lettherebevenom · 3 years
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she was sweet like honey but all i can taste is the blood in my mouth & the bitterness in goodbye dripping like honey down the back of my throat & out the front of my mind & now she's impatient & i'm complacent with just a little taste of wasting time looking for honey but she stings like she means it she's mean & she's mine
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
Small kisses in the morning🖤
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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SHE’S MELTING, EDDIE. Venom hissed in Eddie’s head to the woman nearest them, getting the blonde’s attention into the woman’s direction. WE MUST...  The plead almost broke Eddie’s heart, apparently Venom’s as well though the alien wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence, Eddie knew what he meant. Adverting his gaze from her. “Done, but here it might clash with your fit.” He said, soft. Taking his cap off the top of his head to offer it to the woman to conceal from majority of eyes. When Venom popped out from the opening of Eddie’s hoody, reaching out with a black tiny tentacle to pat, pat on the woman’s shoulder. “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, MISS LADY.” 
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“Please do look away, there is nothing to concern yourself with here.” Rita exclaimed, trying her very best to conceal her (currently melting) face. / @fallengothamstarters​
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
Tony snorted. “Whatever you say,” he said dryly. This Venom was very different from the Venom he’d met with Gwen. This Venom was…well, Tony could hang out with Gwen’s Venom, whereas he felt like this Venom was about to mug him while saying something unnecessarily mean about his mother. Which, granted, probably wasn’t particularly unusual for an alien symbiote, but still. He looked over at Eddie as the younger man spoke. “Have you guys tried an intergalactic couples counselor?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow to indicate that this was a sarcastic comment. Mostly. Tony shrugged. “I mean, they wouldn’t make a whole film series about that Alien if they weren’t a badass,” he pointed out. “The only person who could take them on was Ripley.” He watched with mild concern as Eddie took off for the bathroom. “Don’t heave on the floor, DUM-E will just have to clean it up,” he said. “He doesn’t like doing that.” He looked over as Venom crawled all over his coffee cup. “Hey, come on, I’m still drinking that,” he said, whining a little. “Get off.” He glanced up at Eddie. “What, is my lab bathroom not impressive enough for you?”
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“WHATEVER YOURSELF.” Venom believed he retorted, the symbiote had been in this god awful mood since they touched back down on Earth, they belonged somewhere else and wipe the smug fucking snarl off Knull’s face. The host and Parasite drawn back to the older man speaking to the pair, polar opposing reactions to couple’s counselling, Eddie’s face twisted nauseated by traumatic thought - he hates counselling of any kind at the best of times - still, didn’t mean he didn’t feel bad. However, Venom practically rolled off Eddie’s shoulder laugh manically at the memory surfacing. “Yeah, nah. Didn’t end well for said counsellor.” Eddie said, troubled. From the excessive fidgeting over the tissue, fixing it down to his nose to crinkling his nose up met with hisses from the host. “WE HAVE MRS. CHEN... AND YOU, NOW.” The thick tongue that look humorously large on the smaller blob, Venom was going for at the moment. “He won’t eat your head, I swear.” He said, abruptly before words ad time to settle. “Ripley was my first crush,” Eddie chuckled, leaving out that his father actual thought he was half normal. “RIP-LEE, NEVER MET US. OUR BADASSERY IS FAR MORE SUPERIOR, MINE NOT EDDIE’S. HE’S MY LOSER.” The symbiote looked troubled from Eddie ducking off to the toilet without him, dare did he lost without his host body. 
Muffled ahas from Eddie on his way to the bathroom, thumb in the air that was squeezing down the ridge of his nose. The tangling unsetting mass string itself to be lighter to not deter the balance of Stark’s hand on the mug, sat there playing chicken with him, almost and getting a right old kick out of it. “YOU’VE PUT WORSE THINGS IN YOUR MOUTH.” Venom fired back on the lip of the mug furtherest from Tony’s being. “YOUR SUIT WOULD RUN ON ME...” The symbiote trying to sell itself to Stark, entertaining itself. Ignoring the whine to get off. “KINKY AS IT SOUNDS, YOU’D BE POWERFUL FORCE. NOT A MAN IN A TIN CAN.” The alien continued on, not clear that the alien is pulling Stark’s leg until it snickers in hisses at him. Eddie watching it all unfold, confused but scurrying over like that of a mother goose to scold its gosling for running off. Hands cupping around the symbiote blob careful, not touching the cup. “I swear, he’s just being a dick because he can.” He grumbled, looking down at white eyes that mirrored that of a sad puppy dog, that they’d talk about it later. “A bathroom is a bathroom, Tony. No matter if it looks like something out of Star Wars.” Eddie said, blasé. “Sure, some influencer or Parker’s wet dream it is everything. But you still take a shit in it.” He shrugged, moving around the older man, taking the mug out of Tony’s hands as he does. Soft muttering not for Stark’s ears about Venom behaving and the hissing in return. “You want a new one, yeah?” 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Outer Banks s02e01: JJ trying to process his grief.
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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There’s only been one thing on Eddie’s mind since the Spidey-gang have swung into town was of course to try to insert himself, however, he gave up on that seeing as none of them can let the past be and he’s been fighting the urge to kill them all. But he heard whispers of Gwen... he had all Peter’s memories of Gwen from Venom and well what was more interesting to him was she’s symbioted with Venom. Well, he wasn’t really in the group chats to be able to enquire how to get in contact with Gwen. “You weren’t listenin’ were you?” He snipped just on her ask, clear that he was just as uncomfortable being around her as she may feel towards him. His arms crossed over his chest tightly, protecting himself and the liquid scarf with white emotionless eye gawking at MJ. “I just want to talk to Gwen, I don’t care about the friend bullshit at the moment. I─ WE.” Venom interjected himself though it seem the symbiote scarf merely clung tighter around Eddie’s neck from the pick up of breeze. “have some questions for the pair of them if what we heard is true.” 
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@lettherebevenom​ asked: “Look just do this one thing for me, and I’ll do anything you say. Please? Please? Please?“ 
MJ stared at him with doubt clear in her expression. She was dubious about the proposal, and she had to be careful with her actions as well or her publicist would have her head. Which, of course, she risked often for the sake of her own beliefs. Nonetheless, she wasn’t choosing a fight without a worthy cause. “Run that by me again?” She asked. 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
        “I was sleeping, you idiot.” Rocket replied, voice groggy as he tried to break out of his sleepiness. He hadn’t gotten much sleep since they ended up on the planet, spending all of his time trying to fix the ship so they could leave. “How did you even get on the ship?” It wasn’t a question he would have asked if he was more awake. It should have been obvious since Eddie had travelled with him before. He knew how to get on and off the ship, unlike the rest of the humans who lived in the city. “You already woke me up. You might as well help. What do you know about Quarnyx batteries?”
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“Yeah, well, I’m lacking a veterinarian degree to tell death from sleep, dude.” He snipped, always so used to have to be on the defence with everyone he encounters. “DON’T LISTEN TO THE LOSER HERE, FUR-BALL.” Venom sprouted out from his shoulder blade in a whoosh of rushing shadow liquid though it had taken form it was forever moving, unstable looking. “Sorry, Rocket, I didn’t mean it... been a tough week but seems y’all have it tougher, crashing into Terra of all planets out there.” He grumbled, sincere. Eddie usually disrespectful to anyone really, however he like Rocket and felt bad for snipping. “I used the front door, actually is it even called a front door on a ship or something else entirely?” Showing that he really know jack shit on space ship repairs 101. “Brought breakfast as well for ya.” Throwing a thumb over to the brown paper bag of a muffin with a large coffee takeaway coffee cup with it and bottle of OJ not sure which Rocket would prefer. But that stumped face appeared on his face, the sheer amount of blinking that followed trying to rake his brain on the word. “Out of all that I got batteries.” Giving him, smile of apologises on his part. “But if you show me and tell me, I tend to pick up things quick or do you have a instruction manual for dummies?” 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
Erik found the whole city crazed if he was honest but he found his home with Charles and their school so he’d stay as long as the others would have him. He was glad for the coffee in his hand as she slept and felt the effects of the forced sleep on him but he knew that was lingering for a while given how long he’d been sleeping. “Do you like this city? And the jester likes people as you called them?” he mused sipping his coffee letting it warm him up and attempting to counter the effects on his mind. “Oh is that what we are talking about well you’ve come to the right person, I’ve had that crown for a while as my past keeps being held against me.” He mused looking at him chuckling “Do they suck or have they just not bothered to see the changes one has made since their initial mistake.”
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Sky mirroring hues drifted from the man next to on the park bench, over the architecture wasteland of a shambles of a park they happened to be sitting in it was near the looney bin, why so close he’s half-expecting Cletus will pop out of there to do a jump-scare at him (at least they wouldn’t be alone). Rolling a shrug out of his cramping shoulder, hands interlaced with one another. However, one of them was oil slicked, claws sharp enough to cut through bone, metal and it was stuck to the flesh on the back of his normal hand as if comforting. “Better then New York, better then San Francisco and Klyntar...” He shivered at the thought of his destiny on that shit whole. “You don’t think so, I have seen more clowns in this city then any circus I wasn’t allowed to go to.” He chuckled, easing into the conversation more. Leaning in the corner of the bench more, twisting his body to face the old guy more direct on. “Yeah, I jump from topic to topics like that of a flea on a dog. Have I now? I bet I can possibly steal that crown from you and if it wasn’t metaphoric I’d then pawn it for cash.” Honestly, sharing with the strange who did look familiar like from an old lecture piece. “What’s your past?” He wondered out loud, old habit of being a journalist. “No, I’m sticking to people in general just fucking suck."
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Harry could feel the headache coming on of course he’d have to run into the cafe that current Eddie Brock was having a fucking meltdown at. The male was beyond crazy and he never understood his less the subtle obsession with his best friend but they certainly never hit it off given his rich status and the other’s old profession.  “Oh joy, you’re still taking quotes because I’ve got one for you, Brock, though it might be too much for your readers. Oh, wait I forgot you are unemployed aren’t you? Poor thing” he mocked before rolling his eyes at the disembodied venom voice finding himself not even surprised before moving to dust some imaginary dust off his shirt. “You’re done being a little brat? Go get your chocolate fix elsewhere so I can get coffee, Eddie. But if you feel showy why don’t you do that little freak thing again and I’ll put it on my Instagram”  
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Half expecting Peter to come crawling of Harry’s arse with how close they happen to be, Eddie’s here for it, you do you. And if he thought about it long enough they were prefect for one another as in Eddie’s eyes they’re both shit (not in good way) but he didn’t even give it a second thought because he didn’t give a shit for either of them... maybe felt sorry for MJ for having to deal with the pair of them and Gwen - he liked her. Manic wheeze from the laughter erupting in his lungs instead of pass his lips, trying to contain his anger that was now mixing with pity for this rich boy. “Ha, funny. While we’re on the topic of hypothetical digs, Hazza. What is more believable a masked vigilante killed daddy-dearest or some impatient rich kid got tired of waiting for daddy to kick the bucket? You know there are so many Redditers, 4chan threads are string together this ideal you did it.” He smirked, no remorse. “We’re in the age people have solved cases through that of a computer screen,” Eddie leant in to him as if telling him a secret before giving him a hefty push-off, smoothly standing upright. “I mean at least I know I am a loser. You still don’t even know who you are seeing as you keep resorting to using your wealth as personality trait, surrounding yourself with yes people. Pathetic.” He coldly shot at him, returning to his height, loving the fact he’s taller then Harry. “Nope, I have nothing but time on my hands - you however have somewhere to be, no? So, I think I might just bug you.” The blond hated Peter, yes but he truly disliked Harry. Yet in the same he felt this strange sympathy for him. But that’s when Eddie lost his head, leaning forwards with his arms covers his ribs, laughing harder then one should about being cancelled. “You’re so fucking pathetic. Still finding behind that of others - this time your followers - have you ever wiped your own arse before?” 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Art by Nathengyn
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Skidding across the rough surface of the pavement from the meek limp-wristed throw from the security guards, the black goo that stuck to the pavement to stop Eddie from rolling into the on coming traffic, covered in dirt as he jumped to his feet. Hands gripping the sides of his open baseball jacket to shake the remanence off. He was about to go on a impulse to charge back at them, however a foreign accent shone through the mask of wrath and the hustle and bustle of the street and bar. “No,” Eddie poorly lied, lie that a child could see through and with a mirroring expression of not believing himself. “Maybe. Yeah, totally more then maybe.” He tried to joke, the blurring memory coming back to him. He ate the bartender’s arm off for trying to spike someone’s drink. MY TONGUE IS ALL TINGLY-LEE, LOSER. The symbiote’s blasé voice rang out in his head, was it possible the symbiote was high? how is that possible. The effects seeping onto the host, his head was merely fogging. “Ah, yeah... we’re a little...” He chuckled out slightly dazing over what he was supposed to be saying. 
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Theresa grimaced as she watched someone get thrown out of the bar just ahead of her on the sidewalk. She walked up to the person and gave them a sympathetic smile. “Did ye get too handsy with the bartender or did they cut ye off? Don’t worry, been there before. D’ye need someone to walk with? I could keep ye safe from the streets.” She offered, knowing how it felt to be in their shoes. 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Standing outside of the skyscraper Gotham Times, Gotham Globe or The Daily Gotham ─ the name of the paper seems ever changing. He stood with the free paper in his hand that he always tends to get from the newspaper box in front of the towering building, Venom had convinced him to bring his resume in... that had drool, claw marks from Vee fighting with the printer for it to hurry up. It was a sweet gesture but Eddie wasn’t ready for more rejection in his life. Bumping into a strangely brawny guy appearing to masquerade as a nerd, hence what he said that and Venom hisses of there is more to this man then meets the eye. “Takes New York or San Francisco, weeks of complaining to attempt to get back to normal.” Nodding in agreement about the city, peering around them to the people being in a strange normalcy as if the event never happened. He shifted the paper with his resume on top of it under his arm still wet and tattered, Venom wasn’t showing himself and Eddie believed he was snoozing but he’s watching Clark. Brows raising up though it shouldn’t be a surprise to him, seeing as he’s pretty much lurking outside this building on a daily. “A reporter? Guessing this isn’t the first time living in a city that is plagued by villainy?” 
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@lettherebevenom​ asked: “there are a lot of surprises happening here.”
“In my experience that comes with the territory of living in Gotham,” Clark said, pushing his glasses a bit further up his nose. “Which is great news for a reporter like me but not so much for everyone else.” He chuckled a bit nervously. “Or us I guess too, the places we live.” Property damage was at a all time high in Gotham after all, something which he wrote an article about only last week. 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Symbrock + 5 love languages in Venom: Let There Be Carnage trailer
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
Tony blinked at Venom as the creature hissed at him, his eyebrows lifting. “Well, that’s a little harsh, huh?” He leaned back against his chair, taking a sip of his coffee. There was a coffee maker in several different rooms on this floor alone – his workshop, his room, obviously the kitchen, so there was fresh coffee available in most of the places he spent his time. He had been about to offer Eddie a cup before all of this started, and now he was wondering idly if Venom could have coffee. And what would happen if he did. “The alien from Alien? The one with the–?” He stuck out his tongue. “Little alien tongue?” 
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Ring cluttered fingers and his bare thumb placed firmer pressure on the ridge of his nose in hopes to clot the blood, head still facing that of the ceiling of the workshop ─ mind ponder how many panels where there if he hadn’t shot to look sideways at Tony and where Venom had taken form of a thin blob on his shoulder, small tentacles crossing over one another to represent that of cross arms. “HE DESERVED IT.” That rushing water voice spoke, matter of factually towards the pair of them. “That was a mere love tap from Vee.” His nasally voice from pinching the ridge of his nose, meek smile slithering on his lips. That was a fact, sadly ever since they have met Knull ─ the God of Symbiotes, their relationship has been strained, whether that’s got to do with Eddie not allowing Venom to try to take the title for himself or well, that’s it really. Besides the forgotten insult on Eddie’s side of things about Alien wiping the floor with Venom. “YES, THAT ONE ─ BOBBLE HEAD!” The parasite agreeing to bring Tony more into the fold of the conversation. Eddie snickered which he quickly regretted from the back flow of blood and mucus fill his mouth, his free hand flung up to excuse himself to the bath. Venom slipping off of Eddie’s being, momentarily pacing on the length of the couch, heading towards the armrest to be closer to a living being. “PUNY TONGUE, SIZE ALWAYS COUNTS.” The free forming parasite joke, snicking at its own joke. “WE’VE NEVER HAD FUN BEFORE HAVE WE, STARK?” The symbiote toyed with the mechanic. And as it spoke, big white emotionless eyes locking on Tony, thin tentacle forming the distance between them, dancing around the urge to touch Tony’s flesh, sticking and unsticking itself on the cup. 
Eddie emerging from the bathroom, clean hands seeing as he left his cheap metal rings on the sink and using the wet cloth to wipe away any dry blood he missed. “I’m feeling like I should be saying wow in that unimpressed way Owen Wilson does.” 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Brain granting against his skull, usually when he had any encounter with Peter Quill ─ and Peter Parker. Starting to form the belief that he just hated anyone with the name Peter... but it was a tad of lie, he enjoyed this one sometimes. “SAYS THE PUNY STAR” Venom hissed out through rushing waters, rhythmically the solid black mass head hovering about on his shoulder. “Shush, Vee. I’m actually half-amazed you got that, Pete.” He spoke as if they were old friends, possibly because Eddie had no friends. “Still won’t watch Footlose with you.”
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@lettherebevenom​ asked: “who put a firecracker up your butt and lit it?” 
“My butt is very firecracker-free thank you very little.” Peter missed firecrackers, those things had been gnarly back in his time on Terra. But even with a lot of Terran expressions flying over his head, this one he understood with perfect clarity. 
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lettherebevenom · 3 years
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Head, limbs and torsos tastebuds has been surging through Venom since Halloween constantly having to deal with the backlash of Venom’s actions and it coming to the edge of Eddie relinquishing his hold on the leash. The only thing to vanquish Venom’s hunger for warm bodies was that of chocolate, this was the second place out of chocolate and the overwhelming emotion of fuck it all, go on a rampage through the city started to arise. WHY LET CARNAGE HAVE ALL THE FUN, EDDIE. The voice in his shared head whispered to him, stirring the pot that brought the initial outburst from Eddie, slamming his fist down so hard on the countertop that it left impressions behind. Then a smug asshole’s voice rang the bell in Eddie’s head to go off the edge, wrong time and wrong place for Harry. The person behind the counter gasping from the flicking of Venom protecting itself out on Eddie’s face, robotically slow turning to meet Harry Fucking Osborn ─ Peter’s friend. “See you’re still a whiny little bitch.” He said, dark swish of Venom over lapping at his words. When they were face to face, that’s when Venom’s did a jump scare outwardly towards Harry, large tongue licking over the side of his face. “WE’D SPIT YOUR HEAD BACK OUT.” Venom said, menacingly. By this time the coffee bar had erupted in chaos of people trying to flee from Venom’s outburst. However, Venom pulled back into Eddie’s body and revealing smirking Eddie. 
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Coffee was what he desperately needed, he shouldn’t have drunk so much the night before knowing he had a morning class but here he was waiting in line with the worst headache in the world but it was nothing he couldn’t withstand. He was about to be next when the person in front of him seemed to be throwing a hissy fit of some type that just was not working with his massive migraine “Look I get it being out of chocolate sucks but please pick something I have class in like 30 minutes and I’m not about to stand here and wait for this to wrap up.”
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