kinkvesil · 2 years
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❯   🖤 ​ TRANSMAFEMKINKIC ; ❥ ​ ​ a kinkic gender related to being transmasc and expressing femininity via feminization kink. ❥ ​ ​ trans + ma + fem + kink + ic ❥ ​ ​ from ‘transmasc’, ‘feminization’, and the suffix 'kinkic’. ❥ ​ ​ requested by anon, coined by us. ​ ❯   🖤
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kinkvesil · 2 years
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❯   🖤 KINKALLION ; ❥ an allion orientation related to kink. ❥ kink + al + li + on ❥ from ‘kink’, and the suffix 'allion’. ❥ requested by no one, coined by us. colors from @liomafterdark’s terms. ❯   🖤
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kinkvesil · 2 years
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☽ kinkvesil ☾
kinkvesil, under the vesil umbrella, is when kink may influence all or many aspects of one’s identity, it may define one’s identity, it may be one’s entire identity itself, alongside many other things. it may be literal, metaphorical, etc.
flag is inspired by @mogaidult‘s lakinkic flag.
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kinkvesil · 2 years
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☽ sexvesil ☾
sexvesil, under the vesil umbrella, is when sex may influence all or many aspects of one’s identity, it may define one’s identity, it may be one’s entire identity itself, alongside many other things. it may be literal, metaphorical, etc.
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kinkvesil · 2 years
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an allion that is connected to, or affected by, death; when one experiences attraction in a way that feels like death, or being dead.
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kinkvesil · 2 years
kinkic archive link.
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sadisti-: a kinkic subterm. sadisti- is when sadism is an intrinsic part of, or heavily influences, your orientation. [sadistiromantic, sadistisexual, etc]
masochisti-: a kinkic subterm. masochisti- is when masochism is an intrinsic part of, or heavily influences, your orientation. [masochistiromantic, masochistisexual, etc]
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kinkvesil · 2 years
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☽ sadispec coining + sadisexual recoining ☾
sadispec [left flag]
a spectrum used for orientations that relate to or are linked with sadism, typically in terms of kink. orientations under this can be considered anattractional/aspec but do not have to be inherently.
the flag was inspired by and is an homage to the original sadisexual flag (cw eyestrain/bright).
sadi(s)- may be used as a prefix for any orietation such as: sadisoriented, sadiromantic, sadiplatonic, sadisallion, etc. it may also be used in addition to other prefixes, such as a bisexual sadisexual may use bisadisexual. 
sadisexual [right flag]
a sexual orientation defined by sexual attraction related to or linked with sadism, exclusively or not.
sadisexual can also be used alternatively to sadosexual due to typically negative connotations with the term.
[ID: Two flags. The first is three equal-sized stripes, from top to bottom: dull pink, dark red, and black. The second is six equal-sized stripes, from top to bottom: black, dark red, red, dull pink, dark red, and black. End ID.]
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kinkvesil · 2 years
blog in indefiniate hiatus.
any content needing to be tagged will be as “#[content] cw” such as “#kink cw” and so on.
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