have the latest antivirus program installed on your system to protect it from malware and virus attacks.
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