martianmoonboy · 3 years
Marie Kondo is full of anecdotes about the weird ass shit that she not only lets people keep but encourages them to elevate in their lives. She says one of her clients ended the process with a bedroom full of vintage pinball machines because what sparks joy in that particular woman was basically sleeping in the middle of an arcade.
Marie Kondo would never make you throw away your weird shit! She wants you to pare down to just your weird shit.
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
"adhd and autism are cousins, of course there's a lot of overlap, and we can come together to bond over shared experiences" and "for the love of GOD just because you have adhd doesn't mean you can speak on the autistic experience" and "not all neurodivergent people are autistic or have adhd and it's important to remember and avoid implying that places where adhd and autism overlap are universal nd experiences" MUST coexist
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
ASPD doesnt make someone evil. Nobody with ASPD deserves to be treat like shit just because they have ASPD. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
I truly couldn't care less about if people use "sociopath" in a derogatory way. seriously.
yes, they shouldn't, but people with ASPD have much bigger issues than Olivia Rodrigo's new song. I haven't seen anyone constantly complaining about the word sociopath even mention the actual issues we face.
issues like:
involuntary hospitalization & poor treatment there
psychiatric abuse
the fact that prison is considered a legitimate treatment for the disorder by many psychiatrists
longer prison sentencing just for having the disorder
being given lifelong institutionalizations over misdemeanors
inability to work for many branches of the government
discrimination in the workplace
if you haven't mentioned any one of these things complaining about the word "sociopath" is entirely performative. actually give a shit about us and our issues, they go well beyond TikTok trends
prosocials reblog this pretty please 😊
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
Just had a fucked up realization. So there is no pharmaceutical medication to treat aspd, and a lot of resources and doctors will tell you there is no effective treatment outside of therapy. And therapy gets expensive, if you are even able to find a therapist that is comfortable treating someone with aspd. So no big conpany can really make money off our suffering the way they do with shoving meds into the hands of people with depression or bipolar disorder. So the next best way to profit off us? Wait till our symptoms get bad enough and then stick us into the prison system.
And I feel like of course this effects poc people with aspd more, how most shit the government deals in does. But every single thing we research to get help always ends on the same bottom line: that people with aspd end up in prison. And thats because they want us to. Aspd is extremely difficult to treat and is a very daunting task for therapists and psychiatrists to tackle. Especially with them becoming somewhat tied to our actions. (Ive had therapists drop me out of fear that id ruin their perfect "record") Pharmaceutical companies cant find a "fix it" drug to charge us for, so they just let us fall through the cracks. Especially those of us in poverty. And we end up losing more and more control over our lives till we have to start doing desperate acts to stay alive and then they just wait for us to mess up and scoop us up and put us in prison where they can finally make money off us.
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
Ok so this has been on my mind for a while but in the song good4u by Oliva Rodrigo, there’s one line towards the end that reads: “Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby / Like a damn sociopath”
And this verse became part of a tiktok trend that follows a much longer trend of calling people sociopaths for doing kind of strange things. Putting the creamer in before the coffee is kinda weird, but it doesn’t make you a sociopath. This trend is ablest towards people with anti-social personality disorder (sociopathy). I’ve seen comments on videos using the trend by people with ASPD saying it’s ablest and hurts them, and praising people who use different parts of the song.
Now to what degree is Olivia Rodrigo responsible for this trend? As stated previously, it’s been a long running theme. The songwriting credits both Olivia and Dan Nigro. While Dan is an adult, Olivia is only 18 and realistically had no control over this becoming a trend. As a result, it’s difficult to say that she is responsible or to blame.
However, considering that it is something that happened and had a very real effect, would it be wise of both to comment on its effect and try to give back to this community? Regardless, of intent, both (even accidentally) contributed to continuing the stigmatization of ASPD. Note that neither deserves harassment, because no one deserves that.
I think more than anything, this is just an example of how much stigma and misinformation there is on personality disorders, and more stigmatized disorders in general, which tend to be portrayed as violent or “crazy” people in the media. I think we as a society have a long way to go for better understanding of mental disorders, which is a shame because people with mental disorders are hurting now. And as a person who was raised on the internet and has seen things like this since forever, it can be discouraging to see how little progress has been made.
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
If you have a Duolingo account, please consider upvoting this request to add Coptic to their language courses.
Coptic is the final stage of the Egyptian language. It is currently endangered, with less than 300 Egyptians speaking it as their native tongue.
It would mean a great deal to indigenous Egyptians in the Coptic community to have our language preserved, and this would be a huge step forward.
If you don’t have a Duolingo account, consider sharing this with those who might. Thank you! <3
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
I have to take my cat to the vet tomorrow morning for an emergency appointment. I think he has an abscess in his lower jaw and I’m not sure how much the visit, treatment, and medication will cost. I’m really nervous cause I’ve never had to take a pet in to get emergency treatment before. If any of you would like to donate to help me cover the possible costs I’d really appreciate it. Below is a picture of his mouth on the left you can see the swelling in his bottom left jaw that makes it difficult for him to close his mouth completely. If anything bad happens to my cat lm not sure what I’ll do I love him so much.
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If you can donate below are my cash app, Venmo and PayPal. I have another donation post set up for my bf so plz specify what the funds are for if you can.
Cash app: $imaniispoor
Venmo: imaniispoor
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
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seeing social media die down about palestine is kind of depressing because not only is the situation genuinely getting worse, but israeli authorities are literally going after journalists so people stop talking about what’s going on
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
Do NOT watch the CW’s live action powerpuff girls show. Y’all constantly do this thing where you hate watch a show and make memes and clips and gif sets, and that’s exactly why so many crappy shows continue to get more and more seasons. When you give it that level of attention, even if you hate the show, you’re helping to keep it on the air.
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
disability advocacy went wrong when it became about inspiration porn and “differently abled” and savants. its incredible that that guy with no legs did a triathlon but your sister with no legs will not and she doesnt need prosthetics or five hour training days to deserve respect and compassion and accommodations. its incredible that that autistic guy can look at a city from a helicopter for an hour and then draw the entire detailed skyline from memory when he lands but your autistic friend cannot and they dont need to have a special Autism Power to deserve respect and compassion and accommodations. 
activism framed around “we are just as CAPABLE” means that when people genuinely are less capable they are left behind. activism framed around “we are just as WORTHY” is fundamental to radical compassion.
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
Why do democratic candidates lie and act like they want to make genuine changes... and then we believe them... over and over...
How it started:
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How it’s going:
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
what some ppl have to realise is that there is a difference between the mental health movement and mental illness acceptance/awareness.
mh movement: practise self care, be mindful, heres study tips, eat well and exercise, stress management in the work place. in other words, its definitely necessary and important, but it is aimed at mentally well and neurotypical people. this alone is not enough.
the goal is acceptance of people with mental illnesses which are long-lasting, not ‘relatable’ for the general population, and have stigma. schizospec/psychotic disorders, dissociative disorders (including DID and OSDD-1b), trauma disorders, personality disorders (clusters a, b & c), and more, must be recognized and de-stigmatized to actually improve things.
unfortunately, there is ableism in the mh movement. that might sound heavily ironic – and it is. it’s ironic and disappointing and upsetting for those who have stigmatized illnesses, because their voices simply are not heard by most people. please, spread acknowledgement of other disorders along with the mh positivity. fight the stigma, and fight the ableism.
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
abuse victims are not responsible for their abuse, for being in pain, and they are not bad people for not being healed. but "hurt people hurt people"? no, people who value lashing out over the sanity of others hurt people. unhealed ≠ abusive. thats excusing abusers and blaming victims at the same time. it is not a moral dilemma to be in pain, dont make it sound like it is. this goes for people with personality disorders, people with ptsd/cptsd, people with dissociative disorders, etc. being in pain doesn't make you abusive. abusing makes you abusive. you are not bad for being in pain. its okay to feel hurt, angry, sad, etc. its okay to be mad forever over being abused. its not stubbing your toe, its being subjected to abuse. its a massive deal and it fucking hurts.
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martianmoonboy · 3 years
OCD is one of those mental illnesses that people show support for until they learn about what fucked up intrusive thoughts result from it. I’ve literally seen someone on here put in their byf “don’t follow if you have OCD with [insert intrusive thought here].
A lot of OCD intrusive thoughts are very terrible sexual ones involving the potential to harm loved ones...except these thoughts make YOU suffer, not other people. They aren’t true desires and beliefs; they’re called “intrusive” for a reason.
I’ve literally isolated myself out of fear from my intrusive thoughts, assuming I would hurt someone if I got close. So, it’s disappointing, to say the least, that people will think of you as terrible for what your mental illness already makes you feel terrible.
You have legal permission from Death2America Inc. to reblog this so long as you leave no cringe comments, which can result in a lawsuit.
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