italianpsychic · 6 months
Protezione magico-esoterica contro attacchi astrali
Cosa fare quando ci rendiamo conto che una persona ci disturba astralmente o mentalmente o vuole farci del male? Soprattutto se ciò accade di notte mentre dormiamo, potremmo notarlo ma non sapere come reagire. Può darsi che in stato di dormiveglia o di trance vediamo il corpo astrale o l’entità, ma non riusciamo a reagire, siamo quasi bloccati ma al risveglio sappiamo cosa è successo, o almeno ne…
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italianpsychic · 6 months
Protection against astral attack
What to do when we realize that a person astrally or mentally disturbs us or wants to harm us? Especially if this happens at night while we sleep, we may notice it but not know how to react. It could be that in a state of half-sleep or trance we see the astral body or the entity, but we are unable to react, we are almost blocked but when we wake up we know what happened, or at least we feel the…
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italianpsychic · 11 months
3 Crystals to transform yourself
The first crystal is Selenite: pure and white.Selenite is named after the Greek goddess Selene: the goddess of the moon and that show the connection to you to moon. Moon is symbol of all that in hidden and unknown but all that can influence our life too from nature to body to mind and soul.Selenite protect you from any form of psychic attack and help cleanse your mind of all this negativity, but…
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italianpsychic · 2 years
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italianpsychic · 2 years
Jera, die Rune der Fùlle
Jera, die Rune der Fùlle
Die Rune Jera, auch Jeran oder Jeraz genannt, ist eine Rune mit ziemlich ähnlicher Symbolik in allen nordischen Runentraditionen.Seine Hauptbedeutung ist Fülle, fruchtbares Land, Ernte.Die zwölfte Rune, die die 12 Monate eines Jahres umfasst, die Wintersonnenwende, also eine Zeit voller Erwartungen und Hoffnungen, aber auch Vorzeichen für das neue Jahr.Jera steht daher für das Ende eines Zyklus…
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italianpsychic · 2 years
Rune Jera : abundance and cycle of life
Rune Jera : abundance and cycle of life
The Rune Jera, also called Jeran or Jeraz, is a rune of quite similar symbolism in all the Nordic runic traditions.Its main meaning is abundance, fertile land, harvest.The twelfth Rune that encompasses the 12 months of a year, the winter solstice therefore a period full of expectations and hopes but also omens for the new year.Jera, therefore, represents the end of a cycle and the new beginning,…
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italianpsychic · 2 years
La Runa Jera : abbondanza e speranza.
La Runa Jera : abbondanza e speranza.
La Runa Jera, chiamata anche Jeran o Jeraz, è una runa dal simbolismo abbastanza simile in tutte le tradizioni runiche nordiche.Il suo significato principale è abbondanza, terra fertile, raccolto.La dodicesima Runa che racchiude in sé i 12 mesi di un anno, il solstizio invernale quindi un periodo carico di aspettative e di speranze ma anche presagi per il nuovo anno.Jera, quindi, rappresenta la…
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italianpsychic · 2 years
Kristalle zur Heilung von emotionalen Abhängigkeiten
Kristalle zur Heilung von emotionalen Abhängigkeiten
Manchmal mal lebt Beziehungen zu Menschen, Freunden oder der Familie, die von außen betrachtet fast so aussehen, als würden sie in Symbiose leben. Oft muss diese Situation von beiden Personen lange hingenommen werden und dann, fast plötzlich, fängt diese Situation an, eine der Personen zu ärgern, eine fast enge Situation zu sein und sich der anderen Person zu sehr verbunden, emotional abhängig zu…
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italianpsychic · 2 years
Cristalli per guarire dalle dipendenze emozionali A volte si vivono rapporti con persone, amici o familiari, che visti dall’esterno sembrano quasi come vivere in simbiosi. Spesso questa situazione deve essere accettata da entrambe le persone per un lungo periodo di tempo e poi, quasi all’improvviso, questa situazione inizia a infastidire una delle persone, che si sente intrappolata in questa…
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italianpsychic · 2 years
Crystals to let go Sometimes we have relationships with people, friends or family, who, seen from the outside, seem almost like living in symbiosis. Often this situation must be accepted by both people for a long period of time and then, almost suddenly, this situation begins to annoy one of the people, to be an almost close situation and feels too attached to the other person, emotionally…
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italianpsychic · 2 years
LE LEGGENDE La guerra di Troia è finita da molti anni. L' Odissea trae spunto dalle varie leggende legate al ritorno in patria degli eroi Greci. Tra questi, Ulisse vagò per dieci anni alla ricerca della sua patria, vivendo molte avventure e incontrando creature mitologiche come Polifemo.
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italianpsychic · 2 years
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italianpsychic · 3 years
Client testimonial from America
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italianpsychic · 3 years
Meditazione con elemento acqua
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italianpsychic · 3 years
Element Wasser Meditation
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italianpsychic · 3 years
Journey into the inner child in chat lasting 60 minutes.
Journey into the inner child in chat lasting 60 minutes.
The Inner Child Guided Journey is an amazing individual journey into your inner child to heal him and release you together from the shackles of the past The inner child is a part of our psyche, where all positive and negative experiences, primal sensations, deep instincts, patterns of behavior and thinking are hidden.This affects our daily life, our feelings and the way we express and live them,…
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italianpsychic · 5 years
Reise ins innere Kind
Reise ins innere Kind
Reise ins innere Kind von der dauer 60 Minuten in chat oder telefon.
Reise ins innere Kind 60 min. chat oder tel.
Eine bewaeltigen Reise in deinem inneres Kind.
Das innere Kind ist ein Teil unsere Psyche in dem alle positiven und negativen Erfahrungen, den damit verbundenen Gefühlen und den daraus entstandenen Verhaltenmuster,…
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