mgs-boss · 8 months
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Tired but restless boy.
Mods shown:
Less Scarred More Showered Snake (body)
TMWSTW (head)
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mgs-boss · 9 months
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As though Snake had just emerged from a pool of cold water, he regained consciousness.
The water that dripped from his body was pooling at his feet. His hands were tied up, and he was suspended, his toes barely touching the puddle of water on the floor.
The water that had been splashed against his head mixed with his blood and trickled into his eye, blurring his vision. His vision was already more than half blocked by an eyelid swollen from the beating, so he could not see clearly.
It would have been nice if he could have at least looked up and glared at his captor, but he no longer had the strength.
Source: Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker novel, Chapter 3: The Rebirth of an Exiled Nation, Part 6, machine-translated with grammar and style edits by me
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mgs-boss · 9 months
Snake was lying in the field of Star-of-Bethlehem grass lilies.
When he opened his eyes, he saw a mushroom cloud in the distant sky. White petals were falling: a familiar sight.
Cold metal pressed against his forehead; it was the muzzle of a gun.
The Boss was looking down at Snake. Her fingertip rested on the trigger of her gun, the Patriot.
Kill me. Snake's lips moved slightly. This is the right ending. This is what I was hoping for.
Boss, please.
Source: Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker novel, Chapter 2: The Phantom of a Hero, Part 11, machine-translated with grammar and style edits by me
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mgs-boss · 9 months
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this is proof that kojima/konami doesn't know how caesarean sections work
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mgs-boss · 9 months
Check out Less Scarred, More Showered Snake, a mod for MGSV:TPP. Requires SnakeBite Mod Manager to install.
Inspired by a decade-old scar and a desire to take care of this fictional human being.
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Re-textured Snake's skin below the neck when wearing Naked uniform variations so that the scars aren't egregiously dramatic.
He was supposed to have 108 pieces of shrapnel embedded within him, so why does he have 20 or so really big scars that haven't healed since nine years ago? It looked as though someone sliced up the poor guy and removed the staples nine days ago, and then splashed dirty water on him.
Now his skin looks slightly less scarred and slightly more showered.
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mgs-boss · 10 months
Hello, and thanks for visiting.
This blog is dedicated to the characters Venom Snake aka Medic and Naked Snake aka Big Boss.
I don't ship them with any characters that exist in canon.
Always remember that we are all different. We like and dislike different things. Don't waste our energy arguing, trying to convince others of our personal beliefs or what's canon. Just let the world be.
The Boss' will: a world made whole, where people live in peace, free of controlling ideologies.
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