lightoball · 12 days
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ϟ I do that too. when you have a nap under a tree and your eyes don't wake up right away so you can't tell if you're here or in a forest home. ϟ
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"Oh, this place again. Was I...asleep?"
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lightoball · 12 days
ears twitched as soon as he heard 'Forest'. a lot of excitement rushing through like electricity, and his tail was almost wagging behind them. luckily the fixation didn't drown out what was said afterwards, it saved asking if the human lived in it among whatever creatures were there. he wondered what kinds of animals there were!
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ϟ what's the Forest like? what do you do for work there? is it hard in the desert? I heard there's one here now but I've never gone there. people say it's really hot there, and when it gets really hot in summer, it's not fun. it gets really hard to deal with. work must be really hard. ϟ
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the animal jumping onto his shoulder leads him to stop, head turning enough to look over at the small, fuzzy creature. "it isn't as bad as winter. that is the only time I need extra layers." besides that, Cyno is more used to wearing thinner clothing to avoid getting too warm, given how active he remains even here.
"this," said while gesturing to his outfit. "is because where I'm from, the forests are humid and the desert is just beyond that. I often travel between both for work." they also happen to be his preferred areas within the island, so naturally he would apply the same when exploring in another place. "I tend to visit those types of terrain here as well."
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lightoball · 25 days
anger... when he thought about it, there were people who might have reacted the same. to begin with, he might not have understood why, but having gotten to know people and hear of their homes, he couldn't blame anyone for being angry for being pulled away. in fact, because they didn't get a choice, they probably should be.
ϟ I know you can do it. and will help if there's anything I can do. ϟ it might not be much, but so many others had helped him, and he wanted to do the same as thanks.
ϟ they must miss you too. but there are lots cats here, so you won't be lonely! ϟ he nodded at first, ears twitching from the movement. ϟ a lot of things get settled by fighting. we Pikachus can shock something that attacks us, while others like Pidgeys can fly, Weedles can sting and Rattatas that bite. in the Forest, everyone gets along so it doesn't happen often — just for training.
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Trainers come in and they'll fight with Wild Pokémon to train their own or to capture us to join them. some Wild are jealous that the captured have someone look after them, but I was more scared to be taken away. humans get scared when someone they don't know comes to their den and does bad things — it's kind of like that, maybe. ϟ
which made the Stars bringing him here all the more frightening at first, but with the friends he'd gotten to make... maybe that would happen if he had a Trainer? he'd never thought of it that way before now.
For as much as she tended to wear a cold and serious exterior, Edelgard couldn't help and allow that shying smile of hers to sustain itself on her face. Many years ago, she felt the burdens of her world's weight alone. In this place, though, they were all the same. That much she couldn't deny. Odd as it was, it felt strangely comforting.
"Scary indeed. Though.. For myself, anger was what I first felt. But, that matters not— You're right. If I could solve all of these mysteries myself, I would. Until then, we are in similar situations."
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While she listened, her curiosity piqued. A laugh left her lips, nodding in agreement: "I understand. Thank you for the explanation. I do miss the cats of Fódlan from time to time.." A clear of the throat. "In any case. I must know something. Your power to fight. I presume you were born with it..?"
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lightoball · 1 month
seeing someone laying down out in the open wasn't something he saw often. actually he was more likely to be found being the one doing it. the person didn't look hurt, but just to be safe, he tottered closer. in doing so, he could see the rise and fall of the human's chest and hear his breathing — so he was definitely alright. or at least he was alive.
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the Pokémon crawled on top of the body so he could get a better look in case there was anything he should be looking out for, but nothing really stood out. that was good then. after curling his paws underneath, he finally spoke in a voice not too loud in case the human intended to sleep here. ϟ are you okay? ϟ
WERE ONE PAYING CLOSE ATTENTION, they'd find a young man laying on the ground beneath the blinding light of day. breathing in tact, though he did look relatively passed out for whatever reason, almost as if he were merely asleep for an afternoon nap...
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what do you do?
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lightoball · 2 months
he knew it was rude to stare, but he couldn't help it. at first, it was the ears, and had thought about trying to jump up between them, but the gap looked too narrow. he wouldn't fit and it might hurt to press down on them. but then he noticed just how much of the human he could see.
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so after trailing for a minute, he pounced forward and leaped onto the person's shoulder, laying his tail flat on his back. it wouldn't do much, not with how tiny he was, but it would be something. ϟ aren't you cold? it's not summer enough to go swim at the beach. ϟ
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lightoball · 2 months
every time a familiar face showed up, he got excited. since living with Diluc, he felt more stability because people were passing by and vanishing before they could get to know each other, but it did still happen. there were friends who went away for a while, and sometimes came back. every time he saw them after those whiles, he made sure to pounce so they knew they weren't forgotten.
funnily enough, this time, one of them had come to find him, and naturally he jumped at the chance to catch up. in the sun which wasn't too hot, they had been both quiet and talked about small things. it was really nice — like a 'lazy afternoon', as the humans would call it. it was kind of funny that Cloud thought the creature might be busy — he was still just living day by day. there hadn't really been much thought about what to plan days ahead with.
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his head did shoot up from the man's lap with a little confusion on his face. his brow scrunched a little bit too, not from feeling angry but a little deeper confusion. ϟ of course it's okay! why wouldn't it be? we're friends, and Diluc's always welcoming of friends. you're both kind of similar anyway. you're quiet and keep attention off yourselves but you're really kind and warm and make others feel safe. ϟ an ear twitched, he intended to plonk his head down there and then, but it was better a better idea to keep an eye on the man's face, and get stubborn about it if he still seemed preoccupied by whatever it was that made him ask.
a while has passed since the last time he was here, he figured that much from the amount of unfamiliar names there were when idly scrolling through his phone. from the few he did recognise, one in particular was someone he wanted to see again, which leads him to now.
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resting quietly on the grass, with Pikachu curled up in Cloud's lap, he at least has some space here. "thanks for coming outside. didn't know if you'd be busy." and for that reason, he settled on staying close to Pikachu's home in case the mouse is called back, but still with enough distance that no one else will disturb the peace. "you sure it's okay for me to be here?"
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lightoball · 2 months
it was really hard. both to understand and to accept. seeing Diana always made him really happy and bounding towards her, but when she looked at him with a bit of confusion, it hurt. not that he was upset with her. but she always smiled as kindly... and it wasn't the face she made right away.
when she said she didn't remember, it hurt... a lot. she didn't remember that they lived in the same den when first he was learning the city. but she didn't just move on — she stayed. she listened. she didn't shrug off what he said at a story that she didn't have any investment in — she was the Diana he knew, even if he wasn't someone she did. and that meant a lot. that meant everything.
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she came closer, reached down to his level and said 'once more'. it wasn't just that she believed him, but that she accepted it. his eyes felt really warm and wet, both paws grabbing at her fingers with a smile that wibbled. even if she didn't remember, she was always one of his best friends, and nothing was going to change that — even she had no intention of changing that.
it made him really happy to have such an important friend back, and into the palm of her hand, he rested his face, squeezing both eyes shut before they could spill over. ϟ it's so good to see you again, Diana. i want to be really good friends again, and see all around the island together. if you're alright with all that. ϟ
" If there's one thing I've learned from a recent part of my life, it's that many truths can exist at once." jumbled and messy, the line tying them all together tangled in certain spots, but the connection still remains. this city is a place full of mystery undearneath the ordinary, that much is evident at face value. and for all that Diana has seen in her life, it would both foolish and callous to write off another recognizing her where recognition never comes for her.
she understands well, the loss of a friend and she needs not her powers to know there is a sadness to the one who approached her. yet there need not be.
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lips pull into a warm smile as she kneels to the ground, hand extended outwards in welcome. " So, let me say this to you anew. My name is Diana. It is a pleasure to meet you once more, Pikachu."
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lightoball · 2 months
to begin with, he wasn't sure which direction the voice was coming from. it wasn't often that someone called out from a tree (and normally, it was him who was the one watching from above), so the sight took him by surprise, mouth opening with wonder. the creature didn't look like the usual animals that were around the island, and actually felt more like it would be right at home in the Forest — but he'd never seen it before. maybe it came from another area.
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the wiggle of a leg brought out a smile, receiving a raised paw in return. ϟ hi Patamon, I'm Pikachu. ϟ
a lot of thoughts went through his head. if he asked if Patamon knew about the Forest, would he find out they were from different places... worlds? he had seen creatures he thought were Pokémon before, but turned out not to be. it made him careful about getting too excited too quickly, but he couldn't help but feel like there might be a chance in moments like these.
behind him, his tail swished. his instinct was to scamper up the tree — because it was clear that Patamon was friendly, but maybe it was better to let a moment more pass and not be too too eager. but he was still excited at the idea of a new friend, whether human or not, but a non-human friend always brought something more unique, and lots to learn about that they couldn't teach. ϟ are you here all by yourself? what's it like at home? —the one you come from first. ϟ
This time of year, not many people were visiting the parks. Probably because of the cold. TK preferred it like this, honestly— it was much quieter than going to a cafe and a lot closer than the library. Provided a needed change of pace from his room, too, for when he wanted to focus on writing but both himself and his partner needed some fresh air.
Said Digimon quickly grew rather bored though, silently sitting beside TK, despite how pleasant each other's company was. The boy was quick to notice this, of course. "Hey, Patamon. Don't go too far okay?" Implicit permission to go exploring— and the usual request to not go too far.
With a delighted squeal, Patamon hops off the bench and happily flies off in a random direction. It's after a couple moments of aimlessly flying around that the Digimon spots them— another small critter like himself! It looked a lot like another Digimon, actually, though he couldn't recognize the species.
There were a lot of Digimon, after all! It was impossible to keep track of all of them.
Patamon lands on a low-hanging branch, a safe distance away in case this Digimon (?) ends up being hostile. "Hello, hi! Who are you? I'm Patamon!" Patamon chirps, waving one of his stubby little legs in greeting.
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lightoball · 2 months
he could only imagine just how busy she must have been. and all the scary thoughts about whatever was happening at home carrying on before someone else said that they would go home to the same time they were taken from must have been really frightening for someone with a lot happening. it must have been a huge relief for her to hear that.
ϟ everyone probably feels that way. i didn't understand anything because we never wandered out the Forest for very long, and it took a lot of help from others to learn, but there was probably lots that everyone didn't know. we all went through the same thing and woke up in this strange place. it was really scary. ϟ
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a little smile beamed, hopefully it would help. because time and friends helped. he kept it going while scratching underneath his ear — one of those habits that happened when thinking hard. ϟ we live in the wild. maybe the easiest way to describe it is we're like animals you know and see, but they don't seem to have the same power to fight as us. in the Forest, and all over the place, we'd be like asking what a cat or dog or bird is. ϟ
She could hardly deny any of that, eliciting a chuckle from the emperor's lips as she brought a hand up towards her face to muffle it. "Heh, is that so? We do have a lot in our lives, I suppose. For myself, I was always kept busy. It was rather jarring the first time I arrived here."
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"Ah.. I understand now. There were others who looked out for your well-being." It was a nice thought to live in a world without fights; one she yearned for herself. She hoped to make those dreams come true. Rather, she would do anything to ensure its success. "Tell me, then. What.. are Pokémon, exactly?"
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lightoball · 4 months
ϟEiden is really nice to everyone. everyone here must know about him or already be friends! I'm looking forward to tomorrow when we can all meet up at his!ϟ
he hadn't expected things to end so kindly and nice, but it made him feel fuzzy, and getting to speak with another small animal-like creature after a pretty long while was a nice change in pace.
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that fuzzy feeling stayed with him long afterwards, and only later realised what had been neatly slipped in.
ϟhuh?... die?ϟ
what a strange new friend.
§ Ok, I'll tell Eiden. §
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§ He's a very nice human. He will like your Diluc Ragnvindr too, I'm sure. §
How to conclude this? Ah, yes. Kyubey walks up to Pikachu and gives him an affectionate nuzzle with his head.
§ Take care and don't die before tomorrow! §
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lightoball · 4 months
ϟKyubey, I'll remember to pass it on! I'm Pikachu and my friend is called Diluc Ragnvindr.
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neither of us are fussy, I think, but we like smaller meals. fruits are really nice, and he really like grape juice. we'll thanks you and Eiden lots for the food.ϟ
§ Great! I'm the Messenger of Magic, Kyubey. §
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§ Can I get your names and any dietary preferences down? I'll ask Eiden to prepare refreshments. §
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lightoball · 4 months
ϟooooh, okay. I think I get it.
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okay then, we'll bring something for Eiden to say thanks too. we'll see you then!ϟ
§ Some people promise them away ahead of time! It makes doing business hard. §
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§ But we should be just fine with you and yours. How about 2PM tomorrow on top of Eiden Itadori's roof? §
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lightoball · 4 months
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ϟum... yeah. I don't know why he wouldn't though.ϟ
§ That's fine, we do deals for two too. §
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§ This is just a standard business question, but does your friend have a soul? §
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lightoball · 4 months
ϟI was told to have a human friend help with any reading other than a menu.
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the friend I live with knows a lot about contracts, is it alright to bring him along?ϟ
§ You can always ask to try. §
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§ I'll give you a contract free of charge! §
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lightoball · 4 months
he doesn't like one bit of this!
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ϟuh... I... don't know?ϟ
§ Because it'd be a waste of the bodies otherwise. §
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§ Don't you wish you were as efficient as me? §
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lightoball · 4 months
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ϟno? why are you?
why... why are you so proud about that?!ϟ
§ You mean you're not? §
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§ Looks like someone's a few evolutions short of an efficient energy cycle. §
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lightoball · 4 months
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§ As part of energy conservation efforts— §
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§ I am also 100% edible. §
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