leolightman · 27 days
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Коли наші воїни вигнали росію з Бучі, з Ірпеня, з Бородянки, з усієї Київщини, а потім із Сумщини, з Чернігівщини – кожен зміг побачити, що це перемогиане лише української сміливості та зброї, але й людської моралі. Хай увесь світ ніколи не забуває, якою ціною дається ця битва і яке зло ми зупиняємо тут, на нашій землі, коли українці зупиняють і виганяють російських окупантів.
When our soldiers drove Russia out of Bucha, Irpin, Borodyanka, the entire Kyiv region, and then Sumy and Chernihiv regions, everyone could see that these were victories not only of Ukrainian courage and weapons, but also of human morality. Let the whole world never forget the price of this battle and the evil we are stopping here, on our land, when Ukrainians stop and expel the Russian occupiers.
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leolightman · 1 month
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The face of the "Russian of the world".
I really want this, or something like it,
to be seen in the territory of evil!
And I also really want the center of this evil, the Kremlin.
the center of this evil, the Kremlin, and then
further into the depth and breadth of this evil.
The slaves have to see this and understand it,
and if they don't understand it, then to experience it.
In the meantime, our Heroes are busy
utilization of the Russian shit, and they do
This is very good, but unfortunately at a high
at the cost of the lives of the best!
And today is also Volunteer Day!
My deepest gratitude to our Heroes, brothers-in-arms and all those who defend our land from this evil, and we remember those who gave their lives for our country and freedom!
Glory to Ukraine!!! 🇺🇦
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leolightman · 5 months
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сьогодні я бачив як помирає солдат
йому відірвало ногу на авдіївському коксохімі
військові медики
евакуювали його під мінометним вогнем
наклали турнікет
привезли на стабілізаційний пункт
намагалися запустити серце
британська репортерка джейн
фотографувала роботу лікарів
загальний план: доктор зі спини
крупний план: молоде обличчя бійця
не більше тридцяти -
зазначає вона
і продовжує знімати
фотографії мають розлетітися світовими змі
адже зараз всіх цікавить авдіївка
всі хочуть бачити
як прощається із життям
боєць сил спеціальних операцій
розірваний одяг з плямами свіжої крові
промінь сонця що розділяє операційну
на світлому боці
доктор говорить про ушкоджені ребра
і пробиту легеню
але продовжує маніпуляції
шансів на порятунок все менше
джейн рухається по темній стороні
шукає вдалий ракурс
медперсонал метушиться і заважає їй
зробити фінальний кадр
поїхали звідси
кажу я
і забираю її на двір
мовчки сідаємо в машину
здається вона трохи роздратована
здається я теж
одразу за блокпостом
раптово починається злива
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leolightman · 6 months
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leolightman · 11 months
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В Міжнародний день захисту дітей росія вбила дитину у Києві. Скільки ще жертв серед дітей завдасть країна-терорист за цю війну? Атаки на цивільне населення тривають щоночі. В Міжнародний день захисту дітей українці нагадують, що обов’язок МКС та ООН - притягнути до відповідальності абсолютно всіх причетних росіян за те, що вони зробили мільйони українських дітей вимушеними біженцями, сиротами, скалічили їх тіла та душі. Hey, putin, leave the kids alone!
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leolightman · 1 year
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Our children will never forgive. Many of them were robbed not only of their childhood but also of their lives.
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leolightman · 1 year
Today is the birthday of the famous Kobzar - Taras Shevchenko
«Борітеся – поборете,
Вам Бог помагає!
За вас правда, за вас слава
І воля святая!»
Т.Г. Шевченко
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leolightman · 1 year
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Чуєте ці автоматні черги? Це не постріл-убивство. Це страх шакалів. Озлоблена роздратованість від величі духу. Тиснуть і тиснуть на спусковий гачок…
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leolightman · 1 year
Russians posted a video of the shooting of a Ukrainian soldier. I have seen the video without retouching, so I am completely sure that it is true. I will not publish it, you can find it yourself, but I will describe it because it is fundamentally important.
In the video, the Ukrainian hero, who was captured, takes the last drag of a cigarette and calmly, quietly says to the occupiers in their faces, "Glory to Ukraine. The occupiers, in a hysterical rage, shouting "You're a bitch..." shoot the Ukrainian soldier, continuing to shoot at the already dead body.
At the beginning of the video, the words "I'm filming him" are clearly heard, indicating that the planned murder of the prisoner was being filmed and was "spoiled" for the occupiers by the courageous behavior of the Ukrainian hero and his last words in the face of death.
This video will go viral and will have an explosive effect. It will be seen in every country in the world.
Perhaps it will symbolize a new stage of political reality, because its appearance makes it impossible to even try to impose a discussion about a ceasefire or truce, which is so often talked about by Kremlin lobbyists in the West. Now, in the near future, anyone who talks about the need for dialogue, good Russians, or anything like that will be shoved in the face with this video.
Without wanting to, the Muscovites have worsened their situation towards total defeat and the elimination of the Russian Federation as a state.
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leolightman · 1 year
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leolightman · 1 year
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This year has passed like a few days, but its horrors will last for decades 💔
I will not be mistaken if I say that the countdown and the New Year for every Ukrainian now begins on February 24. And for each of those horrors, whether in a dream or in reality, day or night, there will be retribution for the enemy, for Russia and its allies, who are ruthlessly destroying our people, our culture and our children.
During this year, we have been united, afraid, donated, fought, lost, won, proud, sometimes quarreled, and worked very hard. But most of all, we were grateful for the year. To the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for being alive, for being able to drink coffee in the morning, go to the office, fall asleep and wake up.
Last year was the year of Invincibility, so let this year be the year of Victory. Ukraine's victory over the Russian occupiers.
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to its Heroes who courageously defend the integrity and independence of our country!
We thank the Armed Forces and volunteers for their work! 🇺🇦
We are working for victory! Everything will be Ukraine!!!! 💛💙
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leolightman · 1 year
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Our Father, forgive us sinners, and do not reject this prayer. We cry to You: cross our Ukraine and take away all its enemies, internal and external. Come in dreams to all the sick, wounded, crippled, captured, lost and their loved ones and comfort them and heal them with your touch, as far as Your will will be.
We pray to You in times of need. Lord, enter the bodies and souls of our soldiers and prisoners and fill them with the inexhaustible Holy Spirit so that, under your guidance, they drive out our enemies who have crossed the borders of our land, and the enemies who are hiding among us - disgraced and neutralized.
We, the inhabitants of the Ukrainian land, humbly ask You, because Your power is immeasurable and Your will is powerful, and You abhor all untruth.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we ask. Amen.
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leolightman · 1 year
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The "cyborgs" held the resort for 242 days. And they kept it. The concrete could not withstand.
All of Ukraine has been fighting for 327 days. And I will win.
We remember! We will win!
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leolightman · 1 year
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As of now, 39 people were rescued, including 6 children. 25 people died, including 1 child. 73 people were injured, including 13 children. 43 people are missing.
Preliminary 72 apartments were destroyed and more than 230 apartments were damaged.
4 tents of the State Emergency Service and 2 tents from volunteers were set up. Psychologists are providing assistance to the victims.
Search and rescue operations and dismantling of dangerous structural elements continue. Round the clock. We continue to fight for every life.
A three-day mourning for those who died as a result of enemy rocket fire was announced in Dnipro
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leolightman · 1 year
І рудою поливали...
І шаблями скородили.
Що ж на ниві уродилось??!"
#stopwar #stopwarinukraine #ukraine #stoprussianaggression #crimeofrussia #russiaterrorist
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leolightman · 2 years
Сьогодні 14 жовтня.
Сьогодні свято - свято кожного, хто був та є причетним до захисту України!
Вітаю всіх: ЗСУ, СБУ, ГУР, СЗР, Наіональну поліцію, Національну гвардію, прикордонників, ТРО та добробати, тих, хто боронить Україну на інформаційному фронті а також волонтерів, всіх, хто зараз воює за свободу нашої країни!
Ми переможемо! Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
#stopwar #stopwarinukraine #ukraine #stoprussianaggression #crimeofrussia #russiaterrorist
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leolightman · 2 years
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"And the storks will return home with their wings" ... Before leaving, with hope for a peaceful sky next year🇺🇦
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