jaejinmoon · 3 years
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⌜ PARK JIMIN, TWENTY FOUR, TRANS MALE ⌝  i just ran into JAEJIN “JJ” MOON in downtown wolvepine! they’ve been living here for EIGHT YEARS and they currently live in PINE PLACE. he is known to be CLEVER and LETHARGIC.
hey guys. aspen here with muse # 2 !  meet jj — or jae, whichever — moon, a 24 y/o writer, cat dad, aaand widower. ( deflated party horn here. )  beneath the cut is his bio, some basic stats, and some hcs. full page coming eventually. checkout my playlist for him though !
 ♡   ┊  playlist.  
trigger warnings: alcoholism, substance abuse, very brief mention of homo/transphobia, death mention, car crashes.
basic stats. 
full name — jaejin xavier moon. nicknames — jae, jj, jaej. current age — 24. date of birth — january 8th. ( capricorn. ) gender — trans male. pronouns — he/him only. sexuality — homosexual. occupation — ghost writer, published author ( under many pseudonyms ), professional alcoholic.
↬   to be known, as far as jaejin is concerned, is more trouble than it’s worth. it started sometime after he realized he had to pick his own name and then convince the world it belongs to him; a feat easier imagined than executed. 
↬   at some point, you get tired. and maybe that’s just because he’s always been tired, metaphorically and medically, as it would happen.  people saw the name on his documentation and he’d correct them once, but never a second time. ‘ this might as well happen,’ he’d thought then, and he would again, all too often. 
↬  per script, jj stays tired. he watches the tides roll in and doesn’t bother to roll his jeans up no matter how sandy, no matter how wet they get. when he’s sixteen years old, he’s told to get out of his parents house shortly after he tells them who jaejin is, and he thinks again, this might as well happen. it’s nothing mikes hard and some xanax can’t melt away tonight on his best friend’s couch, then tomorrow again if he needs it. and he does. obviously. obviously, he needs it.
↬  when he gets on a greyhound bus and travels across the country with a fake i.d, he doesn’t have a plan. jj lands in a place called wolvepine and thinks little of it, because it’s not home, but it’s a good enough contender for it. this might as well happen.
↬  he stays in shelters, registers for school in wolvepine, and finishes his diploma without a roof over his head. he makes friends with the local cats and feeds them what he doesn’t have to keep for himself. he rolls along, because he’s too tired to do anything else. people are cruel, and it’s a struggle enough to get by, but eventually he makes some friends. a friend, actually. avery. just avery. he’s cis and doesn’t really get it at first, but he’s the first person who lets jj get far enough to tell him about it; to tell him about who jaejin is... and avery loves him. jaejin loves him too.
↬  he makes money any way he can, operating for a time after his eighteenth birthday as a sex worker online. this might as well happen, and it might as well get him through college in the few areas that scholarships don’t cover. he isn’t sure if he should consider his intellect a gift, but it’s convenient, that’s for sure. avery offers to pay for college, but jj doesn’t let him; he’s not his burden to bear. ( ‘you’re not a burden.’  ‘ you’re an idiot. keep your money. i love you.’  )
↬  money comes from other avenues eventually, anyways. it starts with him writing papers for others — just a little ‘slide me a 20 and i’ll ghostwrite your thesis' kind of thing. he stopped camming around this time because writing was less effort, something he liked, too; his passion beyond being just his major. he started writing everywhere he went, pages upon pages upon pages in messy little notebooks, and on a whim one day, jj submits a story to a publisher under a pseudonym: taeil. 
↬  it’s a hit. jaejin almost doesn’t know what to do with the royalties as they come rolling in, and he definitely doesn’t know what to do with interview requests other than the immediate, polite decline. on another whim, he submits a story to another publisher, under a name, and it does better than the first. 
↬   he keeps going. he keeps doing it, completely faceless in his successes and comfortable for the first time in his life. he and avery graduate when they’re both 22, and they move into a house too big for either of them in pine place. they get three cats: sushi, dipdot, and penny. avery works IT and jaejin works from home. there’s a ring, then another. they’re married. they’re happy.
↬  when the tides turn, jaejin meets with anger for the first time. at himself, at every doctor who told him there was nothing wrong with him, and childishly, at avery for dying when they get into a car wreck because jaejin fell asleep at the wheel. after the fact, he’s diagnosed with narcolepsy and he’s told he’s probably had it since he was a teenager, perhaps around sixteen. a lot might’ve well have happened, but — not this. this didn’t have to happen.
↬  that was about a year and a half ago. since then, jj’s begun ghostwriting again for cash he doesn’t need, has published dozens of different books under different names, and he’s up to about seven cats. the house is empty, and he thinks about leaving it every single day, but it’s a thought had drunk on his bathroom floor, and it’s a thought that dies with his consciousness when the fade inevitably comes. he’s back to accepting it — this might as well happen.
↬  while reserved, and maybe standoffish, jae really isn’t a shy or mean person. ↬  his seven cats have their own bedroom, and it’s very well kept. their names are: sushi, dipdot, penny, mufasa, stitch, artemis, & merlin. ↬ he owns just about every squishmallow. none of them are named affectionately. ( close friends may discover this is a lie, but only his favorite get nice names. the rest are stinky, ugly, and variants of the such. ) ↬ he is narcoleptic, and it does effect his day to day life. ↬ he likes singing, but only a little bit.  ↬ he doesn’t really have a direction in life anymore, and has more or less become apathetic about it.  ↬ he really enjoys swimming, the beach, video games, and photography.  ↬ horror is his favorite genre to write, but he’s written everything from romance to fantasy to filth to completely nonfictive works.  ↬ he’s a lot lonelier than he lets on, but too prideful to admit it, and too afraid to lose whatever he gains to change that.  ↬ if there’s a cat cafe in town, that’s where he is. ↬ he has a pretty serious drinking problem but doesn’t really wanna talk about it, if pressed. the same can be said for what drugs he takes. ( the drugs are prescribed to him, is the trouble; he needs them, he just over-uses. this is pretty much only known to him, however. ) ↬ he has some chronic health conditions as a result of the car accident he was in; primarily, migraines and a bad leg.  ↬ his sense of humor is really dry and he can be a little mischievous, sarcastic, and pessimistic but he isn’t a malicious person! i promise he’s very sweet.
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jaejinmoon · 3 years
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— theme 19 : ridin / by jinsoouls ( image preview + png preview | code + raw )
so, this is the old theme i had on this blog a while back, i really wanted to release it so here it is ! i decided to give you two options, one with a regular sidebar and one with a png on the sidebar ! there is a lot of customization on it for the title and sidebar ! as usual lmk if you find any errors or bugs ! stay safe everyone !
sidebar image at 230x160 or sidebar png at 155px title feature multiple fonts with fully customizable size and margin from the top draggable navigation popup with six navigation links optional status box pagination with optional box
massive thanks and credit to @shythemes for the video resizing script, @annasthms & @espoirthemes for the photoset.css styling, linear icons for the icon font, and @shudesigns for the audio post script, @cyantists for the tumblr controls, daniel eden for animate.css, google fonts for the fonts and the jeno png by beapanda on deviantart !
the theme is inspired by the images in this article however, it’s not their final design just one of the image of the creators process, found at this pin !
01. edit it to your liking, but do not touch the credit   02. do not repost / steal / claim as your own 03. do not use as a base code   04. please like or reblog if using
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