Introduction to bikini hair removal
The skin in bikini area is very sensitive and it should be treated very gently. There are many ways of public hair removal. Let me describe which is the best.
Is a very common method of removing hair in bikini line area. Unfortunately it's short-term method and you must repeat it a few times a week. It has many side effects: razor bumps, skin irritations and ingrown hairs. I recommend to try other better hair removal methods.
It's a longer-term solution than shaving. Wax is spreaded over the skin. Paper strip is pressed on the top and pulled off very quick. This is removing wax and hair from root. It won't grow back for 3-4 weeks. But it has a very big drawback - the pain. Waxing is very painful in this area. Luckily there are another better hair removal methods that are not so painful.
Electrolysis and laser hair removal
Electrolysis and laser are permanent hair removal methods. They are turning off hair regrowth mechanisms using electrical current or light pulses. Both methods are permanent and very effective but they are also very expensive (multiple visits required, each visit costs, so you can expect to pay over $1000 for all), time consuming and painful. Fortunately there is a new technology called Thermicon it has all advantages of mentioned methods without flaws.
Thermicon effect - permanent bikini area hair removal at home
Imagine a technology that can interrupt communication between hair root and hair bulge on cellular level. This is shutting down hair growth mechanisms. This effect is created by a thermodynamic wire that is transmitting heat signals into the hair. We are talking about permanent hair removal for a little fraction of price of laser or electrolysis. Without pain, waste of time and in comfort of your home. Currently the best device using thermicon effect is NO NO 8800. Beware of fakes. Like other products, there are fake No No devices being sold. Click here and you will be redirected to the NO NO home site, with special discount, triple guarantee and 60 day risk free trial. Forget about pulling, tearing or scraping, just a slow, smooth glide that gently and easily removes your hair.
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Really loving this video fo this girl. She explains exactly what I want to explain with this tumblr. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I would. 
Post reactions on my twitter account: twitter
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Literally best thing I’ve ever bought. Gonna save me an absolute fortune in waxing and it doesn’t even hurt that much. My legs are so smoooooth :)
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Haha this is the best I have come across
The most painful experience of my life so far? The use of an EPILATOR!!! All the youtube reviews/videos I had watched said the pain was temporary and it amounts to a tickle after a few uses! LIES! I honestly believe getting my tattoo was less painful than epilating! No, I KNOW it was less painful! I didn’t think it hurt at all! But epilating? Goodness gracious! The results are phenomenal, don’t get me wrong… I love the results. They last me about 3-4 weeks before stubble reappears.
I didn’t think I wanted to write about this because it’s so weird/gross/awkward, but I thought I’d write a bit about my experiences for others looking into it… 
I’ve been using my epilator since December now about once every 3 weeks. The amount of pain it inflicts has not changed a bit and it still hurts just as much as the first time. TIP For First Timers: Shave first, then epilate. Repeat epilating daily for the next week. Why do this? Well, epilating is essentially plucking each hair, removing it from the root. If you shave first, this gives you nothing to pluck. Hair doesn’t grow back all at once equally, so when you epilate following a shave, you won’t have as much hair to epilate. Aka… Less pain to go through, little by little, daily until you have epilated all the hair at least once. Afterwards, you’ll be evenly epilated and the hair should grow back MUCH slower. Now you can dive straight into epilating only, no need to buy anymore razors! yay! I’m definitely hoping the pain goes away soon, or at least I get so used to it I “forget.” But I don’t actually think that will happen anytime SOON… maybe in a few months after my hair grows back even thinner, and I’ve been epilating for a long while, but so far, No Pain, No Gain… I have waxed before, but to get results as smooth and long lasting, you really need to go to a salon, and the cost of that… well… a broke college student most definitely cannot afford it! As far as comparing the pain, waxing is obviously faster, but I feel like waxing pain leaves a tingle that lasts even after you finish. Epilating stops hurting the moment you stop. Just like plucking your eyebrows…
All in all, the pain is HORRID. But the results are SO WORTH IT. I’m glad I started now, because by the time summer rolls around, my legs will be smooth on the daily without having to worry about shaving again… EVER! So give it a try if you think you’d rather save money from buying razors, and save time from shaving constantly! I’ll def give an update when Summer begins and let you know if the pain has subsided or at least my pain threshold increases… Let me know if you have questions, I’d be happy to answer them, just inbox me!
smile (^_^)
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Because we cannot get a solution, we will do the next best thing: wild approximations with no justification whatsoever.
Quantum Physics professor, beginning a unit on multi-particle systems (via mathprofessorquotes)
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Amongst all the SUV’s and sportswear at school pick up was this little eye catcher. Not just the bright blue but the white rubbers between the guards. Haven’t seen that before. . . #Perth #vw #Volkswagen #Beetle #bluebeetle #brightblue #veedub https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw67MUCA1bs/?igshid=6mmrxqm21dd0
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hey, everyone! studypetals here.
it’s been forever since i’ve visited tumblr, but i kinda want to get back in the swing of things!
i would love to follow some of you guys, so just like/reblog with tags on what you post/reblog if you’d like me to check out your profile :D
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Ig: fashiionarmys
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