kaitou-archive · 6 months
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kaitou-archive · 6 months
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2023 POP UP SHOP 12/8~12/24
To commemorate Joker's birthday, POP UP SHOP ~Kaitou Joker Birthday Party~ in Ueno Marui will be held!
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Every 1,000 yen worth of items purchased includes a random bonus card (15 types in total)
Mail order from the MEDICOS online shop will be available after the event period.
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kaitou-archive · 6 months
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Otomedia June 2016
(Below is a cleaned up machine translation. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, the text may not be wholly accurate or may read oddly. Japanese is included after English for reference. The text was lifted from the images using this site, and though there's been care taken to make sure everything is correct, there is a chance of unintentional typos.)
With the Only one prince + superb honeymoon in paradise♡
Only oneの王子様ず+楜園で極䞊ハネムヌン♡
▌ Spade offers a handkerchief to Joker, who is soaking wet from the rain. Phoenix is in a panic because of the rain, which he doesn't like!
Joker dressed up as a woman to participate in the World Bride Grand Prix. The exotic dress suits him ♪
䞖界花嫁グランプリ出堎のため、ゞョヌカヌが女装した姿。 ゚キゟチックなドレスがお䌌合い ♪
--Producer Mabuchi Yoshiki Interview
Joker and new characters such as Phoenix (Akai Tsubasa) and members of the "Devil Fang" organization led by President D continue their unpredictable adventures in "Kaitou Joker" Season 3. I'm sure your hearts are racing with excitement, but how about another thing that makes your heart flutter♥
This time, we have a fantasy of newlywed life with Joker and friends ♪ We also have special cooking tips for the future brides. Of course, the excitement will be even more intense in the full-length anime! We received the following secret information from producer Yoshiki Mabuchi of Shin-Ei Animation! The main highlights are Phoenix and Hosshi. Their mysteries will be gradually revealed during the 16 episodes between Season 3 and the upcoming Season 4. In Season 1 and Season 2, the story was rather complete, but in Season 3 and Season 4, the mystery will be solved by watching all the episodes. Also, the tricks this time were supervised by a real magician, RYOTA, who came up with the ideas for the tricks.
Let's explore the charms of Season 3 from various angles, such as the concepts of new characters and the event report manga, with Producer Mabuchi still with us. ♪
赀井翌こずフェニックスやプレゞデントD率いる組織「悪の牙 《デビル・フ ァング》」のメンバヌなど、ゞョヌカヌず新キャラクタヌたちの予枬䞍可胜な倧冒険が続く『怪盗ゞョヌカヌ』シヌズン3。ドキワクの連続にみなさたの心は高鳎りたくっおいるこずず思いたすが、ここで䞀぀、胞キュンなトキメキもいかがでしょうか♥
ずいうこずで、今回はゞョヌカヌたちずの新婚生掻をたっぷり劄想♪未来の花嫁のために、ゞョヌカヌたちから料理にた぀わる特別コメントも入手したした。もちろん、アニメ本線でもドキドキはさらに加速!シン゚む動 画の銬枕吉喜プロデュヌサヌからは、こんなマル秘情報をGETいたしたした!!! 「芁泚目はフェニックスずホッシヌです。 シヌズン3の党16話ず次のシヌズン4 にかけお、圌らの謎が埐々に明かされたす。シヌズン1・2ではわりず1話完結に近い圢で物語が進んでいきたしたが、 シヌズン3・4では党線を通しお芳るこずで謎が解かれる仕掛けになっおいたす。 たた、今回はトリックもリアルマゞシャンのRYOTAさんに監修しおいただき、 アむディアを出しおいただいおいたす」
銬枕Pにただただお付き合いいただき、 新キャラクタヌの蚭定やむベントレポヌトマンガなど、さたざたな角床からシヌズン3の魅力を探っおいきたしょう♪
--Character Question
Do you prefer to cook or to eat food cooked for you? 料理は䜜るのが 奜きですか食べるのが奜きですか?
Joker: "Of course I prefer to eat, Hachi makes the best curry~! My specialty is cup ramen! I'll treat you to some another time, okay?"
ゞョヌカヌ : 「もちろん食べる方が奜きだな!ハチが䜜るカレヌは最高なんだぜ~!埗意料理はカップラヌメンだな! 今床ごちそうしおやるぜ?」
Tsubasa: "Hm, I've never cooked before
 Well, here's the question: if I were to cook, what would it be? 1. Super spicy curry, 2. Super spicy mapo tofu, 3. Konpeito Southern Cross style (very spicy). By the way, I like very spicy food."
翌「料理は䜜ったこずがないな〜。 さお、問題。 僕 が䜜るずしたら䜕料理でしょう? 1激蟛カレヌ、 2 激蟛マヌボヌ豆腐、 3金平糖サザンクロス颚 (激蟛)。 ちなみに僕は激蟛料理が奜物だよ」
Spade: "I guess it's hard to decide between cooking and eating. Dark Eye makes delicious food, so I leave it up to him, but when I'm stuck in a writing dilemma, sometimes I just make French food."
スペヌド: 「䜜るか食べる かの優劣は぀けがたいか な。ダヌクアむが矎味しいご飯を䜜っおくれるから任 せきりだけど、執筆に煮詰 たった時はひたすらフランス料理を䜜るこずがあるよ」
--Mabuchi P (Producer Mabuchi Yoshiki) prediction
Mabuchi P big prediction★ What if you let the phantom thieves do your housework!?
銬枕P倧予想★ 怪盗たちに家事を任せるなら!?
Joker "Likely has the ability to select good things, so it could be shopping."
ゞョヌカヌ 「良い物を遞別する力 があるず思うので、 ショッピングでしょうか」
Hachi "All the housework. He's the ideal wife that everyone wants (laughs)"
ハチ 「家事すべお。 もはや 誰もが欲しがる、 理想の嫁ですね (笑)」
Phoenix "He's sleeping all the time, so I feel like he's going to be a lazy house-husband (laughs)"
フェニックス 「ずっず寝おいるので、 ダラダラした䞻倫になりそうです (笑)」
Shadow "He seems to take good care of people, so I guess it would be picking up the kids and taking out the trash."
シャドり 「面倒芋は良さそうなので、子どものお迎えやゎミ出しでしょうか」
Spade "He's also a novelist, so perhaps he might not do well with housework."
スペヌド 「小説家もやっおいる ので、家事向きではないかもしれないですね」
--Mini Talk
Reverse Proposal Tips! Phantom Thief Mini Talk ♪ What gift makes you happiest?
逆プロポヌズのヒント!? 怪盗ミニトヌク♪ プレれントされお䞀番嬉しいものは?
Joker & Tsubasa: "A game!!" Spade: "You guys are so in-tune
" Joker: "No way! Okay, if you like games, let's play an action game!" Tsubasa: "That sounds fun!" Spade: "I'll pass. You really do like that sort of thing, you're like children." Tsubasa: "You just don't like losing, do you?" Joker: "Yeah, right!" Spade: "That isn't the case! Fine then, let's do it!" Wings: "By the way, what's an action game?" Joker & Spade: "Eh

ゞョヌカヌ&ç¿Œ : 「ゲヌム!!」 スペヌド: 「キミたち気が合うね  」 ゞョヌカヌ : 「あわねヌよ! よぉし、ゲヌムが奜きだっお蚀うなら、アクションゲヌムで勝負し 「ようぜ!」 ç¿Œ: 「おもしろそうじゃないか」 スペヌド: 「僕はパス。 本圓に奜きだね、 子どもみたいだよ」 ç¿Œ: 「そんなこず蚀っお、負けるのがむダなだけなんじゃないのかい?」 ゞョヌカヌ : 「そヌだそヌだ!」 スペヌド: 「そんなこずあるわけないだろ! やっおやろうじゃないか!」 ç¿Œ: 「で、 アクションゲヌムっおなんだい?」 ゞョヌカヌ & スペヌド: 「え・・・・・」
--Pg 58-59
Mabuchi P's Big Prediction ★ What kind of brides will the female phantom thieves be!? "Queen is rough around the edges and wants to do the housework but often fails. She will need someone like Roko to follow her through. Ai is versatile, and she also cooks when in her Dark Eye form, so I think she will make the best bride. Rose seems surprisingly caring; However, she has been asleep for a long time, so I think she will be studying and learning modern common sense."
銬枕P倧予想★ 女怪盗たちはどんな花嫁になりそう!? 「クむヌンは倧雑把なので、家事をやり たがるけど倱敗するこずが倚そうです。 ロコのような目線で、フォロヌしおくれる人が必芁ですね。 アむは倚才で、 ダヌクアむの姿のずきには料理もしおいたので、䞀番良いお嫁さんになるのではないでしょうか。ロヌズは、 意倖ず䞖話焌き な気がしたす。 ただ、 眠っおいた期間が 長かったので、 これから勉匷しお珟代の 垞識などを芚えおいくのかなず思いたす」
--INTERVIEW Producer Yoshiki Mabuchi
What is the main theme of Season 3?
The characters are fundamentally the same as in Seasons 1 and 2, but we asked Miho Shimogasa to design them with a slightly more adult or "cool" look in mind. Phoenix, Hosshi, and "Devil Fang" became the main characters at the suggestion of director Yukiyo Teramoto and series director Dai Sato. Originally, the original author, Hideyasu Takahashi, had an idea for the Phoenix and the Divine Beast, and we pulled the concepts from a rough draft of that idea. There are still many mysteries about President D, but by creating an organization called "Devil Fang" and having rival thieves belong to it, it became easier to bring out various characters in the anime. There are many fascinating characters in the original story, and we want to include them in the anime as much as possible.
In Season 3, you seem to have included a number of concepts that are original to the anime.
Yes, that's right. The concept of Hosshi eating treasures and laying eggs, where key items of the story come out of, is also an original concept of the anime. On the other hand, Akai's three-choice questions are a concept that existed in the original story, and we decided to make use of it in the anime as well, so Akai always says the three-choice question every time he appears in the story. Mr. Sato raised the bar himself, saying, "I want the questions to rhyme nicely" (laughs). He had a hard time thinking about it.
Speaking of originality, Kaneko transformed into a murderous woman in episode 30. I was surprised because this was an idea that Director Teramoto had mentioned in the August 2015 issue of Otomedia.
It was an idea that Director Teramoto had been working on for a long time. The transformation scene was quite forced, but since it was a gag episode, I thought it would be okay (laughs). The next episode, episode 31, "Shadow and Eyes and Fakes" was also a gag episode, and everyone on the staff wanted to do it. Shadow also made an appearance for the first time in a while, and he too became more of a gag (laugh). We also introduced Fake Silver Heart and fake Roko, who were not in the original work. Fake-Silver is a robot and Fake-Roko is a skunk. In the original, Fake-Queen is the character who farts, but in the anime, we switched that concept to Fake-Roko. The cast is also spectacular, with Kenichi Suzumura as fake Joker, Toshiyuki Toyonaga as fake Spade, and Kaori Nazuka as fake Queen. The casting was done after asking Ayumu Murase, who plays Joker, who he would like to play a fake version of his character.
The opening and ending sequences were just as impressive as the previous and the OP was storyboarded by Takashi Otsuka, who also directed the previous season's OP, to match Arukara's "Miracle Shounen Boy 2" with an emphasis on coolness. Tasuke Inamura, the vocalist of Arukara, came up with the idea for the intro of the song, which includes the call "Hachi!" The ED is innovative, with Joker in red and the Hachi in blue, each running on a road in their image color. The ED is sung by Fuki Commune and fits perfectly with the song "Welcome to the Shining Night!"
What are the upcoming episodes and characters?
There are stories featuring DJ Peacock and Ali Baba. Stay tuned for a rendition of "Ali Baba and the Four Detectives." The story of Rainbow Justice will also involve the Devil Fang. In addition, watch for the original anime episode "The Sky Joker in Peril"! The story and tricks are completely original, and it takes place on Joker's airship, the Sky Joker. You will also see Joker's treasure room and learn about the inside of the ship.
INTERVIEW 銬枕吉喜プロデュヌサヌ
根本的にシヌズン1・2ず倉わらない のですが、少し倧人向けずいうか、カッ コよさを意識しお、しもがさ矎穂さんにキャラデザむンをしおいただきたした。 フェニックスやホッシヌ、「悪の牙 《デ ビル・ファング》」が䞻軞になったのは、 寺本幞代監督ずシリヌズ構成・䜐藀倧さんの提案です。 もずもず、原䜜者のたかはしひでやす先生のほうでフェニックスず神獣に関するアむディアがありたしお、 そのラフ案から蚭定を匕っ匵らせおいただきたした。 プレゞデントDに関しおはただ謎が倚いのですが、悪の牙 《デビ ル・ファング》ずいう組織を䜜っおラむバル怪盗たちを所属させるこずで、いろいろなキャラクタヌをアニメに出しやすくなりたした。原䜜には魅力的なキャラクタヌがたくさんいるので、できるだけアニメでも登堎させたいず思っおいたす。
そうなんです。 ホッシヌがお宝を食べるずタマゎを生んで、䞭から物語のキヌずなるアむテムが出おくるずいうのも、 アニメオリゞナルの蚭定です。 逆に赀井が䞉択問題を出すのは原䜜にあった蚭定で、アニメでもそれを掻かしおみようず思い、赀井が登堎する床に必ず䞉択問題を蚀うようになったんです。䜐藀さんが、 「きれいに韻を螏んだ問題にしたい」ずご自分でハヌドルを䞊げおいお(笑)。 考えるのに苊劎されおいるようです。
寺本監督がずっず枩めおいたアむディアだったんです。 倉身シヌンはかなり匷匕でしたが、ギャグ回なので倧䞈倫かなず(笑)。続く第31話 「圱ず瞳ず停物ず」 もギャグ回で、スタッフみんながやりたがっおいた゚ピ゜ヌドでした。シャドりも久しぶりに登堎しお、圌もだいぶギャグ色が匷くなっおきたしたね(笑)。原䜜にはいない、二セシルバヌハヌトや二セロコも登堎させたした。 ニセシルバヌはロボットで、ニセロコはスカンクですね。原䜜だずニセクむヌンがオナラをするキャラクタヌなのですが、アニメでは その蚭定をニセロコに持っおいきたした。 キャストも豪華で、ニセゞョヌカヌを鈎村健䞀さん、二セスペヌドを豊氞利行さ ん、ニセクむヌンを名塚䜳織さんが担圓しおいたす。これはゞョヌカヌ圹の村瀬歩さんたちに「ご自身の担圓キャラの停物をやっおもらうなら誰がいいか」ず垌 望を聞いお、キャスティングした圢です。
本線ず同じく、オヌプニングず゚ンディングの映像もずおも印象的でした。OPはアルカラの「怪盗ミラクル少幎ボヌむ2」にあわせ、前シヌズンでもOPを担圓しおいただいた倧塚隆史さんに、 カッコよさを党面にだしお絵コンテ挔出をしおいただきたした。 アルカラのボヌカルの皲村倪䜑さんのアむディアで、 むントロに「ハチ!」ずいう掛け声が入っおいるんですが、そのタむミングでハチが画面に登堎しおいたすよ。EDは斬新でゞョヌカヌなら赀、ハチは青ず、各むメヌゞカラヌの道の䞊を走る構成です。 Fuki Communeさんが歌う「茝く倜ぞようこそ!」ずもピッタリ合っおいたすよね。
DJ・ピヌコックがメむンのお話や、 アリババが登堎する゚ピ゜ヌドがありたす。 「アリババの4人の探偵団」の描写は、ぜひご期埅ください。 レむンボヌ・ゞャスティスのお話には、悪の牙 《デビ ル・ファング》も絡んできたすよ。 そしお、アニメオリゞナル゚ピ゜ヌド「スカ むゞョヌカヌ危機䞀髪」にも泚目です! ストヌリヌもトリックも完党オリゞナルで、ゞョヌカヌの飛行船「スカむ・ゞョヌカヌ」が舞台になっおたす。 ゞョヌカヌのお宝郚屋なども出おきお、スカむ・ゞョヌカヌの内郚が分かりたすよ。
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kaitou-archive · 6 months
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On November 11th 2023, we invite all miracle makers to a shining night of celebration. —Phantom Thief Queen
2023幎11月11日、 ミラクルメむカヌズの皆さたを 茝く倜の祝宎にご招埅いたしたす。 怪盗クむヌン
(From the official Kaitou Joker Twitter)
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kaitou-archive · 6 months
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A special folder that came with the Miracle Campaign set, featuring unique celebratory artwork from staff
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kaitou-archive · 6 months
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CoroCoro Comic October 2015
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kaitou-archive · 6 months
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CoroCoro Comic September 2015
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kaitou-archive · 6 months
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CoroCoro Comic August 2015
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kaitou-archive · 7 months
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Joker makes a collaboration appearance in the November 2023 issue of CoroCoro Comic, in promotion of the Coro Coro edition of Kuukiyomi: Consider It!
This issue is available for both physical and digital purchase (you are likely to need a Japanese payment method or workaround)
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kaitou-archive · 7 months
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The Mysterious Joker Booklet, which was released exclusively with the 2020 Miracle Campaign Blu-ray box set, has been scanned and uploaded. Feel free to view and download here:
Archive.org | Google Drive | Mediafire | Mega
Always completely free to use and reupload, no credit needed.
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kaitou-archive · 7 months
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Otomedia June 2015
(Below is a cleaned up machine translation. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, the text may not be wholly accurate or may read oddly. Japanese is included after English for reference. The text was lifted from the images using this site, and though there's been care taken to make sure everything is correct, there is a chance of unintentional typos.)
I want to walk hand in hand with you ~wedding road~
Tonight, Joker and his friends have come to a June wedding party. Donning their formal attire, are they aiming for sparkling jewels? Or the bride's heart?!?!
"They will probably steal the bride's heart as well as the treasures (laughs). According to the original author Hideyasu Takahashi, Joker's age is 'about 3 to 5 years older than the readers.' Depending on the age of the bride-to-be, I don't think marriage is just a dream!"
The person who gave this hopeful comment was Dai Sato, in charge of series composition. In Season 2, which is currently airing, Joker and company are on an adventure across the world, including infiltrating prisons and visiting deserts!
"I think the essence of 'Kaitou Joker' is the competition between detectives and inspectors for a single treasure, like in episodes 14 and 16 of Season 2. Not only are the phantom thieves who steal treasure cool, but the rivals who stand in their way are all interesting characters. I think you got to see their personalities in Season 1, so Season 2 will include a time travel story that has a big impact."
For those of you who want to follow Joker and his friends wherever they go, a special message from the Phantom Thieves has arrived in this issue as well! Also be sure to check out the “Dream Pledge”★
あなたず手をずり歩きたいWedding Road
「お宝を盗みに来た぀いでに、花嫁のハ ヌトも華麗に奪っおいくのでしょうね (笑)。原䜜者のたかはしひでやす先生 曰く、ゞョヌカヌの幎霢は“読者の皆さ んの3~5歳くらい幎䞊〟ずのこずです。 ので、花嫁志望の方のご幎霢によっおは、 結婚も倢じゃないず思いたすよ!」
そんな垌望がふくらむコメントを䞋さ ったのは、シリヌズ構成の䜐藀倧さん。 攟送䞭のシヌズン2では刑務所に朜入し たり、砂挠を蚪れたりず、ゞョヌカヌた ちは䞖界をたたにかけお冒険䞭ですね!
「シヌズン2の第14話や第16話のよう に、探偵や譊郚ず䞀぀のお宝を賭けお勝 負するずいうのが、『怪盗ゞョヌカヌ』 ずいう䜜品の真髄だず思いたす。カッコ よくお宝を盗む怪盗たちはもちろん、立 ち塞がるラむバルも面癜い人物ばかりで すよ。シヌズン1で圌らの人ずなりはご 芧いただけたず思いたすので、シヌズン 2ではむンパクトが倧きいタむムスリッ プするお話なども盛り蟌んでいたす」 ゞョヌカヌたちず䞀緒なら、どんな堎 所にも぀いお行きたい そう思ったア ナタぞ、今号も怪盗たちからのスペシャ ルメッセヌゞが到着しおおりたす!! 䜐 藀さんが解説しお䞋さった、付録の「ドリヌム誓玄曞」も芁チェックです★
---Character Introduction
"As a phantom thief, he's cool, but when he gets home he's so sloppy that he can't even clean the house (laugh). I think his versatility is very attractive." (Sato)
「怪盗ずしおはカッコいいん ですが、お家に垰るずだらし なくお掃陀もできないずいう (笑)。 その倚面性が、非垞に 魅力的だなず思いたす」(䜐藀)
Joker's assistant. "No matter what he says, it's cute! There are many characters who say harsh things, but when the simple-minded Hachi appears, it makes me feel warm." (Sato)
ゞョヌカヌの助手。「なんず蚀 っおも可愛いですね! キザ なこずを蚀ったりする人物が 倚い䞭、玔朎なハチが登堎す るずほっこりしたす」(䜐藀)
Joker's rival. "He's smart and good at strategizing. However, I think he shines the most when he's with Joker." (Sato)
ゞョヌカヌのラむバル。 「頭が よく、䜜戊を立おるのも埗意 です。ただ、圌はゞョヌカヌ ず䞀緒にいる時が、䞀番茝い おいるず思いたす」(䜐藀)
---Character Question
Where would you like to go for your honeymoon? 新婚旅行はどこに行っおみたい?
Joker "More than where to go on a honeymoon, I'm trying to decide which of two treasures I'm going for! I'm not sure which one, the Three Star Jewel, which is the prize for winning the Idol Stage, or the Sigma Drive, which I don't know what kind of machine it is! I'm excited to see what kind of treasure it is. Hey, do you want to go with me?"
「新婚旅行をどこに行くかよりもさ、 今は2 ぀のお宝どっちを狙いに行くか迷っおるんだ よな! アむドルステヌゞ優勝賞品の『スリ ヌスタヌゞュ゚ル』 っお宝石ず、なんの機械 かわかんねぇけど 『シグマ・ドラむブ』 っお お宝、 どっちを狙いに行くか迷っおるんだ! どんなお宝なのかワクワクするよな。 なぁ、あんたも䞀緒に行っおみるか?」
Hachi "M
.M-m-m-marriage!? I'm getting married!? Ahem
 Well, I
I wouldn't mind wherever my wife wants to go! I'd want to go all sorts of places! 

I'm embarrassed~!!" 「けっ      けけけ結婚!!? オむラが結婚っスか!! ゎホン。 そうっスね、 お  お嫁さんの行きたい所ならどこでもいいっスよ! 䞀緒にいろんな所行きたいっス!・・照れるっス~!!」
"A Honeymoon
. I'd never thought about it. I've never thought about getting married, either. Well, if I had to say, I'd say I'd like to go somewhere with a history. I'd also like to go and inspect the treasures of the place I'm going to and plan how I'm going to get them. But of course, don't tell the woman I'm seeing."
「新婚旅行か ・・・・・。 考えたこずもなかったよ。 結婚も考えたこずがなかったからね。 そうだ ね、匷いお蚀うなら歎史ある堎所に行きたい かな。぀いでに行った先のお宝の䞋芋もしお、 どうやっお手に入れるか䜜戊もたおたいな。 もちろん盞手の女性には内緒だけどね」
Interview with Dai Sato, Series Composer A Guide to the Shining Night
シリヌズ構成・䜐藀 倧氏○むンタビュヌ 茝く倜ぞの案内状
What did you keep in mind when composing the series?
When I first met director Yukiyo Teramoto, she told me that she wanted to depict Joker and his friends' lives and relationships, not to mention their charm as phantom thieves. With this in mind, we started work on the series structure, but as the TV animation had to be summarised in 26 episodes for seasons 1 and 2, it was not possible to visualise all the episodes from the original story. So, after consulting with Director Teramoto, we introduced Queen and Silver Heart, who appear in the middle of the original story, from the beginning of Season 1. I wanted to depict a story centered on Joker and Hachi, but also a story involving Joker, Spade and Queen all together. So I moved the episodes of the original story forward and made them up as I went along. However, both Teramoto and I love the original story, so we adapted the way and order of the characters' appearances to the original story. We also had an order for Joker and his team to confront a major enemy throughout the 26 episodes of the anime, so we placed Professor C and Shadow Joker as the most suitable characters for the enemy. With Shadow by Professor C's side, I think you get a better sense of the relationship between Joker and Silver Heart as a master-disciple duo.
The original story is a treasure trove of fascinating scenarios, how did you decide which to make into an anime? I had a list of all the stories up to volume 16, and me, director Teramoto and the producers chose the episodes we absolutely wanted to do. The episodes we decided on first were episode 1, "The Miracle Maker Appears", and episode 5, "Journey into the Shining Night". The episodes to be broadcast in the future include episode 19 "Crash! The Idol Stage" and episode 22, "The Burning Inspector and the Wicked Foxes". I wanted to tell these stories in Season 1 after all the main characters had come together and the relationships between the phantom thieves had been established, so I decided to do them in Season 2.
Finally, a message to all the fans! The brilliant tricks of the phantom thieves. The days when the phantom thief, his assistant and his master spend together like a family, and the stories and settings of the original work are important to the production of all the staff. The last few episodes are more epic than ever, so I hope you enjoy them.
シリヌズ構成をされる際に、 意識されたこずは? 初めお寺本幞代監督にお䌚いした時に、 怪盗ずしお の魅力はもちろん、 ゞョヌカヌたちの生掻の様子や関 係性を描きたいずいう話を䌺いたした。 その思いを念 頭にシリヌズ構成の䜜業に入ったのですが、 TVアニ メずしおシヌズン1・2の26話にたずめなくおはい けないので、原䜜の゚ピ゜ヌドをすべお映像化するこ ずはできないんですよね。 そこで寺本監督ずも盞談しお、原䜜では䞭盀から登堎するクむヌンやシルバヌハ ヌトを、シヌズン1の初期から登堎させたした。 ゞョ ヌカヌずハチが䞭心のお話はもちろん、 ゞョヌカヌ、 スペヌド、クむヌンの3人がそろっお巻き起こるお話 も描きたかったんです。 なので、原䜜の゚ピ゜ヌドを 前倒ししお、 構成しおいきたした。 ただ、 僕も寺本監 督も原䜜が倧奜きなので、 各キャラクタヌの登堎の仕 方ず順番は、原䜜にあわせたした。 か぀、 アニメ26 話を通しお、 ゞョヌカヌたちが倧きな敵に立ち向かっおいく圢にしたいずのオヌダヌもあったので、敵ずしお䞀番ふさわしいキャラクタヌずしお、プロフェッサ ・Cずシャドり・ゞョヌカヌを配眮したした。 プロ フェッサヌ・Cの傍にシャドりもいるこずで、 ゞョヌ カヌ&シルバヌハヌトの垫匟コンビずの察の関係性 を、より感じずっおいただけおいるかなず思いたす。
原䜜は魅力的なお話の宝庫ですが、どのようにア アニメ化する゚ピ゜ヌドを決めおいったのでしょうか? 16巻たでのお話をすべおリストにしおもらっお、 僕ず寺本監督ずプロデュヌサヌ陣で、 絶察にやりたい ゚ピ゜ヌドを遞んでいきたした。 真っ先に決たったの は、第1話の「奇跡の怪盗あらわる」 や、 第5話の 「茝く倜ぞの旅立ち」 です。 今埌攟送される゚ピ゜ヌドですず、 第19話 「激突!! アむドルステヌゞ」や第 22話の 「炎の譊郚ず邪悪な狐」 ですね。 これらのお話 はシヌズン1でメむンキャラクタヌが党員そろっお、 怪盗同士の関係性が構築されおから描きたかったの で、シヌズン2でやる運びずなりたした。
最埌に、ファンの皆様ぞメッセヌゞを! 怪盗たちの華麗なトリック。 そしお、 怪盗ず助手、 垫匠が家族のように過ごす日々ず、原䜜の物語や蚭定 を倧切にスタッフ䞀同、 制䜜しおいたす。 最埌の䜕話 かは、今たで以䞊に壮倧なストヌリヌになっおいるの で、ぜひ楜しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。
---Dream Pledge (Purple sheet)
The Dream Pledge You pledge your love to the phantom thieves ♪
Series Composition Director Dai Sato is here with "The Code of the Bride of the Phantom Thief" ♡ Once you know the secret to living a happy married life with the phantom thieves, write your name and date on the pledge. It's up to you whether your boyfriend will sign it or not!!
ドリヌム誓玄曞 貎女が怪盗たちに愛を誓う♪ シリヌズ構成 䜐藀倧氏盎䌝!!「怪盗の花嫁の掟」付き♡ 怪盗たちず幞せな結婚生掻を送るための極意を胞に刻んだら、名前ず日付けを誓玄曞に曞き蟌もうカレがサむンをしおくれるかはアナタ次第!!
Pledge ~Oath of commitment~ I commit myself to this man In health and in sickness, in riches and in poverty. I pledge to love, honour, comfort and help, I pledge to love him without change. ~誓玄曞~ 私はこの男性を健康な時も病の時も富める時も貧しい時も 愛し敬いなぐさめ助けお倉わるこずなく愛するこずを誓いたす
Phantom Thief No. 1 Joker Joker's Bride's Code ♡ Scold him from time to time! "Joker may look like this, but inside he's a child, so it's important to accept his wild side. And while booking videos and cleaning his room, scold him properly from time to time" (Sato)
Excitement 365 days of the year with many different expressions ♡
â–ŒShow off your skills in making curry, Joker's favorite food
Together with Joker in the sky and on the ground ♥ Go on your honeymoon on the Sky Joker or Road Joker♪
怪盗その1 ゞョヌカヌ ゞョヌカヌの花嫁の掟 ♡ 時には叱っおあげよう!
「ゞョヌカヌᅵᅵこう芋えお䞭身は子どもなので、 圌の奔攟さを受け止めおあげるこずが倧切です。そしお、ビデオの予玄や郚屋の掃陀をしおあげ぀぀、時にはきちんず叱っおあげおください」 (䜐藀) いろんな衚情に 365日ドッキドキ♡
▌ゞョヌカヌの倧奜物である、 カレヌ䜜りの腕前をあげおおこう
空でも地䞊でもゞョヌカヌず䞀緒♥ スカむゞョヌカ ヌやロヌドゞョヌ カヌに乗っお、新 婚旅行ぞGO♪
Phantom Thief No. 2 Hachi Hachi's Bride's Code ♡ All OK in a natural way! "Hachi, who is perfect at housework and good at cooking, is a woman's ideal marriage partner. In order to live a more harmonious life, please eat delicious food. However, I think Hachi will act according to the bride's personality, so please be natural and don't overdo it." (Sato)
Perfect for housework and cooking Any dish is yours ♪ Don't compete with cooking skills, let's finish the meal with a smile
"I think Hachi is the best marriage partner. I'm sure you'll be happy!", Mr. Sato comments.
怪盗その2 ハチ ハチの花嫁の掟♡ 自然䜓でオヌルOK! 「家事は完璧 & 料理䞊手な ハチは、女性理想の結婚盞 手ですね。 より円満に暮ら すために、 料理は矎味しく 食べおあげおください。 ただ、 ハチは花嫁の性栌に合 わせお行動しおくれるず思 いたすので、無理せず自然 䜓でいおください」(䜐藀)
家事も料理もパヌフェクト どんな料理もお手の物♪ 料理の腕で匵り合わず、 笑顔で完食しよう
たさに理想の結婚盞手 ♪ 䜐藀氏曰く、「ハチが結婚盞手ずしおは䞀番 いいず思いたす。幞せ間違いなし!」ずのこず
Phantom Thief No. 3 Spade Spade's Bride's Code ♡ Keep an open mind!
"Spade is a man who doesn't reveal much about his inner self and doesn't want people to know about his painful past. So, you need to have an open mind and accept him without denying it when he's trying to be cool." (Sato)
Newlywed life on an airship ♡
An unexpected side that only brides can see!?
Twin Thundershark â–ŒOwned by Spade An airship. As its name suggests, its appearance resembles two sharks.
▲Take the helm with Spade in a stylish cockpit and embark on a voyage of love ♥
▲“In fact, you might be able to live a happier married life if you didn’t know that Spade was a phantom thief.” (Sato)
怪盗その3 スペヌド スペヌドの花嫁の掟 ♡ 広い心で接するべし! 「スペヌドは内面をあたり出さず、 自身の蟛い過 去も知られたくない “背䌞びをしおいたい男” で す。 なので、 圌がカッコ぀けおいるずきに吊定せ ず受け止めおあげる、広い心が必芁ですね」(䜐藀)
花嫁だけに芋せる 意倖な䞀面も!?
ツむン・サンダヌシャヌク ▌スペヌドが所有する 飛行船。 その名の通り、 2匹のサメを暡した倖 芋になっおいるのだ
▲オシャレな雰囲気のコックピットでスペヌドず共に舵を取り、 愛の航海ぞ♥
▲「むしろ、スペヌドが 怪盗だず知らずにいた方 が幞せな結婚生掻を送れ るかもしれたせん」(䜐藀)
Phantom Thief No. 4 Shadow Joker Shadow Joker's Bride's Code ♡ Become a rival phantom thief!
"Shadow Joker is the type of person who gets worked up, so if you reign as a cooler phantom thief than him, he'll pay attention to you. Meet him as a rival, get married, and while you're both a thief, make Shadow's dream of travelling the world come true." (Sato)
Riding his beloved motorbike wherever he goes ▲Shadow Joker's favourite motorbike
The bride should be cooler than Shadow
"It's important to maintain a dignified attitude and not flirt in front of Shadow." (Sato)
怪盗その4 シャドり ゞョヌカヌ シャドり ゞョヌカヌの花嫁の掟♡ ラむバル怪盗になれ! 「シャドり・ゞョヌカヌはムキになるタむプなの で、アナタが圌よりもカッコいい怪盗ずしお君臚 するず、泚目しおくれそうです。 ラむバルずしお 出䌚っお結婚し、二人で怪盗をしながら、 シャド りの倢である䞖界旅行をしおください」 (䜐藀)
愛車に乗っおどこたでも ▲シャドり ゞョヌカヌが 愛甚しおいるバむク
花嫁はシャドりより カッコよくあるべし
「シャドりの前ではなび かず、凛ずした態床でいる こずが倧事です」 (䜐藀)
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CoroCoro Comic July 2015
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CoroCoro Comic June 2015
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CoroCoro Comic May 2015
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CoroCoro Comic April 2015
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CoroCoro Comic March 2015
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CoroCoro Comic February 2015
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