lokascn · 3 years
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                                                –for asgard!
indie & selective mcu inspired multimuse
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lokascn · 3 years
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starter call! like for a starter from this asshole.
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lokascn · 3 years
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The Art of Seduction by Cesare Borgia, Duke of Valentinois (Niccolò Machiavelli approves) ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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lokascn · 3 years
narvi’s attitude toward his father has nothing to do with his ambitions for the throne or anything but everything to do with what happened to him, his mother and his brother *because* of his father’s ambition. always coming in second place to what his father wants and their family’s struggles because of it is what makes him think of l*ki as a pos.
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lokascn · 3 years
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lokascn · 3 years
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lokascn · 3 years
not me thinking about how narvi would probably never have kids because of his own issues with his father
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lokascn · 3 years
SCANDAL  SENTENCE  STARTERS   :  P4      * change pronouns / tenses as you see fit !      tw : suicidal ideation
my gut tells me everything i need to know.
you’re pretty. and smart. so pretty, so smart.
this is on us now.
you lie, all bets are off.
i was sleeping.
just to be clear –– that was me threatening you.
you wanna burn down his house? you’re gonna have to be willing to burn down your own as well.
go home, i’m not telling you a thing.
you’re a real bitch, you know that?
and yet, you came when i called.
he’s wooing you.
i’ll handle it. consider it handled.
you’re touchy pre-coffee.
i like working for myself. but i’ve never left your side.
you’re here because you worship her. you want to be her. you think that if you stand in her light, you’ll finally do stuff that matters. because you need to believe that there’s something greater than a nine to five crap job, that there’s a higher purpose, that your life has meaning because the world feels big and you feel lost.
i’ve got good, i’ve got bad, i’ve got ugly.
i wish you were a cynic. your life would be so much easier if you were a cynic.
she’s in this with you.
she’s not one of the good guys. she’s the best guy.
tell him to go to hell.
can you at least pretend you aren’t enjoying this?
i’m on your side. do you understand? i’m on your side.
this is why i don’t date.
i could do my job really well if you’d just tell me what is going on.
that’s the only reason why you are here. that’s the only reason why you could be.
thank you. now get the hell away from me, and leave me alone.
i made you want to die, and i am sorry about that. i’m not proud of that. i’m not. but i’d like to help you now, if you’d let me.
i think that love allows for forgiveness.
i never took you for the “hell hath no fury” type.
he’s good. he has you in the palm of his hand. you’re being played.
how bad is this for you? there’s no shame in saying you can’t handle this.
you and i aren’t friends anymore. don’t come here again.
i want to keep this baby.
i left you because i wanted to leave you. i left you because i don’t love you anymore.
you keep asking me what i want. i want them all to burn for this.
that’s who you are. you are the gladiator. i would gladly follow you over a cliff. but you’ve gotta show up. you don’t get to pick and choose when the real you walks through that door.
i don’t know what’s going on, or what’s happened to you, but i know you have your stuff you don’t talk about. i know that. but something’s going on with you, and i’m sorry about that. i am, but that doesn’t mean you get to stop being who you are.
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lokascn · 3 years
* soft family things
‘ i love you so, so much. ’
‘ stop putting your head down in my house. you know my rule. it’s all love and all pride in this house. ’
‘ lost things have a way of turning up. ’
‘ watch your mouth. ’
‘ not so fast. you still have some vegetables left. ’
‘ very funny. ’
‘ i think you’re due for a haircut. ’
‘ come on. bedtime. ’
‘ and when were you going to tell me? ’
‘ i’m glad you came into my life. ’
‘ you were talking in your sleep. ’
‘ come here. i’ll fix it. ’
‘ this show sucks. ’
‘ mom/dad, can we go home now? ’
‘ you forgot something. ’
‘ can we stay like this for a little while? it’s nice. ’
‘ hot chocolate helps. and good company. ’
‘ you’ll feel better once you take your medicine and have a nap. ’
‘ close your eyes. it’s a surprise. ’
‘ it’s good to have you home. ’
‘ i’m not angry with you, just disappointed. ’
‘ your shoe’s untied. ’
‘ i missed this. ’
‘ hey, hey. sit down. deep breaths. ’
‘ will you tuck me in? ’
‘ go to your room and stay there until you’ve calmed down. ’
‘ i heard crying. i got worried. ’
‘ don’t use that tone with me. ’
‘ well, i love you more. ’
‘ just focus on my voice. that’s it. you’re okay. we’re okay. ’
‘ this movie is too scary. turn it off. ’
‘ how long have you been sick? ’
‘ don’t play with your food. ’
‘ i’ll stay right here until you fall asleep. ’
‘ don’t even think about going outside without your coat. ’
‘ i’m not asking you, i’m telling you. ’
‘ you can pick the story tonight. ’
‘ everyone needs somebody. we got each other. ’
‘ you call that a hug? ’
‘ i was the same way when i was your age. ’
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lokascn · 3 years
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starter call! like for a starter from this asshole.
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lokascn · 3 years
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭  \  sentence starter pack,  i.  feel free to change wording  \  pronouns as you see fit. 
don’t go. 
please, don’t go. 
it hurts. 
this hurts. 
we can’t be friends. 
you shouldn’t be here. 
stay here with me. 
it doesn’t feel like you care. 
i can’t feel your heart. 
i’m so alone. 
i need you here, with me. 
there’s nothing left. 
we’re up in flames, the both of us. 
it all comes crashing down. 
i don’t know what to do. 
you won’t go with me? 
why don’t you stay here? 
i’m going alone.
my heart’s broken. 
they broke your heart. 
where did this come from? 
how did you get this scar? 
who is {name}? 
what are you saying? 
i shouldn’t have come here. 
it’s like we’ve become strangers. 
who hurt you? 
who did this to you? 
please, don’t ignore me.
please, say something. 
is there something i should know?
i’m not leaving you here. 
you can’t do this to me. 
after all that we’ve been through… 
there’s something you need to know. 
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lokascn · 3 years
mythicthings​ → frigg
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‘ i said i thought it was a terrible idea.  i didn’t say i didn’t think we should do it.  doesn’t your father speak fondly of his adventures on muspelheim with my father?  it is all papa ever speaks about,  and if we leave at nightfall,  they will hardly notice that we are gone.  i have been studying pathways between worlds,  and i think i can open a portal just long enough for us to slip away.  come on.  with surtur dead,  it can hardly be dangerous. ’     //  @lokascn​
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a low noise rumbles in his throat, that he finds the whole thing disagreeable is becoming apparent before he even speaks. ‘ i think it’s clear enough that we shouldn’t do it. ’ he laughs, rolling her eyes, ‘ as my father tells it, thor dragged him to muspelheim against his will. just as you now drag me with the threat of my aunt’s wrath should you die without me there. ’
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lokascn · 3 years
brvesouls​ → aunt sif
              „I HAVE CONSIDERED IT.“ Replied said with a laugh to her words; shaking them with amusement as she picks up her son, who just growls at her like the bear he is pretending to be. The dirt on his clothes had been noticed; the dirt sticking to his face and hands, too. A SIGH ESCAPING HER as she turned to her nephew; her son resting against her hip in a tight (but not too tight) grip that he could not escape again. HOPEFULLY.
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              “He does not like baths nor does he want to speak. HIS FATHER has planted the idea in Björn’s head, that he is indeed a small BEAR. – And what might sound adorable at first, can become quite the challenge when you are the one left trying to teach A BEAR manners and hygiene.”
‘ perhaps a yule gift then. ’ he smiles, leaning back against the counter top. his aunt’s kitchen is cozier than the ones back home, without servants running about, preparing meals for every palace occupant. he likes it, it is peaceful, and it is beyond him why his cousins do not spend more time here. ‘ keep this one tied to your hip. ’
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‘ well, perhaps my dear uncle should spend a day on his own with him. teach him a lesson. ’ a laugh passes through his lips, ‘ vali is grown and still has yet to understand manners and hygiene. it may take some time. ’ 
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lokascn · 3 years
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“I look into his eyes, I see myself. Do you expect me to love that?”
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lokascn · 3 years
okay but i need to make a post about how narvi is most certainly a womanizer or at the very least a heartbreaker despite how much he’s still angry at his father for hurting his mother
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lokascn · 3 years
“The Strokes” - Sentence Starters [Part 2]
Send a sentence in my inbox for my muses reaction to yours saying that to them.
“ I don’t see it that way. ”
“ I’m not like that. ”
“ I say the right things, but act the wrong way. ”
“ I like it right here, but I can’t stay. ”
“ The joke’s on you - this place is a zoo. ”
“ You’re right, it’s true. ”
“ Everything’s just great. ”
“ I just can’t remember. ”
“ Can’t you see I’m nervous? ”
“ Pretend to be nice. ”
“ I try, but you see… It’s hard to explain. ”
“ Oh, maybe someday you’ll know. ”
“ Thanks my friend, thought that we was dead. ”
“ Well I don’t care, ‘cause it’s free. ”
“ I hope it’s you who set this trap. ”
“ But, to me, it’s all the same. ”
“ I lost my page. Again. ”
“ I know this is surreal… ”
“ Believe me, this is a chance. ”
“ Leave me alone. ”
“ I’m in control. ”
“ Just take it or leave it. ”
“ Enough is enough. ”
“ He/she’s gonna let you down. ”
“ I can’t go back. ”
“ I want to be forgotten. ”
“ I don’t want to be reminded. ”
“ Please don’t make this harder. ”
“ Oh dear, is it really all true? ”
“ Life ain’t chess. ”
“ You don’t miss me, I know. ”
“ He/she seemed impressed by the way you came in. ”
“ Tell us a story; I know you’re not boring. ”
“ You’re not trying hard enough. ”
“  You sound so sleepy. ”
“ You sound so angry. ”
“ Just calm down, you found me. ”
“ I’m not your friend, I never was. ”
“ Yeah, I know you warned me… But this is too important. ”
“ Why can’t you wait? ”
“   ”“   ”“   “ Fuck goin’ to that party. ”
“ Alright, let’s go, you convinced me. ”
“ I won’t try to control you. ”
“ Friday nights have been lonely. ”
“ I’ll be right there. ”
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lokascn · 3 years
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starter call! like for a starter from this asshole.
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