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repost of sm21733575
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𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖆 𝕮𝖗𝖚𝖟:
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“Look, I don’t know who you are and I don’t know who Mathias is.” In fact, he’d never heard that name at all. Yes, people accused him of being Dracula (which he, technically, was) because he had the same sort of dark energy and power. However, that name didn’t strike any sort of familiarity in the white-haired boy. 
Soma Cruz, stared upon Leon Belmont, with a look of uncertainty. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned more heavily on one foot.
“My name is Soma Cruz. I apologize, but I think there’s been a mistake.” 
Just as confused, Leon warily lowered his hand from the belted whip. The aura buzzing around Soma was certainly familiar, but also new and a little different— just different enough to make him doubt his impulse. What the vampire hunter had recognized to be his former friend’s vengeful aura now felt blanketed, suppressed by whatever other neutral energy the boy had. He didn’t seem like a threat.
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“Pardon me.” Like an echoed apology in mirror. The blond’s stiff shoulders relieved themselves of their tension and he looked away from Soma’s face, ashamed to have uttered the vampire’s long forgotten name in front of someone else.
“Soma Cruz.” The boy. “I do believe you’re right; I mistook you for another. You remind me of someone I once knew.” His eyes flickered to the street. Back to square one. 
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Having breezed into the village some time earlier, the former Ecclesian researcher had cased the layout of Wygol and spoken with a few of the merchants before retiring to the tavern to regain his bearings and formulate his next course of action. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something about the key people in the village that pulled on him, nagging ever so slightly at his sixth sense - or what little he had of it. Being irritatingly under leveled in faint magic detection was his crux to bear, but he made do as best he could. Yes, there was something about these people, but he would have to deliberate further on the feasibility of his hypothesis.  Head down, brow furrowed as he scrawled his thoughts on parchment, Albus barely audibly thanked the barmaid when she placed his requested ale and meager meal on the table. In fact, his concentration only broke upon a sudden loud bang at his table. And while the scholar was thankful for the innovation of the charcoal pencil in that moment, as ink spilling everywhere would have absolutely shattered what remaining fragment was left of anything resembling a decent mood, he found that when he startled his hand had pulled an inelegant line mid-word. This caused himself to frown at the happenstance and let out a huff in irritation while slowly raising his sleep-lacking eyes to match the gaze of whoever had so rudely interrupted him. Mind processing what had been so peculiarly said to him, were he not scrutinizing the blond man across the table for any familiar signs in which to identify him, Albus might have raised an eyebrow in interest. Instead, he found this person with enviable hair, and knowledge of his name, to be a complete stranger to him. …The old man wouldn’t have hired an outside person to track him down, would he?
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“Apologies, but do I know you?” He asked, notably stopping himself from letting his jaw remain set in irritation. A short pause followed before he drew in a sharp breath and continued, “You’re being quite rude in not introducing yourself to someone who clearly has no idea whatsoever who you are. And as for whatever it is you think I have, I have no obligation to answer that.”
Of course it wouldn’t be easy. Met with resistance, Leon’s fingers curled against the surface of the table and he continued, “—You don’t, no. We may not have met, but what I do know is that you’ve stolen something very important to the Order of Ecclesia.” With less fervor, he spoke more quietly as not to draw attention from the masses. 
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He didn’t want to get anyone else involved— maybe he could talk this Albus person into turning himself in, given that he at the very least seemed rational under their circumstances. 
“My name is Leon Belmont. I was sent to retrieve the glyph.” In attempt to usher him in a desirable direction, “I don’t know how else you may have transgressed the church, but if you give it back to me, I can tell Barlowe that you escaped me. Please, I don’t want to make a scene out of this, either.”
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𝕷𝖚𝖓𝖆𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖞𝖆 𝕹𝖔𝖝 𝕱𝖑𝖊𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖙‌:
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ : how curious – within the darkness was the will to traverse through a seemingly neverending forest. and to save someone important? that piqued her curiosity the most. deciding to inspect him further, the girl took on a more tactile form. ( would he feel better if he could touch her? ). 
lunafreya walked closer to the gentleman, getting on her tiptoes ( he was tall and striking– just like those princes in her storybooks… )
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“what do you see me as? a witch? a demon perhaps? with your eyes unclouded by hate, what do you see?” slender fingertips lifting to lay upon his cheek – her gaze distant but soft.
there was a part of her which genuinely wanted to know what others thought of her appearance. if she frightened them or not — ( and why wouldn’t she scare someone? after all, she was raised by the grim reaper herself… )
Leon hesitated to answer her. The trail of cool fingertips on his cheek made him uncertain, and he doubted his initial presumption. Yes, he had come to face a succubus in that dreary castle of Walter’s, but this woman’s touch felt different. His intuition pulled at him.
“Neither a witch nor demon. I’d like to trust that instinct.” He drew his face away from her hand and shook his head, “But it’s difficult for me to be sure of anything I think, here. This place isn’t safe. If you aren’t a creature of the night, a nymph, or anything of that sort, I can’t imagine you should stay, lest you’d like to be bitten by him. The village is south of this forest.”
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Leon’s gaze held steadily, “You should go.”
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𝖄𝖚𝖎 𝕶𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎‌:
                               the church was a place of solace … as well as a place of torment for the young human.  she felt safer and more at home, and that was the problem.  home.  she missed home, and the comfortable routine of normalcy.  a life where she was ignorant to what horrors and terrible things truly lurked in the night.  she missed her father, and at the same time she was conflicted with wanting to understand what was going on.  yui was–
                                 the priest’s voice breaks her from her thoughts, the worries in her mind only momentarily taking a back seat.  she’s thankful for a short mercy from the stressful thoughts, and offers a polite bow and smile in return.  ❝ thank you very much, ❞  she states as she straightens and then brushes her hands over to her jacket, only to quickly fuss with the scarf wrapped loosely around her neck.
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                                   vivid, and exhausted sherbet tones slowly draw up toward the stranger, one she’s never seen before and is sure isn’t from around this area.  his features are foreign, but she takes note that he at least seems to know japanese.  another offered smile and she bows her head softly.  ❝ good morning to you as well, sir.  i don’t believe i’ve seen you around before … ? ❞  a subtle, yet curious cant of her head is offered with her question before she continues with that same soft tone, friendly, but still a touch withdrawn,    ❝  i’m komori yui … um, may i ask for your name ? ❞
“Ah, no. You probably wouldn’t have.” Seen him around here, that was. Leon flashed the girl a polite smile before angling himself into one of the gaps between wooden pews. Though he stood nearer to her, formal distance between them remained as he didn’t want to disturb her worship. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Komori. My name is Leon Belmont. I’m an expatriate— I travel a lot.” Though he didn’t say why. The subject of vampires had not even been taboo so much as merely something for the everyday person to snort at; frankly, people didn’t believe in them anymore. To explain that he was here on business after getting a lead on Karlheinz, the current vampire lord, was not exactly socially acceptable. Anyone would be skeptical.
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“I come from France, but I was last living in Romania before coming here. I apologize if my Japanese isn’t amazing.” Humility, even in skill. There hadn’t been any mistakes in his linguistic ability, the fact apparent that he’d had a knack for language. 
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𝕯𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖔𝖉‌:
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“‘What does this mean?’” Death repeated, lightly mocking him. “How should I know? This is your nightmare, Leon. Seeing me now can mean whatever you want it to mean.”
Well, leaving aside the fact he’d chosen to enter the vampire hunter’s dream in the first place—part of him did rather enjoy messing with mortals’ heads to see to his own ends.
Very helpful, hadn’t he been. Leon’s lips tugged into a frown, unhappy with the answer. His eyes left Death when he realized there was no plan to elaborate further, looking around the emptiness of the abyss as if someone else may appear and provide him the answers he’d been seeking.
“I hadn’t presumed Death to have a personality, let alone to manifest as a person.” He mentioned, when nothing happened. “If you haven’t anything important to tell me, I’m going to choose and interpret this as optimistically as I can.”
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Though how to had yet crossed him. Seeing one’s mortality before their very eyes hadn’t been Leon’s idea of a delightful time. 
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“Ngh!” Nearly trampled to death by the hunter’s cybernetic horse, brown leaves swept up around Leon as he dodged a barrage of hooves, rolling across the autumn dirt in standalone reaction to rhythmic thudding. 
But where had it even come from? Only less than a moment ago, there had been nothing, no one there. He managed to catch a flash of something, a bright, white tear in the darkness of the woods, before the horse had burst out of it at a canter.
Adrenaline had him at a disconnect, and as he rose to his feet he dusted his thighs, brows furrowed in delayed frustration while the horse in the distance seemed to slow its pace. Leon could barely discern the shape of the rider atop the horse from the scenery of the woods— what he could see: a wide-rimmed hat and long black hair. 
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“You shouldn’t be loping your mount through here.” Complaint, but given the ominous appearance of whoever held the reins, Leon hadn’t expected a proper apology to surface. 
Squinting at the stranger from where he stood, he tried to make out the man’s intent. Bandit, perhaps?
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Life After Life / Ein Leben Mehr (日本語 ver)
translation of lyrics by: @lamentedinnocence
今始まるのだ すべてが 待ち続けたこの時を祝おう 嘆きの声がこの耳に甘く聞こえてくる 果てしなく続く 闇の世界へ It’s now begun The time has come to rejoice everything we’ve waited for Voices in mourning sound so sweet To an endless world of darkness
永遠の命をあげよう 涙も祈りもいらない 最後に残る者だけが この世界を手にできるのだ 永遠に I’ll give you eternal life, you’ll have no need for tears or prayers In the end, only those who remain can take this world forever
ようこそ私の夜の国へ やがては全ての者が加わる 暗い街へ助けを呼んでも誰もいない 見えるのは ただ闇の世界 Welcome to my kingdom of night where everyone will eventually join us To a dark land where no one calls for help only able to see this world of darkness
永遠に輝き続ける力をお前にあげよう 静かに羽ばたく夜の空 月の光浴びながら 永遠に I will give you the power to shine forever Soaring silently in the night sky, bathing in the moonlight For all eternity
行け 血を求め彷徨うのだ一人 喉の渇きを癒しておいで Go, wander and seek for blood Quench the thirst in your throat
永遠に生き続けるなら 涙も恐れもいらない 飛び立て 自由な魂 世界は今この手の中 永遠に 生きる事を赦された者だけが持つこの命 If you live forever, there’s no need for tears or fear Rise up free soul, this world is now yours  For all eternity The life of only those who have been forgiven their lives
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