lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
Phantom R did not bother to reply to her, at first. She was right; the Catacombs of Paris were shrouded in mystery. What legends were true, what others were only urban myths, passed around by bored guides, was another question, and he did not wish to figure that one out. As for the treasures she hoped to find there... He did not want to know.
On the other hand, the Cité des Sciences was much more pleasant of a place. Though he had no peculiar savvy in technology- just the level of curiosity one would expect of a boy his age -, it contrasted with the gorge of the Catacombs, modern building drowned in lights; moreover, there was a permanent agitation, thus sounds, thus melodies. He had to think about making one heist there, one of these days. Not to any ulterior need, just to push his limits as a thief. And with Ray’s alleged interests in the morbid, he was quite comforted when she drew away from the place she was talking about. Amazing, how people’s facets could influence others’ feelings.
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“Oui, I figured that,” he replied with a teasing wink. Her armor would look more fitting in the hall of the Cité than the underground cemetery. “It’s a bit of a walk, so why don’t you tell me more about those ‘advances’ you know? I must admit I may not be up to date. I guess this armor of yours must have neat functions for the kind of job you’re doing...!”
"Mostly, yes. Well, the Catacombs are home to many myths and secrets.~ Who knows? I might find a few old treasures down there.~ In short, a small expedition of my own.~" Huh, the more she talked about it, the more she wanted to actually GO there. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to take a quick peek before leaving the country.
But then…
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A toothy smile was thrown his way. “I have some time to kill, I suppose.~ I’m actually quite up to date on the current advances in technology…so the Cité des Sciences would be a good place to see how France is coming along.~ A guide would be preferable, thank you.~”
Now, from what she can already tell from this young man…’Phantom R’ is definitely an alias. And with that suit? A professional at whatever he does. Or just to look nice. Maybe…a spy of sorts? Why else would he need to hide his real name? To…not be found. Hmm.
"Shall we get going?~"
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
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"Oh, that's nothing too impressive...!" But he just ended saying that that his guide jumped away; and even though he was sure he could do the same tricks without breaking a sweat, he was still impressed when someone managed to follow him- scratch that: for once, he was the one behind. With three little leaps to gain momentum before the big one, he rejoined the other man- not before showing off a bit of his own skills, landing on his hands to perform a catwheel. No big deal. "So?"
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"Didn’t think anyone could do the same." Those he ran into weren’t as athletic, or had unique abilities like he did. Guess this guy was a rare one? That made it all the more interesting. "Lets see how much you can really do." Another high jump as he leapt towards the tea cups. He did a few more jumps that included backflips just to show off.
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
Are you there, Phantom R?
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"Right here! I’ve been a bit… busy, we’ll just say. Did I worry you, mon ami?”
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
Here it was! The percussive moment when, in a great one-liner, he would tell this impostor her place. He had to admit, she was great- greater than any he had seen, in fact, with the sharp replies and the happy grimaces, parody of a smile he knew was not entirely honest. To her question, he only answered with the same detached attitude.
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“Some Phantoms are better than others. Of course,” he added, an apologetic- falsely apologetic - click of the tongue passing his lips,  “I’m not accusing you of that. I’m glad we agree on that point, mademoiselle. You are a good Phantom.” ‘Not the best’, he implied. It had been fun to mess with the girl, but even he could grow weary. Les blagues les plus courtes sont les meilleures, as they said in Molière’s land. When it comes to jokes, keep it short.
His smile kept her smile persistant. If it wasn’t for her current smile already being as large as could be, It probably would’ve grown even larger. This whole cherade was becoming all the more humorous and like a game to her. The thief couldn’t recall the last time she had met an imposter as good as this one. What a great and mature first impression the two were making.
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"…How would I not be able to share my point of view with another Phantom, Monsieur?”
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
“From above? Are you an angel, then?” There was no hint of sarcasm in Phantom R’s voice, just a quiet, polite curiosity, and his smile accordingly pinning the sides of his cheeks. She could very well be, with such a way of dressing, not to mention, the two wings siding the Gallic helmet. Besides... “I’ve seen angels before,” he added with a wink. Nah, he did not actually believe the young woman was a real cupid, but he entertained that idea, since she was not willing to disclose her country of origin. In turn did he follow her gaze towards the sky. It was clear and without a cloud or a steam of smog to hide the stars; better days were coming. “Maybe you should stay for a bit longer, then. Paris at night and Paris at day really are two different cities!
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I’m Phantom R, by the way,” he finally introduced himself, stretching a hand. “Well, you can call me ‘chimney sweeper’ if that amuses you!”
Even if it occurred for a brief moment, Valkyrie couldn’t help smiling for feeling little charmed by this lad: he certainly was slick and suave, enough to make the warrior imagine the iconic smirk of Zul the Merchant pale ultimately in comparison.
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However, when asking more about her identity, Valkyrie frowned a bit, clearly hesitating. It was just one man and everyone else drifting in dreams, but she wondered would it be unideal to give her heavenly being out in a way that would turn out heedless. The maiden looked up to the midnight sky now, the half-moon illuminating dimly on her armour and skirt.
"You could say that I come from… above. I was on my way to pass through here, but didn’t expect this city to leave me so captivated! So I decided to rest here for tonight.”
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
A detective? If only Charlie was here to hear that! The irony of it brought a small chuckle at Phantom R’s lips. He almost completely overcome the weirdness of the situation- at some point in that conversation, maybe the little undiscovered touch of humor, maybe Don and Katsu’s great musical keenness, his brain decided to throw away any research for logic and just went with it. Though he might want to linger in the Conservatoire any longer. He was not sure how the orchestra’s heads would react to the two little tourists- they would freak out, most likely, and some cynical spirits would comment on how living instruments would be stealing their job -, but the sound thief himself was not exactly welcomed. He made sure to be part of Marie’s distant admirers.
“It could be her,” he mused aloud, “but her violin is... very special.” And the violin outside was not Saint George’s wooden arm; though he agreed with Don and Katsu that the performer was indeed very good.
And as he thought about how he could get the drums outside without being noticed by the people inside the Conservatoire, his little friends decided to walk on their own. On legs. That was perfectly normal-- Actually, he was not that surprised after he had heard them talk; but the noise they were producing while doing so was bothering. They would be heard, no doubt about it.
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“Don’t you want me to... carry you two? We don’t want to disturb the rehearsal now, do we?”
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"Phantom R? Whoaaa~ what a cool name -don! It sounds so mysterious. Like… like a really cool detective or something!” The two drums had no idea that none of them were supposed to be in the Conservatoire at the moment. They didn’t see any signs telling them not to as they hurried in to hear the violin initially. They also didn’t seem to notice the many odd, confused, and surprised looks they garnered from passersby on their way to the Conservatoire. Then again, when you’re focused on such lovely music, you’d be missing lots of things as well. The two had been invited to the Conservatoire to perform as special guests along with Tetsuo’s taiko group, but they had just gotten to Paris, and didn’t even know they were to be playing there later.
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"Your friend plays the violin too? Wow! Oh, but this person playing isn’t your friend? Well… maybe we can find them in here -don! Get closer to it? Really? You can do that for us? That’d be great da-don! You can lead the way!” The two ready themselves to keep up with Phantom R. Having smaller legs could sometimes be a hassle, especially if the person they were with had longer legs than a six year old. And especially if they were trying to be quiet. Being a drum meant you made noises when you moved a lot. And they didn’t want to disturb the performers.
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
Chilling giggle, indeed. It froze Phantom R on the spot. The kind of bead the thief did not wish to add to his own collection; and he did not dare interrupt Ray during her speech, though some morbid curiosity kept creating interrogations. He wondered what ‘horrifying oddities’ she could be talking about, if only to avoid touching them, like the cloak, making sure the wind would not push it over him like a mortuary veil. As if he was really scared about her? Eh...! As long as he did not ask what other bizarre items she had collected, he would be fine.
“... So you’re here for the Catacombs?” After that, he was not surprised. The Catacombs were not really a place he liked to visit. And he still wondered why some people did: walking in the serpent underground surrounded by cranes was not his cup of tea. But there were some urban legends about them, as all creepy places tended to create over the years, as he asked: “And what are you looking for there, if I may ask?
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Ah, I’m not sure the Cité des Sciences is for you, then. It’s just a space for new technologies. I guess one thing does not exclude the other...? If you need a guide, I’ll be glad to help.”
A small giggle, pleasant to ears, yet still…chilling, in a way, escaped her lips. “On the contrary, monsieur Phantom R. I think you do.~ And, no, it’s not prying at all. I…have a collection, so to speak.~ I like collecting things. Most would call them…horrifying oddities, but what can I say?~ I have a flair for the dark and mystifying.~ Things that some would say only exist in nightmares, hmm?~ That’s why I travel.~ Take this cloak, for instance.~ I’ve had this for YEARS. Some say it’s cursed.~ Though nothing particularly life-threatening has ever happened.~”
Now, most of what Ray just said to the sound thief was…a few bends of the REAL truth here and there. Yes, Ray collected…trophies of her hunts, and she DID have a fondness for all things mysterious and frightening. The only thing she said that as a straight out lie was the bit about the decaying red-orange fabric around her neck that fell just above her ankles. Nah, wasn’t cursed at all. But it sounded fun to say anyway.
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"My collection is quite big, however, so I had to leave it at home.~ And…well, this actually is my first time in France.~ Like any good tourist, I came here to see the sights…specifically the Catacombs of Paris!~ Although that other place you mentioned sounds interesting too. Perhaps I’ll drop by afterward.~"
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
"I'd appreciate that, merci." Phantom R did not seem to notice the owner's ominous smile, or if he did, he did not believe it for a second. A whole day in an amusement park! That would be fun! Showing off his own skills, he rejoined him in two light steps. "Don't worry about me, I'm following!"
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Oh no, the rides here were in a horrible condition. It was a miracle to find them working, well some of them. “Over on that side of the park of course. Pretty easy to spot, but if you need someone to lead the way…” Crow jumped into the air, almost looking as if he were flying and landed a bit away from the other. He smirked as he looked back to him. “I hope you can keep up~”
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
The rules: 
always post the rules
answer the questions of the person that tagged you
write 11 new questions
tag 11 new people and link them to the post
I was tagged by: amusefilledpark
Do you enjoy eating pizza?
What was the last game you played?
Pokemon X.
Have you ever desired to have a more exciting life?
Not really, no. I like my routine too much.
What would you do if you were the last human on Earth, but had like other creatures around (mythical creatures and such)?
Wouldn't that technically make me the mythical creature now? I suppose I would be fascinated at first (maybe a bit scared), but I would ultimately feel very isolated without other humans around to speak to.
What was the last anime you watched?
Shingeki no Bahamut. Which I should continue watching actually :p
What would you do if you met your muse in real life?
I would probably be a bit shy, him being a notorious thief and stuff. Then dognap Fondue.
How many puzzles do you think you can solve in ten minutes?
I guess it would depend on what kind of puzzles. There are puzzles I would need ten minutes just for one though x)
Is there a song you can listen to on repeat without ever getting sick of it?
Anything Caravan Palace, or electroswing in general. Always puts me in a good mood!
Given the chance, would you take out your heart to never feel pain/misery/joy again?
No. I can't imagine living without joy, and pain sort of goes with joy, or you would not be able to tell the latter is a positive feeling.
Quote something for me?
"If I don't do something, nothing is ever going to change!"
Is that what you meant by a quote? ° v °'
Will you go hug a friend today?
A bit too late to bother a friend today. But tomorrow, sure!
Questions for you:
Do you (still) like animated movies?
What is your favorite color?
If you could make any or your wishes come true, but you had to sacrifice your most cherished treasure for it, would you still do it?
Is there something that always put you in a good mood?
What other language(s) do you speak, apart from English?
What kind of superpower would you want to have?
Do you believe in ghosts?
What was the very first fandom you remember "being in"?
And the very first you actually roleplayed in?
If you could give a sequel to any game or movie, to what would it be?
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Tagging: blindfoldedleader - charlottevergier - hopesmachine - midotsuji - parisianprivateeye - ryses - terrasdaughter - Whoever else wants to do it I guess.
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
May I ask you something personal? Have you seen Marie in a while?
"Marie? How do you know about me and—"
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"Well, if you are talking about the violonist prodigy at the Conservatoire, I can’t say I’ve seen her recently. Sadly…"
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
“That’s true,” he admitted with a soft chuckle. Though his work, at night, required him to be as surreptitious as a ghost, at day, one could not escape Phantom R’s curiosity once he had it settled on one person- and that had been the strange person dressed in the red armor. Thankfully, Ray did not seem annoyed by the redhead’s intrusion in her exploration; but it was hard to say that with that constant sing-song voice which, while charming for his sharp musical ears, could be a bit unsettling. Especially when she, with an ominous sniggering, spoke about the “antiques” that put her attire in such a bad shape; when she took upon herself to examine his own suit. Awkward. Felt like he was some suspicious passenger at the airport.
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“A story? Hardly,” he could only dismiss, cracking a V-smile. Well, there was a story behind him, but anyone who would read the newspaper might recognize, ghost of a blurred picture, the infamous sound thief. However, his own curiosity was still unsatisfied, as he twirled to follow the other’s steps. “I would say you have more to tell than me, but would it be prying if I asked more about those antiques of yours? Just really curious.”
"Hmm, perhaps. I wouldn’t really know." The devilbot shrugged. "…Phantom R? Hmm.~ You don’t look like much of a phantom to me, sir, if I may say.~" A small tilted of her head at the mention of her armor plating. "…Oh, yes, it’s old. But then again, so am I.~ Antiques, you could say.~ Heehee.~"
Ray took a few steps around the human. He looked particularly well dressed, maybe he was well off? “Hmm, speaking of appearances, yours looks quite…snazzy.~ If there’s anything else that this city is known for, it’s fashion.~”
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Now he’s peaked her unsateable curiosity. “…If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there’s quite a story behind you.~”
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
Phantom R did not seem to take notice of the discomfort he could cause; for as surprising as it was to see another soul on the rooftops at this late hour- early hour? -, especially in such an attire, more reminiscent of some Ancient Greek history than any other historical period that marked of its rocky stamp Paris’ architecture, it was nothing unusual for the thief to do. He just held his gaze on the young girl with a smile. Her reply did manage to make him raise one perplexed eyebrow, but not much else. “I apologize, but it’s not a costume you’d see every day here. Where are you coming from?”
And what are you doing here in the middle of the night, would he ask, if the maiden did not beat him to it. A question which, with the impertinent comment she added, managed to get a vocal laugh out of him.
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“A chimney sweeper! That’s a new one!” So in trance that he eluded the answer she probably was expecting. “But what about you? A ‘fellow’ chimney sweeper too, or were you just enjoying the starry night?”
"But… I always wear this."
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She said that out of instinct, even if being pretty startled for getting caught by someone whilst resting on the rooftops of Paris. Not soon after she’d experience a little uncomfortable deja vu: that was the second time someone took perplexity on her attire as she could remember.
Nevertheless, Valkyrie was quite sure that most of the folk there had already gone to dreamlands: ensuring her place to rest while her pegasus was resting below one of the bridges out of anyone’s curious sight. So what was this fellow still traversing about at this time of night?
"Anyway, it’s unusual for people to be around at this time, unless there’s chimney sweepers. Perhaps bringing good luck to folk sleeping below us?"
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
I'm doing fine as well, thank you, Phantom R. ^_^
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"I’m glad to hear that!"
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
Of course she was a tourist; she did have that zest for that one monument, the symbol of Paris, he mocked without harm. And her cheerfulness was contagious, if Phantom R ever was sensitive to the charm of the young girls. “I see. Well, if you want my opinion, I prefer the sight at the top of the tower.
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Oh, désolé, where are my manners? I’m Phantom R. A pleasure to meet you, mademoiselle...?”
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Shiina turned her head slightly to find where the voice came from, the boy seemed to be the same age as her though she couldn’t be so sure.. "Oh," Letting out a small laugh, “I guess I have been staring at it for awhile, couldn’t help it. It is my first time in Paris.” She fully turned to face the boy and smiled at him cheerily. "Who might you be?"
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
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"Bien sûr! Of course! But I'll follow your advices and start with the less... life-threatening rides?" A small laugh escaped the thief's lips. Surely, the owner of the place must have been joking about the safety of the attractions, right? "So, where are those teacups?"
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"Really now? You intend to ride everything here? Well if you really want to risk your life on one of them, go right ahead. The safest ride here is probably the tea cups, but if you really want to be adventurous, there’s always the roller coaster."
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lebruitpensant-blog · 9 years
Exactly! Those were exactly the words Phantom R himself would have said, was the order of their lines reversed, and in spite of himself, that on-point accuracy of the impostor left the crack of his smile under his cheeks deepening. It was amusing, indeed, but most of all it was intriguing, how that one person that shared so little of his physical traits also shared many of his quirks. Probably would he have remembered a similar event already happened, was it not for that appearance- and she admitted it herself, to the sound thief’s satisfaction, who saw in her last word some misleading acknowledgement of her own falseness: first impressions are everything.
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“Right!” Maybe he was a bit too enthusiastic. “I’m glad you share my point of view, mademoiselle!”
The smirk was still present on R’s face despite no reaction to the mimicking and how he didn’t seem to be irritated at all. Heck, he even seemed to be somewhat amused by it. It looked like her expression wasn’t going to be changing anytime soon. The slight change of tone and small pause caught her attention too. This is going to be an eventful encounter.
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"…First impressions are everything and count towards a lot of important things, monsieur. And they definitely add on how the other will think of the introductory person before any sort of acquaintanceship begind to develop. You should be aware of that yourself, right Phantom?”
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