karmask · 2 months
Echoes of Eternity
In the veil of the night, where destinies hide, where paths are erased and heartbeats subside, there lies the secret, in cursed silences, of those who departed, leaving infinite echoes behind.
The stars, sentinels of this somber act, illuminate the scene with a cold, distant glow. Under their watch, everything becomes a river, memories that fade into the gloomy oblivion.
The footprints we once marked in the sand, are erased by waves, in a serene dance. Thus, souls to the horizon plummet, leaving behind what was, in the condemning sand.
In gardens where memory still whispers to the wind, of those who lived, for a fleeting moment. But their laughter in the air is now just a lament, an echo that fades, a forgotten sentiment.
It is the wheel that turns, endlessly, without mercy, where every goodbye begins with an absence. In this corner of peace, of silent awareness, rest the names existence has lost.
Without tears, only the tranquility of knowing, that what begins, must vanish. In this garden, where time seems to yield, lie the forgotten, in a dream without dawn.
Though voices are silenced, names evaporate, the wind still murmurs stories unwritten. For in the stillness of the night, in the rustling leaf, they remain, in the whisper of the keeper and ponder.
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