lesbianslovenamari · 7 hours
Laois party is the autism siblings
Laois: special interest / social dificulty
Izutsumi: sensory sensitivity /pda
Chilchuck: rigid approach to morality
Senshi: special interest / ettiquite focussed
Marcille: special interest / gay
The autism siblings
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lesbianslovenamari · 7 hours
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request doodles on stream in a server :D
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lesbianslovenamari · 7 hours
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biblically accurate dunmeshi moments
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lesbianslovenamari · 7 hours
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oh you know
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lesbianslovenamari · 7 hours
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the beautiful thing is it works both ways
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lesbianslovenamari · 7 hours
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Fallen rocks?
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lesbianslovenamari · 8 hours
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Happy Kabru Day!!! lil' doodle for my birthday twin 😎😎
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lesbianslovenamari · 9 hours
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
snake and dragon yuri...
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
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Dungeon Meshi Text Posts:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
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saw a someone say on twt the reason why marcille has bad taste is because she grew up conservative and im like let me relate this to that one encounter I had w a butch while i was in my comphet era
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
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i am shocked that i havent seen this yet
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
something i see a lot in the dungeon meshi fandom is attributing izutsumi's personality traits to her being a cat. and while ryoko kui definitely gave her cat-like traits intentionally, she's a talented enough writer to also give her a backstory with reasons for those traits. for example, her tendency to only do and eat what she wants.
izutsumi's character arc revolves around freedom. she grew up caged in a circus. and although she was fed enough to survive, this was only because a living catgirl attracted more customers than a dead one.
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[id: first image is izutsumi as a child framed behind bars and standing on all fours, making it clear how skinny she is. a hand in the foreground holds out a bowl of what appears to be kibble. narration says “thrown in a cage and given food every once in a while… is that what you would call ‘being raised’?” in the second image she is now sitting on the floor of her cage and eating a rat. end id]
look how skinny she is! we see her eating what appears to be... kibble? oats? and then a rat that she possibly caught for herself. she had no choice but to eat anything she could.
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[id: part of the dungeon meshi manga. a slightly older izutsumi is tied to a post and tade sits next to her to say "we've got a roof over our heads, beds, food, and clothes. they've got everything here. is there someplace nicer than this out there?" izutsumi thnks for a moment and says "i hate that someone's already decided what i'm going to eat tomorrow. my name, the clothes i wear, where i sleep, where i go next... here, all of that's been decided by another person... even though, come tomorrow, i might want to eat something else instead. that's why i'm leaving." at this, tade cries out in shock. end id]
when she's taken into the nakamoto household they begin to treat her much better. she's on about equal footing as tade, who also had a rough living situation before being taken in, and tade loves it there! they get healthy and tasty food and they're not sleeping in cages. but izutsumi still isn't free. she can pass off her chores and vegetables to tade and disobey in any way she can but she can't leave. maizuru even put a collar on her, further dehumanizing and trapping izutsumi.
when izutsumi joins laios's party, she's finally 'free', but it's not the kind of freedom she wants. she has to eat even more food she doesn't want or else she'll starve. but the difference now is that she's can leave at any time, and if she stays, she's treated as an equal. they're not feeding her monsters because they see her as inferior. they're all eating the same food so they can reach their goal(s). and this is part of izutsumi ultimately learning that in order to do what she wants, she has to be willing t do the things she doesn't want to
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
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they mean so much to mee
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
Hello! I was wondering if you have any images on modern clothing for the characters? I'm wanting to draw them all in the modern day but I want to see what clothes they'd pick out for themselves
there's more than you'd expect
You should check the tag but here's a post compiling some modern clothing with what they like and dislike
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lesbianslovenamari · 10 hours
I look closer to Namari than Chilchuck’s and she’s still pretty far off
If you have a real life person as your pfp, I don't care if it's Taylor Swift or something, my subconscious will assume you look like that irl. Sometimes my subconscious even assumes that I look like my pfp irl. And if your pfp is not a real life person... Tbh my subconscious still assumes you look like that irl.
You know what, tag yourself... How close in appearance do you think you are to your pfp? Interpret how you will
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