itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Scout chuckled trying to hid the amusement in his eyes. “Well aren’t you one mischievous little minx.” He looked over at her with a shrug. “Yep and that’s why I decided not to scale the mountain. I think I was afraid I’d actually encounter a mountain Lion.” He said with a nod. It was a small part of a true story but he only told her the end so if the man did come running in it seemed like she had been there the whole night. 
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Lola was grateful that Scout didn’t deny playing along, although she was sure he went through his fair share of mischief, so he would understand. “Mountain lions. How.....interesting.” she said with a playful roll of her eyes. She looked down at her phone, checking the time, and making a mental note of it. If 10 minutes passed and no one came in, she was sure she was in the clear. “Come on broseph, give me something I’ll actually be excited to hear about. Got into any trouble on your trip? Solved a mystery? Caught a Pokemon?”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Lola looked up from her Switch, having been playing while seated at the table in front of the girl, and turned her attention to her, eyebrow raised. “I’m sorry, you want to....draw me?” she asked, making sure she heard correctly.
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The blonde is seated a table surrounded by her sketchbooks, head thrown back in both disgust and frustration. She’s been sitting here looking for inspiration for hours and nothing seems to click–– wait. A new subject! “Hiya’ there,” she chirps, Pascal, her tiny little chameleon friend resting peacefully on her lap. “I know this is kinda weird, but would you mind if I drew ya’?”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
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Opening Credits: Face - Brockhampton
Waking Up: Jackie Chan - Tiesto, Post Malone
First Day Of School: Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani
Falling In Love: Big Jet Plane - Angus & Julia Stone 
Fight Song: Cool Girl - Tove Lo
Breaking Up: Sincerity Is Scary - The 1975
Prom: Good - Erin McCarley
Life’s OK: Stranger - Jordan Bratton
Mental Breakdown: Tonight You Belong To Me - Patience & Prudence 
Driving: Sucker - Jonas Brothers
Flashback: Lost In The Fire - The Weekend
Getting Back Together: Beverly Hills - Weezer
Wedding: Love Galore - Sza, Travis Scott
Birth of Child: Hills - Kim Petras
Final Battle: Quit - Cashmere Cat, Ariana Grande
Death Scene: In The Air - Mac Miller
Funeral Song: Pumpin Blood - Nonono
End Credits: Hold Me Up - Conrad Sewell
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
“Oh Lola,” He chuckled as she set down to next to him. “What on earth did you do?” 
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“What ever are you talking about Scout dear? Like I said, I’ve done nothing. I am completely innocent,” she stated with a smile, eyeing the doorway for a moment before leaning to whisper in his ear. “I  drenched some guy’s car in glue and glitter. I know that sounds bad but he deserved it, so hush.” Leaning away she flashed him another cheesy bright smile.
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
“I would like to say I am trouble.” While that might be true, he would’ve been dumb to think that trouble didn’t also follow him. But he didn’t feel like being reminded of that. He looked at her extend arm for a moment before actually taking it. “Randall.”
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Shaking his hand she nodded. “Embracing it, I see. I respect that. Nice to meet you, Randall. So, you want a replacement for that spilled drink of your’s? I haven’t ordered anything yet so.”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
“Snuggies? I always thought of them as just backwards bathrobes, you can do the exact same thing with one of those.Yeah I bet that I do look a bit ridiculous with this giant coat on in this weather. All eyes on me!”
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“Might as well make the most of that attention then. You could start a trend. Winter clothes in the summer. Although, that could be a dangerous one, seeming as it’ll be very easy to overheat.”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
“Boy. His name is Max.” Eric smiled. “What kind of dog do you have back home?”
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“Max. Very cute. I have a French Bulldog. His name is Sour Bill. Don’t let the name fool you though, he’s a sweetheart. So are you and Max new around here or something?” 
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Lola made her way to Trixie’s, her bag filled to its capacity with snacks and other essentials for their hangout. She was bummed about having missed the party (her racing having been consuming most of her time lately), but she knew her best friend would fill her in on the juicy deets. Approaching the door, she gave it a gentle knock before pausing for a moment and then proceeding with several loud obnoxious ones. “Open up Pixy Stix, I got a thirst for gossip that needs to be quenched.”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
“You should probably think about investing in those blankets with sleeves the next time you’re cold out. What are they called again? Snuggies? Could just pack that in a backpack and throw it on when you’re cold and off when you’re hot. And somehow I have a feeling it’d make you look way less ridiculous than you do wearing a coat in the middle of Summer,” she teased with a chuckle.
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Michael swore under his breath a little as he walked down the street. The day had started off pretty cold, so he brought his favourite jacket, however he began to regret it later on in the day. “Next time, I’m bringing a hoodie, this coat may be wonderful but it’s not worth being warm as hell.” He said out loud as he took a seat on a low wall, moving his jacket a bit to fan himself. “Why do you betray me so weather, why!”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
“Yeah, you can actually. So, here’s what I need from you. I’m just gonna sit in the spot next to you and not look suspicious and if anyone comes in or goes up to you at any point in the future and asks where ‘Lola Von Schwartz’ had been on this night, you say she’s been in the common room with you this whole time, having a heated discussion about plastic straws and global warming. Ok? Cool.”
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Scout had just gotten back from a solo trip to Oregon. Hiking, and camping on his own no one around to tell him what to do or who to be, Scout had needed the break. Living a double life, seeing his parents in East LA every weekend for some sort of socialite event, and then coming back to Santa Monica to his laid-back party crew was daunting and the time away had been a good break for the young man. Sitting on a couch in the common room he looked up at the person who had approached him. “Hey, can I help you with something?” 
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Lola hadn’t noticed the girl until she spoke, having zoned out for a moment. She thought she had noticed a familiar figure in the distance and was looking hard to find them, but decided her eyes must have been playing tricks on her. Looking down, she turned her attention towards the girl. “It’s chill. Never said you were. You new or something?” she asked, getting a small feeling that she was.
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Victoria spent a little time sightseeing around town, being completely new to Santa Monica. Of course, she knew LA like the back of her hand, but the city by the beach was practically uncommon to her. After a while she heard her phone go off, it was her mother. Quickly, she pocketed her phone and sat at a bench, taking a sip of her bite of her bagel, watching the waves crash against the shore until someone had approached her. “Don’t mind me, I’m not looking at you, I’m looking at the ocean.” 
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Randall shrugged, “I don’t necessarily mean to rub people the wrong way, I just always have. I often forget to drink water because it has no taste and I hate the bubbly shit. The broken mirrors were and accident while practicing football.” The last one was a joke but when she moved to join him he didn’t mention or seem to have a problem with it. “Oh really?”
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“Well, given what I’ve found out about you in the last 10 seconds, it sounds like you always got some kind of trouble following you. Unless, you are that trouble. Regardless, you’ve caught my interest.” She extended her arm out to him. “I’m Lola.”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Brows furrowing slightly he shrugged his shoulders. “Not really, just wanted some peace and quiet for a little bit. Plus it’s such a nice day out, there’s no point in wasting it indoors.” Tilting his head in curiosity, he shifted on the ground so he could face her. “A meeting for what exactly? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
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Lola rummaged through her beach bag, fishing out a bag of sour worms and opening it up. “Damn. And I was so ready to hear a juicy story that would make my day. Oh well, there’s always a next time,” she joked, although in Lola’s case, she was half joking and half serious. She popped a sour worm into her mouth before extending her arm out, offering him the bag. “I’m a racer and I have a meeting with my team about a possible sponsor. A big one, although I don’t want to give away any specific details until its confirmed. Don’t want to jinx it. This could be big for my racing career so I really hope it goes well.”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Eric slowed to a stop when he noticed that the girl had managed to catch the frisbee. Seeing his old english sheepdog content chewing on the plastic disc, he didn’t feel too terrible about the almost mishap. “Nice catch. Sorry about that. Looks like we still need to learn park boundaries.” He chuckled. 
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“No prob. I’m constantly on the lookout for flying frisbees and giant fur babies to come at me at any second in my day, so I’m prepared,” she joked, as she gently petted the dogs head. “I got a dog back home and running into this good boy has me missing him though. Or, good girl?” she raised an eyebrow at him, signaling her question.  
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
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Meet The Family
Violetta Renaldi (fc: Zoey Deschanel)
School Teacher
Augustus Von Schwartz (fc: Jude Law)
Race Car Driver
(Out of the picture)
Nicholas Renaldi (fc: Jason Bateman)
Founder & CEO of SourFace Games (Indie Video Game Company)
45 years old
Sour Bill
French Bulldog
The best doggo u can ask for
8 years old
Penelope ‘Lola’ Von Schwartz (fc: Kaya Scodelario)
WDPA Graduate
Race car driver
22 years old
0 notes
itsxthexglitch · 5 years
She watched him for a moment, amused. “So that means that you rub people the wrong way, you don’t drink enough water, and you’ve probably walked under too many ladders and broken a couple of mirrors,” she stated before standing up from her chair and moving to the seat in front of him, not bothering to ask. “Fascinating.”
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Having been sitting nearby, Lola had seen a man engrossed on his phone bump into the table, causing a glass of water to spill. She grabbed a couple napkins and stretched her arm out, offering them to him. “Maybe he has a personal vendetta against you. Or maybe this is the universe’s way of reminding you to drink more water. Or you’re probably just unlucky.”
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Randall was about to stand up to get something to clean up the mess when the girl passed him some napkins. He took then grumbling a bit, “Or all three.” Most days he was fairly sure it was all three. “Today I’m going with unlucky.”
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itsxthexglitch · 5 years
Having been sitting nearby, Lola had seen a man engrossed on his phone bump into the table, causing a glass of water to spill. She grabbed a couple napkins and streched her arm out, offering them to him. “Maybe he has a personal vendetta against you. Or maybe this is the universe’s way of reminding you to drink more water. Or you’re probably just unlucky.”
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Randall was minding his own business when some liquid splashed across the table in front of him. A groan pressed from his lips as he looked up, “I do wonder what I did to ask for this.”
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