maxiroon · 2 years
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maxiroon · 2 years
Scenes From Atlanta Forest - Defend Atlanta Forest
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maxiroon · 2 years
Friendly reminder that fuck Donald Trump
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maxiroon · 2 years
I am sorry. I’m bashing Apple here. And for good reason.
This is a plea to my followers.
Stop buying Apple products. I know you’ve used them for most of your life, and I know it’s inconvenient to move to a new brand because in most cases, you cannot take your contacts with you on various chat apps.
I know this is inconvenient. I truly do.
But Apple is not the company it was before. There is now no difference between an Apple computer and a Windows computer in terms of graphic design. I know this for a fact. I had to use both in college 20 years ago, and non-apple computers are now generally better for design work than Apple computers.
Most non-apple companies encourage self-repair of your own devices, while Apple refuses it. I also know this for a fact, as I watched Apple computers become slowly less reparable through the late 90s and early 2000s. Where I was once able to do the repairs on our office computers, we had to start sending out our Apple devices because they started gluing things down on their logic boards. Notably the glue they used was not heat-resistant and led to device damage should the heat sink system fail. But they did this because they wanted to dig more money out of their customers.
Apple software is also designed to fail. I cannot believe people are still buying new devices after the scandal where Apple was slowing their phones in order to force people to purchase new versions.
Apple hardware is designed to become obsolete. Motherboards and logic boards are designed to hold exactly what comes attached to them and will fail if upgrade attempts are made.
Apple refuses to work with software developers despite promises of cross-compatibility. One of the very first coding problems I discovered was to discover a gigantic hole in a software program that made a plotter (giant printer) compatible with iOS. This caused a memory leak, leading to necessary resets of the computer after every 2 feet of printing.
I know that it’s not possible for most of you to just throw your devices away and buy a new one. I wouldn’t be able to do that, either. But eventually there will come a time when you have to upgrade, and I encourage you to take the plunge and purchase a non-apple device. I don’t even have a recommendation for you because literally anything is better than Apple. A rock that you write on is better than an Apple phone.
Unfortunately I expect to be shadow-banned on Apple devices because of this, and I’ll try to report on decreased activity as much as I can.
It’s time to stop trying to beg Apple to change. They won’t. It’s time now to just stop supporting Apple.
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maxiroon · 2 years
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maxiroon · 2 years
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I love mushrooms by iLabrador
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maxiroon · 2 years
Anyone else notice that, at least on certain browsers, tumblr has started generating links to posts like this? (1):
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Instead of the older, more typical way like this (2):
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I get different versions of the link depending where I click on a post:
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(If you're on your phone browser, make sure to click and HOLD #2 and select 'copy link'--clicking through on mobile redirects me to the new style.)
I tend to edit urls to do quick tag searches and such and you can't do that with the first url, which is why I noticed, but I've since noticed some other issues.
For example, if I post the new style link in discord it will embed a picture rather than the post's video (forcing people to click through). The second, older url still properly embeds the video on discord.
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And of course, the reason the new url wants to make you click through is tumblr is also using it to pressure people to sign up with tumblr.
Which becomes an issue when you're sharing a link with people who don't use tumblr, or, say, on discord, where anyone using the app's native browser is going to appear as not logged in.
Going to the first link when logged out and scrolling down quickly hits this wall:
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This blocks the whole blog, does not scroll, and cannot be opted out of. (Also adds this to the url:)
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On the other hand, clicking the orginal form of the URL and scrolling down only triggers the older, less intrusive "wanna try the tumblr app" prompt on mobile browser:
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And the "wanna sign up" prompt on PC browser:
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These appear only on a small part of the screen, still allow scrolling, and have an opt out option that banishes them making them INFINITELY MORE FUNCTIONAL AND LESS ANNOYING
tl;dr I think platforms increasingly gating their content behind log in prompts is extremely sketchy and a bad direction for the internet to go, and also if you're sharing tumblr links it's worth knowing which format will do u better
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maxiroon · 2 years
No cops at Pride, just Elton John with his Gucci shirt and a knife
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maxiroon · 2 years
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maxiroon · 2 years
can y’all just… like or reblog if y’all are polyam-safe blogs
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maxiroon · 2 years
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a personal comic based of off a poem i wrote about my struggles with socialization as an autistic person
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maxiroon · 2 years
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There is a new Chrome extension that detects if a video you’re streaming has a strobe in it, will freeze the video and stick this warning up there until you approve it.
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maxiroon · 2 years
“Just this week, we’ve learned that the GOP is unleashing a multi-pronged precinct strategy using Republican operatives to allege voter fraud in close elections. A majority of Republican voters believe in the Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, and nearly 65 percent of them believe in an aspect of the white supremacist “replacement theory.” These talking points are now mainstream, thanks to Fox News and Republican elected officials. Conspiracy theories—such as QAnon and the associated “groomer” panic—have radicalized individuals to commit violence, including members of the violent mob that tried to overthrow our free and fair election on Jan. 6. It’s a near certainty that numerous QAnon supporters will be elected to office this November. If Republicans take control of the political leadership of Congress, which seems likely, they will be beholden to an increasingly radicalized and weaponized base that is fine using violence to “take back their country.” Meanwhile, Republicans refuse to move against white supremacist terrorism, which is the number domestic terror threat in the country. Instead their colleagues, Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar, openly attend conferences hosted by Nick Fuentes—a notorious antisemite and white nationalist. The hoods are off, and there’s no turning back for the GOP.”
— Is It Time for Me to Leave America? (via wilwheaton)
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maxiroon · 2 years
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Jan 18, 2022: US couple in danger of being forced to leave our baby daughter overseas
TL;DR: We’re an interracial, neurodivergent US couple in the Philippines. I’m also physically disabled. A paperwork snafu left our daughter (born here during lockdown) stateless, and Immigration is skeptical about an extension to our visas while we get it sorted, meaning they may force us to leave without our daughter in MARCH.
There’s a guaranteed way for ONE of us to stay, but it costs 10K USD PLUS other fees, and we don’t have that just laying around. I cannot begin to imagine the trauma to El if they force us to leave without her, not knowing when we’ll see each other again.
PayPal Donation Link (preferred bc this one takes the lowest fees)
Secondary Paypal Link (bc some non-US folks had trouble with the preferred one–but this one takes full fees)
Details, for those who want the whole story:
Keep reading
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maxiroon · 2 years
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Reddit • YouTube
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maxiroon · 2 years
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Art by Liberal Jane
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maxiroon · 2 years
GOD today i served a family of 3 and the dad was like “i’ll have a cappuccino” and the kid, a girl of about 11, was like “PLEASE.” and he was like “uh yeah. please” and the kid goes “well you’re always telling me to remember my manners!!! you should too!!” and i was cracking up
and then she was standing there w her mum while i made their drinks and i asked if the mum wanted chocolate sprinkles and she was like “yes please” and the kid goes “well at least SOMEONE remembered their manners” and then sighed dramatically and HEELYED AWAY and honestly? not sure how to go on knowing i’ll never be as cool as this 11 year old
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