lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
X I'll
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
I just watched an old couple get into their car and set off the alarm and then try to turn it off for like ten minutes before giving up and driving away with the alarm still going off
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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“As a child, I was completely and utterly in love with the girl next door. I talked to my sister about it, and she said that I shouldn’t talk about it. That’s the standard Catholic thing: if you ignore it, it will go away. At the time, being gay was still considered a mental disease. I hated myself for not being normal. I ate a lot (as a comfort situation) and I was exasperated. I was cowering in the closet, terrified that someone would know my dirty little secret. I didn’t have Modern Family or Will and Grace. I thought I was the only one. It was difficult to accept that I was this person. But when I got my fake ID and went to my first gay bar, I felt like I was home. There was a big old monster dagger butch sitting at the bar who screamed at me, ‘Hey, baby butch, come here!’ Her name was Al, and she raised me. The media portrays butches as fat and stupid – we beat our wives, cause fights, and drive trucks. My entire life has been trying to put a positive spin on what it is to be butch. Butches do everything – we cook, we clean, and, of course, we take care of our femme. With the younger generation, there’s more feminism attached to what it means to be butch. At 57, I still do old-school stuff, like opening doors for my finance. But when I open a door for a woman, I’m not implying she’s weak. To me, it’s a matter of politeness and respect. I’ll a open a door for a man! When it gets down to brass tax, I think the point of feminism is to not be so influenced by what other people think. I don’t put up with shit with anyone and I never have.” 
- Lea DeLeria in our new episode of the What’s Underneath Project. For her full story, watch her video!
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
You did actually make a video about having a stay skinny pact but it was with Skye, being that was forever ago, I think we can forgive you.
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— From anon hmm? Seems legit not you, anyway, here’s my response to everything you said.
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>Rapist — Completely untrue accusation. Rejection is a turn off and makes it impossible for me to be aroused. Sometimes when you break up with people, they make up things about you to hurt you. No one I’ve ever known has accused me of that crime, and the person you’re referencing apologized for how she behaved regarding our relationship repeatedly. She also gave me her phone number, offered her friendship, said she was moving to my area, called me a “good person” & suggested we hang out months after I broke up with her (the screen cap of the emails she sent is all over the place, but I put them below too, read the apologies, the invitation, the phone number sharing etc)
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If you think I would ever sexually violate someone, your thoughts are faulty. To be bluntly honest, I would kill myself if I was that kind of person (yeah, sounds dramatic, killing yourself, but sex criminals are the epitome of human scum to me, I don’t understand how anyone could live with themselves, I’ve been clear about this stance on sex crimes since day 1, long before these accusations came up).
>Preys on underage fans, his current wife was 16 when they began dating - She was 17. It was legal in the state we were in. We have been married for almost 3 years now. >Cheats on every girl he’s ever dated/married - Literally never cheated on anyone. Again, if I did, I would kill myself (don’t understand how cheaters live with themselves either, they are scum). If you’re going to call someone a cheater or sex criminal, make sure it’s not a guy who’s made countless videos condemning all of the above while also stating the same thing I’m stating now, far before any accusations came out. Cheaters and sex criminals have no value in this world to me, if I were one, I wouldn’t be alive. It’s not the most politically correct opinion, but it’s still my opinion. >Thinks all meat eaters are murderers - Murder is defined as the illegal killing of a human being. Maybe you should look it up. >Compares alimony to slavery - It’s an unpopular comparison, true. Slaves work for profit they will never see, alimony is literally working for profit you will never see. In that sense, it is much like slavery. Not as horrible, but in most cases, alimony is completely unreasonable. If you are a functional man or women without children, no one should be paying you checks just for being married to them once upon a time. Leave checks like that for disabled people and children.
>Put his turtle under a plastic bin out in the sun in the middle of summer and was shocked to find it dead an hour later - Yes, that was an accident, I put the turtle in there to protect them from the dogs, I wanted him to enjoy being outside, just forgot to poke holes in it. I was an idiot for that. I talked to animal control about it, they educated me on turtle care and my ignorance. When I am guilty of something, I am happy to admit it, as I have proven again and again. That’s why a lot of people see me as extremely honest, because I don’t hide idiotic mistakes like accidentally causing the death of your pet turtle.
>Says he’s a feminist and that women are all attention-seeking, greedy, succubus whores in the same sentence - Surprise, I’m a comedian. >Tells his fans to kill themselves and posts sexist, racist tweets on the daily in the guise of “comedy” - I tell jokes, when you take jokes seriously, you are doing the opposite of what jokes intend. The kill yourself jokes were exactly that, spoken to a general audience and they all made me and many others laugh. Again, I tell jokes, if you don’t like jokes, avoid comedians. >Stepped on and burned a bible while paying for his wife to attend a christian school - Hell yeah. College is college, you can get a degree from a Christian college just like a regular one. Problem? Who cares. Bibles suck, and my wife deserves a good education, Christian college or not. I happily pay for her to go to college, wherever it may be. >Caused his ex-fiance to miscarry by slamming her into a door frame - You’re referring to one of the two times I called the police on her for being psycho? The first time they told her to stay away from me and stop body slamming my door (you know, when she was trying to force her way into my room after I broke up with her and I kept asking her to step away so finally with one hand on the door and the other through the door I pushed her away and closed the door so I could lock it… she weighed the same as me dude, she was freaky strong and violent, I just wanted to be alone in my room, she would not give me that, when she said I was abusive for pushing her away from the door, I called the cops so they could sort everything out, and they did), and the second time they told me to get in a car/escape her after she threatened to “kill (herself) and make it look like (I) did it”. You don’t mention both incidents the police took my side right away because I always called, and I always clearly explained what happened while she continued to have melt downs in front of them. When they told me to escape her I moved in a matter of 24 hours to LA while she was held for observation (what with threatening her own life, and pinning it on me) —- It was a crazy relationship, and I’m glad to be in a stable one of over 3 years now with my beautiful wife.
>Created a “skinny-pact” with his ex-wife so she’d remain sexually attractive to him - I don’t remember that, but it sounds possible (by the way, you’re referring to my ex girlfriend, not wife, we applied for marriage as she was Canadian, but it didn’t go through until she got pregnant with another man’s baby while she and I were dating - just facts you conveniently leave out - to be clear, again, we never got married, regardless…). I think it would of been called a “Stay healthy” pact, but either way, that’s obviously the goal. People should stay healthy out of respect for each other. Healthy is mostly anything under 200lbs to me. That’s not really skinny, but not fat either, it’s healthy. >Got his new wife pregnant at 18 and now they have a son named **** - (1) If that happened it wouldn’t be a bad thing if everyone involved was happy/consensual. (2) It’s none of your business. > Known to prey son women with low self esteem to manipulate them - What? Whatever you’re trying to say, like most everything, you’re very wrong.
> if you dont hate onision, then you are racism apolgist, sexism apologist, rape apologist, abuse apologist and are absolutely depraved just like him. im sorry you are the one who needs your life ended, “pyscho” - …wow.
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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Keep Saying Her Name #JusticeForSandy
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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why is Sandra Bland lying down in her mugshot picture?? why is she already in a jumpsuit and why does she look so disoriented if not already dying? who thought that they’d be fooling anyone with this mugshot
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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‪#‎JusticeforSandraBland‬: Activists gathered in Union Square to demand justice for Sandra Bland, a young Black woman who was pulled over in a routine traffic stop and ended up dead in a jail cell while in police custody.‪#‎sayhername‬ ‪#‎blackwomenslivesmatter‬ ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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#SayHerName (7/22/15): Another transgender WOC has been found dead. 25-year old India Clarke is the 10th trans woman this year (and the 9th TWOC) to be killed in the US, and it was sadly in my hometown. Details are still emerging, but the local media have been horrendous, refusing to call her by her name. The police are also refusing to identify her as trans or treat this as a hate crime.
Help us demand justice. Please signal boost the following event to uplift her name: Vigil and Rally for Justice for India Clarke We will also be working to help the family raise funds for her funeral (more info on that soon.#staywoke #farfromover
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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lithiuminmyicecream · 9 years
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