jyhinge · 24 days
Steel Door Hinge
Steel Door Hinges from JY are the epitome of strength and durability. Designed to support heavy-duty doors, these hinges are made from high-quality steel, ensuring robustness and longevity. These heavy-duty hinges for steel doors offer excellent load-bearing capacity and are resistant to wear and tear, even under rigorous use. Our heavy steel door hinges are easy to install and provide smooth, reliable door operation. Whether for commercial, industrial, or residential applications, JY’sblack steel hinges are a reliable choice for secure and efficient door functionality.
FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge
The FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge is a robust and durable solution for heavy-duty doors. Made from high-quality steel, it offers excellent load-bearing capacity and resistance to wear and tear. Its smooth operation ensures reliable door functionality.
Innovations in steel wide throw butt hinge Design have led to improved durability, functionality, and aesthetics. Modern weldable butt hinges are now designed with advanced load-bearing capacities to support heavier doors. These heavy-duty metal door hinges also feature improved resistance to wear and tear, ensuring longevity. Innovations also include adjustable designs for easy installation and alignment, and sleek finishes for enhanced visual appeal. These advancements not only improve the steel door hinge’s performance but also its adaptability to various door types and architectural styles.
Material Selection: JY starts with high-quality steel, ensuring the strength and durability of the hinges.
Cutting and Shaping: Advanced machinery is used to cut and shape the steel into the form of a hinge.
Forging: The cut pieces are then forged, a process that further enhances the strength of the hinges.
Heat Treatment: The hinges undergo heat treatment to improve their durability and resistance to wear and tear.
Polishing: Each hinge is polished to achieve a smooth finish and to remove any rough edges.
Quality Control: The final step involves rigorous inspection and testing of each hinge to ensure it meets JY’s high standards of quality and performance.
The Durability and Longevity of Steel Door Hinges
The durability and longevity of carbon steel hinges are unmatched. Made from high-quality steel, these heavy-duty hinges for steel doors are designed to withstand heavy usage and harsh conditions without compromising their performance. These heavy steel door hinges undergo rigorous heat treatment to enhance their strength and resistance to wear and tear. The result is a steel door hinge that can support heavy doors for years without needing replacement. Whether used in commercial, industrial, or residential settings, steel security door hinges offer reliable, long-lasting door functionality.
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jyhinge · 24 days
Stainless Steel Door Hinge
Our stainless pivot hinge are the epitome of strength and durability. Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, these hinges are resistant to rust and corrosion, making them perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Their robust construction ensures long-lasting performance, providing a secure and stable pivot for your doors. These external stainless steel hinges are not only functional but also add a sleek, modern touch to your doors.
FSS-100G/F Stainless Steel Door Hinge
The FSS-100G/F Stainless Steel Door Hinge is a robust and durable choice for any door. Its high-quality stainless steel construction ensures resistance to rust and corrosion, offering smooth operation and long-lasting performance.
Selecting the right polished stainless steel hinges is crucial for the functionality and longevity of your doors. Here’s a guide to help you make the right choice:
Material Quality: Ensure the hinges are made from high-grade stainless steel. This ensures durability, rust resistance, and longevity.
Size and Weight: The size and weight of the hinge should be compatible with your door. Heavier doors require larger and stronger hinges.
Type of Door: The type of door also influences the choice of hinge. For instance, exterior doors exposed to weather elements require corrosion-resistant hinges.
Style and Finish: Choose a hinge style and finish that complements your door and overall decor. brushed stainless steel door hinges come in various finishes like brushed, polished, or satin.
Installation: Consider the ease of installation. Some stainless steel security hinges come with pre-drilled holes and mounting hardware, making the installation process easier.
Maintenance: Opt for stainless steel self closing door hinges that require minimal maintenance. Stainless steel hinges are generally easy to clean and maintain.
Cost: While it’s important to consider the cost, don’t compromise on quality. Investing in high-quality hinges can save you from frequent replacements and repairs.
Remember, the right stainless steel shed hinges not only enhances the functionality of your door but also contributes to the overall aesthetic appeal of your space.
Light weight, good flexibility, low density, high conductivity and large current carrying capacity.
Durability: Stainless steel is incredibly strong and resistant to damage, ensuring the hinges last for a long time even under frequent use.
Small coefficient of linear expansion, good high and low-temperature resistance, and good corrosion resistance.
Corrosion Resistance: Stainless steel is resistant to rust and corrosion, making it ideal for hinges used in areas exposed to moisture or harsh weather conditions.
Aesthetic Appeal: Stainless steel has a sleek, modern look that can complement various styles of doors and decor.
Low Maintenance: Stainless steel hinges require minimal maintenance. They are easy to clean and do not need regular polishing to maintain their appearance.
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jyhinge · 24 days
FSS-100G/F Stainless Steel Door Hinge
FSS-100G/F Stainless Steel Door Hinge
This robust and durable door hinge is made from high-quality stainless steel, ensuring long-lasting performance. The FSS-100G/F model is designed to withstand heavy usage, making it ideal for both residential and commercial applications. Its sleek design adds a modern touch to any door, while its rust-resistant properties ensure it maintains its appearance over time.
PIN Diameter
The FSS-100G/F Stainless Steel Door Hinge plays a crucial role in enhancing door security in several ways:
Robust Construction: The FSS-100mm stainless steel hinges is made from high-quality stainless steel, a material known for its strength and durability. This robust construction makes the hinge resistant to physical attacks, such as kicking or ramming, which are common methods used by intruders to force open doors.
High Load Capacity: This hinge is designed to support heavy doors, which are often more secure than lighter ones. The high load capacity of the FSS-100G/F hinge ensures that the door remains firmly in place, even under excessive force.
Secure Mounting: The FSS-100G/F hinge comes with pre-drilled holes for secure mounting. When installed correctly with the appropriate screws, the hinge forms a strong bond between the door and the frame, making it difficult for intruders to dislodge the door.
Smooth Operation: A door that doesn’t open or close smoothly can compromise security by not closing properly or getting stuck. The FSS-100G/F hinge ensures smooth operation, reducing the chances of such issues.
Corrosion Resistance: The stainless steel used in this hinge is resistant to rust and corrosion. A corroded hinge can weaken over time, making the door easier to break into. The corrosion resistance of the FSS-100G/F hinge ensures that it maintains its strength and functionality over time.
Minimal Maintenance: The FSS-100G/F hinge requires minimal maintenance, which means it’s less likely to fail due to neglect. Regular checks and minor lubrication are usually all that’s needed to keep this hinge in optimal working condition.
In conclusion, the FSS-100G/F Stainless Steel Door Hinge enhances door security by providing a strong, durable, and reliable connection between the door and its frame.
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jyhinge · 24 days
FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge
FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge
The FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge is a top-tier hardware solution designed for heavy-duty doors. Crafted from superior quality steel, this hinge boasts an impressive load-bearing capacity and exceptional resistance to wear and tear. Its robust construction ensures it can withstand heavy usage, making it an ideal choice for commercial, industrial, or residential settings. The hinge operates smoothly, providing reliable door functionality over a long lifespan. Its sleek design and finish add a touch of sophistication, enhancing the overall aesthetic of any door. With the FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge, you can expect durability, reliability, and style.
PIN Diameter
Durability: The FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge is made from high-quality steel, making it extremely durable and long-lasting. It can withstand heavy usage without wearing out or breaking.
High Load Capacity: This hinge is designed to support heavy doors without sagging or bending. It can handle a high load capacity, making it suitable for commercial and industrial applications.
Corrosion Resistance: The steel used in this hinge is resistant to rust and corrosion, making it ideal for use in harsh environments or areas with high humidity.
Easy Installation: The FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge comes with pre-drilled holes, making it easy to install. It can be easily mounted on the door and frame with the help of screws.
Smooth Operation: This hinge ensures smooth and effortless door operation. It reduces friction and prevents squeaking noises, providing a seamless door opening and closing experience.
Versatility: It can be used on various types of doors, including metal, wood, and fiberglass doors. It is also suitable for both interior and exterior doors.
Maintenance-Free: Once installed, this hinge requires minimal maintenance. It does not need frequent lubrication or adjustments.
Aesthetically Pleasing: Despite its robust construction, the FSP-100G/F Steel Door Hinge has a sleek and modern design that can complement any door style or decor.
Cost-Effective: Given its durability and long lifespan, this hinge is a cost-effective choice. It eliminates the need for frequent replacements, saving money in the long run.
Safety: The strong and sturdy construction of this hinge enhances the security of the door, making it harder for intruders to force open.
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jyhinge · 24 days
Ball Bearing Door Hinge
Our ball bearing exterior door hinges are a high-quality hardware component designed to provide smooth and efficient operation of doors. These bearing type hinges are characterized by their durability, strength, and smoothness, thanks to the ball bearings that reduce friction during use. These bearing door hinges are typically made of robust materials like stainless steel or brass, ensuring longevity and resistance to wear and tear. Ball Bearing Door Hinges are also known for their easy installation process and versatility, as they can be used on various types of doors, including residential, commercial, and industrial doors.
BB140mm Ball Bearing Door Hinge
The BB140mm Ball Bearing Door Hinge is a high-performance, durable solution for your doors. Its ball bearing mechanism ensures smooth operation, while the robust design guarantees longevity. Ideal for heavy-duty applications, it combines functionality with style.
Ball top door hinges have a significant impact on the functionality and longevity of doors. Here’s how:
Smooth Operation: Ball bearings reduce friction in the hinge, allowing the door to swing open and close smoothly. This makes doors easier to use and reduces wear and tear.
Durability: internal door hinges ball bearing are typically more durable and can handle heavier loads. This makes them ideal for heavy or frequently used doors.
Longevity: The reduced friction and increased durability mean that rolling bearing pivot hinge tend to last longer than traditional hinges. This can save money on replacements and repairs in the long run.
Noise Reduction: cranked ball bearing hinge operate more quietly than standard hinges. This can be a significant benefit in quiet environments like offices or residential buildings.
Aesthetic Appeal: Many bottom pivot hinge with ball bearings are designed with a sleek, modern look that can enhance the aesthetic appeal of doors and overall interior design.
High dimensional accuracy.
Regular Cleaning: Dust and grime can accumulate on the hinges over time, causing them to squeak or stick. Regularly wipe them down with a soft, damp cloth to keep them clean.
It has good fluidity and plasticity and can produce various die-casting parts with complex shapes and clear outlines.
Lubrication: Apply a small amount of lubricant to the hinge pin every few months. This will ensure the hinge continues to operate smoothly and reduces wear and tear.
Tighten Screws: Over time, the screws on the hinges may loosen. Check them periodically and tighten if necessary to prevent the door from sagging or becoming misaligned.
Avoid Overloading: While ball bearing hinges are designed for heavy doors, avoid hanging excessively heavy items on the door as it can strain the hinges.
Regular Inspection: Check the hinges regularly for signs of damage or wear. If you notice any issues, it’s best to address them immediately to prevent further damage.
Professional Maintenance: For complex issues or if you’re unsure about performing maintenance yourself, consider hiring a professional to ensure the hinges are properly cared for.
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jyhinge · 24 days
Aluminum Door Hinge
Lightweight yet incredibly strong, our aluminium door frame hinges are designed for effortless door installation and operation. These aluminum cabinet hinges are made from top-grade aluminum, ensuring their durability and longevity. They are ideal for interior doors, offering a smooth and silent operation. With their minimalist design, these aluminium hinges seamlessly blend with any door style, enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal.
AFSSP-100G/F Aluminum Door Hinge
The AFSSP-100G/F Aluminum Door Hinge is a lightweight yet sturdy solution for your doors. Made from high-grade aluminum, it ensures durability and smooth operation, while its sleek design adds a modern touch to any door.
AFSSP-200mm Aluminum Door Hinge
The AFSSP-200mm Aluminum Door Hinge is a robust and reliable choice for your doors. Crafted from top-quality aluminum, it offers durability and smooth operation, while its minimalist design enhances the aesthetic appeal of any door.
The production process of aluminum hurricane hinge involves several steps:
Designing: The process begins with designing the hinge according to the specifications. This includes determining the size, shape, and functionality of the hinge.
Material Preparation: High-quality aluminum is selected and prepared for the production process. It is cleaned and cut into the required sizes.
Die Casting: The aluminum is then heated until it becomes liquid. The molten aluminum is poured into a die (mold) that matches the design of the hinge. Once the aluminum cools and solidifies, it takes the shape of the hinge.
Trimming: After the aluminum has cooled, the excess material is trimmed off to ensure the hinge is the correct size and shape.
Machining: The aluminum storefront door hinges is then machined to add the necessary holes for screws and to ensure the hinge parts fit together correctly.
Finishing: The aluminium pivot hinge is polished and finished to give it a smooth surface and aesthetic appeal. It can also be anodized or painted for additional corrosion resistance and color options.
Quality Control: The final step is quality control, where each aluminium lift off hinges is inspected for any defects or inconsistencies. Only hinges that pass this inspection are packaged and shipped.
This process ensures that the aluminum door hinges are durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.
LED digital/mechanical control.
Lightweight: Aluminum is a lightweight material, making it easier to handle and install compared to heavier materials like steel or iron.
Overheating protection function.
Corrosion resistant: Aluminum has excellent resistance to corrosion, which means it can withstand exposure to moisture, humidity, and other environmental factors without rusting or deteriorating over time.
Environmentally friendly and comfortable.
Low maintenance: Aluminum door hinges require minimal maintenance. They do not need to be painted or coated regularly to protect against rust or corrosion.
The 24-hour timing function can connect to wifi.
Durable: Despite its lightweight nature, aluminum is a strong and durable material. It can withstand regular use and resist wear and tear, making it suitable for high-traffic areas or heavy doors.
Aesthetically appealing: Aluminum door hinges offer a sleek and modern appearance. They can be finished with various colors and finishes to match the overall design scheme of the door and surrounding ...
Aesthetically appealing: Aluminum door hinges offer a sleek and modern appearance. They can be finished with various colors and finishes to match the overall design scheme of the door and surrounding decor.
Environmentally friendly: Aluminum is a recyclable material, making it an environmentally sustainable choice. It can be recycled repeatedly without losing its properties, reducing the impact on the en...
Environmentally friendly: Aluminum is a recyclable material, making it an environmentally sustainable choice. It can be recycled repeatedly without losing its properties, reducing the impact on the environment.
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jyhinge · 24 days
Industrial Door Hinges
Industrial door hinge are robust, durable components designed to support heavy-duty doors in commercial and industrial settings. Made from high-strength materials like stainless steel or brass, these hinges ensure smooth operation and longevity under rigorous use. They come in various types, including butt, pivot, and continuous hinges, each offering unique benefits. Key features often include corrosion resistance, load-bearing capacity, and security enhancements. Whether for warehouses, factories, or commercial buildings, industrial door hinges are essential for safe and efficient door functionality.
Steel Door Hinge
Steel door hinges are sturdy and durable, ideal for heavy-duty applications. They offer excellent load-bearing capacity and are resistant to wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting performance.
Stainless Steel Door Hinge
Stainless steel door hinges combine strength and corrosion resistance, making them perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Their sleek appearance adds a modern touch to any door.
Aluminum Door Hinge
Lightweight yet strong, aluminum door hinges are resistant to rust and corrosion. They are easy to install and provide smooth door operation, suitable for various applications.
Ball Bearing Door Hinge
Ball bearing door hinges ensure a smooth, quiet door operation. They reduce friction, allowing doors to move easily, making them ideal for high-traffic areas.
Brass Washer Hinge
Brass washer hinges are known for their aesthetic appeal and durability. They offer a classic look, resist corrosion, and provide smooth movement, adding a touch of elegance to any door.
Industrial steel hinges are designed for durability and strength, capable of supporting heavy-duty doors in demanding environments. Made from high-quality materials, they resist wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting performance. Their robust construction allows for smooth operation, even under high frequency of use. Additionally, they offer enhanced security features, making them a reliable choice for industrial and commercial settings. Their versatility in design and function makes them adaptable to various door types and installation requirements.
“The durability and strength of your Industrial Door Hinges are unmatched. Truly reliable!”
“The durability and strength of your Industrial Door Hinges are unmatched. Truly reliable!”
“Impressed by the smooth operation and longevity of these hinges. Great for heavy-duty doors!”
“Impressed by the smooth operation and longevity of these industrial door hinges. Great for heavy-duty doors!”
“Your Industrial Door Hinges offer excellent security and adaptability. A top-notch product!”
“Your Industrial Door Hinges offer excellent security and adaptability. A top-notch product!”
The material used in the construction of door hinges plays a significant role in their durability and performance. Different materials offer varying levels of strength, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal, all of which can impact the overall functionality of the door hinge.
Stainless steel, for instance, is a popular choice for door hinges due to its high strength and corrosion resistance. It can withstand heavy usage and harsh weather conditions, making it an ideal choice for both interior and exterior doors. However, stainless steel hinges can be more expensive than those made from other materials.
Brass hinges, on the other hand, offer a classic and elegant look. They are often used in interior doors and furniture due to their aesthetic appeal. However, they may not be as durable as stainless steel hinges, especially in high-traffic areas or in environments with high humidity or salinity.
Plastic hinges are another option. They are resistant to rust and corrosion, making them suitable for certain applications, such as bathroom doors or outdoor gates. However, they may not offer the same level of strength and durability as metal hinges.
In conclusion, the material of a door hinge can significantly impact its durability and performance. Therefore, it’s important to consider the specific needs and conditions of your application when choosing a door hinge material.
Quality Control of JY Industrial Door Hinges
At JY, we take quality control of our heavy steel hinges seriously.
Each hinge undergoes rigorous testing to ensure durability, strength, and smooth operation.
Our quality assurance process includes material inspection, production monitoring, and final product testing.
We adhere to strict international standards to guarantee our hinges meet the highest quality and safety requirements.
Our commitment to quality ensures our customers receive reliable, long-lasting hinges for their industrial and commercial needs.
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jyhinge · 24 days
Custom Door Hinges from JY
Custom Door Hinges from JY
We specialize in manufacturing hinges and provide customized services for various models to meet your needs. Contact us and you will get the best product.
Provide drawings or choose our specifications to accurately manufacture products according to your needs, with a variety of accessories for you to choose from.
1. Provide product drawings or select the specifications we provide.
2. Select materials for your custom door hinges, including bearings, steel or aluminum, and copper, etc.
3. Choose accessories, brass washers or ball washers, and brass oil nozzles.
Choose outer packaging, provide multi-layer outer packaging, and colored plastic inner box.
Custom brass hinges
This product is suitable for connecting various large steel doors or steel components. Please use welding for connection. Precision machining ensures connection accuracy and is your best choice.
Custom Stainless Steel Hinges
This product is suitable for various stainless steel door connection parts or stainless steel component connections. Please use welding for connection. It can be used in high humidity or high salinity environments and has excellent rust resistance.
Custom Aluminum Door Hinge
Suitable for connecting various aluminum door frames or aluminum components, please use welding connections. This product has lightweight and excellent anti-corrosion properties.
As a leading manufacturer of quality custom door hinges, JY specialize in engineering solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Our custom hinges are meticulously designed and manufactured to exact specifications, ensuring optimal performance, durability, and reliability. From heavy-duty industrial doors to intricate cabinet doors, our hinges accommodate a wide range of applications across various industries. With our expertise and dedication to quality, we provide tailored solutions that enhance the functionality and aesthetics of any space. Trust JY to deliver custom door hinges that exceed expectations and stand the test of time.
Custom door hinges offer a plethora of advantages tailored to specific needs. Unlike standard hinges, custom variants can accommodate unique door sizes, shapes, and weights, ensuring optimal support and smooth operation. Engineered for diverse environments, they withstand harsh weather conditions outdoors and heavy usage indoors. Creatively designed to blend seamlessly into any aesthetic, custom hinges elevate the overall look of a space. Additionally, they enhance security with features like concealed hinges or security pins. By investing in custom hinges, individuals and businesses achieve doors that not only look great but also perform optimally, securely, and with added durability.
Custom heavy-duty door hinges find extensive applications across various industries and settings. These specialized hinges are engineered to withstand substantial weight and stress, making them ideal for heavy-duty doors in industrial facilities, warehouses, and commercial buildings. They are also commonly used in transportation vehicles such as trucks, trailers, and shipping containers to secure doors and access points. Additionally, custom heavy-duty hinges are employed in aerospace and defense applications for aircraft components, military vehicles, and defense systems. With their robust construction and reliable performance, custom heavy-duty door hinges ensure safety, security, and durability in demanding environments.
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