marketinggears22 · 2 years
Google Web Stories- Top SEO Strategies | Marketing Gears
Google Web Items elevates quality journalism by transforming everyday media articles and blog entries into a compelling and interactive journey for your readers. A Google Web Story combines videos, photographs, music, text, and animation to create a captivating story that is broken up into seconds-long segments, making it simple for viewers to jump ahead or return to the portions they’re interested in. Get your google stories by Marketing Gears, the Best Digital marketing agency in Chandigarh.
A travel blog that uses a tale to highlight a travel destination is an excellent example of how to make the most of the Web Stories format. Instead of a two-minute film that may be too long for certain viewers, they may create a five-part Google Web Story that highlights the greatest aspects of the site.
Following are top SEO strategies for creating web stories:
For SEO, content is the first point.
Successful SEO is built on good content. Unique, precise, and valuable content is required to engage your audience.
Metadata creation guidelines.
All you have to do for content is add normal meta titles, meta descriptions, Open Graph tags, rich data, and Twitter cards.
Determine the title.
Web story names should be precise and brief, ideally including no more than 70 characters, and web page titles should be the same.
By connecting to the page, you can add further content in traditional article form. This will be useful for those who want to delve deeper into the intricacies.
Easy and Quick Access
To make online articles more accessible, include ALT text and video descriptions. Make sure you’re using the proper terms and keywords, and that they’re relevant to your content.
Integrate with your website
Integrating your online tales into your website is simple since you are a creator. Any homepage you have can include links to your web stories. It is also a strategy to reach a larger audience.
Marketers will benefit greatly from Google Web Stories since the format offers rich, engaging content that can be leveraged in a variety of ways.
Web Stories, unlike similar social media storytelling strategies, do not have a set timeline or exist just on specific platforms. Contact us today and get the best SEO services in Chandigarh.
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marketinggears22 · 2 years
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marketinggears22 · 2 years
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