jemlolirocktoyz · 11 days
do u love me or is it just me, giving my heart on a plate just for you to eat, devouring my insides my heart and brain, discarding my body, as if it's a bane.
leaving the wound gaping wide.
sprinkling salt on it, when i die
making the pain sear and sting
a cruel melody that heartstrings sing.
in this agony i silently scream, souless bodies and their love in between
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jemlolirocktoyz · 11 days
will i find someone to hold me tight, in the quiet hours of the night?
i hope to find someone meant for me, to make my heart live and beat.
someone who will see beyond the surface and facade, who embrace me, looking at me like at the starry sky.
[want to be]
admired from afar, like a delicate doll, ethreal beauty bathed in light.
in a delicate world, i found my place, seeking a love as tender as lace, my porcelain heart beat with hopeful deleight as i searched for my prince under the starry light.
then one day so tired of life i decided to leave the everything behind, but he found me, his hand in mine our beautiful love saved my life.
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jemlolirocktoyz · 14 days
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The trio get their first jobs
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jemlolirocktoyz · 22 days
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Left in shock.
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jemlolirocktoyz · 22 days
so like
penelope's villain story, as promised
now before you read too far I just wanna say that her story is very similar to Tobey's
so Penelope knows that Tobey and Victoria are dating, and one day she decides to follow them. she plans to use her reporting/writing skills to document the date and give it to Tobey and Victoria as a gift.
it's all going splendidly. they're holding hands on a park bench, talking about each other, just generally being cute. Penelope is having lots of fun writing all about her friends. she hopes that they'll like the gift. (penelope has huge stalker rizz✨)
Tobey and Victoria migrate to the ice cream stand near the playground. they eat and talk for a little bit. Penelope's brain is very ❤💕💖asdkjfhglkfjhga💖💕❤ as she's documenting them because "they look so cute together!!!"
but then something strange happens. after Tobey and Victoria finish their ice cream, the two start whispering. Penelope tries to hear what they're saying without looking conspicuous, but she can't.
then Tobey leans in, and he and Victoria share a kiss. not even a big one, just a small little first kiss.
Penelope is fuming. she was all fine with Tobey seeing another girl, as long as nothing happened. and now that something has happened-- oh boy.
note that Penelope and Tobey were never dating! and Penelope never made it clear that she wanted to.
Penelope storms home, leaving her document in the bushes, and plots a way to win Tobey's heart. 'aha!' she thinks. 'I'll do what he does!'
she goes to the McCallisters' house and commandeers one of Tobey's robots. 'now he'll notice me,' thinks Penelope.
part two coming soon!
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jemlolirocktoyz · 22 days
more playlists
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jemlolirocktoyz · 25 days
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Encanto ocs!! Left to right: Gabriela (Isabela’s daughter), Catalina (Bruno’s adopted daughter) and Selena (Dolores’s daughter).
Gabriela is a free spirit who loves flying above the town to catch a glimpse of the world beyond the mountains. Ever since she’d gotten her gift, she had almost never touched the ground since, much to her mother’s dismay. She longs for a life outside of her town.
Catalina was an orphan taken in by Bruno. The family doubted she’d even get a gift, but on that important day she got her own door! It took a while for the family to finally find out her gift, but it turns out whenever she wishes good upon someone, good happens! They call her gift “luck”.
Selena has always been quite a drama queen. The town can hear her singing from the house as objects clutter in the air around her. She’s really helpful, if you can withstand her endless opera-level voice.
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jemlolirocktoyz · 26 days
I'm on a dnd kick. I'm being a little silly 🤭
So what do I think the Wild Kratts Crew and Villian would be?
Wild Kratts Crew:
Martin and Chris are both Human Rangers. Though both have different parts. (If it was more of a game/vr situation Martin would be a Trition and Chris would be a Tabaxi).
Martin is a Ranger, Swarmkeeper. Martin probably has a few Druid (Circle of Spores) levels along with Ranger.
Chris is a Ranger, Beast Master. Chris also probably takes on some Rouge levels (subclass: Scout or Assissian).
Aviva is a Half-Elf Artificer, Armorer. She has that extra intelligence modifier to her character and for her class built the Kratt Brother's suits, so it fit to me.
Koki gives me Wood Elf who multiclasses. She would be half Sorcerer, Wild Magic, and half Monk, Way of Ascended Dragon or Long Death. Idk it fits, she does so much and so many different things and I definitely can see her being able to balance.
Jimmy would depend on what it is. For class he'd probably be the Cleric, Trickery or Twilight Domain, of the group. But his race would depend on the situation. If it's more fo a vr/game world he'd probably go with something out there like Tabaxi or Tortle. Though in any other world he'd probably be a Changeling.
(Don't ask, I feel it fits and I'm projecting..)
For the Villians-:
Zach is also an Drow Artificer, Artillerist. He also probably has a level or two in Rouge, Arcane Trickster or Thief.
Donita is a Tiefling Bard, College of Creation or Eloquence. I'm sorry, but I'm not wrong. That's it.
Dabio is a Water Genasi or Eladian Paladin, Devotion. His 'god' who he worships would be Donita. I could also see him becoming an Oathbreaker at one point depending on the story.
Gourmand would probably be a Half-Orc Barbarian, Totem of Ancestral Guardian. He would probably multi-class into Ranger, Gloomstalker subclass, as well.
What do yall think? 🤔
How would anyone's ocs fit into this? Of you don't know send me what they are like and I'll give you my idea 👉👈
I wanna hear yall's opinions :D
Bye Bye~!
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jemlolirocktoyz · 26 days
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So I know I have been gone for some time, life gets busy you know how it is. so here have some redraws and Chris in a dress I loved drawing this I pout in the inspiration for the dress and pose reference. I have so much more of these, but they’re not done, even Martin in that one isn’t even finished yet and I don’t know how to draw birds, I need to work on that 😂 .But ye tell me if you want me to finish them or have any requests? I need things to do 😭🙏🙏🙏
We’ll hope you all in enjoyed your treat,have a good day or night :D
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jemlolirocktoyz · 26 days
What If (Wild Kratts AU Idea)
You can make fanart of it, if you want to! But please credit me for having this idea!
What if the Wild Kratts go onto an adventure in an underwater cave, and the brothers proceed to explore around the cave, only for some rocks to fall, to the point the two get stuck, and Martin's leg becomes broken from the rocks, since Martin made sure Chris didn't get hurt.
Chris tries to help Martin out, since he was the only brother who wasn't badly injured, however, due to the water having no air bubbles for the brothers to breath in and their oxygen tank is low, Martin has to tell Chris to go.
Even if Chris didn't want to, he promised he would bring help for Martin, as the two hugged and Chris began his swim to freedom. Once he made it out, having to hold his breath to swim up, until some divers came and saved him. As the Wild Kratts crew and the company who allowed the brother to dive helped Chris get onto the boat, Chris, immediately told everyone to get rescuers...only for the company to not do.
Due to Martin being injured and somewhere in the cave they might not make it to, they lied and said he died during the rescuing, so the rescuers won't waste their life to save a liability, so the Kratts begin to think Martin didn't make it, with Chris falling into a deep depression and survivors guilt, thinking that his promise to Martin meant nothing...however, Martin was still alive!
Around 4-5 days, as the recovery group went underwater to find Martin, they soon found out that Martin was still alive, though he was very close to giving up, but they saved him and took him to the hospital. Martin is alive, but not only he has PTSD, a phobia of water and caves, but also had to lose his leg, due to the leg being infected and untreated.
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jemlolirocktoyz · 1 month
I want a ritual. A sex ritual, yeah, but a romantically beautiful one.
The prettiest lace dresses, fancy creepy masks, candles scattered around, symbols adorning the pentagram on the floor. Everything is planned out, and it's a detailed plan. Everything will have purpose and pleasure.
We take turns with that journey.
One person sits in the center, 5 around them, holding various things. Vibs, Whips, Knives, whatever they were told to bring.
The top point is the leader. Signaling when to touch and when to not, and who touches who. This the most experienced one, they know everyone here and can read them like a book. They know how to control the pace of the journey, how to thrill each and every member.
As it tenses, the blood is spread and rubbed around. The leader's hands are covered and groping here and there, then they pair people up.
One pair sloppily kissing each other, but they aren't allowed to use their hands. They lap up the blood from each other.
Another pair is ripping into each other, pounding away. They got mischievous and snuck a toy in when they weren't told, and the leader punished them to not stop until they pass out.
Oh look, one left, one whose been teased all night. The one in the center, a virgin for the ritual. A sacrifice.
The leader gets to take the sacrifice,And he does it over and over again, taking their virginity and replacing it with euphoria. The sacrifice didn't mind though, they liked that joyful ride, and they took it over and over again. Quickly catching up from none to some.
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jemlolirocktoyz · 1 month
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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jemlolirocktoyz · 1 month
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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jemlolirocktoyz · 1 month
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“Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?”
Sure do, no problem!!
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“YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?”
I gotcha!! Comin’ right up!
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"Now that's what I'm talkin' about! But... how about if I'm feeling like it's the kinda day where I need my clothing to be bifurcated???"
Never fear, joggers are here!
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*wild cheering* /scene
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jemlolirocktoyz · 1 month
how to grow the fuck up
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jemlolirocktoyz · 2 months
Royalty Prompts
It was close, but Royalty won the poll, so here you guys go!
1. A human prince finds himself engaged to the Queen of monsters in order to build an alliance between their two kingdoms and ease tensions between their peoples.
2. Royal is a prisoner of war to the barbarians that sieged and nearly succeeded in taking their kingdom. Luckily, their armies have held them off so far, but Royal isn’t sure how long their people can stand without them. Or—the more they live amongst the barbarians—how much they deserve to keep their homeland based on its history.
3. A royal emissary is traveling on a starship to scout out the kingdom and planet of their Monarch's upcoming marriage alliance. Unbeknownst to them, the nice fellow passenger they've been building a friendship with is the Monarch's future spouse who is traveling home after attempting to learn the customs and culture of the Monarch's home planet. However, it seems there's been a misunderstanding about the emissary's identity: the future spouse believes they're the Monarch in disguise.
4. Overthrowing the kingdom was supposed to be the hard part, but now that the commoner-turned-royal is on the throne, they realize that being ruler is much more complicated, especially when half the kingdom wants them dead, and they don't know who they can trust.
5. The Kingdom's ruler is despised by everyone but their poison taster. Because of this, their food is poisoned almost daily, which is why the taster--secretly a creature who lives off consuming deadly poisons--likes them so much. They are living in the lap of luxury with this job, and all they have to do is keep switching out the bad food with something good.
6. A royal runs away from their kingdom and into the dark woods, inadvertently stepping into a faerie circle. The fae that steals them does not know what they’re getting until it’s too late: an incredibly spoiled, over-demanding, oblivious brat with no self-preservation skills.
7. The crown prince/princess has never felt the danger of living on the outskirts of the dark woods. In fact, they often take rides or trips into its depths and have never seen anything so strange as the rumors say. Unbeknownst to the kingdom, and themselves, the forest is biding it’s time with the future ruler’s ignorance, for they are a changeling switched at birth, and when the current monarch dies, it will finally be the otherwordlies’ turn to reign.
8. A magical assassin is sent to kill the current monarch of a kingdom, but when their window comes, they take pity on them and transform them into an animal instead. Now the assassin is masquerading a very bitter ruler as their familiar while lying to their teammates/bosses about their death. They also sort of wish the spell did not include the telepathic link, because they don’t need to hear the monarch calling them names on top of everything.
9. The second sibling of a royal family is kidnapped by a dragon who is very intent on keeping them. Once they get past the mortal terror of possibly being barbecued or eaten alive, it’s quite nice being treasured.
10. A too soft king/Queen is overthrown by conspirators and sacrificed to the mountain dragon by their superstitious people. The dragon takes the monarch away much to the people’s glee, but instead of killing them, they take them back home to the mountain peak. The dragon is horrified that these humans can keep sacrificing their own, especially their own ruler.
11. A royal guard must flee a recently usurped kingdom with their young royal charge. Their only hope is that one day, when the royal is old enough, they might be able to return to take the kingdom back. In the meantime, they must go into hiding. A chance encounter with a morally gray city thief gets them new identities, a place to stay, and more found family than they bargained for.
12. The crown prince/princess has always had a weak constitution, so they see the royal apothecary daily for tinctures and elixirs. Their childhood apothecary retired a couple years ago, replaced by a younger apothecary they once apprenticed. With their constant contact and the apothecary’s complete understanding of medical problems that others find tiresome, the royal can’t help but grow attached.
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jemlolirocktoyz · 2 months
The throne was uncomfortable, her first order as queen would definitely be to buy some pillows.
"This throne is quite big. Maybe we can share it."
If we kill the king, they’re just going to put another one on the throne.
“Your place is on the throne.” “No, my place is by your side.”
Being the heir to a throne had its perks, but it also had a lot of downsides.
"Oh oh. I think something is coming for your throne right now."
The queen took place on her throne, staring down at the people who had doubted her.
"Keep your throne. It's worth nothing to me."
"They're all just symbols. The crown, the scepter, the throne... it means nothing if no one believes it does. You need the people's belief in you."
"Marry me, lock me in your castle, put me on your throne and then watch me fight my way out of there. You can't hold me down."
One Word Prompt Lists
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