lokean-witch-blog · 6 years
Search Engine Optimization is no rocket science
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So you have completed your website, great! Now how are you going to attract visitors? If you do not let them know you’re there, your visitors will never find find you. How are you going to sell products when users don’t know that you exist? SEO will make your website noticeable on the internet, and this small guide will help you bring targeted visitors to your website.
Optimize your website
The most important part of your website is quality content. Search engines (such as google) will crawl your content and index it into a database. If your content does not match the product you are selling, you will not attract targeted visitors. It is therefore very important that you choose your (key)words very carefully. For instance, if you sell calculators on the internet, make sure you mention the words calculator, calc, math and more calculator related words on your website. However, be careful not to mention the words too often, or search engines might think your website is spam, which will result in a very low rank (search engine position) within the search results.
Link building
When more websites link to your site, the more attention you will get from search engines, which results in higher ranking. When you create and receive links from other websites to your website, make sure important keywords are used as anchor keywords in the hyperlink. If you sell calculators online, use a link such as; “buy calculator” instead of “click here”.
Target your audience
Leave your link on website where your potential customers meet, for instance forums or discussion boards related to your website. Do not spam your website as this will be noticed by crawlers and will eventually result in a blacklist entry.
Offline targeting
Be sure to market your website offline as well. Advertise in local newspapers, tell everyone about your website, etc.
Add a sitemap to your website When you want search engines to crawl your entire website, the best thing to do is adding a sitemap to your website.
Make sure searchbots can read your website Searchbots can only read plain text.websites. No matter how beautiful your flash animation is, searchbots cannot read the content inside that animation. Therefore, try to avoid Flash animations on your website when there is content involved. Same story goes for JavaScript.
Do NOT use frames
Never use frames to design your website! Lots of search engines simply skip webpages with frames since they are a difficult to be seen apart from each other by visitors. For instance, if your framepage would consist of menu.html and content.html and your visitor would land on content.html, he would not have a menu to navigate through your website.
Stay away from bad neighbourhoods and don’t spam!
Do not be tempted into leaving your link on abandonned guestbooks, forums or spam your link on every website you can find. Do not exchange links with spammy websites (such as pharmacy websites) either. The risk exists that google will classify your website as a spamsite and will block your website from any search results.
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
LinkBuilding for SEO On A New WebSite
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Ah, the joys of link building and search engine optimization. If you have a new site, here is a tip that you might want to consider. Then again, you may just want to pitch it.
LinkBuilding for SEO On A New WebSite
Linkbuilding for seo simply refers to an issue known as relevancy. When ranking sites in search engine results, Google tends to list the site that is the most relevant. There are a lot of factors that go into determining relevancy, but the number of other sites linking to yours is one of them. This is why a site like the one for the IRS is high in search results for tax issues even though it does not trade links per se. Ideally, you want only inbound links from other sites that are relevant to the subject of your site. If you have a plumbing site, you want links from other plumbing or home improvement sites. 
Despite all the junk email you receive, links from casino and pharmacy sites are not going to help the rankings for your plumbing site. They will hurt the rankings because they are not relevant. When building links to your site, Google favors a slow, steady increase in links. If you want top rankings on Google, you should follow this mantra with one exception. If you have a new site, you need not be a slave to this approach. As you probably know, new sites are not ranked by Google. Instead, your site will sit for six months or so in the much discussed Google sandbox. Given this fact, you really don’t need to worry about Google for the same period of time when it comes to your links. Google isn’t going to rank you anyway, so picking up the pace isn’t really a problem. With a brand new site, I prefer to create as many legitimate, relevant links as possible as soon as possible. The reason is I find it beneficial to start aging the links as soon as possible. 
Links to your site tend to grow in value the longer they exist on another site. From my point of view, why not maximize the number as quickly as possible? It isn’t like it is going to hurt your rankings on Google. You aren’t going to have any! In taking this approach, I am not suggesting that you purchase links, use link farms or so on. I am just suggesting that you maximize your link trading efforts immediately to build up as many links as possible and get the aging process rolling. As you approach month four in the sandbox, you can start scaling back your efforts to a more slow and steady approach. Its worked for me.
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
Ideas For Internet Marketing
The internet has transformed business marketing. No matter what you do, the internet is likely to be at the heart of your marketing strategy. Travis Beauchesne will demonstrate to you a couple of ideas that you can apply to empower lead following from the internet Marketing.
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
Seo content writing
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
Long Tail Pro platinum
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How to create Pdf Backlinks and rank like the pros
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
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25 Tips to get more traffic Free E-Book
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
Magic Submitter #1 backlink builder 2017
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
Tips For Better Search Engine Optimization
If you own or hope to own a website, one of the first things you’ll learn is how important it is to be ranked high in search engines. There are many multiple methods you can use to enhance your search engine ranking, and while none of them are the “magic bullet”, hopefully there are a few ideas that can help your journey.
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Before you begin, educate yourself on what search engine optimization is. Search engines use algorithms for determining where your site is ranked for specific keywords. These algorithms are based on the information search engine spiders find as they visit your site, and then navigate through each page, termed “crawling”.  All this data is accumulated then run through a complex algorithm to determine how to rank a particular page.
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There are multiple methods that search engine use to rank your site, and while that information is discussed, no one except the search themselves, know the exact formula. As they visit your site, they’ll take a long look at the content (is it relevant to the keywords), they’ll also measure the time it takes a page to load, internal linking and other factors such as social signals.
You need to realize that your rankings in the search engines will happen over a period of time, slowly but surely. Always continue looking for ways to make your site work better with search engine bots. One thing you must do is to put keywords in the titles and text on your site.
10% Ranking increase
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You usually can’t improve a website’s ranking on search engine results by trying to purchase a higher rank. While PPC is a means to an end and could (assuming you spend enough money) get you on the front page, the beginner should steer clear of these methods.
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Keywords and phrases are just one way you can optimize your site. Establishing links between your website and others and within your site itself will help. An excellent technique to have other sites link to your site is to trade your link for theirs.
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The net works on traffic (or visitor) but there is more to it than that, if the visitor is targeted (meaning interested in what you have to offer) the traffic is wasted.  Most site will get their share of random traffic, but it’s difficult to see positive returns from these.  The smart website owners (and conversely SEO company) will look at the product and/or service you are offering, then consider the demographics associated.
A well-thought out website is essential for all businesses to thrive in today’s technological age. 
If you want to build a strong online client base, you need a website. However simply having a website is a bit of a misnomer, having a quality website is actually much closer to the correct definition.
To have a quality and effective website, you can either learn to do it yourself or contract with a SEO company to do the work for you.  And should you decide on an SEO company, be sure to ask for reference or read testimonials from past clients.  
The importance of Web 2.0
Having your website ranked well, is much too important to be left to chance.  Just as the net is evolving with Web 2.0, so too are the search engines, each day they learn more about how to properly rank a website, based on performance, content and links, make sure your SEO company of choice, knows how the game is played.
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Automated ads http://bit.ly/2skd0pZ
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
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lokean-witch-blog · 7 years
Tips For Better Search Engine Optimization
If you own or hope to own a website, one of the first things you'll learn is how important it is to be ranked high in search engines. There are many multiple methods you can use to enhance your search engine ranking, and while none of them are the "magic bullet", hopefully there are a few ideas that can help your journey.
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Before you begin, educate yourself on what search engine optimization is. Search engines use algorithms for determining where your site is ranked for specific keywords. These algorithms are based on the information search engine spiders find as they visit your site, and then navigate through each page, termed "crawling".  All this data is accumulated then run through a complex algorithm to determine how to rank a particular page.
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There are multiple methods that search engine use to rank your site, and while that information is discussed, no one except the search themselves, know the exact formula. As they visit your site, they'll take a long look at the content (is it relevant to the keywords), they'll also measure the time it takes a page to load, internal linking and other factors such as social signals.
You need to realize that your rankings in the search engines will happen over a period of time, slowly but surely. Always continue looking for ways to make your site work better with search engine bots. One thing you must do is to put keywords in the titles and text on your site.
10% Ranking increase
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You usually can't improve a website's ranking on search engine results by trying to purchase a higher rank. While PPC is a means to an end and could (assuming you spend enough money) get you on the front page, the beginner should steer clear of these methods.
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Keywords and phrases are just one way you can optimize your site. Establishing links between your website and others and within your site itself will help. An excellent technique to have other sites link to your site is to trade your link for theirs.
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The net works on traffic (or visitor) but there is more to it than that, if the visitor is targeted (meaning interested in what you have to offer) the traffic is wasted.  Most site will get their share of random traffic, but it's difficult to see positive returns from these.  The smart website owners (and conversely SEO company) will look at the product and/or service you are offering, then consider the demographics associated.
A well-thought out website is essential for all businesses to thrive in today's technological age. 
If you want to build a strong online client base, you need a website. However simply having a website is a bit of a misnomer, having a quality website is actually much closer to the correct definition.
To have a quality and effective website, you can either learn to do it yourself or contract with a SEO company to do the work for you.  And should you decide on an SEO company, be sure to ask for reference or read testimonials from past clients.  
The importance of Web 2.0
Having your website ranked well, is much too important to be left to chance.  Just as the net is evolving with Web 2.0, so too are the search engines, each day they learn more about how to properly rank a website, based on performance, content and links, make sure your SEO company of choice, knows how the game is played.
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Automated ads http://bit.ly/2skd0pZ
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