as an aroace, im particularly dangerous, because i wont fuck or marry. i only know how to kill.
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I want to see how many people actually are willing to say this and not just act like it
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The fact that staff refuses to do something about the bots in the #asexual tag who literally do nothing else (some of them only have one tag and that’s asexual) that we had to make a new tag (#acespec mafia) is honestly insane
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The bisexual to aroace pipeline is pretty much having the right idea and coming to the wrong conclusion. Yeah buddy you're not straight and you're also not gay. No not like that though, the other way around
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‘there’s no platonic explanation for this’
buddy you wouldn’t believe what kind of platonic explanations im capable of
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#Acespec Mafia
(This was the only thing I could come up with- 😭)
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If you're a bot posting NSFW in the Asexual tag: fuck you, get blocked and reported. If you're an actual person posting NSFW or other spam in the Asexual tag: shame on you, get blocked and reported, I hope you get perma-banned for being an inconsiderate piece of shit
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No hate to people who are aromantic or asexual and will let us aroace and sam aros and sam aces be who we are.
Hot take but the aggressive hardline separation of asexul and aromantic is actually EXTREMELY harmful to a lot of ace/aro people.
Angry rant under the cut
It's one to thing to go: "okay yes sometimes they go together but it's important to remember that for some people they can be different things and you can be one and not the other"
And go: "These are TOTALLY DIFFERENT 100 always separate there is no intersection EVER and if you DARE to be both then you have to piecemeal your identity to not uwu invalidate others(we do not care that we are invalidating you though lol) Don't you DARE ever experience them together you are CONFLATING"
It's like yall just want asexual to = alloromantic only and aromantic to = allosexual only.
You don't give a shit about aroaces, aces who aren't alloromantic but don't ID as aromantic or aros who aren't allosexual but don't ID as asexual.
The aspec community despises us. We get talked down to demanded to split our identities apart for your comfort. We can't exist in certain spaces because our presence there is a personal affront to allo-aspecs. Shout out to the alloaros that bitch about those disgusting aroaces just clogging up the aromantic tag ☺. Shout out to the alloaces who can still love and aren't totally heartless monsters 🥺.
Don't talk about ace shit in the aro tags, Don't talk about aro shit in the ace tags...what's that you're both? And can't neatly separate them and it brings you comfort to be able to discuss your whole orientation? SHUT THE FVCK UP YOU CONFLATING IGNORANT SHIT HEAD.
If you want to be in the aromantic community you have to leave your ace-ness at the door same for asexual community and disregarding your aromantism.
A personal example was an Aspec discord server I was in that had two media recs channels one for sex repulsed people and the other for romance repulsed. Now the issue came is that they didn't acknowledge someone could be both i.e both sex & romance repulsed/just looking for media that had neither sexual nor romantic content, what this lead too is that the romance free media channel was filled with graphic hookup erotica or sexually explicit songs and the sex free channel was just fade to black romance books 🙃...wonderful.
Or when polls/forms will ask you to pick your orientation but only things listed are het,gay,bi/pan yes even the ones made by aspecs, and what they actually mean is use the one that correlates to your romantic/sexual attraction...so fvck aroaces and non sam aces & aros?
And don't get me started on how you treat non sam aces & aros. You at least tolerate the self IDing aroaces, because they have the "curtesy" of separating themselves from the real proper aces & aros.(let's not question how many aroaces would prefer to just ID as just asexual or just aromantic but are forced into aroace identity because that would be "conflating" and they don't want to deal with the harassment).
"UwU don't say asexual when you actually mean aromantic" Some bitches don't use to SAM fvck off with allo-splaining my own sexuality to me.
It would be so much easier and save a lot of pain if yall just went : "asexual for some means little to no sexual attraction and it says nothing of your romantic attraction AND some people use it to mean no attraction generally". And "aromantic for some means little to no romantic attraction and it says nothing of your sexual attraction AND some people use it to mean no attraction generally" and "for some they are separated but others not so much as there isn't always a strict separation. Just be chill about it don't accuse people of being ignorant or conflating they know their identities better than you". But no ya chose violent aphobia instead.
But ultimately nobody cares because this shit is only harming the undesirable aces/aros the ones who are harmful stereotypes the ones that make you "look bad".
I know deep in my heart there are a lot of alloaces & alloaros that who would be happy if aroaces & non sam aces/aros didn't exist, there I said it. How can I not come to that conclusion when at every turn they shit on us. They talk about how the worst thing in the world is to be mistaken for one of us. That our representation is actively harmful.
A last parting spicy take it's either "asexulity and aromantism are full identities on their own and aren't modifiers" OR "actually neither asexual nor aromantic can stand on their own they need to be paired with another orientation and they actually are just modifiers" you can't have it both ways. 🤭
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if I could be cupid for a day I wouldn't shoot people with those fancy love arrows. no no. I'd use just regular arrows
I'm turning your relationship into a Shakespearean tragedy and you can't stop me
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me reblogging all aroace content be like:
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This may come as a bit of a shock for people:
fun fact:
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Tumblr..... Tumblr, stop calling the mfs I follow “my crushes”, IT'S COMPLETELY STUPID!! *Aroace scream.*
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My mom: “oh I can’t wait till you grow up and get married and have children”
Me: “Mother you do realize that the only grandkids you’re getting from me are cats.”
My mom: “Oh, you’ll change your mind! You just have to find the right person.”
Me: “Hmmmm… no. I’m going to live in a house filled with books and plants and a minimum of 21 cats.”
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"you're not aspec you're just confused" can't i be both
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One of the things that allo society did wrong is using the term "sexual needs". These are not needs. Drinking is a need, sleeping is a need, eating, resting and breathing are needs. If you don't do them, you die. Sex is not a need, it is a want (a valid want, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting sex) and I'm tired of hearing someone has "their needs". It's a gross thing to say that is often used to excuse not just aphobia but also r*pe (especially domestic), cheating and treating women like properties.
For anyone who thinks sex is a need I want to point out that celibate monks are among the healthiest people in the world. They haven't died out yet
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