jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 1, Post 1
Society has always feared new technologies. In the past, things now considered great ways to spend time, such as chess, reading, and writing, were once considered dangerous and bad for you. This is reflective of people's fear of change, not the actual inherent danger in the technologies. Similarly, modern fears of the internet have no basis in actual science.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 1, Post 2
Digital literacy skills, creativity, critical thinking, and people skills are considered some of the most vital skills for the evolving job market.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 2, Post 1
Online classes benefit learners in their asynchronity. I can take this class at any time of day, learning when my brain is most suited to it. I take it during the morning hours because that is when my ADHD medication is most effective. By about 5 PM, it will have worn off and I will be much less productive.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 2, Post 2
Online classes have a huge advantage over in-person schooling because they can reach massive numbers of people at a fraction of the cost. Khan Academy is free and tons of people learn from it. Stanford offered a class on AI free online and over 10,000 people enrolled.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 2, Post 3
People think that online classes are the future because they are free and more accessible. Professor Gernsbacher's article implies that online learning is more effective for students. However, this has been the experience of exactly no one I've ever spoken to. I find Professor Gernsbacher's course to be very biased towards her beliefs.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 3, Post 1
Traditional lectures don't engage students in the same way that online classes can. Online classes can also be cheaper, have less time commitment (no commute), and can be taken at the time that best suits each individual student's cognition.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 3, Post 2
A meta-analysis from the Department of Education found that, across subjects, students performed better on online classes. Further, this held true for all different learner types.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 3, Post 3
Students perform better on online courses, especially online courses in which the students collaborate with each other or are directed by their instructor. When you sit a student down in front of a computer to do their coursework, if they are just told to learn about something, it won't be as successful as if they are guided.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 4, Post 1
There are a number of guidelines for emailing professors that we covered this unit. All of them were things that I (and every college student I spoke with) already knew, such as using your school email.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 4, Post 2
When surveying people over the internet vs. over the phone, you get different answers. People are more honest over the internet when there isn't a person on the other end that they feel is judging them.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 4, Post 3
Texting (including the use of "textisms," such things as lol or gr8) don't actually hurt children's grammar. In fact, a study found that there might be a slight possible correlation between use of textisms and improved grammar performance.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 5, Post 1
Often, things are shared on the internet that are not intended to go viral, such as the famous Charlie Bit My Finger video. These things often go viral because they're funny or cute or...
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 5, Post 2
Many online news sites are turning off their comments sections to combat trolls. This upsets many people (not just trolls) but sites claim that the comment sections aren't people's ideal means of communicating their thoughts.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 5, Post 3
A bunch of Harvard-bound young adults created and participated in a Facebook group where they shared terrible, offensive memes. These students' inappropriate behavior led to their college admission being revoked. Digital literacy is important and many students lack it.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 6, Post 1
Interpersonal attraction is liking someone. Online dating uses the principle of similarity attraction (liking someone because they are similar to you) to succeed. Algorithms narrow down vast pools of people so that the people you match with are similar to you and you are more likely to like them.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 6, Post 2
Interpersonal aggression is the principle of acting aggressive or cruel towards others. This might underlie online bullying and trolling because people act aggressively to fulfill their own sadistic pleasures. The anonymity of the internet might aid this because they don’t feel like they will recieve any repercussions.
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jrwagner22 · 3 years
Unit 6, Post 3
One effective way to combat cyberbullies is to have a white male with lots of followers tell the cyberbully that what they're doing is unacceptable. Apparently, it makes the cyberbully change their behavior.
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