kolis10 · 7 years
Figures Sam & Beth would be the only ones with their shit together.
I found another one of our headcannons, this time i's that Emily is a closeted lesbian. I wondered; does she still date Mike & Matt? Do they know (or at least guess) that she's gay? If so, do they let Emily know that they know (Or does she tell them?)? I imagine they both would be sympathetic, but would have different problems with, & ways of dealing with being someone's beard. What do you think?
i think a big thing about closeted emily is that she doesn’t know she’s gay, or simply wont accept it do to internalized homophobia. 
She’d still date them, she’d probably even have sex with them, but there would always be something off about the relationship. Like they’d just get on her nerves and not even for real reasons, just seeing them and knowing they were her boyfriends would just upset her and she wouldn’t understand why.
Mike would def never see it coming, but Matt would probably figure it out. Matt would also be super understanding about it. idt emily would want a beard after realizing who she really was (like she wouldn’t be open about it, but she wouldn’t feel comfortable staying with a guy knowing what she knows). 
Mike would feel conflicted about it. on one hand, he loves emily and he’s happy she’s happy and herself finally. He’d be super supportive, and maybe even try to go on a double date with her (in the future, not right away). There would also be some relief of knowing their relationship didn’t fail because of him or because he wasn’t enough for emily, but rather she was just gay.
But of course, there is the social stigma around it. I mean everyone would make fun of mike. Joke that he ‘turned a girl gay’, and it hurt mike’s ego a lot. He’d still be Emily’s friend but he’d probably try to distance himself away from her a lot when she first comes out. Like he’s happy for her, but it’s everyone else that’s ruining their friendship (or rather Mike’s reaction to it).
This does make me thing of a funny au where everyone is using each other as beards and is really dating someone else. like…. Emily and josh were “dating” but really Emily was dating Jess and josh is dating mike who are “together”. Meanwhile closeted trans boy Chris would be “dating” Matt but Chris is while Ashley and Matt is with closeted trans girl Hannah.
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kolis10 · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Until Dawn (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Holy shit where do I start, Josh/Everyone, Everyone/Everyone, Sam/Josh Washington, Chris/Josh Washington, Mike Munroe/Jess, Ashley/Chris, emily/matt, These are just the main ships Characters: Josh Washington, Sam (Until Dawn), Chris (Until Dawn), Ashley (Until Dawn), Mike Munroe, Jessica (Until Dawn), Matt (Until Dawn), Emily (Until Dawn), Dr. Alan Hill (Until Dawn), Wolfie (Until Dawn), Original Characters Additional Tags: Wendikids AU, with my own little twist ;), Polyamory, But main relationships will still be there, Murder, Mystery, Suicidal Thoughts, the kids can shift between human & wendigo forms, what that means for them mentally is up for debate, Team Bonding, Not A Fix-It, but some things end up getting better, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Eight teens went up the mountain one night.. Only one survived Until Dawn.. One week later, eight teens come back.. Down the Mountain
a.k.a. my take on the Josh Lives, Wendikids AU
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kolis10 · 7 years
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Incorrect Until Dawn Quotes 39/?
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