londongarden1 · 4 years
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Feather Edge Fence
Providing garden fencing at different style of feather edge, fencing panels in affordable prices. We would advise this style of fence to anyone that needs a panel to exceed 6ft in width. All feather edge are made from quality timber and can be used with wooden posts or concrete posts.
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 4 years
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Garden Tidy Services Winchmore Hill
Best Garden Services provider at Winchmore Hill specialize in garden clearance service that will help you to get the clear garden back under control. We will give your garden designing a general tidy up.
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 4 years
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Garden Maintenance Services
We provide a comprehensive range of garden maintenance services including shed and fence treatment, garden repairs, garden equipment servicing, snow clearance, etc.
Our maintenance includes:
1. General weeding and digging of flower beds and borders
2. Clearing of leaves and normal debris
3. Clearing pathways and paved areas
4. Cutting the lawns and trimming of edges and alternate cutting to provide strength the roots of the grasses
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Garden Maintenance Services
We can supply and build your perfect garden path, whether it’s a traditional rustic or modern contemporary style such as stepping stones, planks and wedges to create unique pathways and circle as well as fantastic features such as Octagons, Circle and Corner Paving Kits.
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
VISIT https://www.londongardenservices.com/Landscaping/Paving/20.html
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Picket Fence London
Made of high quality timber, this style of fencing we can only fit with wooden posts.
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Trellis Fencing London
A garden trellis is an excellent way to support plants and flowers while adding structure and cheap rate, attractive model trellis fencing we can offer you at London garden services, Romford, Winchmore Hill.
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Why use Trellis Fences for your Gardens?
Are you using the most versatile style of fencing? The architectural beauty when added into your garden would transform your garden space into paradise. It is very common nowadays to opt for at least two panels of Trellis Fences for gardens. It is well known for supporting wide varieties of flowering plants, fruits and vegetables-mingling both the synthetic and the nature together. It would also come so many designs that can give the desired look to your garden. Trellis to support Climbers It is the most commonly attached benefit with Trellis Fences that it would let beautiful creeper plants to grow over them. The visible attraction of supporting climbers has a whole range of subtle benefits like fragrance, eatables, etc. Trellis as Garden Boundary If you are someone who would keep your properties intact, this is the subtlest option available to create that boundary. They also have an added advantage that it could be raised to any height which would help you garden look more beautiful as well as your privacy could be preserved. And if your front garden needs a little protection from your house dog from walking into them and crushing your flowers down, trellis which are shorter could do the trick. Trellis Dividers for Areas in the Garden There is no better option for your garden to create boundary by not blocking the free circulation of air and light in comparison to the block walls. It is the most ideal option for dividing the areas in the garden. Create a partition between your flowers and your vegetable patch which would enhance the look as well as function in the best way. Trellis Arches on the Pathways It would be wonderful to place an arch on your pathways which leads to a special area in the garden. And to add to its make sure they are adorned with flowering creepers all over. Garden is the space where you spend the most special moments of the day to relax and rejuvenate. Hence, make it special and accessorize with Trellis Fences today.
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Why Early June is the Best Time of Year to Pave New Asphalt Driveway?
You have seen construction workers paving roads, parking lots and driveways throughout the year, but there is definitely a right time and a wrong time of the year to install a new asphalt driveway. The best temperature for paving asphalt is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. For most people in the UK, this would come around late May or in early June.
What are the things to consider when paving Asphalt?
1. Check for Temperature
Paving a new Asphalt Driveway depends on the temperature and this can be varied depending on where you live.
The temperature will get closer to 70 degrees Fahrenheit earlier in the year for the warmer southern states, while those in cooler regions might have to wait for the summer. These temperature guidelines hold true whether you are installing a new driveway or overlaying Hot Mix Asphalt on an existing surface.
If you are working with Hot Mix Asphalt, you can certainly pave your driveway in cooler temperatures, but you will have a limited timeframe.
Temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees aren’t ideal for laying asphalt, but it is possible. Consult with a contractor if you must pave your driveway in these temperatures.
2. Depth of Asphalt
Temperature is important when laying asphalt, but the depth of your driveway is just as crucial. A surface coat of 1 1/2 to 2 inches is usually enough for most driveways. It’s also very easy to achieve that depth with Hot Mix Asphalt.
Installing a new driveway or completely replacing an existing driveway will obviously require a little more work. Ideally, you should have 6 inches of gravel compacted in 3-inch lifts for a sub base, 3 inches of new asphalt, 1.5 inches of 3/4 inch binder topped off with the aforementioned surface coat.
3. Regular Maintenance
It’s also important that an asphalt driveway undergo regular maintenance throughout its lifespan. It should be sealed at least every few years, and any cracks you see should be patched up as soon as possible. Asphalt won’t crack as easily as concrete, but no surface is indestructible.
4. Call for Maintenance Help
Finally, never hesitate to call a Paving Contractor if you don’t know exactly what to do when paving your driveway. Laying a new asphalt driveway is a big undertaking, and while Hot Mix Asphalt does make the job easier than it has in the past there are always things that can go wrong. If you want to make sure that your new driveway is installed safely and correctly, take the time to find a good contractor in your area.
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Driveways Services North London
London Garden Services providing paving and driveway services across London. We offers variety of driveways like tarmac driveways, wooden driveways and more.
 Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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This is a decorative style of fencing which is made of high quality timber, this style of fencing can be fitted with wooden posts & concrete. 
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Garden Maintenance North London
We provide complete garden maintenance and treatments like lawn care, hedging, pruning, garden weed control, turfing, garden tidy across London area.
Visit https://www.londongardenservices.com/Gardening/Garden-Maintenance/10.html
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Top Garden Maintenance Tips for the UK Spring
It is the best time to explore the city’s parks, commons and city farms, as nature awakens once again and days get longer. And, you know what that means! Now’s the perfect time to get started on your Spring Garden Cleaning and maintenance. While you’re at it, here we share with you some of the Top Spring Garden Maintenance Tips to help to get started: 1. Clean-up the Area: Get around your yard and pick up the litter, dog waste, and larger plant debris (like fallen branches) left behind over the winter. Be sure to use a pair of gloves and beware of broken glass. Leaving debris on your lawn long after the snow has melted can prevent new, healthy grass from growing in.
2. Prepare the Soil:
Once the snow is all gone, prepare your soil. A nutrient-rich, well-drained, weeded, and loosened (non-compacted) soil is very important for a garden to grow at its best. Take the time to enrich your soil with quality compost or other organic matter before you plant each spring if you want to boost your soil’s fertility and your garden’s production. Mulch (like leaves, straw, and hay) also adds valuable nutrients to the soil and will cut down significantly on your need to weed. 
3. Rake your Lawn: 
You may have thoroughly raked your lawn before the winter to prevent snow mould. But giving it another good rake once the snow melts will help get rid of any remaining dead leaves, twigs, and pine-cones and help keep your lawn nice and healthy going into the spring. 
4. Clean-up Garden Beds:   Use a pair of scissors or small garden shears to remove dead leaves and stalks from perennial plants and ornamental grasses, and pull out any dead annuals you plan to replace. You could also fertilize more established perennials by laying down some compost around the roots.
5. Inspect your Tools: It’s a good idea to carefully inspect your landscaping tools (like your lawnmower, and your hedge trimmer) and clean them up before growing season hits in full force. Make sure all blades are sharp and rust-free, look for cracks and other signs of wear in visible belts, and if everything looks like it’s in good shape, swap out used oil for new oil and follow the maintenance directions in the owner’s manual. 
6. Prune Trees and Shrubs: Prune dead branches from shrubs and trees. Get expert help in Garden Clearance as you need to be careful about trimming and shaping live branches on flowering shrubs and trees. If you cut off living buds, they won’t bloom nicely in the spring.
Now, do you want your garden tools, seeds and accessories in one place? Installing a garden shed this spring is a better choice. Get our experts help in learning what’s involved in installing a new shed and install a garden shed at a better price.   These are just a few of the steps you can take to get your property ready for the summer during this season. If you’re not sure what else needs to be done, consider seeking professional advice from a professional landscaping company like London Garden Services.
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Gardening Services London
We provide professional gardening services at London, UK. We are offering landscaping, gardening, garden fencing, driveway cleaning, garden maintenance etc. with your budget.
Contact Us 020 8292 0949
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Driveways Services Winchmore Hill
London Garden Services providing paving and driveway services across London. We offers variety of techniques including blocked paving, pattern imprinted concrete and resin bonding. Why not contact us today for a free no obligation quotation 07932 508 038.
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Best Garden Maintenance Job you can do in January 2019
It's the time for hard winter which is really bad for the plants and trees. The best garden maintenance job you can do at this time of the year is pruning the trees, especially the fruit trees. 
When talking about fruit trees, the ideal fruit trees for Londoners is apricots and figs. Cherries are great and have pretty blossom. Pruning Trees in winter Winter pruning can be done for Apple and pear trees. The first ones to prune are apple trees. Actually, you don't need to prune apple trees. But, to keep them in a manageable size (i.e., to easily pluck the fruits), and to maintain its health and make it fruit producing, it's advisable to cut short some of its branches very lightly. Pruning in this way every year can easily keep the tree to a manageable size and get fruits every year. Winter pruning is best carried out when the tree is dormant between leaf fall and bud burst (usually between November and early March). You can also lightly prune in late summer to reduce new growth and encourage fruit buds to develop. How is pruning done? At first, a structural pruning can be done to maintain the shape and size of the tree and to keep a good balance of older branches that form the main framework, and new fruiting wood.
Start by removing crossing, rubbing, weak, dead, and diseased, damaged and dying branches. To do the pruning effectively, always use sharp secateurs, loppers and a pruning saw. If it requires expert help, call on London Garden Services.
How pruning helps trees?
The aim is to produce a tree that has an open centre to increase air circulation and reduce fungal diseases, with a framework of evenly spaced branches that will produce blossom and fruit every year.
What are the things to avoid in pruning?
Don’t prune off too much as that will result in vigorous growth and fewer or no fruits.
Carefully prune to thin out crowded branches and any thin twiggy branches in the centre of the tree.
Prune a little, stand back to look at the shape and balance before pruning out any more – and don’t rush!
Things to Take Note
When pruning your apple trees in the winter you may notice signs of apple canker on the stems.
Lichens and other growths are also noticeable in winter; these are not damaging to the tree but can indicate low vigour.
Trees can suffer cold damage in winter and spring, which may affect fruit production. Be aware of the biennial bearing where a year of bumper cropping is followed by a year of poor cropping.
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londongarden1 · 5 years
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Flower Bedding London
London garden services at Winchmore Hill can help you make flower bed design it's so feminine and very fancy. The beds should complement your home, not compete with it, and should tie your landscaping and home together with nature.
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londongarden1 · 6 years
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What is the best fencing choice for the London Winter?
Winter can be the best time of the year for you to install a fence at your backyard as long as the ground isn't frozen and if it's the right time for you. Although fencing can be done in any season, there's no reason to leave winter out.
Take advantage of the off-season
The winter can prove incredibly challenging even for ardent outdoor workers, but there is a chance for you to use it to your advantage. Being well into the off-season, many fencing suppliers see a drop off in business during the winter. If you’ve just moved home, for example, and the spring or summer seems too long to wait, you might find it easier to arrange for your dream fencing project in the less frantic winter period.
How can cold weather be a Villain for Fences?
The cold climate also brings in many challenges for fences as it can affect the fencing material, causing it to break down or become fragile. The most common type and a cheaper fencing option is wood. But, the hard winter affects wood badly as the humidity content of the air will cause the wood to shrink. Periods of wet and then periods of dry weather can cause cycles of shrinking and expanding for wooden fences that will push fasteners like nails and screws out of the fence, and can cause boards and rails to come loose. Some materials, like vinyl fencing, are made of a material that doesn’t absorb water. Yet, as temperatures drop plastics enter a glassy state and become more brittle, making them prone to snapping upon sudden impacts. This makes PVC a less-than-perfect choice for fencing in a cold climate. What Material Makes the Best Fencing for Cold Climates? So what fencing material does do well in cold weather? From a purely structural standpoint, metals are the best material for cold weather fencing. The molecular structure of metals doesn’t absorb water, so they’re not as vulnerable to moisture-based swelling and shrinking. That’s not to say that water can’t work its way inside a metal fence, or that metal doesn’t contract. But water simply doesn’t saturate metals in the same way it does for wood.
There are a couple of fencing options that take advantage of this: ·        Wood fences with metal posts have wooden pickets that are subject to the same water absorption and other problems as your average wooden fence. But by not depending on wooden posts to hold them up, the structure of these fences is sounder and lasts longer. A wood fence with metal posts usually stays up through at least a few winter.
Steel fences with steel top rails, pickets, and posts are a good option to withstand the winter. No parts of steel fences are prone to water absorption, but water can collect in joints and around fittings. It is very rare that expansion or contraction problems affect these fittings, but it can happen. Typically, steel fences have spaced pickets that allow strong winds through, making them good fences for windy areas such as the Great Plains and the coasts. Aluminium fences share many of the same properties as steel ones. They, too, are built with an eye toward the “wrought iron” look. These fences, however, are a lot lighter than their steel counterparts, and easier to install. Depending on the quality of the fence, aluminium fences can be more prone to denting and bending than steel is. A more critical winter issue is galvanic corrosion, in which a high salt environment (like an area near a salted road in winter) creates a reaction between the steel fittings and the aluminium fence, causing the aluminium to corrode. If you're looking for a fencing option that can withstand many of the challenges of winter weather, then go for the above choices. Or, if you prefer a better choice with preference to aesthetics, there are other choices but with weathering issues. While a wooden fence on metal posts can stay up through winter, its handsome youth will likely be short-lived. The wood fibres of the pickets are forced apart by repeated expansion and contraction throughout the winter, forming areas where mold and rot can take hold. On lower-quality metal fences, the protective coating may crack and flake off as the metal contracts and expands with the temperatures, leaving the bare metal vulnerable to rust. While you protect your backyard with winter-proof fencing, check out on how can you protect your garden during hard winter months.
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