madiladi7 · 5 years
Happy Halloween, Mao Mao!
Hello! This is for a Halloween writing exchange run by @maomaosmother​ ! You should check them out if you’re a fan of the show Mao Mao!
This story was written for @Fireinthered
I also want to tag @shapeshiftinterest on an unrelated note.
Request details: King Snugglemane hosting a haunted house for the sweeties and Mao Mao not believing anything there would be scary but being proved wrong. (The sky pirates should definitely be invited, they don’t even have to be main or relevant characters)
Please enjoy! I hope you like it!
Word count: 2554
The giant, foreboding house looms over the surrounding trees, which pale in comparison despite dwarfing the shack in height. The great trees of the forest outside the town of Pureheart are possibly generations old, yet the structure nestled beside them seems to have surpassed them in age. The wooden body of what once was a dwelling place are rotted and blackened, long abandoned by termites and the like. The old bones of the house creak and moan with every slight breeze that rushes past. The house even sounds like it’s haunted. The window frames don’t even have a trace of glass left in them, not even a shard protruding from the wood. A rotting, ancient looking door, or what’s left of it, stands between the forest and whatever lies in wait inside; it almost looks to be disintegrating, falling apart with every moment that passes. The roof is slanted, filthy and soggy, almost caving into itself with every sagging shingle, several of which are simply missing, gone with time. The sad remnants of a chimney poke out through what remains of the roof, missing most of its stones.
It’s almost hard to imagine that something like this resides so close to Pureheart, a place bustling with life and smiling faces; it’s even harder to imagine how this place is still standing, albeit barely.
And this is where the king has made his haunted house?
“Admit it, dude, this is insanely cool.”
Badgerclops nods in approval, smiling down at Mao Mao, who is clearly not as enthused about all this as he is. Mao Mao seems to be a little more uptight than usual tonight. Maybe because it’s late, or maybe because he’s secretly impressed. Whatever the reason may be, he keeps his eyes forward, glowering at the king’s handiwork.
“-Hah! You think this is scary? Pathetic. Something as cheesy as this could never scare a brave hero, such as myself. King Snugglemane should have spent less time galavanting around and more time putting together something really scary. Isn’t that right, Adorabat?”
...Adorabat doesn’t answer.
Badgerclops and Mao Mao turn around to find Adorabat trembling with… excitement? Her eyes are like stars as she gapes at the decrepit shack. Mao Mao can tell with just a glance that this isn’t going to be a simple patrol after all.
“This… Looks… SO COOL!”
“I know, right? I literally just said that.”
“Now, hold on, Adorabat-”
“Can we go in?! Can we, can we? I wanna see the zombies and ghosts and chainsaws and blood and dentists and-”
Adorabat’s rapid, excitement filled begging are cut short by Mao Mao, hushing her in an attempt to keep the trio on track that night.
“Adorabat, no. We’re on duty, remember? The king just had to build his haunted house in the middle of the forest, which is home to monsters, like a ridiculous amount of monsters. Stay focused.”
Adorabat frowns, most of her excitement wavering with every word that Mao Mao speaks. She wants to see the haunted house, she just can’t help it. Her little heart is set on enjoying herself tonight.
“Come on, Mao, it’s Halloween, let her have some fun. I can’t think of a better place for a five year old than a disgusting house in the middle of the woods. Look at her, she wants it so bad.”
At this point, Adorabat breaks out her secret weapon, which also happens to be Mao Mao’s greatest weakness: The puppy-eyes. Her giant eyes sparkle with faint tears in the moonlight. Badgerclops and Mao Mao both feel like they’ve been punched in the gut with cuteness. It’s super effective. Mao Mao has lost the will to resist her any more.
Mao Mao pinches the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes tight as he prepares to make a decision he knows he’ll regret. After a long, exasperated sigh, he finally caves. The battle has been won.
“...Fine, fine. You can go through the king’s haunted house.”
Adorabat almost explodes with happiness as all of her previously lost excitement returns to her. She takes flight, squealing her thanks to Mao Mao and Badgerclops as her little wings carry her to the entrance. She quickly disappears into the darkness.
Badgerclops’ triumphant smile wavers as he glances at Mao Mao, noticing the worry written all over his face. Mao Mao is pretty good at hiding his worry or fear, but Badgerclops is even better at seeing through his facade. To Badgerclops, Mao Mao is like an open book. Besides, he isn’t as good at looking brave as he thinks he is.
“...I wouldn’t worry about it, man. All the monsters sleep at night anyways.”
“We still have to be vigilant, Badgerclops. We go to sleep at night too, and look at us now, still awake and wandering through the forest at an ungodly hour... I don’t want Adorabat to be scared either. Plus it’s way past her bedtime.”
“That’s what you’re worried about? Mao, she’s tough. Adorabat will probably scare whatever’s in that gross shack. She scares me sometimes.”
Mao Mao chuckles slightly, silently relenting to Badgerclops’ attempts to put him at ease. Maybe this whole ordeal won’t be so bad after all. Despite the fact that Mao Mao would rather be asleep right now, he’s glad that Adorabat is enjoying herself.
“Ah, Sheriff, there you are! What do you think of my beautiful creation? It’s a great success with the Sweetypies! I’m assuming they all love it by all the screaming and crying.”
King Snugglemane giddily approaches Mao Mao and Badgerclops, his luxurious fur blowing gently in the cold October breeze. His cape billows behind him with every step towards the duo. If nothing else, the king certainly knows how to make an entrance (and a haunted house).
“It certainly is something, my liege,” Mao Mao cheesily bows towards the king as he greets him.
“Adorabat went inside a little while ago. I’m sure she’s loving it.”
“Yes, that little one would like something like this, wouldn’t she? Strange one. Anyhow, I’m glad she’s enjoying herself, as she should. I’m glad I happened upon this wretched little place, it’s made the perfect haunted house.”
Mao Mao’s focus on the conversation is broken slightly as Ol’ Blue, accompanied by Penny and Benny, happily walk by. A glimpse of their conversation can be heard from where the three are standing. “I’m so impressed!” Blue merrily states, cueing Penny and Benny to nod vigorously in agreement, still holding hands. Mao Mao’s mood sours considerably after hearing that, following Blue with his piercing eyes until his focus is brought back by Badgerclops’ voice.
“It must have taken sooooooo much work to make your haunted house look this nasty, I could never. Manual labor is the spookiest thing I can think of.”
Badgerclops’ trademark laughter is somewhat interrupted by Snugglemane’s disgust filled sputtering, confusing the two as the king waves his hands dramatically back and forth at them.
“Ew, no. Good heavens, I think not. You two honestly think that I could make something that horrid? Honestly, what do you take me for? I found the house in this condition, of course. How absurd of you.”
Now this intrigues Mao Mao, but mostly concerns him. That can’t possibly be right. He stares in disbelief at the king as a sickening feeling of dread rises in his stomach.
“Wait, you found this place, just like this? That doesn’t make any sense. What is this place? Did somebody live here?”
“Goodness, I don’t know! I was doing my bi-weekly frollicking through the deep dark woods when I stumbled upon this place. It was disgusting and absolutely pitiable, so naturally, it reminded me of you peasants. You folk enjoy romping around in garbage, yes? Anyway, I have no idea where it came from or who it belonged to, though I suppose now it’s mine.”
With a haughty shrug, the king utters a quick goodbye and obliviously goes on his merry way, leaving Mao Mao and Badgerclops in his royal wake. Could Snugglemane really be that stupid? He stumbles on a horrible, broken, abandoned house, and the first thing he does is make it into a tourist attraction, bringing all the Sweetypies to play in it.
Mao Mao can feel his eyes twitch manically, his temper rising with every moment that passes. He was fine with staying out this late at night to ensure everyone’s safety, but that was under the assumption that the king’s haunted house wasn’t a rickety, sagging death trap. It could collapse at any moment!
Mao Mao’s face is now as red as his cape, and his gloved paws are clenched tightly into fists. Badgerclops soon takes notice, a fair amount of worry on his face as well. The two of them seem to be kicked into high gear as a certain realization dawns on both of them at once:
Adorabat is still in that disgusting house.
A loud, droning creak erupts from the building, instantly grabbing Mao Mao and Badgerclops’ attention. They have to get the Sweetypies out of that house.
“Badgerclops, we have to evacuate the haunted house. Those Sweetypies don’t stand a chance.”
“That’s a little intense, but you’re totally right, dude. They’re so clumsy and dumb, they might bring the house down, especially if Pinky’s in there.”
Without another word, Badgerclops’ metal arm transforms into arguably his favorite tool, the megaphone. He takes a deep breath, and then loudly shouts into the megaphone, grabbing the attention of everyone outside of the house.
“Attention! The king’s haunted house is unstable as heck, and you should definitely not go inside anymore, gosh. -Hey, I’m talking to you too, Chubbum, get outta here. It’s past your bedtime, I’m tired and I’m going home.”
The Sweetypies all look pretty disappointed, but begin to disperse and make their way back to town. Badgerclops’ arm hesitantly reverts back to normal as he turns to face Mao Mao, who’s doing a quick head count of the retreating citizens.
“There are still a couple of them inside of the house. Dang it, didn’t they hear the megaphone?!”
Mao Mao’s voice is fast and annoyed, as well as concerned, reflecting his mood incredibly well. He begins stomping towards the building in a huff and Badgerclops wordlessly follows, ducking under the broken door frame as they enter. The two of them immediately start trying to round up more people, but doing so is suddenly much harder.
Compared to the inside of the house, the forest outside is extremely well lit. Even Mao Mao’s cat eyes are having trouble adjusting to the thick darkness that surrounds them, finding it challenging to look ahead more than a couple of feet. The only source of light in the house are the beams of moonlight that shine through the various cracks and holes in the roof.
“Adorabat? It’s time to leave! Adorabat!”
Mao Mao tries calling out to Adorabat, but to no avail. Somehow their voices aren’t carrying through the house, despite being able to hear a pin drop, not to mention the fact that the house has more holes than swiss cheese. Nothing about this house is soundproof, in fact it’s a miracle the walls are still standing.
“Hey, Pinky! Get back here, the haunted house is closed!”
Pinky’s cackling laughter echoes throughout the house as Badgerclops sighs dramatically before chasing after him. A few other giggles are able to be heard along with Pinky’s. Badgerclops is almost completely out of sight as his voice rings through a side hallway leading to the voices.
“I’ll get them, dude. Just find Adorabat so we can get out of here. I’m so tired!”
Before Mao Mao can even protest, Badgerclops is gone, leaving him all along in the darkness. Thankfully, his eyes are starting to adjust, allowing him to see a dark, foreboding hallway just a few feet in front of him. Gulping down his fear, Mao Mao begins to make his way down the hall, further into the inky blackness despite his brain telling him not to. Even so, he carries on, setting aside his uncertainty for Adorabat’s sake.
Mao Mao’s arm hovers over the sword at his side without really knowing why, feeling more and more anxious with every step that he takes. His ears ring with the sound of echoing creaks and groans of the building, making him even more uneasy. His heartbeat pounds against his ribcage as his eyes scan what lies ahead, not that he can see very much of it. He wouldn’t be surprised if this hall turned out to be a dead end. Judging from the state of the rest of the house, rubble or debris could easily be blocking his path.
“Adorabat...! Come on, it isn’t safe in here!”
Mao Mao’s voice comes out sounding kind of pathetic, wavering a bit at the end of his shout, causing his face to contort into a cringe. This silly fear is so unlike him, but whether he likes it or not, an icy dread has filled his body. He doesn’t know what’s come over him, but he does his best to push his cowardice away, straightening up and holding his head up high.
His body almost has trouble moving forward, yet he continues to walk further in, arms gently sliding against the walls to guide him through. He can almost see the end of the hallway, just barely able to make out a different area. A little bit of relief floods his senses; maybe this isn’t so bad. In fact, he’s almost sure now that he’ll stumble upon Adorabat any second now. There’s absolutely nothing to fear, right?
Pure, unfiltered terror fills Mao Mao to the brim as Adorabat jumps out from god knows where, almost causing him to fall to the ground from the surprise. His fur instantly poofs out (more than you’d think was possible) and his pupils shrink into thin black slits, darting from place to place at a ridiculous speed, trying to figure out what’s going on.
Mao Mao slowly regains his composure and bearing on the situation, but not before taking out his sword out of habit and swinging it around haphazardly, screaming in a surprisingly high pitch the whole time, narrowly missing Adorabat with his wild slices. There’s almost no hallway left by the time Mao Mao is done with it, most likely about to collapse from the damage to the structure.
A couple of moments go by, void of any sound or movement whatsoever.
Adorabat doesn’t move.
Mao Mao doesn’t move.
The house even stops creaking for a couple of seconds as the two of them stare at each other.
The sky pirates’ mouths almost hit the forest floor when they see what’s happened to the building they’ve been squatting at. It somehow looks even worse than it did before they left for the night to go scavenging. At least it looked vaguely like a house before! Now it just looks like a heap of gross old wood on the ground, totally irredeemable and inhabitable. It only takes a couple of moments for them to all notice how much trash has been left on the ground as well. Whoever came and trashed their shelter did not care about the environment.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
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madiladi7 · 5 years
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triple voxman idea semi inspired by @jhojuju​‘s AU
fanfiction prompts/ more details on my version under the read more
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madiladi7 · 5 years
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some cupid x joe cuppa and dynamite watkins x carla
cuppa love: that feel when you flirt with the funny dumbass that gets so flustered he boils over
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madiladi7 · 5 years
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mao mao heroes of pure heart halloween gift exchange
for  @mochiislovemochiislife
wish list: fanfic, mischief night, patrol, scary stories leading to fluff, platonic reader x mao
pairing: ended up being badgermao
badgerclops and mao mao holding hands in the woods 
mao’s doing it to protect him from the ghosts
story under the read more
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madiladi7 · 5 years
WATCH this, please! A little salute to a new show that means the world to @weevmo and I.
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madiladi7 · 5 years
💖  Moomin Masterpost 💖
Moomin books
Moomins and the Great Flood
Comet in Moominland
Finn Family Moomintroll
The Exploits of Moominpappa
Moominsummer Madness
Moominland Midwinter
Tales from Moominvalley
Moominpappa at Sea
Moominvalley in November
90′s anime series
Bouken Nikki [Japanese // ep 6 missing]
English [1-78 // eps 53, 54, 69,  77 and 78 missing]
Finnish [eps 1-78]
French [eps 1-78 // eps 8, 14, 16, 17, 30, 31, 65 and 69 missing]
Japanese with English subs [eps 1-26 // 27-78 missing]
Spanish [eps 1-78 // Bouken Nikki 1-19, eps 20-26 missing]
Comet in Moominland
Finnish: part 1 + 2
Finnish with English subs
Japanese with English subs
Spanish: part 1 + 2
Swedish with English subs: part 1 + 2
More shows and movies
Moomin [1968 anime, Japanese, eps 1-51 // eps 52-65 missing]
New Moomin [1972 anime, Japanese, eps 1-52]
Die Muminfamilie: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 [German]
Moomins Fuzzy Felt: English
Moomin and the Comet Chase: German
Moomin and Midsummer Madness: English part 1 + 2, German
Moomin and the Winter Wonderland: English with Arabic subs
Mumindalen [Swedish, eps 1-24]
Moomins on the Riviera: English, Finnish with Korean sub, Japanese
Шляпа волшебника/Magician’s Hat: 1980 / 1981 / 1983 [Russian]
Moomin’s Tale [English, French, German]
I know that there are still a few things missing so please tell me if you find the shows/movies in another language or anything else I might have missed and I’ll add it to the list ♥
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madiladi7 · 5 years
I literally sobbed with joy at seeing this. I dont cry easily, I'm so happy I'm ecstatic. This show will forever be a huggggge part of my life, and to see the most beautiful, emotional scene in the show paired with this song (which is also important to me) had me in tears.
From Paper to Screen
Song: But All I Wanted Was You by Elijah Who
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madiladi7 · 7 years
Heya, Guzma. Gotta say, I'm a fan of your work. vvv practical. uvu My question is: What's your morning routine? Thanks in advance!
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( well shoot. this is why i have to wait until i get a drawing tablet. )
“ first, i wake up. then i, ya know, do what yur’ supposed to do in the mornin’, ya’ dig? yeah. then after thats done, i make myself some breakfast and tapu cocoa, cause, i do that stuff, yo.”, guzma snorts, and fixes his posture, by breakfast he means a bowl of cereal or toast. he doesnt know how to make anything else unless plumeria makes it.
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“ when plum and the grunts wake up, she makes them breakfast, and if im still hungry i pick off what left overs there are. the grunts dont really seem to care, heheh. and thats pretty much it, so, mostly after that i go to my spot or go out n’ find something to mess up.”
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