madame-jelly · 2 years
It would make me really happy if everyone told me how they’d imagine the events leading up to Bruno giving Dolores her prophecy
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madame-jelly · 2 years
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Centaurworld is the best animated show ever made, Reason #435
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madame-jelly · 2 years
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madame-jelly · 2 years
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These were quick bc i was doing them as i binged season 2 and so much was going on esp at the end
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madame-jelly · 2 years
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Phillip (Stabby) Bonecrunch’s back must hurt from carrying this entire show (and for other reasons).
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madame-jelly · 2 years
I cannot get over Stabby Centaurworld. Like. He is a literal baby. He is 43 years old. He died twice. He still has a sword embedded in his back at all times. From the time he died twice. Sometimes he pulls it out and stabs people with it then puts it back. He jingles when he runs. He is a hardened war criminal. He is under two feet tall and wears red footsie pajamas. Truly one of the characters of all time
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madame-jelly · 2 years
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when you are feeling sad when life's become too bad i can absorb your grief and numb it all away 🐳
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madame-jelly · 2 years
A cartoon about goofy colorful animal people that sing nonstop really took both our collective kneecaps huh
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madame-jelly · 2 years
Like the line “I am now ready to silence, all of the poison you fed me, thinking I’d never grow wise” FUCK yeah girl End Him
Keep getting emo about the princess. Like what made her different and special and caught the elktaurs attention was her appreciation for centaurworld. She valued the silliness and the bright colors, the singing and the culture, more than any other human we met. She still had her childlike wonder. And as a direct result she got to watch this world she loved so much and her own world destroyed in this endless cycle of slaughter. She’s so hardened and serious now and it was her punishment for having a heart full of love. And not only that!!! The elktaur literally blames her for everything that happened. Probably because he’s a narcissist. He literally says “you made me what I am, but I forgive you.” All the war and death and destruction he blames on her, for fucking existing. A lot of people are complaining that it was wrong for her to kill him, I want him to come back so she can kill him again 😤 fuck this guy
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madame-jelly · 2 years
Keep getting emo about the princess. Like what made her different and special and caught the elktaurs attention was her appreciation for centaurworld. She valued the silliness and the bright colors, the singing and the culture, more than any other human we met. She still had her childlike wonder. And as a direct result she got to watch this world she loved so much and her own world destroyed in this endless cycle of slaughter. She’s so hardened and serious now and it was her punishment for having a heart full of love. And not only that!!! The elktaur literally blames her for everything that happened. Probably because he’s a narcissist. He literally says “you made me what I am, but I forgive you.” All the war and death and destruction he blames on her, for fucking existing. A lot of people are complaining that it was wrong for her to kill him, I want him to come back so she can kill him again 😤 fuck this guy
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madame-jelly · 3 years
I think when Horse finally shoots a tiny version of herself from her hoof it’s gonna be a huge deal
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madame-jelly · 3 years
Hey why is the Beartaur so FUCKING big??? Like most of it seems to scale-ish but durpleton is a giraffe and he’s teeny tiny next to this mf
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madame-jelly · 3 years
As per usual I’m probably overthinking it, but I’m stuck on these lyrics
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That definition, half animal half man things, includes Minotaurs. I’ve been into the 3 worlds theory, since all the portals are triangles and the Minotaurs had to come from somewhere, but I wonder if this is foreshadowing that they’re native to Centaurworld
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madame-jelly · 3 years
The moletaur situation is kind of intriguing to me, specifically with the lyrics to The Underground. Because all signals point to Judge Jacket fully enjoying what she does, except the line “I know it might seem demanding but please understand this is how it has to be, but with a gavel in hand I make you take the stand and I’ll find you guilty”. Did maybe something happen to the Moletaurs during the war that makes them feel like they have to 100% isolate themselves for their protection? Since it seemed like pretty much every shamans community was defined by its struggle in the aftermath of war. She said “don’t have time for those surface ingrates”. Do the moletaurs feel betrayed by something that happened? Like maybe they put their necks out for Centaurworld and the favor wasn’t returned? I hope we learn more about their situation because it raises a lot of questions
And this is more of a stretch, but when Judge Jacket says “when you fall from grace it’s a long way down, and you’ll have to face the ways of the underground” it makes me feel like she’s speaking from personal experience. As a judge and a shaman she’s by far more of a “your grace” than anyone else present. It feels like something not only happened to the moletaur people as a whole, but to her specifically
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madame-jelly · 3 years
Never really understood that part at the end of Fragile Things where they both get quiet? And I just realized it’s because they’re stopped talking to the herd and they’re reassuring themselves. Horse is anxious and telling herself that she’s strong enough to make it back to Rider, and Wammawink is anxious and reminding herself that she needs to be careful
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madame-jelly · 3 years
I saw this post about how cold blooded it was when mystery woman killed the tf out of that lady bug centaur and then painted with her blood?? And I was like yeah >:0!! And then I rewatched episode 2 and to be fair Wammawink fully smooshes tf out of some bugtaur for going NEAR Ched
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