Massage Mistakes Made by Beginners and Professionals
While working with clients, it can be obvious when you are being distracted and not paying attention to your client's needs or requests he or she has. Before going into the room, take a moment to let go of your to-do list, don't think about your next client too much, or anything that might distract you from a current client. Massage techniques at a spa center in Kolkata should include not only posture and flow, but focus also needed.
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When meeting with your client before the massage therapy, truly take the time to listen to them carefully while you review and chart your S.O.A.P. notes. Look carefully over intake form, and be sure to ask about any specific problem areas or points of concern before a massage therapy. Mistakes massage therapists mostly make are to either fall into a routine where they provide the same massage time and time again, or to ignore the client's requests for pressure and instead only focus on what the therapist feels is important. At the end of the day, you should always provide a frequent level of service to all clients and make sure you focus and listen during massage therapy. Massage Techniques focused on customer service preserve your reputation as a massage therapist, and maintain customer rapport and business.
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