jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
Hey, sorry I havent been on much, been really busy! I'll be on within the next few days though!!
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
Physical Attributes
Age: 21
Birthday: December 31
Height: 6"0
Weight: 165lbs
Hair colour: Blondish-brown
Eye colour: Green
Origin: Seattle, Washington 
First language: English
Previous Relationships: Yes
Virgin? No
Smoker? On occasion
Drink? Yeah, on the weekends 
Drugs (any kind): Weed, pills - not anymore. 
Talents or hobbies: Collecting comic books
Earliest: Going to the lake with his mother and brother
Best: A family night, watching Castle in the Sky and eating popcorn on the first night of Summer vacation.
Worst: When he was walking home with his brother (Elijah) and he saw his house burning down
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
So tell me now, where was my fault In loving you with my whole heart
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
  Pleasure to meet’cha, Jaxon. I was always more of a coffee fan, I gotta admit, but I’m… open to tryin’ different tea, I guess. [Leo grinned, watching the waitress nod and leave, then turning to Jaxon as he continued to speak. The cup was placed in front of him soon after and Leo filled it - a little cautious about whether he would like it or not.]
Definitely, I used to get pretty good weather, and now it’s just, awful. [He sipped his tea, the heat from the cup seeping through his gloves to warm his fingers even more.] That’s pretty nice, actually. I don’t come to the Teahouse that much, but I think I’m gonna have’ta. I’m often ‘round here though. What ‘bout you? Number one customer?
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
Oh, now I have to know, whatja do? What is your ability, anyway? [Jaxon kept walking beside the girl, around the pathway leading inside, he walked through the doors and then stopped and looked around] Well, where to go from here, you know you'd think they'd have signs in this place, ahah. I have a feeling it's this way, yeah. [He walked passed the cafeteria, sipping on his tea] I feel like such an idiot, being here for so long and not knowing where the damn library is... 
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  [She crinkled up her nose and laughed a little to herself] Scared because I did something stupid and that how I sort of realised I was… gifted. [She followed him amazed that he’d been here so long and didn’t know his way around.
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
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Jaxon's home in Jasper
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
Well, that certainly is interesting. [Jaxon grabbed a tray from the pile in front of him and placed it and the counter as he inched forward in the line] I love to camp, me and my family go camping every summer for a week at Jasper National Park, it's beautiful there, it's hard to believe that it's real place
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Well, we had it with garlic and butter, it really was pretty good, I would have it again. You should try it, seriously I bet you'd like it. [Jaxon groaned] Ugh, pizza! Freaking love pizza, man. What's your favourite, then?
[Seraph followed Jaxon, stepping away from anybody who came too close.] I had it back home, we were all camping and my brothers decided that they wanted to try snake. So they caught one, killed it, and cooked it we all ate it.
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[Seraph inhaled deeply, he loved the smell of soup. Soup had always been his comfort food, his go to meal if he was having a bad day.] I’ve never had snail, never really saw the appeal. It seems to me that it would have an odd texture and aftertaste. [He began bouncing on the balls of his feet, excited to get his meal.] Soup’s the greatest, soup and pizza.
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
[Jax raised his eyebrow while he picked up one of the boys textbooks] Well, er, to be nice. Having all your things fall on the ground sucks ass. Why, do you not want the help?
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Why do you want to help me?
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
[Jax just finished getting a pastry and tea from in town, the weather was nice, cold, but the sun shone brightly. As he was making his way back to his dorm room, Jax saw someone drop their text books, papers went flying everywhere.]    Oi, I'll help you, there.   [he began helping the boy pick up the papers and school work]
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
New York, yeah? I've always wanted to go there, but I don't know if I'd like the big city, you know? I should find out if they got one near here, I doubt it though, too bloody cold. 
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Potato soup, huh, well I suppose I'll try, as long as there's crackers. [Jax looked around the cafeteria to where the cutlery and condiments were, he peered and saw that yes, there were crackers] Well, let's go get us some soup, then. Snails, such a weird thing to eat, seriously. A snake? Damn, where'd you eat a freaking snake? [he made his way towards the line up]
  [Seraph shook his head.] Nah, it was in the United States, I think it might have been New York. I’m not really sure.
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[He leaned over another student’s shoulder and inhaled deeply.] It looks and smells like potato soup, I do love potato soup, it’s the perfect thing to have on a cold snowy day. [Seraph’s nose scrunched up as he made a small noise in the back of his throat] I’ve never been a fan of the texture of snail, it’s too… [he waves his hand about] yeah. I would have to say that the mot interesting thing I’ve ever eaten would either be a wild mushroom or, [he looks at Delilah and reaches down and covers her head.] snake. Snake isn’t took bad, kinda bland but it’s okay.
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #82 (March 1970) Cover Art by Marie Severin
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
Oh, shit only a week? Scared? Why would you be scared? Actually, I was kinda scared too, well more nervous than anything, but I was excited to start something new, yeah? This is my second year here. [Jaxon looked around, surprised that he had been here for a year and still didn't know where the library was] I think it might be down here [he pointed down to the side doors of the school that led inside towards the cafeteria] 
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[Turning to look at him] A week or there abouts, so pretty much brand new here, basically was too scared to come. What about you? [Lav asked walking along side him trying to figure out which way to go]
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
Would you ever go back? To visit? [he puffed his cigarette, tapping his foot on the ground, he gave the dog another pet behind the ears] What were they're names? [he asked only after he noticed that Marku looked sad, he hoped he hadn't made him more upset by asking] Maybe, I mean, you never know, they could be. 
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Very. That seems so ridiculous to me, honestly. [he shook his head, annoyed. Thinking of how awful some people can be by assuming and judging others.] What kind of things  can you do with your abilities? I've never met any one with that kind of power. 
-Marku chuckles then shrugs- Something like that. Maybe. I mean, it’s still growing on me, and I still miss home, but I am happy to be free of the place.
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Yeah, four. -he pauses, a sad smile playing on his lips- They were all such beautiful girls. They all had such kind hearts. I cherished them, I loved them. -he rubs his forehead then drags his hand through his hair.- Sometimes I wonder if they were like me, you know? Witches.
-his mood changes suddenly and he nods- Yes, gay. Ha. Gay. Father, you are correct. I enjoy the company of flowers. Therefore,I like the penis. -he rolls his eyes and flicks his cigarette away- That is just how people think back home. I believe the term is narrow minded. 
If you want me to be honest, I would probably switch pasts with anyone here. In a beat of a heart. But never would I change what I can do. I like my little abilities. 
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jaxon-orlowe · 10 years
[Jax smiles and sipped his tea, getting ready to follow the girl] So, Lavender, how long have you been at Nightshade for? [The air was chilled, Jaxon had to pop his collar over his neck to keep warm, his hand tightly wrapped around the to-go cup.]
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  [Lav smiled and looked up at him nodding] That sounds like a pretty fun adventure if you ask me [her tone with an aire of sarcasm, jumping up and looking at him] I think it’s this way. 
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