FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 14
Saturday, March 4, 2023: two weeks FLYing.
The baby step for Day 14 is to read about the importance of calendars. I already keep a personal Google calendar (because I have to keep track of two household's worth of stuff), so nothing really to do here.
There aren't zone cleaning tasks for weekends, which is nice, but I probably need to come up with some alternative zone system in the future while we're still living here to work for Zone 1. Maybe I'll just expand Week 5 into Week 1?
My Routine
(Anything I failed to do that’s on the routine will be crossed out.)
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Spend five minutes on a Room Rescue.
Lunch/Afternoon Tasks
Eat lunch.
Make the bed.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break. Didn’t have anything to declutter that.
Evening Tasks
Shine the sink.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Check calendar.
0 notes
FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 13
Friday, March 3, 2023: basic day with the fiancé.
Day 13's baby step is to do one of the daily missions (note: daily missions are Zone Cleaning tasks). This was...well. Here's the missions for the week:
Monday: declutter the living room
Tuesday: declutter hotspots in the living room
Wednesday: declutter the entry, porch, and dining room
Thursday: declutter the dining room
Friday: tend to houseplants.
The problem with this is that my fiancé's apartment only has four "rooms": living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. We don't have houseplants, and due to the limited space we don't have hotspots in the living room either. Any decluttering needs to be my fiancé there because it's mostly books that belong to them. So...step failed.
My Routine
(Anything I failed to do that’s on the routine will be crossed out.)
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Make the bed.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Spend five minutes on a Room Rescue (cat decided to make a mess overnight, so...thanks, I guess, for giving me something to do).
Lunch/Afternoon Tasks
Eat lunch. Schedule was weird, so...yeah. Didn't eat lunch or breakfast.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break. Didn't have anything to declutter that.
Evening Tasks
Zone Cleaning Task. I'm not going to cross this out because I didn't fail to do it; just that none of the tasks worked for me.
Shine the sink.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Check calendar.
0 notes
FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 12
Thursday, March 2, 2023: split day again (also, backdating because BUSY).
As I go through this day, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm close approaching the time where I will have to start making Truly Difficult Decisions. A lot of my clutter is books, and getting rid of books is genuinely hard, particularly when they're not normal paperbacks. They're coffee-table reference books, strangely designed books, books that don't fit in a standard bookshelf due to their dimensions.
On the plus side, my fiancé is starting to get bit by the clutter reduction bug too, which is great. They're recognizing that it'll be a lot easier to move all of our stuff if "all of our stuff" is less stuff than we have now, so they're starting to do some closet decluttering. This is music to my ears, because if their closet is decluttered, we can use their closet for actual clothing storage and not have laundry exist in a cycle from washer to dryer to body to washer again.
Today's baby step was to delete the FlyLady emails. I never signed up for them, but I took the opportunity to clear out my email inbox. I think I need to commit to doing this weekly, because if I do it weekly I'll actually read said emails.
My Routine
(Anything I failed to do that’s on the routine will be crossed out.)
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Make the bed.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lunch/Afternoon Tasks
Eat lunch.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break (sewing space).
Evening Tasks
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Check calendar.
0 notes
FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 11
Wednesday, March 1, 2023: still truckin'.
The day started unremarkable, no problems with the morning routine. The issue came at lunch when I was cleaning and I discovered that my wool clothes that had been locked up since COVID started were actually decimated by moths.
I had to throw away so much fabric, you all. I cried. I sewed some of that stuff by hand, and it was now ruined. I'm starting to get an appreciation for the minimalist concept that "anything you own has the obligation of upkeep"; in the future, I need to only own the wool clothes I can commit to maintaining.
More of the evening was spent bagging up loose garbage in my sewing area. It's been rough.
My Routine
(Anything I failed to do that’s on the routine will be crossed out.)
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Make the bed.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lunch/Afternoon Tasks
Eat lunch.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break (sewing space).
Evening Tasks
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Check calendar.
0 notes
FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 11
Tuesday, February 28, 2023: back on it after a not-so-great Monday.
This day felt routine, which is a good thing. I spent my lunchbreak declutter working on the top of my bookshelf, and I intended to spend my evening declutter time on my sewing corner, but it's starting to get a bit stuffy here, so I needed to turn on the fan, and before I turned on the fan I needed to CLEAN it. First a dust-down, then a wipe-down with a Clorox wood-safe wipe (more accurately two, because I cannot remember the last time I've done this...and I have a good memory). I lay an old sheet over my bedding so I didn't get a bunch of dust on my still-relatively-clean quilt.
If you're doing this yourself, I highly recommend getting a spotter while you clean your fans or fixtures, anything requiring you to stand on a chair. I nearly hit myself on the head with a fanblade, and that could have gone really poorly.
Today's Baby Step task is to write down inspirational phrases for 15 minutes. Here's what I came up with.
Indeed, I can do for twelve hours what would cause me consternation were I to believe I had to do it all my life.
Better is good.
Slow and steady wins the race.
My Routine
(Anything I failed to do that’s on the routine will be crossed out.)
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Make the bed.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot (straightened some stuff on top of my dresser).
Lunch/Afternoon Tasks
Eat lunch.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break.
Evening Tasks
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Check calendar.
0 notes
My Working Theory of Stuff Cycles
This is something that's been on my mind lately.
I think a lot of us get bogged down with the idea that everything has a place. And everything should be in its place. For some of us, what ends up happening is that if things aren't in their place, then we have FAILED, and we get easily overwhelmed.
I've started instead to think of most stuff having normal cycles of movement. When I take a dish down from the cabinet, it gets taken to the counter to get filled with food, I eat off of it at the couch or table, it goes in the sink where it gets washed, it goes in the dish drainer, then it goes back to the cabinet - that dish has a perfectly good reason to be in any of those locations for a while. But if I find a dish in the sink or by the couch, that dish hasn't completed its cycle. For some reason, I find it easier to think of my stuff needing to complete their cycles rather than my stuff not being in its place.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 10
Monday, February 26, 2023: another split day, and the first day I could consider a real slip.
Today's Baby Step Task was to spend 15 minutes looking for trash and taking out trash. I couldn't do this at my fiancé's since we did a major obvious-trash clearout the weekend before and we're at the point where my fiancé is the only person who can identify if what remains is trash (versus papers that need to be saved, items of sentimental value that need to be thoughtfully considered before being removed, etc). I could have done it at my parents' place when I got there, but I'll be honest - I was exhausted. I got there later than I'd hoped and had to talk wedding things, so by the time I got done I was about ready to collapse.
My Routine
(Anything I failed to do that's on the routine will be crossed out.)
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Make the bed.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot (dealt with my duffel launch pad).
Lunch/Afternoon Tasks
Eat lunch.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break.
Five minute room rescue (maybe???).
Evening Tasks
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Check calendar.
0 notes
FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 9
Sunday, February 26, 2023:
Guests, part 2.
We were kind of blindsided yesterday with our guests having to change plans, so we basically lived all of yesterday evening touching as few things as possible. I got up at my normal time, but my fiancé is still sleeping in, so the morning routine will have to wait until a bit later.
Normally, Day 9 in the Baby Steps is to add 5 minutes of room rescue to the morning routine. The problem with this is that, at least today, the room is already 'rescued' as much as it safely can be, with guests coming over at literally any minute (I am typing this on my phone instead of on my laptop, because my laptop has to stay put away because GUESTS). So...maybe tomorrow, or later in the day.
My Actual Routine
Morning Tasks
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot (did a little reorganizing in the kitchen).
Lunch/Afternoon Tasks
Make the bed.
Eat lunch.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break.
Five minute room rescue (maybe???).
Evening Tasks
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Shine the sink.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Check calendar.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 8
Saturday, February 25, 2023: the first big test day, because today we have
I did not immediately get dressed because I knew I needed to do something about the bathroom, and it just so happened that my pajamas are the only thing I had at my fiancé's where I wouldn't mind if I got discolorations from cleaners and whatnot on them. Fiancé stayed in bed (they're a night owl, I'm a morning lark) so I didn't get the bed made either right after getting up, but dammit the bathroom looks better.
Well, a bit better. It's pretty awful, but my fiancé lives in an apartment that has texture-painted walls in the bathroom, and there are stains on the laminate that have been there since before they moved in. I at least got the sink and bathroom counter cleaned up and all the soap scum removed there; we'll just leave the shower curtain closed to hide my greatest shame (the tub is awful, but it will wait until we're at that zone). Excepting the stains that no amount of elbow grease could move, the floor is clean.
(Note to self: never, ever again live in an apartment with texture-painted bathroom walls. Ever.)
We're still going to have to do some Stuff Hiding in the apartment when we get word of the guests being on their way, but I'm at least feeling like I've made progress. My hope is every time we have to entertain, we have to do less Stuff Hiding than the last time.
The task for Day 8 is to start a physical log of my routines. I'm currently honestly debating having two physical control journals for my two homes, but in the meantime, I'll start two routine logs here. Stuff that I'm making time for that isn't yet part of the program, but I know will need to be added, is in green. Stuff I've incorporated into my routine earlier than scheduled because I needed to for pragmatic reasons is in purple.
Life with Parents
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Make my bed.
Fill my water bottle. My birthday is coming up and I asked for a water bottle with times marked on the side so I can see how much water I should be drinking. My inner hydration detection is horribly broken, so I can't rely on feeling thirsty to tell me to drink.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Swish and swipe. I need to talk to my mother about this because she's very particular in how the bathroom is cleaned (she does not believe brushes are sanitary and only uses specific sponges for the job), but I don't think she'd mind as long as I did things her way.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Check the laundry situation. I only wash my own clothes and sheets so I definitely don't need to do laundry every day (it would be utterly wasteful), but I can stay on top of it daily.
Check the Daily Flight Plan.
Lunchbreak/Afternoon Routine
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break.
Eat lunch.
Refill my water bottle.
Evening Routine
Daily Focus Task. This isn't on the daily flight plans, but I know if there isn't a time for it, I won't do it.
Zone Cleaning-inspired Task. This will replace my evening declutter time eventually, when there's enough clutter out of the way that cleaning is meaningful. I'm calling it Zone Cleaning Inspired since there's not very much of my parents' house that I can clean without my parents' express permission and instruction in how it ought to be done, so I'll be focusing on the areas of my house I do have responsibility for.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Ensure laundry is controlled. No clothes should be out that aren't going to be worn the next day. Do the mending.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Ensure I've met my water goal.
Life with Fiancé
Morning Routine
Wake up at a reasonable time.
Get completely dressed in something not-pajamas.
Make the bed if the fiancé is awake.
Remind myself that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Check the laundry situation. Just two people and one cat don't require a ton of laundry, and doing laundry daily would be ridiculously wasteful with our washer, but I can stay on top of things. This is going to be a struggle regardless, and I'll probably write an essay on why later.
Swish and swipe. No biggie, but I will need to get stuff to do this because my fiancé has always used the single-use toilet bowl cleaning wand things, which isn't compatible with daily toilet cleaning.
Think about lunch. If there's anything that needs to be started early (e.g. setting out butter to soften), do that.
Five minute room rescue if the fiancé is awake.
Check the Daily Flight Plan/Control Journal.
Lunch/Afternoon Routine
Make the bed (if I couldn't do it earlier).
Eat lunch.
15 minute decluttering/cleaning break.
Five minute room rescue (if I couldn't do it earlier).
Refill my water bottle.
Think about dinner. If there's something that needs to be started early (e.g. setting out butter to soften), do that.
Evening Routine
Daily Focus Task. This isn't on the daily flight plans, but I know if there isn't a time for it, I won't do it.
Zone Cleaning Task. This will replace my evening declutter time eventually, when there's enough clutter out of the way that cleaning is meaningful.
Spend two minutes on a Hot Spot.
Shine the sink. Now, technically, the chances I will wake up to a shiny sink are pretty low because my fiancé is a night owl and likes to end their nights with a cup of chamomile tea, and if it's not in the sink the cat will knock it over. But the principle stands - my kitchen sink was spotless. It's not like kitchen sinks don't constantly get things put in them daily.
Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
Ensure laundry is put away. This is going to be a nightmare and a half to get started for afore-referenced reasons, but dammit we'll get there. Also, do the mending.
Check calendar.
Ensure I've met my water goal.
0 notes
Thoughts after a week of FlyLady Baby Steps
Even though you’re not doing much cleaning, decluttering, or anything like that yet, as soon as you start a cleaning routine you start becoming aware of mess and stuff in a way you probably weren’t before.  When you pick up your mail, you start to think “if I take care of this now, it’ll be gone, but if I put it in a stack it will become MESS™,” so you’re more likely to take care of the mail right away.
The website’s unintuitive nature may be a feature, not a bug; it forces you to take things one step at a time.  I can’t read all of the baby steps at once...but I shouldn’t be reading all the baby steps at once.  I should be reading them and doing them one day at a time, because the biggest cause of failing is trying to change too many things at once.  Likewise, I can only see today’s, yesterday’s, and tomorrow’s flight plans...and I shouldn’t be looking too far into the future because that’s another recipe for burnout.  Nor should I be looking too far back, because if we screw up a day we’re supposed to just move onto the next and not try to play catch-up.
It kinda bugs me that the Daily Flight Plan doesn’t include mention of the daily focus task.  Of course, this isn’t necessarily cleaning-related, but she does mention drinking water and exercise, and she also mentions zone cleaning, so...yeah.
You absolutely need your family to be on-board.  My parents are completely on-board, my fiancé is on-board in theory, but due to chronic illness acting up there’s a limit to how much I can do because there’s a limit to how much they can do, and most of what needs to be done needs to be a group project because You Can’t Clean Clutter, and the clutter is 98% their stuff.
You never realize how filthy your fridge is until you declutter it.  Or your pantry.  Just...if you can’t see a thing well enough to know if it’s clean or not, you probably need to declutter somehow.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 7
Friday, February 24, 2023: I finish my first week of the FlyLady baby steps.
This was the first day the routine got upset.  My fiancé has a chronic health condition that made them have an absolutely awful night, so they called in sick this morning and went straight back to bed, so the bed didn’t get made.  BUT, I did get dressed up to (but not including) shoes, checked the Flight Plan, and got to work-work.
By my normal noon declutter time, my fiancé was awake so I was able to make the bed, but then I came to a conundrum: we anticipate a father-in-law visit tomorrow, but the zone for the day is the least visible part of the apartment.  So I took the liberty to use that time to dust the knick-knack shelf and flagged some things for my fiancé to look over and possibly choose to cull.
It occurred to me for the first time that I can’t really declutter that much at my fiancé's, because most of the stuff is not mine.  It’s my fiancé's.  I don’t know what they need to keep.  I live out of a duffel bag and have a small section of the closet to hang a couple dresses on in case of emergency night out; that’s about it.  My hotspot is the only spot I have space for anything.  However, there’s one thing I can declutter:
The kitchen.
I had the time, and I do want to keep to the habit of using my two 15 minutes on SOME kind of non-daily cleaning tasks, so I attacked one of the shelves in the “pantry” (that is, the cabinet above the sink).  To give you an idea of what the situation was when I started, I found some sliced almonds that expired before we started dating.  We started dating in late 2017.  Now things fit much more comfortably in the pantry with much less of a risk of things falling out whenever I want to grab salt, so I feel good about that progress.  I washed all the dishes, wiped down the stove, counters, and kitchen table (which I basically use as counter space), and swept, so it’s in tolerable condition.  I desperately need to figure out how to dust between the oven side and the wall, but that will have to wait for another day.  Progress is good, after all.
The task for Day 7 is to lay out my clothes for the next day, which I essentially do every Thursday when I pack for the next half-week, so that’s easy enough.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 6
Thursday, February 23rd: my second split day.
Necessity is compelling me to be more aggressive with the baby steps than technically I ought to be, but I think it’s all teaching me something in the long run.
For example: yesterday I realized very quickly that dusting and wiping down all my now-uncovered wood furniture was utterly necessary in order to contain my allergies.  That included my wood bedframe, and as my wood-wiping-down wipes are not great for fabric, that meant I needed to remove my sheets, so I might as well wash them.  I ended up not doing decluttering for my evening 15 minutes - and in fact moved my evening 15 minutes to the early afternoon - because the two-foot gap between my bed and the wall was as accessible as it’s ever going to get, so I ended up sweeping, dusting, and washing that section of floor.
It was awful.  So much dirt and dust, and because I live in a high-humidity area it develops this weird film that makes it hard to get off the floor.  I should probably be ashamed, but when I started this process I decided that shame for how bad I was isn’t helpful.  I’m just going to do better from now on.
Now we come to the actual morning of Day 6: even though it’s not on the baby step list until Day 15, you can bet your bottom dollar I made my bed to protect my newly-cleaned sheets from all the dust I would surely kick up during my decluttering process during my lunch cleaning break.   I’ve decided on my split days that whatever home I’m in during the day gets my lunch break cleaning time, and whatever home I go to bed at gets my evening cleaning time.
The lunch-break declutter would normally be dedicated to the Zone Cleaning task of bedside tables, but I did that on day 4.  Instead, I chose to tackle my “stuff chair”, which has long been a mess hotspot.  However, I realized almost immediately that I actually have two “stuff chairs”: one actual chair and one cedar chest top.  Yup, it is that bad.  I sorted through the cedar chest top for now and got some progress done on the chair.
The Day 6 baby step is adding the 2-minute hotspot declutter to the daily task list, in the evening.  I’ll try to do a 2-minute hotspot clean at both places even though that’s normally an evening routine task, but I’ll definitely be prioritizing the home I’m going to be leaving for a few days to leave that home with as little clutter as possible while I’m gone.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 5
Wednesday, February 22, 2023: the day I remember I am allergic to dust.
I woke up, got dressed up to (but not including) shoes, set up for work...then realized I had a splitting headache and a runny nose because all this decluttering is disturbing years of dust accumulation.  Literally.  I’d take an antihistamine, but they all send me to sleep.
I used my 15-minute lunchbreak declutter time as a 15-minute dust containment time, cleaning the surfaces I had decluttered on Monday and Tuesday, but I’m still having to move to another room in the house to get work done due to the dust.  I’m posting this before the evening, but I plan to spend my evening 15 minutes decluttering my desk or the top of my bookshelf.  I’m subbing in this task for the Master Bathroom makeup throw-out task in the daily flight plan because I don’t use makeup and therefore have nothing to throw away.  I figure that the time is set aside; I should use it for something productive.
Today’s baby-step task is to take negative statements and turn them to more positive ones.  So without further ado, my negative thoughts:
I am a slob.
I have too much stuff.
There is an overwhelming amount of work to get my spaces even semi-clean.
I’ve never managed to keep a clean house.
And now for my positive reinterpretations:
I am in a position where I can only improve.
“Too much stuff” is an extremely fixable problem with consistent effort.  I’ll be able to start valuing my possessions appropriately when I get rid of things that won’t do me any good.
I’m never too old to learn new skills.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 4
Tuesday, February 21, 2023: my first day entirely at my parents’.
The day 4 task is to write your routine and tape it to your bathroom mirror and above your sink.  This isn’t going to work for me, because I have two homes and the notes would drive my family nuts. Instead, I created phone reminders with alarms.  The sink-shining one doesn’t go off on “parent days” because my mom is protective as hell of her sink, but the principle is held: I am going to be reminded of the habits I’m supposed to be building.
I’ve decided to get a little jump on the time management side of things, so I took 15 minutes to declutter one bedside table at my lunch break, then 15 minutes in the evening to declutter the other.  This is subbing in for the daily flight plan task of decluttering shelves in my closet.  My closet doesn’t actually have clutter, or shelves; the fact I’m living in two places and mostly have to live out of a duffel bag kind of forced that.
I now have almost a completely full standard garbage bag full of trash-clutter.  I have also revealed nearly a decade of dust that must have started building up when I was in undergrad and wasn’t living at home for months at a time.  Welp, as the FlyLady says - you can’t clean clutter, and now that there’s no clutter there, I can clean.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 3
Monday, February 20, 2023: my first split day.
I dressed up to (but not including) shoes in the morning, worked from home as per usual.  I usually leave my fiancé's home after dinner, but I made sure to do all the dishes, put them away, and shine the sink before I left.
The task for baby steps day 3 is to familiarize yourself with the FlyLady website.  I have to admit, this is absolutely necessary, because navigating it is not the most intuitive thing in the world (I say that as someone who does UI design for a living).  Main task is to figure out how to get the Flight Plan, which I’m pretty sure is more-or-less your marching orders for the day.
If I were to advise another new FlyBaby (I guess that’s what I am now?) day 3 really should be “wrap your head around the basic structure of the system,” whether that’s through the website or not.  There’s three levels of routine: things you plan to do every single day, tasks for the day based on the day of the week (Daily Focus), and tasks for the week based on the week of the month (Zone Cleaning).  Start thinking about how you’ll carve out time for the three types of activities so they all get done, perhaps identify which days of the week you have more time than others to fit cleaning in.  Try to figure out how to carve out a little time every day.
For me, that’s realizing I have some time to do some basic stuff in the morning, I can take a quick break for cleaning sometime in the middle of the day (better use of my time than staring at the screen for 15 minutes hoping sheer willpower will make my code compile) and take some time in the evening for the longer cleaning tasks.
It wasn’t technically in my marching orders yet, but I decided to spend 15 minutes - I even set a timer - decluttering the top of my dresser, because that was the suggested task in the daily flight plan.  It was a small area, but it felt good to see it clean for the first time in a decade.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 2
Sunday, February 19, 2023 was Day 2.
And I’m already varying.  I got dressed...but I won’t wear shoes.
Okay, okay, I’m already varying things less than 24 hours in, but I’m pretty comfortable with it. I think the point of this baby step is that you get completely presentable at the start of the day.  I, however, live in a part of the world where putting on shoes is an outside-the-home only thing (I grew up usually not putting on shoes unless I intended to leave the yard), and I also spend most of my sitting-time cross legged because the cat will absolutely attack my feet if they’re not hidden.  We’ve tried curing him of this, but he refuses to stop.
Sink was shone at the end of the day; I call that success.
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FlyLady Baby Steps: Day 1
(The back-blogging shall continue.)
On Saturday, February 18, 2023, I took the first step: I shined my kitchen sink before I went to bed.
This wasn’t that hard for me because the kitchen was the one thing I have kept pretty clean.  I did have to do all my dishes to get to the bottom of the sink, but shining it was easy.  I imagine if you don’t normally clean your sink every day, the first day might be annoying, but it gets so much easier when all you’re doing is cleaning out at most one day’s worth of grime.
I like this step.
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