maladroitbells ¡ 3 years
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
Land Back because the indigenous people and the land evolved together. The Americas (Turtle Island) was NEVER a “virgin”, unused, underutilized landscape. It has always, ALWAYS been cared for, listened to, learnt from by the people who live there. There were trade routes, homes, battlegrounds, grave yards, there were prescribed land fires that shaped the forests and plains. These are only a couple teeny tiny examples.
Land Back because indigenous knowledge is key to restoring ecosystems. And to help us adapt in better ways to the impending changes as our planet warms. If there is hope for our beautiful planet and every being in it (and there is) then it is with anti colonization, indigenous sovereignty and solidarity. The future is Indigenous....
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
If Maria bothers you, why does she bother you?
Is it because she created a newborn army? You better not like Victoria
Is it because she controls land full of unknowing humans? Please dislike the Volturi too
Is it because she’s not a vegetarian? Hope you’re not posting about Garrett
Is it because she drew Jasper into a war? don’t even get me started on the real ass war he was already a part of
Is it because she creates vampires? You better not be a Carlisle stan
I just want you to reflect on why you don’t like a vampire that does vampire shit in a series about vampires. Make it make sense.
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
Friendly reminder that there are 750 Quileute. Seven Hundred and Fifty. Think. For reference- how big was your middle school? (around that, maybe?) I think we tend not to understand how personal their inclusion in Twilight was. Smeyer took advantage of them. She's rich off of them and their culture. She exploited and misrepresented them. Seven hundred and fifty people. She could look each one of them in the eye and apologize in one afternoon and instead, she sits on 125 million dollars as if her hands are tied.
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
i honest to god can't stress how important it is to support authors of colour. white authors are NEVER going to be able to captures the experience of a person of colour in an authentic way and it will be flawed whether they had good intentions or not. support authors of colour because that is where you will get the best rep. if you're looking for good rep of a certain marginalised group and you turn to someone outside of that group for a good, authentic retelling of their experiences you will inevitably be disappointed by the outcome. turning to white people should not be the first thing you do when looking for good diverse rep that is absolutely the last place you should be going
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
ok this has been bothering me for a while bc I love new moon (book and movie) but it really really REALLY bothered me how in the book Bella didn’t go to Harry Clearwater’s funeral with Charlie. Like that feels so disrespectful to me, if my parents really good friend passed away I’d go with them bc that’s tragic and I can’t fathom that pain and handling it alone. Just to be by their side so they know you’re there for them??? But she stays home and I find that odd like I get Alice was there and the whole Edward calling but idk I feel like Bella should’ve went with Charlie. To me that’s the least Bella could do for her father in that moment and especially after having her lil revelation post-cliff diving and Jake telling her Harry had a heart attack.
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
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ms meyer your imagery is allowed to be subtle.
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
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gonna take this moment to remind everyone that “Sherpa” is the name for Himalayan people living on the borders of Nepal and Tibet, and using it as a stand-in for “guide” ain’t the way to go
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
I’m seeing a lot of posts going on about Lebanon, but many of them contain lots of mistakes so I’m going to do my best to share
Here is a post from CNN about the explosion in Beirut today. Here are live updates on the situation (also CNN).
A Twitter thread about why most donations and (all) petitions won’t be very helpful (from someone in Lebanon), including a carrd that summarizes the various crises in Lebanon as well (though I recommend you do your own research on those if possible)
If you can donate to one place make it the Lebanese Red Cross, as they’re not associated with the government and it’s guaranteed that 100% of your money will go towards helping the Lebanese people
Feel free to add anything relevant and factual! Sending all my love and support to the people of Lebanon, may healing and strength find you in this difficult time
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
im finishing midnight sun the same way I started it 12 years ago, hunched over my laptop reading a free leaked copy before s meyer kicks my door down. its called continuity
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
hey since midnight sun is gonna be coming out pretty soon and since, all jokes aside, there are gonna be links to lots of book downloading websites floating around, I just wanna take a moment to remind everyone to NOT use those sites to download ANY other books, especially from authors you actually want to see keep writing. I know it can be super tempting but authors do actually need books to continue selling. if you can’t afford a book then you should 100% check for it at your local library instead!
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
y’all will call maria (the woman who changed jasper) evil and then turn around and call jasper a small baby or whatever the fuck and cry about how he’s innocent when he was a full on confederate soldier while maria used her oppressors to get ahead and survive but y’all not racist tho 🥺✨
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
tbh it takes a village
smeyer wrote the words. she stole the legends. it was her ideology that made it into print. but.
the publishers. senior editors. assistant editors. copyeditors. proofreaders. designers. production managers. literary agent. they ALL looked at these files and said “yep, looks great, steph.”
and this is what we mean when we say that white silence is complicity.
look, as an editor i’ve stumbled across some off-color stuff when working through an author’s files. i’ve changed language without telling anybody, without anybody noticing it in the final product. trust me, shit’s easy to get away with. & so the fact that not ONE person looked at NM & thought, “y’know what? i’m just gonna change this single word right here so we don’t describe leah as being ‘exotic’”,, the fact that not ONE person looked thru breaking dawn & thought, “hm, this internationally bestselling series probably shouldn’t describe the egyptian coven as ‘all looking the same,’” is unacceptable. but it’s a symptom.
stephenie meyer’s twilight is what happens when a person with ingrained racist beliefs writes a series.
twilight’s publication is what happens when a whole bunch of people see something racist and choose to do or say nothing.
twilight’s success is what happens when fans see something racist and ignore it for the sake of their own enjoyment.
my point is that at the end of the day, capitalists gonna capitalist. they go where the money goes. and your money does not have to go to smeyer’s midnight sun. check it out from the library. ”””look at””” a PDF online.
change start with you, with us, & ends with everyone. vote with your dollars. they matter.
P.S. for those of you wondering, smeyer published her series with Little, Brown and Company, child company of Hachette Books.
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
The year is 2035. We’re all actual adults, some of us with kids called Rosalie and Leah, others no longer writing fics about Bella’s bussy. The world is finally at peace.
Out of nowhere the satanic mormon housewife attacks. She announces that she has rewritten New moon from Jacob’s perspective. “Blood crescent”. We riot.
This happens every ten years till Robert Pattinson finally has enough and fights her in a field of snow. He defeats the evil. 100 or so years pass. A child called 8-e:lay (Pronounced Hayleigh) finds an old file, it’s titled “Sunlight” ...the Seth Clearwater story...
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
( • . •)
/ >🚪 you can have a little escapism with twilight
( • - •)
🚪< \ but don’t fucking forget that these real world issues are happening and require your attention and action
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maladroitbells ¡ 4 years
white twilight stans will understand that aro beheading carlisle in bd was an abuse of power and this action was traumatizing to those who bore witness and will understand that in that moment of carlisle’s death the only thing those who witnessed this atrocity could do is retaliate against their oppressors but then not understand why real people protest when real cops murder real Black people in the streets and in their homes without consequence
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