Sangwoo died with that ugly ass haircut
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bum watch out sangwoo is right behind you oh my god he can’t hear us he has his air pods in oh fuck
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Here, boys, we got 'em.
Sangwoo being sexually abused by his mother makes sense
and it’s not useless in the plot.
Why? The possibility of Sangwoo having been sexually abused has been waved in front of the readers’ face ever since early season 1. Yep, there’s a reason why many people have been writing theories pointing at that for years. 
And this proves that it was not a last minute add, it was not merely put in as a shock bonus and it has a precise place in the narrative. Which one? 
Sangwoo’s sexual abuse is actually a perfect parallel to Bum’s.
They’re of the same kind but with opposite outcomes.
Bum’s abuse made him even more submissive from one side, but he also kind of turned it into his own coping mechanism. He’s inherently sexual, he’s easily turned on, he uses his hypersexuality as a tool to get benefits, or at least tries to (see all the times he tried to initiate intimate/sexual contact with Sangwoo).
Sangwoo’s abuse, instead, made him incredibly dominant. He perceives sexual passivity as weakness because that’s how he felt when he was sexually abused. Instead of turning it into his own tool like Bum did, he rejects any form of it and the mere thought of switching to a submissive role makes him panic. What he turned into a tool, instead, is the potential he has of being that useless sexual object he felt like when he was abused. He lures in girls (or even men in Kim’s case) who are attracted to his looks because his looks are what made him the object of his mother’s abuse. He ends up punishing them by death because of this, because they were treating him like a sexual object. He doesn’t kill Bum because he proves to not be just after Sangwoo’s looks, since he confesses his love after witnessing him as a serial killer. He keeps having trust issues, he keeps believing Bum is actually only treating him as a sexual object for a long, long time but eventually he stops thinking about this because Bum’s power to keep his mother away made him fall for him, too. He still leaves some hints of this thinking process here and there, though, even in season 3 (trading oral sex on Bum for his perdon).
Below I‘ll point out the moments in the comic that I think show proof (or are at least hints) that Koogi has always had this in mind, so it’s not a last minute choice. I’m pretty sure this aspect of Sangwoo’s backstory was well thought since the beginning (what changed, I think it’s the way his father died, if anything at all). I think that knowing that this has been planned since forever proves that there’s room to believe that it actually serves a purpose in the comic’s narrative.
• In-Universe Hints
• Sangwoo panicks when he’s pushed in a submissive role
This happens especially when it comes to intimacy and sex, and it has been happening ever since season1.  It occurs first as early as chapter 5:
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Sangwoo initiates this kiss, but he instinctively opens his eyes with a surprised and even lowkey worried expression when Bum doesn’t only decide to be in charge by taking Sangwoo’s hand off his cheek, but he even cups Sangwoo’s cheek with his own. He probably also associated this move with his mother’s behavior, since she also usually cupped his face. Sangwoo also instinctively pushed Bum away after he dominates the kiss:
Keep reading
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"Do you know...? How to kill someone without killing them?"
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after today’s chapter I understand why sangwoo Snapped
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I’m still in shock… Sangwoo sucked a dick
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i’m mentally ill too but fucking listen to me here. you need to take responsibility for your actions regardless of whether or not they’re a product of your mental illness. you don’t get to manipulate, gaslight, take advantage of, or straight up abuse people because you’re mentally ill! you don’t! what the fuck! why are some of you still thinking it’s okay to say things like “manipulation is okay because i have _____ and need attention from my significant other” oh my god. Don’t fucking do that
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I'm sorry for any homophobic thing that I've said (since I saw "homophobia" in your tags).
'Jacking off' to KS is something I (and I'm sure most others) would never, ever, ever do, by the way. But... it doesnt seem like you'll ever listen to me. :/
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thank you killingstalking-ismylife i do wish for you to see my giant fat cock
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I love the fact that Koogi brings into light that women can be abusive too, especially a parent and it’s not the stereotype of only the father being the abusive one towards the other parent and/or child.
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I am appalled at all the KS fans calling the mother a bitch. If she’s such a bitch what does that make Sangwoo?
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Fans who actually do what you claim are... not a healthy crowd. At all. However, the mere fact that Koogi displays the terrifying, definitely-not-healthy couple does not mean that's what she, or much of the fandom, would or should expect out of gay couples. It's just the dynamic between Sangwoo and Yoonbum as just fucked-up characters who happen to be... somewhere in LGBTQ+.
I do wish for you to see that there are many parts of the fandom who consume this manwha under different lights, many much saner than others.
I may also add that neither men are strictly gay, but bisexual... I think.
killing stalking fan voice: omg i hate how sangpoo s mother abused him :-(
killing stalking fans: *wack off to domestic violence, sexual abuse, and harmful portrayal of gay men*
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I see no difference
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Don’t forget he’s main character too
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I see no difference
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Art contest on Lezhin!
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I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but CDawgVA (Sangwoo) and akidearest (Yoon Bum) posted a hilarious video of Killing Stalking hide and seek!!
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