jasonlindsey · 2 months
Jason Lindsey celebrates Earth Week!
Earth Week really pumps up the excitement around here! It’s a time when my passion for environmental conservation shines even brighter. This week is a joyful nudge, reminding us all that our little deeds can have a big, joyful impact on protecting our planet.  I'm excited to share a collection of projects that are close to my heart, each one reflecting my deep enthusiasm for environmental issues.
A Retrospective of Climate-Focused Art Exhibits
My journey in fine art photography has been intricately linked with the narrative of climate change. This showcase highlights the impactful exhibits and solo shows where my environmental work has taken center stage, each fostering vital conversations about climate change and our shared duty to act. View more Fine Art Photography Here.
Nature's Narrative: Exploring 'Thank You Mother Earth'
Immerse yourself in the wonders of nature with my short film, 'Thank You Mother Earth.' This film is my heartfelt tribute to the planet, celebrating its beauty and committing to its protection.
Rivers of Change: The Festival Run of 'Mussel Grubbing'
I'm excited to celebrate the festival journey of our short film, which delves into the transformative power of community science on river health and our own well-being. "Mussel Grubbing: A Citizen Science Treasure Hunt" has resonated at numerous film festivals, spotlighting the pursuit of freshwater mussels in the Sangamon River. Through the perspectives of Illinois locals, the film captures the vital role of a thriving river, emphasizing how every individual can contribute to ecological health and scientific exploration. A huge thank you to all the festivals for promoting community-driven conservation and reinforcing the idea that science is accessible to everyone! View 'Mussel Grubbing: A Citizen Science Treasure Hunt'
Beneath the Soil: Unveiling 'The River Underground
Explore "The River Underground." With the help of stunning aerial visuals, secrets are revealed, buried beneath Midwest farms. This project invites you to witness the delicate interplay between agriculture and its subtle impact, sparking a dialogue on harmonizing farming practices with the gentle cadences of nature. View all images from 'The River Underground'.
Renewable Champions: The Job-Creating Heroes of Our Solar Journey
Over the past eight years, our studio has become a hub of solar energy production, generating hundreds of thousands of kWh in clean energy. This journey inspired a passion project I've named 'Solar Heroes'. The solar installations at our studio and home sparked a realization: the solar industry's role in creating jobs is often overlooked. 'Solar Heroes' is designed to highlight these incredible individuals who are driving our transition to a brighter, more sustainable future. It's a narrative about adding value, not just replacing old methods. View 'Solar Heroes'
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
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Cracks No. 15 from my Cracks In the Ice series was selected in the 2022 International Juried Exhibition. Selected from more than 2000 images, Cracks No. 15 was chosen for the Online Exhibit at the Center for Photographic Art.
Curated by Paul Kopeikin, the online exhibit will run from November 19th to December 29th.
Please visit this LINK to vote for my image for People's Choice Award!
View more images from Cracks In the Ice at jasonlindsey.art.
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
New Exhibit at Southeast Center for Photography
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Reflecting Forward No. 12
Excited to announce that my image, Reflecting Forward No. 12, was selected for at The Portrait '22 Exhibit at the Southeast Center for Photography.
The Portrait is an exhibition curated by Richard McCabe. "Portraits act as a mirror in whose reflection we find the inward experiences of ourselves, or as a window from which we look out toward the virtues of another"
Exhibit runs November 4 - 26th
View more work from Reflecting Forward at jasonlindsey.art
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
In OCTOBER, we have created 1,752 kWh of solar electricity for our studio. ☀️
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That is the equivalent of:
+ greenhouse gas emissions avoided by 53 trash bags of waste recycled instead of landfilled + reducing C02 emissions from 151,033 smartphones charged + carbon sequestered by 20.5 tree seedlings grown for 10 years
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
New Exhibit! (Un)Natural Cycles: Air, Water, Land
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I'm excited to have two images selected for a new online exhibit titled (Un) Natural Cycles: Air, Water, Land at the Center for Fine Art Photography.
The exhibit explores a visual conversation about both earth and human ecosystems with reactions, challenges, warnings, and possible solutions for our shared future.
Curated by Elizabeth Cheng Krist, the photography will be on display online between October 14th - January 15th.
Join me for a Virtual Reception and Artist Talk on October 27th from 6-7:30 PM MT. Sign up at this LINK.
Reflecting Forward No. 10 and Reflecting Forward No. 12 were chosen for the exhibit. View more images from my Reflecting Forward Series at jasonlindsey.art.
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
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I'm excited to announce that my image 'Corn Futures No. 3' will be on exhibit at 1868: THE EXHIBITION, A recurring Exhibit of Local Art at Busey Bank in Urbana, IL.
Exhibit will run from October 19th, 2022 through July 2023!
Come out and see me at the opening reception on Wednesday, October 19th from 4:00 - 6:00pm. Enjoy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres while viewing the newest collection of artwork on display. RSVP Required. RSVP Here
Location: Busey Bank, 201 W. Main St, Urbana IL
View more images from Corn Futures on jasonlindsey.art
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
I Still Remain selected for Fresh Coast Film Festival 2022!
My short film, 'I Still Remain', was selected for the 2022 Fresh Coast Film Festival in Marquette, MI.
Fresh Coast Film Festival is a documentary film festival celebrating the outdoor lifestyle, water-rich environment and resilient spirit of the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest. It gathers the best in environmental and cultural filmmaking from around the world.
Festival runs for 4 days: October 13 - 16th, and consists of:
6 film venues
11 outdoor tours
27 film blocks
30 hours of film content
80+ films
Endless inspiration
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Showtimes for 'I Still Remain':
10/14 - 2:00pm at Blackrocks Brewery, Marquette, MI.
10/15 - 10:00am at Ore Dock Brewing Co., Marquette, MI.
Hope to see you there!
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
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I am honored to have my work exhibited in LANDSCAPE: THE GREEN ENVIRONMENT at the Southeast Center for Photography in Greenville, SC.
The exhibit will feature work that explores a verdant landscape, visualizing the issues related to climate change to keep the environment green.
Exhibit is curated by Doug Stockade and runs October 7-29, 2022.
See more of my fine art photography at jasonlindsey.art.
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Exhibit Location:
SE Center for Photography, 116 East Broad Street, Greenville, SC 29601
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
In SEPTEMBER, we have created 1,960 kWh of solar electricity at our studio! ☀️
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
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New Exhibit!
View my work on display at the PHOTOMIDWEST FESTIVAL 2022 at the Promega Art Showcase in Fitchburg, WI.
Exhibition will run from September 22 - December 22, 2022.
The photomidwest festival celebrates the work of photographers living in 13 midwest states.
View more of my fine art photography at jasonlindsey.art
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Exhibit location:
Promega Art Showcase, 5445 E Cheryl Pkwy, Fitchburg, WI 53711
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
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I am honored to be a finalist in FRESH 2022 at the Klompching Gallery in Brooklyn, NY.
FRESH looks for the very best examples of new contemporary fine art photography. Photography that is FRESH!
Exhibit is co-curated by Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching and will run from September 15 - October 22, 2022.
View the images from my Cracks In the Ice Series that were chosen as finalists and other exhibitors at Klompching.com. View all of my fine art at jasonlindsey.art.
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
In AUGUST, we have created 2,293 kWh of solar electricity at our studio! ☀️
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
Jason Lindsey Tells Complete Stories Through Motion
Interview by Heather Elder - Notes from a Rep's Journal
Jason Lindsey is a true empath. The ability to connect to individuals from all walks of life is what creates the masterful emotions shown in his photos. Early on in his career, he understood the power that motion has over stills to tell a more complete story. There is emotion in film making that can’t be conveyed as powerfully in stills. Harnessing his own talents, Jason decided to test film work out on his own.
As a commercial artist, creating personal work is imperative to keep up your skills as well as testing new ideas and processes. 12 years ago, as Jason was starting his director journey, he traveled to Ireland and decided to craft a short film, his first true motion project. Hoping for feedback, Jason sent it out to a few agencies and booked four jobs within a week. While the rest, they say, is history, there is so much more to the story, so we spoke with Jason to understand his philosophy when shooting motion as well as talking about some of his favorite projects he’s worked on.
What is it about motion that you feel can’t be conveyed through stills?
Often, not always, but often in photography you are tasked with capturing the entire story in one frame. In filmmaking, it’s almost the complete opposite. You want to draw the story out and build it up over time to create suspense or intrigue. In motion, you have the ability to tell a more full story that you might not normally get with stills. 
What is a tactic you use to tell a more complete story? 
I love the use of sound design to create a specific feel that will add to the story. I also like to think about the difference in how individual shots work. For example, in a still photo, you can’t have a subject so small that you can’t see them. But when you’re directing motion, a subject can be small because if they’re moving and everything else is still the viewers eye is drawn to them. There is a lot more freedom to capture things differently than you would with stills.
When you need to capture both, how do you ensure continuity between stills and motion?
One of the most important things you can do is to establish the brand voice between stills and motion. I always work closely with the DP to make sure we are getting the same look stylistically. Usually when we are shooting motion and stills we try not to include strobes, if we can, so we have the same lighting. I work with people I have been working with for years, so our process is very honed in and the look ends up being seamless between the two.
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Which motion project are you most proud of?
From my personal projects, I’m most proud of the Cancer Survivor film. It’s such an important story to be explored and told. While not everyone has experienced cancer, the idea of overcoming hurdles that come at you is something that universally everyone understands. Braulio’s unique path to healing was through his creativity and art combined with swimming. Many people have seen that film and it has evoked strong emotions within people that I usually give a bit of a warning when showing it. It taps into something deep within people and I’m proud that I got to tell that story.
Commercially, I’m really proud of the Wyoming Tourism spot that I recently did. The crew was incredibly nimble and we all worked together really well. I also thought that work was unique because the scope of the project was fairly simple, the landscape really spoke for itself. So it was really just celebrating the beauty of the natural world, something I try to do in all aspects of my life. 
What is your philosophy when directing motion?
I try to approach the project from a different angle. For example, if you’re working with a healthcare client, they may want the spot to answer the question, “how did this product fix your ailment?”. I like to come at it by saying, “OK, so the product fixed your ailment, but what did that then allow you to do in life that you couldn’t before? How did it feel when you gained back your freedom? etc” I try to show how using a product will affect the viewer’s life, not only the original purpose of the product. People want to see the impact on their own life so I try to rethink what the viewer will actually want to see.
What sets Jason Lindsey apart from other directors?
My empathy. When I’m working with talent or real people, I am able to get them to open up and be vulnerable. As a director, that’s really important to pull out the deeper story. 
I also have experience as an art director so I understand the brand on a deeper level. I try to encourage creatives to reduce a tv spot down to three words that I can grab onto and use when I’m making the 1,000 microdecisions on set. I’ve found that that really helps create a tone and feel for a spot.
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
In JULY, we have created 2,553 kWh of solar electricity at our photo studio! ☀️
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
In JUNE, we have created 2,615 kWh of solar electricity at our photo studio! ☀️
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
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I am honored to have two images selected for the Trailblazing 2022 exhibit at the Atlanta Photography Group.  Partnering with the Nature Conservancy, the exhibit is featuring photo-based work around nature, landscape, environmentalism, and nature conservation and hopes to encourage people locally, regionally and nationally to do everything in their power to create a world where people and nature can thrive.  
If you are in Atlanta, please visit the exhibit. It is live at the Atlanta Photography Group now through July 30th.
Visit jasonlindsey.art to view the entire series of 'Cracks in the Ice’ and ‘Reflecting Forward’
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
We've had SOLAR on our studio for 6 YEARS!
In six years, we have created 104,221kWh of solar electricity.
That is the equivalent of:
+ greenhouse gas emissions avoided by 2,799 incandescent lamps switched to LEDs
+ carbon sequestered by 1,221 tree seedlings grown for 10 years
+ reducing C02 emissions from 7,255 gallons of diesel consumed
+ greenhouse gas emissions avoided by 3,197 trash bags of waste recycled instead of landfilled
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